Covid Epidemic
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Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1
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breed [CITIZENS CITIZEN] globals[ ] citizens-own [ is_infected remaining_infection if_infected_die_prob dead quarantine remaining_infection random_infect is_infected infection_prob is_quarantined infection_immunity infected_neighbours is_immuned once_infected once_quarantined under_quarantine lim recovery_rate ] to setup clear-all create-citizens 0.7 * count patches [ set shape "person" set random_infect random 100 set if_infected_die_prob random 100 set dead 0 set quarantine random 100 set is_quarantined 0 set infection_prob 0 set infected_neighbours 0 set infection_immunity random 100 set is_immuned 0 set once_infected 0 set once_quarantined 0 set under_quarantine 0 set recovery_rate 1 / days_required_for_healing move-to one-of patches with [not any? turtles-here] ifelse(random_infect <= initial_infect) [set remaining_infection 1 set is_infected 1 set color red] [set remaining_infection 0 set is_infected 0 set color gray] ] reset-ticks end to update_indection_probability set infected_neighbours sum [is_infected] of citizens with [dead = 0 and is_quarantined = 0 and 1 - contamination_period * recovery_rate <= remaining_infection ] in-radius 1 if(infected_neighbours = 0) [set infection_prob 0] if(infected_neighbours = 1) [set infection_prob infection_rate] if(infected_neighbours = 2) [set infection_prob infection_rate + (1 - infection_rate) * infection_rate ] if(infected_neighbours = 3) [set infection_prob infection_rate + (1 - infection_rate) * infection_rate + (1 - infection_rate) * (1 - infection_rate) * (infection_rate) ] if(infected_neighbours = 4) [set infection_prob infection_rate + (1 - infection_rate) * infection_rate + (1 - infection_rate) * (1 - infection_rate) * (infection_rate) + (1 - infection_rate) * (1 - infection_rate) * (1 - infection_rate) * (infection_rate) ] if(infected_neighbours > 4) [set infection_prob 1] end to get_infected ifelse(infection_prob * 100 >= infection_immunity and is_infected = 0 and dead = 0 and is_quarantined = 0 and is_immuned = 0) [set color red set is_infected 1 set remaining_infection 1 set once_infected 1] [set infection_prob 0 set infected_neighbours 0] end to get_cured if(is_infected = 1 and remaining_infection > recovery_rate and dead < 1) [set remaining_infection (remaining_infection - recovery_rate)] if(is_infected = 1 and remaining_infection <= recovery_rate and dead < 1) [set is_infected 0 set color green set is_immuned 1] end to get_quarantine set lim ticks * isolation_policy_toughness if(is_immuned = 0 and quarantine <= min list lim quarantine_threshold and is_quarantined = 0 and ticks > isolation_start_date) [set color yellow set is_quarantined 1 set once_quarantined 1] end to get_die if(is_infected = 1 and remaining_infection < 1 - recovery_rate * 5 and if_infected_die_prob <= death_rate) [set dead 1 set is_infected 0 set color pink] end to move if count patches in-radius movement_rate with [not any? turtles-here] > 0 [move-to one-of patches in-radius movement_rate with [not any? turtles-here]] end to update_under_quarantine set under_quarantine under_quarantine + 1 end to end_quarantine if(under_quarantine >= isolation_duration)[ set is_quarantined 0 set under_quarantine 0 if(is_infected = 1)[ set color red] if(is_immuned = 1)[ set color green] if(is_infected = 0 and is_immuned = 0) [set color gray] ] end to go ask citizens[ if(dead = 0 and is_quarantined = 0)[ move update_indection_probability get_infected if(once_quarantined = 0) [get_quarantine] get_die get_cured ] if(dead = 0 and is_quarantined = 1)[ get_die get_cured update_under_quarantine end_quarantine ] ] tick end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 5 years ago by fethi yılmazşamlı.
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