An Agent-Based Model of Crowd Evacuation: Combining Individual, Social and Technological Aspects

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Default-person Kashif Zia (Author)


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Development of crowd evacuation systems is a challenge due to involvement of complex interrelated aspects, diversity of involved individuals and/or environment, and lack of direct evidence. Evacuation modeling and simulation is used to analyze various possible outcomes as different scenarios unfold, typically when the complexity of scenario is high. However, incorporation of different aspect categories in a unified modeling space is a challenge. In this paper, we addressed this challenge by combining individual, social and technological models of people during evacuation, while pivoting all these aspects on a common agent-based modeling framework and a grid-based hypothetical environment. By simulating these models, an insight into the effectiveness of several interesting evacuation scenarios is provided. Based on the simulation results, a couple of useful recommendations are also given.


Our model explores relationship of panic (or not panic) with decision-making while agents are exiting from one of the two exits.


SETUP: Sets up the environment, and generates two types of agents (persons). GO: Let the persons exit using one of the two exits, left or right, based on one of the three strategies used.


Exit usage graph. Panic graph.


Use different environment types, difffernt population densities and % of rational agents and three exit behavior strategies.


Try other extensions.




To appear: "An Agent-Based Model of Crowd Evacuation: Combining Individual, Social and Technological Aspects" in ACM SIGSIM PADS 2020 scheduled on June 2020 (

Comments and Questions

let them die (Question)

You have to write code at the end of "go" procedure. something like: ask one-of turtles [die] without any criteria...

Posted over 3 years ago

ok (Question)

you can create a new state say "dead". make is false initially. Then when the agent dies, it's just this state that becomes true.

Posted over 3 years ago

turtles-own (Question)

turtles-own. tell me exactly what you want to do.

Posted over 3 years ago

email (Question)

please send me an email at share your new model if you have.

Posted over 3 years ago

email (Question)

sorry. it is i apologize.

Posted over 3 years ago

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extensions [table]
breed [ persons person ] ; agents that need to exit

  tleft tright ; total number of persons exitting from left and right
  speed using-left using-right last-left last-right max-agents-in-panic-rational max-agents-in-panic-emotional max-panic-value

patches-own [structure-type walkable? exit-id doms steps-to-exits patch-value-left patch-value-right ; variables representing environment
  updated? initial-target-exit dom spread-update-left? spread-update-right? ; helping environment varaibles

persons-own [curr-dir curr-exit state in-panic-for moving-for waiting-for rational? has-changed?]

to setup
  ; creates environment with 2 exits (left and right), environment type: can be 1, 2 or 3; 1 is symmetric, 2 is asymmetric, and 3 is (one exit) invisible, and floor field

  ; sets up persons, based on
  ; 1: number of persons
  ; 2: rational persons %

  ; initialies global parameters

to go

  ask persons [
  if (strategy = 1) [set curr-exit str1]
  if (strategy = 2) [str2]
  if (strategy = 3) [str3]
  set curr-dir get-direction-to-dest curr-exit
  set heading curr-dir

if (strategy = 3) [spread decay setup-exits]

if (count persons < 2) [stop]

to-report str1
  let exitsel ""
  let dist 9999
  let patch-ste [steps-to-exits] of patch-here

  let allf table:keys patch-ste
  foreach allf[ [z] ->
    let d table:get patch-ste z
    if (d < dist) [
      set dist d
      set exitsel z

  report exitsel

to str2
  let cnt count turtles-on neighbors
  if (cnt > 0) [
    let ag one-of turtles-on neighbors
    let exit_ag [curr-exit] of ag
    let exit_a curr-exit
    let payoff -1
    let prob -1
    let r random 10

    if (not rational?) [
      ifelse (exit_ag = exit_a) [
        ;set prob (1 / (9 + (0.644 ^ -0))) ; no change CHANGE WITH with prob 0
        ;set prob int (prob * 10)
        ;if (prob = r) [set curr-exit  exit_ag]
        if (in-panic-for > 0) [
          set prob (1 / (9 + (0.644 ^ -0))) ; ; no change CHANGE WITH with prob 0.1
          set prob int (prob * 10)
          if (prob = r) [set curr-exit  exit_ag]


