
Covid-19_1 preview image

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globals [Allowed lock-down-period-count Alternate-condition original-condition infected-and-cured]
;extensions [ vid bitmap ]

turtles-own [
  infected?    ;; has the person been infected with the disease?

;;; Setup ;;;

to setup
  set who-should-move "All people can move"
  set lock-down-period-count 1
  set infected-and-cured 0
  set Alternate-condition "No One should Move"
  set original-condition who-should-move
  set-default-shape turtles "person"
;  ask patches [ set p-infected? false ]
;  if variant = "network" [ make-network ]

to make-turtles
  create-turtles num-people [
    set infected? false
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set age 50

to infect
  ask n-of num-infected turtles [
    set infected? true
    set infectionage 1
    ;set age random 50
    ;set infectionage 1
;    if variant = "environmental" [
;      ;; the patch under an infected turtle becomes infected:
;      set p-infected? true
;    ]

to recolor
  ask turtles [
    ;; infected turtles are red, others are gray
    set color ifelse-value infected? [ red ] [ gray ]

;  ask patches [
;    ;; infected patches are yellow, others are black
;    set pcolor ifelse-value p-infected? [ yellow ] [ black ]
;  ]

;;; Main ;;;

to go

  if all? turtles [ infected? ] [ stop ]

    ;; recording video
;   if vid:recorder-status = "inactive" [
;    vid:start-recorder
;  ]
;  vid:record-view

  if all? turtles [ not infected? ] [ stop ]


to spread-infection
;  ask patches with [ p-infected? ] [
;    ;; count down to the end of the patch infection
;    set infect-time infect-time - 1
;  ]
  ask turtles with [ infected? ] [
  ask turtles-here [ set infected? true ]

to cure-infection
  ask turtles with [ infected? ] [
  set  infected? ifelse-value infectionage >= cure-days [ false ] [ true ]
  if  random 100 >= 100 - virus-death-rate [ die ]
  ;ask n-of 1 turtles with [ infected? ]  [ die ]
  set  infectionage ifelse-value infectionage >= 14 [ 0 ] [ infectionage ]
  ;set  infected? ifelse-value infectionage >= 14 [ false ] [ true ]
  ;set color ifelse-value infected? [ red ] [ gray ]

;;; Layout ;;;

to move

  set Allowed movement-allowed * count turtles / 100
  if who-should-move = "All people can move" [
      ask turtles [
      fd 1
      rt random 30
      lt random 30

  if who-should-move = "Limited People can move for essential work" [
        ask n-of Allowed turtles [
      fd 1
      rt random 30
      lt random 30

    if who-should-move = "Infected People should not move" [
        ask turtles with [not infected?] [
      fd 1
      rt random 30
      lt random 30

      if who-should-move = "No One should Move" [
        ask turtles with [not infected?] [
      fd 0
      rt 0
      lt 0

  ;; who chooses what to happen you or me
  if i-will-chose-who-should-move = false [

  ;; lockdown rules
if ticks > 0 and unlimited-lock-down = true [
    set who-should-move Alternate-condition


  if ticks > 0 and lock-down-period = 0 and unlimited-lock-down = false [
    set who-should-move original-condition


;  lock down
  if ticks > 0 and lock-down-period > 0 and unlimited-lock-down = false [
    if ticks > 0 and remainder ticks lock-down-period = 0 [set lock-down-period-count lock-down-period-count + 1 print lock-down-period-count]
;   if ticks > 0 and remainder lock-down-period-count 2 = 0 [set lock-down-period-count lock-down-period-count + 1 print lock-down-period-count]
    set who-should-move ifelse-value ticks > 0 and remainder lock-down-period-count 2 = 0 [Alternate-condition] ["All people can move"]
;    set who-should-move ifelse-value ticks > 0 and remainder ticks lock-down-period = 0 [Alternate-condition] ["All people can move"]


    ask turtles with [ infected? ] [
    set infectionage infectionage + 1
    set infected-and-cured infected-and-cured + 1

; Copyright 2020 Mohit Singh.

There is only one version of this model, created almost 5 years ago by Mohit Kumar Singh.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Covid-19_1.png preview Preview for 'Covid-19_1' almost 5 years ago, by Mohit Kumar Singh Download

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