Flapp' Shep
Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1
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globals [ max-sheep points gametick force alive pipeSliver pipey wolfPos] ; don't let the sheep population grow too large ; Sheep and wolves are both breeds of turtles breed [ sheep a-sheep ] ; sheep is its own plural, so we use "a-sheep" as the singular breed [ wolves wolf ] turtles-own [ energy flockmates ;; agentset of nearby turtles nearest-neighbor ;; closest one of our flockmates] ; both wolves and sheep have energy ] patches-own [ countdown ] ; this is for the sheep-wolves-grass model version to setup clear-all set points 0 set force 1 ;set spawnTime 70 * pipeSpeed set wolfPos 0.5 set alive true ifelse netlogo-web? [ set max-sheep 10000 ] [ set max-sheep 30000 ] ; Check model-version switch ; if we're not modeling grass, then the sheep don't need to eat to survive ; otherwise each grass' state of growth and growing logic need to be set up ask patches [ set pcolor brown if pycor < -13[ set pcolor green ] ] if theme [ ask patches [ set pcolor blue if pycor < -13[ set pcolor green ] ] ] create-sheep 1 ; create the sheep, then initialize their variables [ set shape "sheep" set color white if theme [ set color yellow ] set size sheepSize ; easier to see set label-color blue - 2 setxy -4 0 ] reset-ticks end to go set gametick true if force < -1 * maxForce [ set force -1 * maxForce ] if force > maxForce [ set force maxForce ] ask sheep [ if ycor < 16[ set ycor (ycor + force) ] if ycor >= 15.2 [ set ycor 15.2 ] if pcolor = green[ set force 0 set gametick false ] ] if gametick = false [ stop ] set force force - gravity if alive [ ask wolves[ eatsheep fd pipeSpeed if xcor <= -16 [ die ] ] if pipeSliver <= 5 [ if ticks mod 2 = 0 [ createTower set pipeSliver (1 + pipeSliver) ] ] if ticks mod spawnTime = 0 and ticks > 1[ set pipeSliver 0 set pipey int -4 + random-float 15 ] if (ticks - 10) mod spawnTime = 0 and ticks > spawnTime [ set points (points + 1) ] ] tick end to eatSheep let prey one-of sheep in-radius 2 if prey != nobody[ if alive = true [ set alive false ] set force 1 ] end to createTower let tempY int 0 ;;defining the amount of times sheep have been made if pipeSliver = 0 or pipeSliver = 5[ create-wolves 1 [ set shape "wolf" set color black if theme [ set color green set shape "square" ] set heading 270 set size 2 ; easier to see set label-color white - 2 setxy (16) (pipey + 1 + tempY) fd wolfPos ] repeat pipeLength [ set tempY (tempY + 1) ] create-wolves 1 [ set shape "wolf" set color black if theme [ set color green set shape "square" ] set heading 270 set size 2 ; easier to see set label-color white - 2 setxy (16) (pipey + tempY) fd wolfPos ] ] if pipeSliver > 0 and pipeSliver < 5 [ repeat pipeLength [create-wolves 1 ; create the sheep, then initialize their variables [ set shape "wolf" set color black if theme [ set color green set shape "square" ] set heading 270 set size 2 ; easier to see set label-color white - 2 setxy (16) (pipey + tempY + 1) fd wolfPos ] set tempY (tempY + 1) ] ] end to FLAP-YOUR-LITTLE-SHEEP-WINGS if alive [ ask sheep [if ycor < 16 [ set force jump-height ] ] ] end ;create-wolves initial-number-wolves ; create the wolves, then initialize their variables ;[ ; set shape "wolf" ; set color black ; set size 2 ; easier to see ; set energy random (2 * wolf-gain-from-food) ; setxy random-xcor random-ycor ;]
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