Disaster Response

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1 collaborator

Default-person Surya Poudel (Author)


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globals [
  totalaffected   totallowaffected   totalmidaffected   totalhighlyaffected   ;; variables to report affected population

  aidperpeople   reliefeffectiveness   ;; relief distribition
  w1  w2  w3  w4   ;; patches for each wards
  humancost financialcost   TotalCost    ;; humanitarian and financial cost
  todolist  todonow donow  workingward  reliefitems   worknow   ;; variables to execute commands

  ah am al at  dr  ;; temporary variables
  peoplesw1 peoplesw2 peoplesw3 peoplesw4   ;; peoples in each wwards

  affectedward1 affecthw1 affectmw1 affectlw1      ;; variables that store assessment results for each ward
  affectedward2 affecthw2 affectmw2 affectlw2
  affectedward3 affecthw3 affectmw3 affectlw3
  affectedward4 affecthw4 affectmw4 affectlw4

  raffectedward1 raffecthw1 raffectmw1 raffectlw1  ;; actual affected people in each ward (for reporting)
  raffectedward2 raffecthw2 raffectmw2 raffectlw2
  raffectedward3 raffecthw3 raffectmw3 raffectlw3
  raffectedward4 raffecthw4 raffectmw4 raffectlw4
  raffected1 raffected2 raffected3 raffected
  reliefneedw1  reliefneedw2   reliefneedw3  reliefneedw4   reliefneedtotal  ;; estimated relief needs (from assessment)

breed [peoples people]
breed [works workt]



patches-own [


peoples-own [

to Setup
  set-default-shape peoples "person"
  create-peoples  population
    set color Green
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor

           ;; setup properties for affected people.
  ask peoples [
    set exposure random-poisson ExposureMean
    set copingcapacity random-poisson CopingCapacityMean
    set vulnerability random-poisson VulnerabilityMean
    if exposure < 1   [ set exposure 1]    ;; minimum value for expopsure, vulnerability and coping capacity is 1.
     if vulnerability < 1      [ set vulnerability 1]
    if copingcapacity < 1 [set copingcapacity 1]
    if exposure > 10    [ set exposure 10]    ;; maximum value for expopsure, vulnerability and coping capacity is 10.
     if vulnerability > 10       [ set vulnerability 10]
    if copingcapacity > 10  [set copingcapacity 10]

   set energy exposure / 3 * vulnerability / 3 * (10 - copingcapacity + 1) / 3  ;; according to the definition of risk on inform methodology. The the coping capacity is divided by 10 to make it lack of coping capacity.

set reliefeffectiveness 1

to goslow
wait 1

to go
if ticks >= daystorun * 24
  [ stop ]



to sendrelief
  let txt  "Relief Items Dispached on: "
  let txt1 (ticks - remainder ticks 24) / 24
  set txt word txt txt1
  set txt word txt " Days and "
  set txt1 remainder ticks 24
  set txt word txt txt1
  set txt word txt " Hours. Expected to reach in 6 hours"
  output-print txt   ;; Display a message on output window

 if Ward-1 = true [
  create-works 1 [
    set worktodo "Relief"
    set timetodo ticks + 3 + random 3
      set reliefunit reliefunits
     set wardno 1
  set totalcost totalcost + (reliefunits * reliefcost)
  set financialcost financialcost + (reliefunits * reliefcost)


 if Ward-2 = true [
  create-works 1 [
    set worktodo "Relief"
    set timetodo ticks + 3 + random 3
        set reliefunit reliefunits
          set wardno 2
  set totalcost totalcost + reliefunits * reliefcost
      set financialcost financialcost + (reliefunits * reliefcost)

   if Ward-3 = true [
  create-works 1 [
    set worktodo "Relief"
    set timetodo ticks + 3 + random 3
        set reliefunit reliefunits

      set wardno 3
  set totalcost totalcost + reliefunits * reliefcost
      set financialcost financialcost + (reliefunits * reliefcost)

   if Ward-4 = true [
  create-works 1 [
    set worktodo "Relief"
    set timetodo ticks + 3 + random 3
        set reliefunit reliefunits
         set wardno 4
  set totalcost totalcost + reliefunits * reliefcost
    set financialcost financialcost + (reliefunits * reliefcost)

