Flatten the Curve -- COVID-19

Flatten the Curve -- COVID-19 preview image

2 collaborators

Default-person Arthur Hjorth (Author)
Default-person Māris Nartišs (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1 • Viewed 2723 times • Downloaded 93 times • Run 0 times
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Comments and Questions

Unreadable in NetLogo 6.1.1 (Question)

If I download this, unzip it and open it with NetLogo 6.1.1, it says it can't be opened. Also the .nlogo file contains only gibberish (^@^@^@^@^@). I am interested in the model, is there something wrong I am doing?

Posted over 4 years ago

This web site needs some love

Yes, download option seems to give corrupted file. Also Info page complains about encoding (WTF?). A workaround — Click on „Run in NetLogo Web“, activate it, then on upper-right corner will be an export: NetLogo button. It will give you a .netlogo file that works (tested with 6.1.1).

Posted over 4 years ago


Great, thanks, so, this is a general issue of the modelingcommons.org web app, then.

Posted over 4 years ago

Love your additions, Māris

Thanks for improving the model! Guglielmo, I will write the NetLogo team and tell them there are problems with downloads. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

Posted over 4 years ago

Download issue is gone

I added a new slightly updated version (now includes tracking patients in a hospital) and the problem with model downloading is gone.

Posted over 4 years ago

Can I make and distribute an Italian translation?

I would like to distribute this model in Italy, specially for schools. Do you agree?

Posted over 4 years ago

This is just a model!

Yes, please do so! Keep in mind — I am a geographer and not an epidemiologist, thus it might be quite wrong. Otherwise — spread the word! More people see this, more they will understand how important is to stay at home.

Posted over 4 years ago

Italian model available

I've just uploaded the translated model.

Posted over 4 years ago

Click to Run Model

turtles-own [
breed [people a-person]
globals [

to setup
  create-people number-of-people [
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set infected? false
    set sick? false
    set immune? false
    set color blue
    set shape "person"
  repeat count people * avg-relationships-per-person [
    ask one-of people [
      create-link-with min-one-of other people with [not member? self [link-neighbors] of myself] [distance myself]
  set exp-interaction 0

to setup-experiment
  set max-sick-proportion 0
  set max-hospitalization 0
  set max-hospital-occupation 0
  if exp-interaction != probability-of-interaction [
    set pen-color 12 + (6 * probability-of-interaction) / 100
  ask people [
    set infected? false
    set immune? false
    set sick? false
    set hospital? false
    set infected-on 0
    set color blue
  set-current-plot "Infected"
  create-temporary-plot-pen (word "Interaction: " probability-of-interaction)
  set-plot-pen-color pen-color
  set exp-interaction probability-of-interaction
  ask one-of people [
    set infected? true
    set color 45
    set infected-on ticks

to go
  if not any? turtles with [sick?] and not any? turtles with [infected?] [
    plotxy 1 0
  ask people with [(infected? or sick?) and not hospital?] [
    ask my-links with [random 100 < probability-of-interaction] [
      if random 100 < probability-of-infection [
        ask other-end [
          if not infected? and not immune? and not sick? [
            set infected? true
            set infected-on ticks
            set color 45
  let current-infection count people with [infected? or sick?] / number-of-people
  let cur-hospital-occupation count people with [hospital?]
  let cur-require-hospitalization floor ((count people with [sick?] * require-hospitalization-pcnt) / 100)
  set max-sick-proportion max (list max-sick-proportion current-infection )
  set max-hospitalization max (list max-hospitalization cur-require-hospitalization )
  set max-hospital-occupation max (list max-hospital-occupation cur-hospital-occupation)
  ; At the end of incubation period, person turns sick
  ask people with [infected? and (ticks - infected-on) > incubation-period] [
    set infected? false
    set sick? true
    set color red
  ; Recovery gives infinite immunity
  ask people with [sick? and (ticks - infected-on) > (recovery-time + incubation-period)] [
    set sick? false
    set immune? true
    set hospital? false
    set color gray
  ; Only some sick persons require hospitalization
  let cur-to-hospital 0
  if (cur-require-hospitalization - cur-hospital-occupation) > 0 [
    set cur-to-hospital cur-require-hospitalization - cur-hospital-occupation
  ask n-of cur-to-hospital people with [sick?] [
    if cur-hospital-occupation < hospital-beds [
      set hospital? true
      set color lime
      set cur-hospital-occupation cur-hospital-occupation + 1
  plotxy ticks current-infection

There are 8 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Māris Nartišs over 4 years ago Add simple hospitalization tracking Download this version
Māris Nartišs over 4 years ago Fix compatability with NetLogo Web Download this version
Māris Nartišs over 4 years ago Reverted to older version Download this version
Māris Nartišs over 4 years ago Give users finer control over various model parameters Download this version
Arthur Hjorth over 4 years ago Updated info Download this version
Arthur Hjorth over 4 years ago Updated layout Download this version
Arthur Hjorth over 4 years ago New Version Download this version
Arthur Hjorth over 4 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Flatten the Curve -- COVID-19.png preview Preview for 'Flatten the Curve -- COVID-19' over 4 years ago, by Arthur Hjorth Download

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