Carrying Capacity
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;; Carrying Capacity model. ;; ;; Coded in 2019 by Lin Xiang; Last revised in 2021 by Lin Xiang (; ;; ;; If you mention this model in a publication, we ask that you include the citations below. ;; ;; Xiang, L. (2019). Carrying Capacity. Department of STEM Education, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. ;; ;;----------------------------------------- ;;CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSE ;;This code is distributed by Lin Xiang under a Creative Commons License: ;;Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) ;; ;; ;;----------------------------------------- globals [Available-grass total-grass h-size] Breed [elks elk] breed [wolves wolf] breed [rabbits rabbit] turtles-own [erg] ;------------------------------------; ; SETUP PROCEDURES ; ;------------------------------------; to setup ca setup-habitat ;setup habitat ask patches with [pcolor = 53] ;create elk [sprout-elks 1 [ set shape "elk" set size 0.75 set color 37.5 setup-position set erg 30]] set infinite-grass? false if number-of-wolves != 0 [setup-wolves] if number-of-rabbits != 0 [setup-rabbits] RESET-TICKS end ;------------------------------------; ; GO PROCEDURES ; ;------------------------------------; to go tick competition eat death reproduce predation update-habitat-size regrow-grass if count elks >= 10000 [ user-message "There are more than 10,000 elks now. They have taken over this world!" stop] if count elks <= 0 [user-message "All elks die." stop] end ;------------------------------------; ; SUB-PROCEDURES ; ;------------------------------------; to setup-habitat ask patches [set pcolor 94] ask patches with [abs pxcor <= habitat-size and abs pycor <= habitat-size] [set pcolor 53] set total-grass count patches with [pcolor = 53] set h-size habitat-size end to setup-position setxy (-1 * habitat-size) + random-float (habitat-size * 2) (-1 * habitat-size) + random-float (habitat-size * 2) end to move ifelse [pcolor] of patch-at dx dy = 94 [setup-position][fd 1 rt random 360] end to eat ask elks [ move set erg erg - 1 ifelse infinite-grass? = false [ if pcolor = 53 [set erg erg + 3 set pcolor 0]][set erg erg + 3] ] end to death ask elks [ if erg <= 0 [die] ] ask turtles [ if pcolor = 94 [die] ] end to reproduce ask elks [ if erg >= 60 [hatch 1 [set erg 30] set erg erg - 30 setup-position] ] end to regrow-grass ask patches [ if pcolor = 0 [if random 100 < grass-growth-rate [set pcolor 53] ] ] set Available-grass count patches with [pcolor = 53] / total-grass end to setup-wolves create-wolves number-of-wolves [ set shape "wolf" set color 32 set size 1 set erg 20 setup-position] end to predation ifelse number-of-wolves = 0 [ask wolves [die]] [let wolf-number count wolves if wolf-number != number-of-wolves [ask wolves [die] setup-wolves] ask wolves [ move let prey one-of elks-here if prey != nobody [ask prey [die]] ]] end to setup-rabbits create-rabbits number-of-rabbits [set shape "rabbit1" set color 9 set size 0.5 setup-position] end to competition ifelse number-of-rabbits = 0 [ask rabbits [die]] [let rabbit-number count rabbits if rabbit-number != number-of-rabbits [ask rabbits [die] setup-rabbits] ask rabbits [ move if pcolor = 53 [set pcolor 0] ]] end to update-habitat-size if h-size != habitat-size [ clear-patches setup-habitat] end to-report grass-growth-rate report -0.25 * (temperature ^ 2) + 12.5 * temperature - 56.25 end
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