Journey of the Prarie King

Journey of the Prarie King preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Don Osipov (Author)


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;Don Osipov, Willie Chen, Dilan Apterman
;IntroCS1 pd9
;Final Project

globals [
  going?            ;if the game is running this is true
  time-left         ;duration left in the game until win
  fired?            ;used to implement firerate
  kills             ;used for powerup spawning
  killlocker        ;used to prevent a bug with poewrup spawning
  lives             ;amount of lives before death
  firerate          ;changed by firerate powerup
  fireratetime      ;duration of powerup
  deadorc           ;used to prevent a bug
  dead?             ;used to prevent a bug
  hardmode?         ;changes various values if true (to make game harder)

patches-own [spawnpoint?]

players-own [
  speed                ;changed by speed powerup
  speedtime            ;duration of powerup
  octashot             ;changed by octashot powerup
  octashottime         ;duration of powerup
  shotgun              ;changed by shotgun powerup
  shotguntime          ;duration of powerup

breed [players player]              ;player
breed [bullets bullet]              ;bullets
breed [orcs orc]                    ;enemy
breed [speedups speedup]            ;powerup
breed [octashotups octashotup]      ;powerup
breed [nukes nuke]                  ;powerup
breed [liveups liveup]              ;powerup
breed [shotgunups shotgunup]        ;powerup
breed [firerateups firerateup]      ;powerup

to setup
  import-pcolors "Journey of the Prarie King.png"
  create-players 1
  set hardmode? false

  ask player 0 [
    set shape "idle"
    set size 25
    set speed 7
    set fired? 0
    set shotgun false]

ask patch 8 122 [set spawnpoint? true];north side      ;used to set spawnpoints on enemies...
ask patch -8 122 [set spawnpoint? true]
ask patch 24 122 [set spawnpoint? true]

ask patch 8 -122 [set spawnpoint? true];south side
ask patch -8 122 [set spawnpoint? true]
ask patch 24 -122 [set spawnpoint? true]

ask patch -122 8 [set spawnpoint? true];west side
ask patch -122 -8 [set spawnpoint? true]
ask patch -122 -24 [set spawnpoint? true]

ask patch 122 8 [set spawnpoint? true];east side
ask patch 122 -8 [set spawnpoint? true]
ask patch 122 -24 [set spawnpoint? true]

set time-left 60              ;60 seconds until game finishes
set fired? false
set killlocker true
set kills 0
set lives 2                   ;start with 2 lives
set firerate .5

to hardmode-setup
  import-pcolors "JOPK_Level_1_1.png"
  create-players 1
  set hardmode? true

  ask player 0 [
    set shape "idle"
    set size 25
    set speed 6
    set fired? 0
    set shotgun false ]

  ask patch 8 122 [set spawnpoint? true];north side
  ask patch -8 122 [set spawnpoint? true]
  ask patch 24 122 [set spawnpoint? true]

  ask patch 8 -122 [set spawnpoint? true];south side
  ask patch -8 122 [set spawnpoint? true]
  ask patch 24 -122 [set spawnpoint? true]

  ask patch -122 8 [set spawnpoint? true];west side
  ask patch -122 -8 [set spawnpoint? true]
  ask patch -122 -24 [set spawnpoint? true]

  ask patch 122 8 [set spawnpoint? true];east side
  ask patch 122 -8 [set spawnpoint? true]
  ask patch 122 -24 [set spawnpoint? true]

  set time-left 60
  set fired? false
  set killlocker true
  set kills 0
  set lives 1                   ;start with 1 life
  set firerate .6

to go
  if dead? != true [       ;if player is not dead...
    set going? true

    every .1

    every 1 [
      set time-left (time-left - 1)       ;counts down timer until win

    if time-left = 0 [
      ask orcs [die]
      user-message "You have won!"      ;win message
      set going? false]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;PLAYER DEATH

to die?
  ask orcs [
    ask players in-radius 15 [
      set lives lives - 1
      set going? false
      set deadorc true] ;deadorc used to prevent bug
    if deadorc = true [
      set deadorc false
  if lives <= 0 [
    set lives 0
    user-message "Game Over"           ;death message
    set dead? true

