
lights-out preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Muhammad Tausif (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1 • Viewed 81 times • Downloaded 15 times • Run 0 times
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globals [lights counter  mouse-clicked? proceed? total-steps]

patches-own [ name state flag]

to setup3x2
  ask patches [
    if pxcor mod 10 = 0 [ set pcolor green ]
    if pycor mod 15 = 0 [ set pcolor green ]

to setup-lights3x2
;  X line 1
  let light11 patches with [ pxcor > 0 and pxcor < 10 and pycor > 0 and pycor < 15 ]
  let light12 patches with [ pxcor > 10 and pxcor < 20 and pycor > 0 and pycor < 15 ]
  let light13 patches with [ pxcor > 20 and pxcor < 30 and pycor > 0 and pycor < 15 ]

  ask light11 [ set pcolor red  set name "light11"]
  ask light12 [ set pcolor red  set name "light12"]
  ask light13 [ set pcolor red  set name "light13"]

 ;  X line 2
  let light21 patches with [ pxcor > 0 and pxcor < 10 and pycor > 15 and pycor < 30]
  let light22 patches with [ pxcor > 10 and pxcor < 20 and pycor > 15 and pycor < 30 ]
  let light23 patches with [ pxcor > 20 and pxcor < 30 and pycor > 15 and pycor < 30 ]

  ask light21 [ set pcolor red  set name "light21"]
  ask light22 [ set pcolor red  set name "light22"]
  ask light23 [ set pcolor red  set name "light23"]

  ask patches with
    name = "light21" or
    name = "light22" or
    name = "light13"
  ][ set pcolor yellow set state true ]
  set total-steps 1

to setup5x5
  set total-steps 1
  set counter 0
  ask patches [
    set state false
    set name "light00"
    if pxcor mod 6 = 0 [ set pcolor green ]
    if pycor mod 6 = 0 [ set pcolor green ]
  ask patches with
;    name = "light24" or
;    name = "light25" or
    name = "light32" or
    name = "light55" or
    name = "light23" or
    name = "light41" or
    name = "light52" or
    name = "light11"
  ][ set pcolor yellow set state true ]

to go

to solve-game3x2
  let i 3
  let j 0
  repeat 2
    set i i - 1
    set j 0
    repeat 3
      set j j + 1
      let my-name word word "light" i j
      ask patches with [ name = my-name ]
        let a read-from-string (item 5 name)
        let b read-from-string (item 6 name)

        let up-name word word "light" ( a + 1 ) b
        ask patches with [ name = up-name]
          if pcolor = yellow
            set pcolor red
            if proceed? = false  [ set total-steps total-steps + 1 ]
            set proceed? true
        if proceed? = true [ flip-lights my-name user-message " Press OK to proceed for next step"]

  ifelse count patches with [ pcolor = yellow ] > 0
  [ user-message " This configuration is not solve able" ]
  [ user-message word "Game solved in steps: " total-steps  ]

to solve-game
  let i 5
  let j 0
  repeat 4
    set i i - 1
    set j 0
    repeat 5
      set j j + 1
      let my-name word word "light" i j
      ask patches with [ name = my-name ]
        let a read-from-string (item 5 name)
        let b read-from-string (item 6 name)

        let up-name word word "light" ( a + 1 ) b
        ask patches with [ name = up-name]
          if pcolor = yellow
            set pcolor red
            if proceed? = false  [ set total-steps total-steps + 1 ]
            set proceed? true
        if proceed? = true [ flip-lights my-name user-message " Press OK to proceed for next step"]

  ifelse count patches with [ pcolor = yellow ] > 0
  [ user-message " This configuration is not solve able" ]
  [ user-message word "Game solved in steps: " total-steps  ]

to flip-lights [ my-name ]
  ask patches with [ name = my-name]
    ifelse pcolor = yellow [set pcolor red][set pcolor yellow]
  set proceed? false

  let a read-from-string (item 5 name)
  let b read-from-string (item 6 name)

  let left-name word word "light" a ( b - 1 )
  ask patches with [ name = left-name]
    ifelse pcolor = yellow [set pcolor red][set pcolor yellow]
  let right-name word word "light" a ( b + 1 )
  ask patches with [ name = right-name]
    ifelse pcolor = yellow [set pcolor red][set pcolor yellow]
  let bottom-name word word "light" ( a - 1 )  b
  ask patches with [ name = bottom-name]
    ifelse pcolor = yellow [set pcolor red][set pcolor yellow]

to check-mouse
  ifelse mouse-down?
    if not mouse-clicked? [
      set mouse-clicked? true
      ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
;        Start
;        ifelse pcolor = yellow  [set pcolor red][ set pcolor yellow ]
        ask patches with [ pcolor != green and  name = [name] of patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor]
          ifelse state = false [set pcolor yellow set state true][set pcolor red set state false]
        let a read-from-string (item 5 name)
        let b read-from-string (item 6 name)

        let left-name word word "light" a (b + 1)
        ask patches with [ pcolor != green and name = left-name]
          ifelse state = false [set pcolor yellow set state true][set pcolor red set state false]
        let right-name word word "light" a ( b - 1)
        ask patches with [ pcolor != green and name = right-name]
          ifelse state = false [set pcolor yellow set state true][set pcolor red set state false]