to IRA   ;; assessment
  let txt  "Team deployed for Rapid Assessment on: "
  let txt1 (ticks - remainder ticks 24) / 24
  set txt word txt txt1
  set txt word txt " Days and "
  set txt1 remainder ticks 24
  set txt word txt txt1
  set txt word txt " Hours. Expect to get report by 24 hours"
  output-print txt

 if Ward-1 = true [

   create-works 1 [
    set worktodo "CIRA"
    set timetodo ticks + 19 + random 5
      set wardno 1
    set totalcost totalcost + assessment
      set financialcost financialcost + assessment

 if Ward-2 = true [

    create-works 1 [
    set worktodo "CIRA"
    set timetodo ticks + 19 + random 5
      set wardno 2
  set totalcost totalcost + assessment
  set financialcost financialcost + assessment

   if Ward-3 = true [

      create-works 1 [
    set worktodo "CIRA"
    set timetodo ticks + 19 + random 5
      set wardno 3
  set totalcost totalcost + assessment
set financialcost financialcost + assessment

   if Ward-4 = true [

         create-works 1 [
    set worktodo "CIRA"
    set timetodo ticks + 19 + random 5
      set wardno 4
  set totalcost totalcost + assessment
  set financialcost financialcost + assessment

to getupdate

  let txt  "Requested for updates on : "
  let txt1 (ticks - remainder ticks 24) / 24
  set txt word txt txt1
  set txt word txt " Days and "
  set txt1 remainder ticks 24
  set txt word txt txt1
  set txt word txt " Hours. Expected to get in 3 hours"
  output-print txt

  if Ward-1 = true [
  create-works 1 [
    set worktodo "Update"
    set timetodo ticks + 1 + random 2
      set wardno 1
    set totalcost totalcost + updates
  set financialcost financialcost + updates

 if Ward-2 = true [
  create-works 1 [
    set worktodo "Update"
    set timetodo ticks + 1 + random 2
      set wardno 2
  set totalcost totalcost + updates
    set financialcost financialcost + updates

   if Ward-3 = true [
  create-works 1 [
    set worktodo "Update"
    set timetodo ticks + 1 + random 2
      set wardno 3
  set totalcost totalcost + updates
    set financialcost financialcost + updates

   if Ward-4 = true [
  create-works 1 [
    set worktodo "Update"
    set timetodo ticks + 1 + random 2
      set wardno 4
      hide-turtle ]
  set totalcost totalcost + updates
    set financialcost financialcost + updates

to recover
  ask peoples
    set energy  energy + ((copingcapacity / (baserecoveryperiod * vulnerability) ) / 24 )  ;; people will recovery themselves.
  let peopleswithaid peoples with [aidreceived >= 1]

    ask peopleswithaid

    [set energy energy + ((copingcapacity * aidreceived ) / (24 * baserecoveryperiod ) * reliefeffectiveness)  ;; The affected people are expected to use the available relief for the base recovery period and they will recover according to their coping capacity and vulnerability. divided by 24 to change make the change in in hour.
      set aidreceived aidreceived - (aidreceived / baserecoveryperiod)  ;;

  ;; if they have relief units

to radiomessage
let txt "ALERT: "

  ifelse event = "Earthquake" [
  Set txt word txt "An earthquake of Magnitude "
 let mag 7 + random 10 / 10
    set txt word txt mag
  set txt word txt " occured near "]


  Set txt word txt "A huge flood has affected part of "]
   set txt word txt targetdistrict
    set txt word txt " District today. Four wards of "
    set txt word txt municipality
    set txt word txt " are highly affected."

