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;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ; ; percentage_SD: % of agents who keep SD ; ; SD_mean, SD_sigma: mean value and variance of SD (normal distribution) ; ; movement_type: "away from mean" o "metropolis T=0" ; ; test_period: ticks between tests ; ; num_to_test: number of tests performed each test_period ticks ; ; max_inf_radius: maximum radius of infection ; transmissibility: probability of becoming infected when there is a patient less than max_inf_radius ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- extensions [array] ; to use arrays globals [acum acum2 sigma n_experiments t s1 s2] breed [infecteds infected] breed [susceptibles susceptible] breed [recovereds recovered] infecteds-own [ clock tested? ] turtles-own [ neighbours keep_SD SD_own xcor_old ycor_old ] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; General setup and setup to restart an experiment ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to setup set acum array:from-list n-values t_max [0] ; fill the array with zeros set acum2 array:from-list n-values t_max [0] set sigma array:from-list n-values t_max [0] set n_experiments 1 ; set number of experiments initially to zero setup-experiment let LX ( max-pxcor * 2 + 1) let LY ( max-pycor * 2 + 1) clear-output output-print "DENSITY:" output-write (number / (LX * LY)) output-print " agents/m2" output-write ((LX * LY) / number) output-print " m2/agent" output-write sqrt ((LX * LY) / number) output-print " average distance" end ; setup for a new experiment to setup-experiment clear-turtles clear-ticks random-seed new-seed ; to start each simulation with a different seed create-turtles number [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 1 set keep_SD ((random-float 1) < (percentage_SD / 100.0)) ; is a fixed attribute of each agent (ifelse distri_SD = "uniforme" [ set SD_own SD_mean ] distri_SD = "normal" [ set SD_own random-normal SD_mean SD_sigma if (SD_own < 0 ) [set SD_own 0 ] ] distri_SD = "poisson" [ set SD_own random-poisson SD_mean ]) ifelse (who < number_sick_initial) [set breed infecteds set clock 0 set tested? False] [set breed susceptibles] recolor ] reset-ticks file-close ;cierra el lammps_file if file-exists? lammps_file [ file-delete lammps_file ] file-open lammps_file end to recolor if (breed = susceptibles) [ set color green ] if (breed = infecteds) [ ifelse (tested? = True) [set color white] [set color red] ] if (breed = recovereds) [ set color blue ] end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; move ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to move [dist] ifelse(keep_SD) ; that an agent save SD is an attribute that is defined in setup with some probability [ ; aqui guarda SD... (ifelse movement_type = "metropolis T=0" [ ; type of Metropolis movement at temperature 0 (move-count-accept-reject) set xcor_old xcor set ycor_old ycor rt random-float 360 fd dist if (count(other turtles in-radius SD_own) >= 1 ) [ set xcor xcor_old set ycor ycor_old ] ] movement_type = "away from mean" [ ; type of movement runs away from the center of mass of neighbors (counts-turns 180-moves) set neighbours other turtles in-radius SD_own if (count(neighbours) >= 1) ;Move only if you have neighbours [ facexy (mean [xcor] of neighbours) (mean [ycor] of neighbours) rt 180 ; Turn away from the mean x and y co_ordinates of your neighbours fd dist ] ] [ error 111 ]) ] [ ; random walk... rt random-float 360 ;Turn to a random direction fd dist ] end to get_infected ;S _> I let sick_neighbours infecteds in-radius max_inf_radius if (breed = susceptibles and count sick_neighbours >= 1) [if ((random-float 1) < (1 - ((1 - transmissibility_rate)^(count(sick_neighbours))))) [set breed infecteds set clock 0 set tested? False] ] end to recover ;I _> R if (clock >= infection_period and (random-float 1 < recovery_rate)) [set breed recovereds] end to lose_immunity ;R _> S if (random-float 1 < lose_immunity_rate) [set