Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1
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undirected-link-breed [ sdist-links sdist-link ] ;; social distance link undirected-link-breed [ halo-links halo-link ] ;; halo link directed-link-breed [ infect-links infect-link ] ;; infection link breed [ peoples people ] breed [ circles circle ] breed [ halos halo ] peoples-own [ infected? ;; if infected? tested? ;; if tested for corona sick? ;; if sick. known? ;; knows if has corona virus: true = tested positive, sick sicktime ;; how long, in weeks, the turtle has been infectious recovered? ;; if recovered dead? ;; if dead age ;; how many weeks old the turtle is ] globals [ infection-radius2 cumulative ] links-own [ ] ;; The setup is divided into four procedures to setup clear-all ; ifelse fix-seed? [random-seed 30281][random-seed new-seed] set infection-radius2 3 ;infection-radius + 2 setup-people update-colors reset-ticks end to setup-people create-peoples number-people [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ;random-xcor * 0.9 random-ycor * 0.9 set color green set shape "person" set size 1 set infected? false set sick? false set recovered? false ] end to setup-network ask peoples [ create-sdist-links-with other peoples in-radius infection-radius2 [ set hidden? true ] ] end to go move infect update-colors update-global if ticks = 300 [ stop ] if allow-social-distance? [ flex ] tick end to flex ask sdist-links with [link-length > infection-radius2] [die] ask peoples with [color = red] [ create-sdist-links-with other peoples in-radius infection-radius2 [ set hidden? true ] let temp peoples in-radius infection-radius2 if count temp > 1 [layout-spring temp sdist-links 0.2 (infection-radius2 + 2) 0.2] ] end to move ask peoples [ rt random 30 lt random 30 fd 0.1 ] end to infect ; if ticks = 50 [ ; ask one-of turtles with [infected? = false and recovered? = false] ; [ ; set infected? true ; ] ; ] ask infect-links [ die ] ask peoples with [ infected? = true] [ set sicktime sicktime + 1 if sicktime >= (14) [ set recovered? true set infected? false ask halos-here [ die ] ] let whome who ask other peoples with [infected? = false and recovered? = false] in-radius infection-radius2 [ if random 100 < 5 [ create-infect-link-from myself [ set color orange ] set infected? true ] ] ] end to update-colors ask peoples [ if infected? = true [set color red] if recovered? = true [set color gray] ] end to update-global set cumulative max list cumulative (count peoples with [infected? = true]) end
There are 8 versions of this model.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
SIR_ABM.png | preview | Preview for 'SIR_ABM' | almost 5 years ago, by Asjad Naqvi | Download |
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