    output-print txt

to changecolor    ;; change the colour of the agents based on their energy ; Red- high, yellow - medium, blue - low. Green: not affected
  ask peoples [
  set color Green
  if energy <= 9
  [set color Blue]
   if energy <= 6
  [set color Yellow]
    if energy <= 3
  [set color Red]

  set totalaffected count peoples with [energy <= 9 ]    ;; count total
  set totallowaffected count peoples with [(energy <= 9) and (energy > 6)]
  set totalmidaffected count peoples with [(energy <= 6) and (energy > 3)]
  set totalhighlyaffected count peoples with [energy <= 3]

to calculateaffect

  calculateaffected [ 1 ]
      set raffectedward1 raffected
  set  raffecthw1 raffected1
  set raffectmw1 raffected2
  set raffectlw1 raffected3

  calculateaffected [ 2 ]
      set raffectedward2 raffected
  set  raffecthw2 raffected1
  set raffectmw2 raffected2
  set raffectlw2 raffected3

  calculateaffected [ 3 ]
      set raffectedward3 raffected
  set  raffecthw3 raffected1
  set raffectmw3 raffected2
  set raffectlw3 raffected3

  calculateaffected [ 4 ]
      set raffectedward4 raffected
  set  raffecthw4 raffected1
  set raffectmw4 raffected2
  set raffectlw4 raffected3

to calculatecost
  let cost (totalhighlyaffected * humcost * 1.5 + totalmidaffected * humcost + totallowaffected * .5) / 24
  set humancost humancost + cost
  set totalcost totalcost + cost

to calculateaffected [ wardn ]

 let w item 0 wardn

  let peoplesaffected peoples-on patches with [ward = w]

    ; peoples clafficied according to enrgy and coping capacity.

    if any? peoplesaffected [
  ask peoplesaffected
        set raffected1 count peoplesaffected with [energy <= 3]
         set raffected2 count peoplesaffected with [energy > 3 and energy <= 6 ]
         set raffected3 count peoplesaffected with [energy > 6 and energy <= 9 ]
        set raffected (raffected1 + raffected2 + raffected3)
    ]    ]

to setupward
   ask patches with [pycor > 0.1 and pxcor < 0.1 ]
 [ set ward 1  ]
ask patches with [pycor > 0.1 and pxcor > 0.1]
 [set ward 2 ]
ask patches with [pycor < 0.1  and pxcor < 0.1]
 [set ward 3  ]
ask patches with [pycor < 0.1  and pxcor > 0.1 ]
 [set ward 4 ]

create-turtles 1  ;; draw a border line between the wards
 ask turtles  [
   setxy 0 16
    set heading 180
    fd 32
    setxy -16 0
    set heading 90
    fd 32
                        ;; name the wards
   set w1 patches with [ward = 1 ]
      set w2 patches with [ward = 2 ]
     set w3 patches with [ward = 3 ]
   set w4 patches with [ward = 1 ]

  set peoplesw1 peoples-on w1
  set peoplesw2 peoples-on w2
    set peoplesw3 peoples-on w3
  set peoplesw4 peoples-on w4
  radiomessage   ;; send the message for initial event.

to executecommands
                                ;; relief today
  set todonow works with [worktodo = "Relief" and timetodo = ticks and wardno = 1]
  if any? todonow
  [  distributerelief [ 1 ]]

  set todonow works with [worktodo = "Relief" and timetodo = ticks and wardno = 2]
  if any? todonow
  [ distributerelief [2]]

   set todonow works with [worktodo = "Relief" and timetodo = ticks and wardno = 3]
  if any? todonow
  [distributerelief [ 3 ]]

   set todonow works with [worktodo = "Relief" and timetodo = ticks and wardno = 4]
  if any? todonow
  [  distributerelief [4]]

  ;; collect Assessment  data

  set todonow works with [worktodo = "CIRA" and timetodo = ticks and wardno = 1]
  if any? todonow
  [  collectIRA [ 1 ]
  set affecthw1 ah
    set affectmw1 am
    set affectlw1 al
    set affectedward1 at
      set reliefneedw1 dr

  set todonow works with [worktodo = "CIRA" and timetodo = ticks and wardno = 2]
  if any? todonow
  [ collectIRA [2]
  set affecthw2 ah
    set affectmw2 am
    set affectlw2 al
    set affectedward2 at
      set reliefneedw2 dr

   set todonow works with [worktodo = "CIRA" and timetodo = ticks and wardno = 3]
  if any? todonow
  [collectIRA [ 3 ]
  set affecthw3 ah
    set affectmw3 am
    set affectlw3 al
    set affectedward3 at
      set reliefneedw3 dr

   set todonow works with [worktodo = "CIRA" and timetodo = ticks and wardno = 4]
  if any? todonow
  [  collectIRA [4]
  set affecthw4 ah
    set affectmw4 am
    set affectlw4 al
    set affectedward4 at
  set reliefneedw4 dr