        let top-name word word "light" (a + 1) b
        ask patches with [ pcolor != green and name = top-name]
          ifelse state = false [set pcolor yellow set state true][set pcolor red set state false]

        let botton-name word word "light" ( a - 1) b
        ask patches with [ pcolor != green and name = botton-name]
          ifelse state = false [set pcolor yellow set state true][set pcolor red set state false]

    set mouse-clicked? false

to setup-lights5x5
;  X line 1
  let light11 patches with [ pxcor > 0 and pxcor < 6 and pycor > 0 and pycor < 6 ]
  let light12 patches with [ pxcor > 6 and pxcor < 12 and pycor > 0 and pycor < 6 ]
  let light13 patches with [ pxcor > 12 and pxcor < 18 and pycor > 0 and pycor < 6 ]
  let light14 patches with [ pxcor > 18 and pxcor < 24 and pycor > 0 and pycor < 6 ]
  let light15 patches with [ pxcor > 24 and pxcor < 30 and pycor > 0 and pycor < 6 ]

  ask light11 [ set pcolor red  set name "light11"]
  ask light12 [ set pcolor red  set name "light12"]
  ask light13 [ set pcolor red  set name "light13"]
  ask light14 [ set pcolor red  set name "light14"]
  ask light15 [ set pcolor red  set name "light15"]

  ;  X line 2
  let light21 patches with [ pxcor > 0 and pxcor < 6 and pycor > 6 and pycor < 12 ]
  let light22 patches with [ pxcor > 6 and pxcor < 12 and pycor > 6 and pycor < 12 ]
  let light23 patches with [ pxcor > 12 and pxcor < 18 and pycor > 6 and pycor < 12 ]
  let light24 patches with [ pxcor > 18 and pxcor < 24 and pycor > 6 and pycor < 12 ]
  let light25 patches with [ pxcor > 24 and pxcor < 30 and pycor > 6 and pycor < 12 ]

  ask light21 [ set pcolor red  set name "light21"]
  ask light22 [ set pcolor red  set name "light22"]
  ask light23 [ set pcolor red  set name "light23"]
  ask light24 [ set pcolor red  set name "light24"]
  ask light25 [ set pcolor red  set name "light25"]

  ;  X line 3
  let light31 patches with [ pxcor > 0 and pxcor < 6 and pycor > 12 and pycor < 18 ]
  let light32 patches with [ pxcor > 6 and pxcor < 12 and pycor > 12 and pycor < 18 ]
  let light33 patches with [ pxcor > 12 and pxcor < 18 and pycor > 12 and pycor < 18 ]
  let light34 patches with [ pxcor > 18 and pxcor < 24 and pycor > 12 and pycor < 18 ]
  let light35 patches with [ pxcor > 24 and pxcor < 30 and pycor > 12 and pycor < 18 ]

  ask light31 [ set pcolor red  set name "light31"]
  ask light32 [ set pcolor red  set name "light32"]
  ask light33 [ set pcolor red  set name "light33"]
  ask light34 [ set pcolor red  set name "light34"]
  ask light35 [ set pcolor red  set name "light35"]

    ;  X line 4
  let light41 patches with [ pxcor > 0 and pxcor < 6 and pycor > 18 and pycor < 24 ]
  let light42 patches with [ pxcor > 6 and pxcor < 12 and pycor > 18 and pycor < 24 ]
  let light43 patches with [ pxcor > 12 and pxcor < 18 and pycor > 18 and pycor < 24 ]
  let light44 patches with [ pxcor > 18 and pxcor < 24 and pycor > 18 and pycor < 24 ]
  let light45 patches with [ pxcor > 24 and pxcor < 30 and pycor > 18 and pycor < 24 ]

  ask light41 [ set pcolor red  set name "light41"]
  ask light42 [ set pcolor red  set name "light42"]
  ask light43 [ set pcolor red  set name "light43"]
  ask light44 [ set pcolor red  set name "light44"]
  ask light45 [ set pcolor red  set name "light45"]

    ;  X line 5
  let light51 patches with [ pxcor > 0 and pxcor < 6 and pycor > 24 and pycor < 30 ]
  let light52 patches with [ pxcor > 6 and pxcor < 12 and pycor > 24 and pycor < 30 ]
  let light53 patches with [ pxcor > 12 and pxcor < 18 and pycor > 24 and pycor < 30 ]
  let light54 patches with [ pxcor > 18 and pxcor < 24 and pycor > 24 and pycor < 30 ]
  let light55 patches with [ pxcor > 24 and pxcor < 30 and pycor > 24 and pycor < 30 ]

  ask light51 [ set pcolor red  set name "light51"]
  ask light52 [ set pcolor red  set name "light52"]
  ask light53 [ set pcolor red  set name "light53"]
  ask light54 [ set pcolor red  set name "light54"]
  ask light55 [ set pcolor red  set name "light55"]

 if mouse-down?
  [ ask light11 [ set pcolor white ] ]

There are 3 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Muhammad Tausif over 4 years ago v4 Download this version
Muhammad Tausif over 4 years ago v3 Download this version
Muhammad Tausif over 4 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
lights-out.png preview Preview for 'lights-out' over 4 years ago, by Muhammad Tausif Download

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