    if (rational? and in-panic-for <= 0) [
      ifelse (exit_ag = exit_a) [
        if (not has-changed?)[
          set prob (1 / (9 + (0.644 ^ -0))) ; ; no change CHANGE WITH with prob 0.1
          ;set prob 1 - (1 / (1 + 0.644 ^ -5)) ; definately change with prob 0.9]
          set prob int (prob * 10)
          if (prob = r) [ifelse (curr-exit = "left") [set curr-exit "right" if (allow-one-change) [set has-changed? true]][set curr-exit "left" if (allow-one-change) [set has-changed? true]]]

        if (not has-changed?)[
          set prob 1 - (1 / (1 + 0.644 ^ -5)) ; definately change with prob 0.9]
          set prob int (prob * 10)
          if (prob = r) [ifelse (curr-exit = "left") [set curr-exit "right" if (allow-one-change) [set has-changed? true]][set curr-exit "left" if (allow-one-change) [set has-changed? true]]]



    if (rational? and in-panic-for > 0 and not has-changed?) [
      ifelse (exit_ag = exit_a) [

          ifelse (curr-exit = "left") [set curr-exit "right" if (allow-one-change) [set has-changed? true]][set curr-exit "left" if (allow-one-change) [set has-changed? true]]

        ;set prob (1 / (9 + (0.644 ^ -0))) ; no change CHANGE with prob 0


    if (rational? and in-panic-for > 0 and has-changed?) [
      ifelse (exit_ag = exit_a) [

          ifelse (curr-exit = "left") [set curr-exit "right" if (allow-one-change) [set has-changed? true]][set curr-exit "left" if (allow-one-change) [set has-changed? true]]

        set prob sensitivity ; ; sensitivity
        set prob int (prob * 10)
        if (prob = r) [set curr-exit  exit_ag]


to str3

  let cnt count turtles-on neighbors
  if (cnt > 0) [
    let ag one-of turtles-on neighbors
    let exit_ag [curr-exit] of ag
    let exit_a curr-exit
    let payoff -1
    let prob -1
    let r random-float 1

    let pvl patch-value-left ;of patch-here
    let pvr patch-value-right ;of patch-here
    let exit-value ""
    if (pvl > pvr) [set exit-value  "left"]
    if (pvr > pvl) [set exit-value  "right"]

    if (rational? and in-panic-for <= 0) [
      ifelse (exit_ag = exit_a) [
        ifelse(exit_a = exit-value) []
          set prob (1 / (1 + 0.644 ^ 2.5))
          if (prob >= r) [ifelse (curr-exit = "left") [set curr-exit "right"][set curr-exit "left"]]       ;do with prob 0.75
        ifelse(exit_a = exit-value) []
          set prob (1 / (1 + 0.644 ^ -2.5))
          if (prob >= r) [ifelse (curr-exit = "left") [set curr-exit "right"][set curr-exit "left"]]       ;do with prob 0.25

    if (rational? and in-panic-for > 0) [
    ifelse (exit_ag = exit_a) [
      ifelse(exit_a = exit-value) [
        set prob (1 / (1 + 0.644 ^ -2.5))
        if (prob >= r) [ifelse (curr-exit = "left") [set curr-exit "right"][set curr-exit "left"]]       ;do with prob 0.25
        ifelse (curr-exit = "left") [set curr-exit "right"][set curr-exit "left"]

      ifelse(exit_a = exit-value) []
          set prob (1 / (1 + 0.644 ^ 2.5))
          if (prob >= r) [ifelse (curr-exit = "left") [set curr-exit "right"][set curr-exit "left"]]       ;do with prob 0.75


to-report get-direction-to-dest [dest]
  let patch-dom [doms] of patch-here
  report table:get patch-dom dest

to move-now
  if (state = "start" or state = "walk")[set color green - 2 move-forward]
  if (state = "wait") [set color blue move-forward]
  if (state = "panic") [set color red move-forward]

  if (state = "end")
    ifelse (strategy = 3) [
      ifelse (curr-exit = "left") [announce "left" set using-left using-left + 1 set last-left ticks] [announce "right" set using-right using-right + 1 set last-right ticks]  die
      ifelse (curr-exit = "left") [set using-left using-left + 1 set last-left ticks] [set using-right using-right + 1 set last-right ticks]  die

