Bark Beetle Epidemic--extended

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Screen_shot_2018-02-02_at_12.53.50_pm lin xiang (Author)


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breed[beetles beetle]
breed[spruces spruce]
breed[d-trees d-tree]



to setup


  ask patches
  [let tree-1 count spruces-here                                           ;find number of spruce trees
    let tree-2 count d-trees-here                                          ;find number of other trees
     if tree-1 = 0 and tree-2 = 0
      [ifelse random 100 < (100 - Chance-to-grow-non-spruce-trees)
        [sprout-spruces 1                                                  ;find number of spruce trees
          [set shape "2spruce"
            set size 2.25 - random-float 2.25                                                  ;spruce tree size
            set color rgb 0 110 0
            setxy pxcor + random-float 0.5 pycor + random-float 0.5        ;sightly randomize spruce tree positions
         [sprout-d-trees 1
          [set shape item random 3 ["tree1" "tree2" "tree3"]
            set size 1 + random-float 1
            set color rgb 0 90 0
            setxy pxcor + random-float 0.5 pycor + random-float 0.5

  create-beetles 150


to setup-d-trees-seedling
  set shape item random 3 ["tree1" "tree2" "tree3"]
            set size 0.25
            set color rgb 0 85 0
            setxy pxcor + random-float 0.5 pycor + random-float 0.5

to setup-spruces-seedling
   set shape "2spruce"
            set size 0.25

            set color rgb 0 110 0

            setxy pxcor + random-float 0.5 pycor + random-float 0.5 ;slightly randomize the tree position. This makes the forest look more natural but increase the max number of trees in a the simuation as each patch can have more than one trees.

to setup-beetles                         ; set up initial beetle features, in which all beetles are at the age of 0
    set color 1
    set shape "bark-beetle"
    set size 0.3
    setxy (random-float 3)(random-float 3)
    set age 0

to setup-patches                                           ;set patches to certain drought level
  ask patches [
    set pcolor 36 + random-float (0.5)


to go



  if count beetles = 0 [user-message ("There are no bark beetles in this forest.") stop]
  if count beetles > 15000 [user-message ("There are too many bark beetles in this forest.") stop]


to tree-grow                                  ; Spruces grow until size 2.25
  ask spruces
  [if size < 2.25 [set size size + 0.05 ]]
  ask d-trees
  [if size < 1.5 [set size size + 0.025 ]]

to infest                                      ;Beetles detect trees avaiable in radius of bark beetle flight distance. then migrate to one of the available spruces.
  ask beetles
     [let target-tree one-of spruces with [size > 0.5] in-radius beetle-flight-distance     ;infest tree larger than 0.5
  ifelse target-tree != nobody
    [move-to target-tree
       hatch 4 [set age 0]                  ;If a beetle infests a mature tree, hatches 2 offspring and then dies.
          if random 100 < Percentage-of-population-complete-two-life-cycles [hatch 4 [set age 0]] ;If temperature increases, hatch one more beetle at the defined rate.
    [ set age age + 1]                      ;If a beetle does not infests a mature tree, age increases 1

to patch-count                                ;count how many beetles on a patch, use the number of beetles to indicate severity of infestation
  ask patches
  [set hit 0
    let num-bug count beetles-here
    set hit (num-bug * (200 / Number-of-beetles-to-kill-a-tree))]

to set-tree-color                            ;determine severity of infestation. The number of beetles are associated to the tree color
  ask spruces
  [let redness [hit] of patch-here
    ifelse redness > 200
    [die ask beetles-here [setxy (xcor + random-float 1) (ycor + random-float 1)]]
    [ set color rgb redness 110 0]

to seedling
  ask patches
  [ let tree-1 count spruces-here
    let tree-2 count d-trees-here
     if tree-1 = 0 and tree-2 = 0
     [if random 1000 < 50
        [ifelse random 100 < Chance-to-grow-non-spruce-trees
          [sprout-d-trees 1 [setup-d-trees-seedling]]
          [sprout-spruces 1 [setup-spruces-seedling]]

to seedling-1                                  ;seed new green trees at 5 percentage
  ask patches
  [let tree-1 count spruces-here
    let tree-2 count d-trees-here
     if tree-1 = 0 and tree-2 = 0
     [if random 1000 < 50
     [let tree-ratio count spruces / (count spruces + count d-trees + 1)
     ifelse tree-ratio * 100 < (100 - Chance-to-grow-non-spruce-trees)
        [sprout-spruces 1
        [sprout-d-trees 1

  if (100 - Chance-to-grow-non-spruce-trees) = 100 [ask d-trees [die]]        ;clear other tree when diversity is low

to beetle-death
  ask beetles with [age >= 2] [die]           ;If beetles at age of 2 or older die.

to overwinter-mortality                             ;Percentages of beetles survive over winter
  ask beetles
  [if random 100 > Percentage-of-beetles-surviving-over-winter

to beetle-migrate
  ask beetles
    set heading random 360
    setxy (xcor + random-float random 2) (ycor + random-float random 2)

; Copyright and Credits: Dr. Lin Xiang at University of Kentucky in 2019.
; Contact: ;

There are 3 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
lin xiang over 4 years ago Adjust the parameters Download this version
lin xiang over 5 years ago add a factor of beetle flight distance Download this version
lin xiang over 5 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Bark Beetle Epidemic--extended.png preview Preview for 'Bark Beetle Epidemic--extended' over 5 years ago, by lin xiang Download

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