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;POWERUP TIMERS

to speedtimer                         ;duration of powerup
  ifelse hardmode? = true [
    if count players > 0 [            ;if count players > 0 used to prevent death bug
    ask player 0 [
      if speed = 10 [
        every .1 [
          if count players != 0 [
            ask player 0 [set speedtime speedtime + .1]
            ask player 0 [if speedtime >= 5 [set speed 6]]

    if count players > 0 [             ;if count players > 0 used to prevent death bug
      ask player 0 [
        if speed = 13 [
          every .1 [
            if count players != 0 [
              ask player 0 [set speedtime speedtime + .1]
              ask player 0 [if speedtime >= 7 [set speed 7]]

to octashottimer                    ;duration of powerup
  if count players > 0 [            ;if count players > 0 used to prevent death bug
    ask player 0 [
      if octashot = 1 [
        every .1 [
          if count players != 0 [
            ask player 0 [
              set octashottime octashottime + .1
              ifelse hardmode? = true [
                if octashottime >= 5 [set octashot 0 set octashottime 0]] [
                if octashottime >= 7 [set octashot 0 set octashottime 0]]

to fireratetimer                   ;duration of powerup
  ifelse hardmode? = true [
    if firerate = .3 [
      every .1 [
        if count players != 0 [
          set fireratetime fireratetime + .1
          if fireratetime >= 5 [set firerate .6 set fireratetime 0]
    if firerate = .2 [
      every .1 [
        if count players != 0 [
          set fireratetime fireratetime + .1
          if fireratetime >= 7 [set firerate .5 set fireratetime 0]

to shotguntimer                   ;duration of powerup
  if count players > 0 [          ;if count lpayers > 0 used to prevent death bug
    ask player 0 [
      if shotgun = true [
        every .1 [
          if count players != 0 [
            ask player 0 [
              set shotguntime shotguntime + .1
              ifelse hardmode? = true [
                if shotguntime >= 5 [set shotgun false set shotguntime 0]] [
                if shotguntime >= 7 [set shotgun false set shotguntime 0]]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;POWERUP EFFECTS

to speeduppower                       ;effect of powerup
  ifelse hardmode? = true [
    ask speedups [
    ask players in-radius 15 [
      set speedtime 0
      set speed 10]
    if count players in-radius 15 > 0 [

    ask speedups [
      ask players in-radius 15 [
        set speedtime 0
        set speed 13]
      if count players in-radius 15 > 0 [

to octashotpower                   ;effect of powerup
  ask octashotups [
    ask players in-radius 15 [
      set octashot 1]
    if count players in-radius 15 > 0 [

to nukepower                       ;effect of powerup
  ask nukes [
    if count players in-radius 15 != 0 [
      ask orcs [die]

to fireratepower                  ;effect of powerup
  ifelse hardmode? = true [
    ask firerateups [
      if count players in-radius 15 != 0 [
        set firerate .3
    ask firerateups [
      if count players in-radius 15 != 0 [
        set firerate .2

to shotgunpower                   ;effect of powerup
  ask shotgunups [
    if count players in-radius 15 != 0 [
      ask player 0 [
        set shotgun true]

to liveuppower                   ;effect of powerup
  ask liveups [
    if count players in-radius 15 != 0 [
      set lives lives + 1

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;POWERUP SPAWN

to powerupspawn
  ifelse hardmode? = true [

    if kills mod 14 = 1 [
      set killlocker false]

    if kills mod 14 = 0 and kills != 0 [
      if killlocker = false [
        let randomizer random 6                  ;so that uses same random value for each powerup
        if randomizer = 0 [
          create-speedups 1 [setxy random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 set size 20 set shape "coffee"]]           ;custom turtles created for look
        if randomizer = 1 [
          create-octashotups 1 [setxy random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 set size 20 set shape "wheel"]]
        if randomizer = 2 [
          create-nukes 1 [setxy random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 set size 20 set shape "nuke"]]
        if randomizer = 3 [
          create-firerateups 1 [setxy random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 set size 20 set shape "machinegun"]]
        if randomizer = 4 [
          create-shotgunups 1 [setxy random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 set size 20 set shape "shotgun"]]
        if randomizer = 5 [
          create-liveups 1 [setxy random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 set size 20 set shape "extralife"]]
        set killlocker true]]]

    if kills mod 10 = 1 [
      set killlocker false]