to move-forward

  ifelse not any? other turtles-on patch-ahead speed [fd speed  set in-panic-for 0  set waiting-for 0 set moving-for moving-for + 1 set state "walk"]
      ifelse scan-neighbor-right 45 [rt 45 fd speed set in-panic-for 0  set waiting-for 0 set moving-for moving-for + 1 set state "walk"]
        ifelse scan-neighbor-left 45 [lt 45 fd speed set in-panic-for 0  set waiting-for 0 set moving-for moving-for + 1 set state "walk"]
          ifelse scan-neighbor-right 90 [rt 90 fd speed set in-panic-for 0  set waiting-for 0 set moving-for moving-for + 1 set state "walk"]
            ifelse scan-neighbor-left 90 [lt 90 fd speed set in-panic-for 0  set waiting-for 0 set moving-for moving-for + 1 set state "walk"]
              ifelse scan-neighbor-right 135 [rt 135 fd speed set in-panic-for 0  set waiting-for 0 set moving-for moving-for + 1 set state "walk"]
                ifelse scan-neighbor-left 135 [lt 135 fd speed set in-panic-for 0  set waiting-for 0 set moving-for moving-for + 1 set state "walk"]
                  set waiting-for waiting-for + 1 set moving-for 0 set state "wait"
                  if (waiting-for > 5) [set state "panic" set in-panic-for in-panic-for + 1 if (max-panic-value < in-panic-for) [set max-panic-value in-panic-for] set moving-for 0]

    if [structure-type] of patch-here = "exit" [set state  "end"]

to-report scan-neighbor-right [angle]
  let return? false
  let praa patch-right-and-ahead  angle speed
  ;if ([structure-type] of praa = "wall") [report return?]
  ;let c count other turtles-on praa
  ;ifelse praa = nobody [][if (c <= 3) [set return? true]]
  ifelse praa = nobody [][if not any? other turtles-on praa [set return? true]]
  report return?

to-report scan-neighbor-left [angle]
  let return? false
  let plaa patch-left-and-ahead  angle speed
  ;if ([structure-type] of plaa = "wall") [report return?]
  ifelse plaa = nobody [][if not any? other turtles-on plaa [set return? true]]
  report return?

to announce [ex]
  let ph patch-here
  ask ph [
    ask neighbors [ifelse ex = "left" [set patch-value-left patch-value-left + 1] [set patch-value-right patch-value-right + 1]]

to set-globals
  let c count persons with [in-panic-for > 0 and rational?]
  if (c > max-agents-in-panic-rational) [set max-agents-in-panic-rational c]
  let d count persons with [in-panic-for > 0 and not rational?]
  if (d > max-agents-in-panic-emotional) [set max-agents-in-panic-emotional d]

to spread
  ask patches [set spread-update-left? false set spread-update-right? false]
  ask patches [
    if (patch-value-left > 0) [
      let pvl patch-value-left
      ask neighbors [
        if not spread-update-left? [
          if (patch-value-left <  pvl) [set patch-value-left (pvl - (pvl / 10)) set spread-update-left? true]
          set pcolor orange + patch-value-right

    if (patch-value-right > 0) [
      let pvr patch-value-right
      ask neighbors [
        if not spread-update-right? [
          if (patch-value-left <  pvr) [set patch-value-right  (pvr - (pvr / 10)) set spread-update-right? true]
          set pcolor yellow + patch-value-right

    if (patch-value-left = 0 and patch-value-right = 0) [set pcolor white]


to decay
  ask patches [
    let dl patch-value-left / 10
    let dr patch-value-right / 10
    ifelse (patch-value-left > 0.1) [set patch-value-left patch-value-left - dl] [set patch-value-left 0]
    ifelse (patch-value-right > 0.1) [set patch-value-right patch-value-right - dr] [set patch-value-right 0]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; INITIALIZE GLOBALS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to InitializeGlobals
  set speed 1
  set using-left 0
  set using-right 0
  set last-left 0
  set last-right 0
  set max-agents-in-panic-rational 0
  set max-agents-in-panic-emotional 0
  set max-panic-value 0