  ;; collect udpates
set todonow works with [worktodo = "Update" and timetodo = ticks and wardno = 1]
  if any? todonow
  [  askupdate [ 1 ]]

  set todonow works with [worktodo = "Update" and timetodo = ticks and wardno = 2]
  if any? todonow
  [ askupdate [2]]

   set todonow works with [worktodo = "Update" and timetodo = ticks and wardno = 3]
  if any? todonow
  [askupdate [ 3 ]]

   set todonow works with [worktodo = "Update" and timetodo = ticks and wardno = 4]
  if any? todonow
  [ askupdate [4]]

to askupdate [wardn]
  let w item 0 wardn
    ask todonow [

    let peoplesaffected peoples-on patches with [ward = w]
        if any? peoplesaffected [
  ask peoplesaffected

        set ah count peoplesaffected with [energy <= 9]

  let recoveredpeople peoplesaffected with [energy > 9]
  ask recoveredpeople [
    set assessedcategory 4

  let newpeople peoplesaffected with [energy <= 9 and assessedcategory = 4]  ;; check there are if any new peopole still affected (reserved for additional inject after initial event
  ask newpeople [
  if energy <= 3 [set assessedcategory 1]
  if (energy > 3 and energy <= 6) [set assessedcategory 2]
  if (energy > 6 ) [set assessedcategory 3]


 let txt "Update: "
  let txt1 ah
  set txt word txt txt1
  set txt word txt " Peoples still remain affected in ward "
  set txt word txt w

  output-print txt

to collectIRA [wardn]

 let w item 0 wardn
  ask todonow [
  let peoplesaffected peoples-on patches with [ward = w]

    ; peoples clafficied according to enrgy and coping capacity.

    if any? peoplesaffected [
  ask peoplesaffected

        set ah count peoplesaffected with [energy <= 3]
         set am count peoplesaffected with [energy > 3 and energy <= 6 ]
         set al count peoplesaffected with [energy > 6 and energy <= 9 ]
        set at (ah + am + al)
        set dr (((baserecoveryperiod  / (copingcapacitymean * reliefeffectiveness)) * al * 1 ) + ((baserecoveryperiod  / (copingcapacitymean * reliefeffectiveness)) * am * 2 ) + (baserecoveryperiod / (copingcapacitymean * reliefeffectiveness)) * ah * 3 )

        if energy <= 3 [set assessedcategory 1]
        if (energy > 3 and energy <= 6) [set assessedcategory 2]
        if (energy > 6 and energy <= 9) [set assessedcategory 3]
        if (energy > 9) [set assessedcategory 4]




to distributerelief  [ wardn ]
  let w item 0 wardn
;;      if wardn > 0 [
  ask todonow [
  let peoplereceiving peoples-on patches with [ward = w]

    if any? peoplereceiving [
   ;; check if assessment is done already
      let ifassessed count peoplereceiving with [assessedcategory > 0]
    ifelse ifassessed < 1 [

    let aidpercapita reliefunit / count peoplereceiving
  ask peoplereceiving
      set aidreceived aidreceived + aidpercapita

        let hiap peoplereceiving with [assessedcategory = 1]
        let meap peoplereceiving with [assessedcategory = 2]
        let loap peoplereceiving with [assessedcategory = 3]
        let denominator (count hiap * 3 + count meap * 2 + count loap * 1)
        let aidhigh  reliefunit * 3 / denominator
         let aidmid  reliefunit * 2 / denominator
         let aidlow  reliefunit * 1 / denominator

        ask hiap [set aidreceived aidreceived + aidhigh]
        ask meap [set aidreceived aidreceived + aidmid]
          ask loap [set aidreceived aidreceived + aidlow]


 ;; ]

;; priortized relief : High 50%, medium .33 low .17

There is only one version of this model, created about 5 years ago by Surya Poudel.

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