breed susceptibles] end to advance_clock ;For recovery of infected people set clock (clock + 1) end to runtest if (breed = infecteds) [die] end to test; ifelse (num_to_test <= count(turtles)) [let testsubjects n-of num_to_test turtles ask (testsubjects) [runtest]] [ask (turtles) [runtest]] end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; go to do various experiments and average ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to go-experiments go if (count(infecteds) = 0 or count(infecteds) = count(turtles) or ticks > t_max) ;Stop if nobody is infected, or everybody is infected [ ; if you enter here start a new experiment if (n_experiments = num_experiments) [ file-close ;cierra el lammps_file if file-exists? output_file [ file-delete output_file ] file-open output_file file-print "# t infecteds error" set t 0 while [t < t_max] [ set s1 array:item acum t set s2 array:item acum2 t array:set sigma t sqrt ( s2 / num_experiments - ( (s1 / num_experiments) ^ 2 ) ) file-write t file-write ( s1 / num_experiments ) file-write ( ( array:item sigma t ) / sqrt(num_experiments ) ) file-print "" set t (t + 1) ] file-close stop ] set n_experiments (n_experiments + 1) setup-experiment ] end to lammps file-print "ITEM: TIMESTEP" file-print ticks file-print "ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS" file-print count turtles file-print "ITEM: BOX BOUNDS xx yy zz" file-write min-pxcor file-type " " file-print max-pxcor file-write min-pycor file-type " " file-print max-pycor file-print "0.0 0.0" file-print "ITEM: ATOMS id type x y z radius" ask (recovereds) [ file-write who file-write 1 file-type " " file-write xcor file-type " " file-write ycor file-type " " file-write 0.0 file-type " " file-print SD_own ] ask (susceptibles) [ file-write who file-write 2 file-type " " file-write xcor file-type " " file-write ycor file-type " " file-write 0.0 file-type " " file-print SD_own ] ask (infecteds) [ file-write who file-write 3 file-type " " file-write xcor file-type " " file-write ycor file-type " " file-write 0.0 file-type " " file-print SD_own ] end ; go of an experiment to go if (ticks mod freq_dump_file = 0) [lammps] ask (recovereds) [lose_immunity] ask (susceptibles) [get_infected] ask (infecteds) [advance_clock] ask (infecteds) [recover] ask (turtles) [move 1] ask (turtles) [recolor] if (ticks mod test_period = 0) [test] if ticks < t_max [ array:set acum ticks ( array:item acum ticks + (100 * count(infecteds) / count(turtles) ) ) array:set acum2 ticks ( array:item acum2 ticks + ((100 * count(infecteds) / count(turtles)) ^ 2) ) set s1 array:item acum ticks set s2 array:item acum2 ticks array:set sigma ticks sqrt ( s2 / n_experiments - ( (s1 / n_experiments) ^ 2 ) ) ] tick end
There are 4 versions of this model.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
COVID19-variable-SD-Testing.png | preview | Preview for 'COVID19-variable-SD-Testing' | almost 5 years ago, by Eduardo Bringa | Download |
This model does not have any ancestors.
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Eduardo Bringa
Ancestors and extensions
This is an extension of the model “Effects of testing and social distancing on the spread of infectious diseases ("Flattening the Curve")” by Shikhara Bhat. Includes variable Social Distance and different types of agent motion. Also includes output with agent position and type.
Posted almost 5 years ago
Eduardo Bringa
Model Info and NetLogo Web
detailed Model Info can be found by using "Run in NetLogo" and then clicking on "Model Info" at the bottom. Running in NetLogo Web is not yet possible, and we are working to solve this issue as soon as possible.
Posted almost 5 years ago
Eduardo Bringa
Downloading the model
There is a problem with the zip file obtained by clicking on "Download this model ". To download a working version: Run in NetLogo Web--&rt; Click to Run Model --&rt; Export NetLogo. The "Export" buttom is at the top-rigth corner of the web screen.
Posted almost 5 years ago