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PERSONS SETUP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to setup-agents

  create-persons num-agents [
    move-to one-of patches with [structure-type = "floor" and (not any? other turtles-here)]
    set color black
    set state "start"
    set in-panic-for 0
    set moving-for 0
    set waiting-for 0
    set rational? false
    set has-changed? false
    set curr-exit str1
    ;ifelse (strategy = 1) [] [ifelse (strategy = 2) [set curr-exit find-nearest-exit][set curr-exit set-a-random-exit]]

to setrational
  let r  rational *  num-agents / 100
  let i 0
  while [i < r] [
    ask one-of turtles with [rational? = false] [set rational? true set shape "circle"]
    set i i + 1

to-report set-a-random-exit
  let r random 2
  ifelse (r = 0) [report "left"] [report "right"]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ENVIRONMENT SETUP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to create-env

 ask patches [set pcolor gray set walkable? true set doms table:make set steps-to-exits table:make set updated? false set structure-type "floor" set patch-value-left 0.0 set patch-value-right 0.0]

to setup-exterior-walls
  let walls patches with [((pxcor >= min-pxcor and pxcor <= max-pxcor) and (pycor = max-pycor))]
  ask walls [set structure-type "wall" set walkable? false set pcolor black]
  set walls patches with [((pxcor >= min-pxcor and pxcor <= max-pxcor) and (pycor = min-pycor))]
  ask walls [set structure-type "wall" set walkable? false set pcolor black]
  set walls patches with [((pycor >= min-pycor and pycor <= max-pycor) and (pxcor = max-pxcor))]
  ask walls [set structure-type "wall" set walkable? false set pcolor black]
  set walls patches with [((pycor >= min-pycor and pycor <= max-pycor) and (pxcor = min-pxcor))]
  ask walls [set structure-type "wall" set walkable? false set pcolor black]

to setup-exits
  if (env-type = 1) [setup-exit 0 26 0 3 "left"  setup-exit 50 26 0 3 "right"]
  if (env-type = 2) [setup-exit 0 26 0 3 "left"  setup-exit 50 3 0 3 "right"]
  if (env-type = 3) [setup-exit 0 26 0 3 "left"  setup-exit 50 3 0 3 "right" setup-obstacles]

to setup-obstacles
  let obstacles patches with [(pxcor >= 25 and pycor <= 5) and (pxcor >= 25 and pycor >= 4)]
  ask obstacles [set walkable? false set structure-type "obstacle" set pcolor gray]

to setup-exit [startx starty len wid id]
  let exits patches with [(pxcor >= startx and pycor <= starty) and (pxcor <= startx + len and pycor >= starty - wid)]

  ask exits [set walkable? true set structure-type "exit" set exit-id id set pcolor red]

to setup-potential-map
  ask patches with [structure-type = "exit"][
    let gx pxcor
    let gy pycor
    let te exit-id
    let neigh-patches neighbors with [structure-type != "exit" and walkable?]
    ask neigh-patches[
      let o towardsxy gx gy
      let d table:get doms te
      if (d = -1) [table:put doms te o set initial-target-exit te table:put steps-to-exits te 1 set dom o set updated? true]

    while [count patches with [structure-type = "floor" and updated? = false] > 0][update-patchleft]
    ask patches with [structure-type = "floor" and initial-target-exit != "right"] [set updated? false]
    while [count patches with [structure-type = "floor" and updated? = false] > 0][update-patchright]

    ask patches with [structure-type = "floor"] [set pcolor white]

to update-patchleft
  ask patches with [structure-type = "floor" and table:get doms "left" != -1][
      let gx pxcor
      let gy pycor

      let x table:get steps-to-exits "left"
      let neigh-patches neighbors with [structure-type != "exit" and walkable? and table:get doms "left" = -1]
      ask neigh-patches[
        let o towardsxy gx gy
           if (table:get doms "left" = -1) [
             table:put doms "left" o

             table:put steps-to-exits "left" x + 1
           set pcolor gray
           set updated? true

to update-patchright
  ask patches with [structure-type = "floor" and table:get doms "right" != -1][
      let gx pxcor
      let gy pycor

      let x table:get steps-to-exits "right"
      let neigh-patches neighbors with [structure-type != "exit" and walkable? and table:get doms "right" = -1]
      ask neigh-patches[
        let o towardsxy gx gy
           if (table:get doms "right" = -1) [
             table:put doms "right" o

             table:put steps-to-exits "right" x + 1
           set pcolor black
           set updated? true

to set-doms-ste-default
  ask patches[

    table:put doms "left" -1
    table:put doms "right" -1

    table:put steps-to-exits "left" 0
    table:put steps-to-exits "right" 0


There is only one version of this model, created almost 5 years ago by Kashif Zia.

Attached files

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An Agent-Based Model of Crowd Evacuation: Combining Individual, Social and Technological Aspects.png preview Preview for ' An Agent-Based Model of Crowd Evacuation: Combining Individual, Social and Technological Aspects' almost 5 years ago, by Kashif Zia Download

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