    if kills mod 10 = 0 and kills != 0 [
      if killlocker = false [
        let randomizer random 6
        if randomizer = 0 [
          create-speedups 1 [setxy random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 set size 20 set shape "coffee"]]
        if randomizer = 1 [
          create-octashotups 1 [setxy random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 set size 20 set shape "wheel"]]
        if randomizer = 2 [
          create-nukes 1 [setxy random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 set size 20 set shape "nuke"]]
        if randomizer = 3 [
          create-firerateups 1 [setxy random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 set size 20 set shape "machinegun"]]
        if randomizer = 4 [
          create-shotgunups 1 [setxy random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 set size 20 set shape "shotgun"]]
        if randomizer = 5 [
          create-liveups 1 [setxy random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 random (96 - -96 + 1) + -96 set size 20 set shape "extralife"]]
        set killlocker true]]]


to spawn
  ask patches with [spawnpoint? = true] [         ;spawns at spawnpoints
    if random 125 = 0 [
      sprout-orcs 1 [
        set shape "orcwalk_1"
        set size 25]

to move
  ifelse hardmode? = true [
    ask orcs [
      if going? = true [
        ifelse count bullets in-radius 15 > 0

          set kills kills + 1
          ask bullets in-radius 15 [die]

          set shape "orcwalk_1"
          if count players > 0 [         ;if count lpayers > 0 used to prevent death bug
            set heading towards player 0
            every 10 / 100 [
              fd 6]
            set shape "orcwalk_2"]]
    ask orcs [
      if going? = true [
        ifelse count bullets in-radius 15 > 0

          set kills kills + 1
          ask bullets in-radius 15 [die]

          set shape "orcwalk_1"
          if count players > 0 [          ;if count lpayers > 0 used to prevent death bug
            set heading towards player 0
            every 10 / 100 [
              fd 5]
            set shape "orcwalk_2"]]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;PLAYER MOVEMENT

to walk-right
  if going? = true [
    ask player 0 [

      set heading 90
      set shape "rightwalk_1"
      every 10 / 100 [
        fd speed]
      set shape "rightwalk_2"

to walk-left
  if going? = true [
    ask player 0 [
      set heading 270
      set shape "leftwalk_1"
      every 10 / 100 [
        fd speed]
      set shape "leftwalk_2"

to walk-up
  if going? = true [
    ask player 0 [
      set heading 360
      set shape "upwalk_1"
      every 10 / 100
      [fd speed]
      set shape "upwalk_2"

to walk-down
  if going? = true [
    ask player 0 [
      set heading 180
      set shape "walkdown_1"
      every 10 / 100
      [fd speed]
      set shape "walkdown_2"

                             ;if wanted for future implementation
;to walk-upright
;  if going? = true
;  [ask player 0
;   [set heading 45
;      set shape "upwalk_1"
;        fd 3
;       set shape "upwalk_2"]
;  ]

;to walk-downright
;  if going? = true
;  [ask player 0
;   [set heading 135
;      set shape "walkdown_1"
;        fd 3
;        set shape "walkdown_2"]
;  ]

;to walk-upleft
;  if going? = true
;  [ask player 0
;    [set heading 315
;     set shape "upwalk_1"
;        fd 3
;        set shape "upwalk_2"]
;  ]

;to walk-downleft
;  if going? = true
;  [ask player 0
;    [set heading 225
;      set shape "walkdown_1"
;        fd 3
;        set shape "walkdown_2"]
;  ]


to cycle ;needed for firerate
  every firerate
  [if fired? = true
    [set fired? false]]

to bullet-travel ;bullet speed and causes them to die if they step outside the map
  ask turtles [
    if breed = bullets [
      ifelse abs xcor = 128 or abs ycor = 128 [
      [fd 8

to shoot-up
  ask player 0 [
    if octashot = 1 [
    if shotgun = true [
    if octashot = 0 and shotgun = false [
      if fired? = false [
        set shape "upwalk_1"
        hatch-bullets 1 [
          set shape "bullet"
          set heading 360
          fd 3]
        set fired? true]]]

to shoot-down
  ask player 0 [
    if octashot = 1 [
    if shotgun = true [
    if octashot = 0 and shotgun = false [
      if fired? = false [
        set shape "walkdown_1"
        hatch-bullets 1 [
          set shape "bullet"
          set heading 180
          fd 3]
        set fired? true]]]

to shoot-left
  ask player 0 [
    if octashot = 1 [
    if shotgun = true [
    if octashot = 0 and shotgun = false [
      if fired? = false [
        set shape "leftwalk_1"
        hatch-bullets 1 [
          set shape "bullet"
          set heading 270
          fd 3]
        set fired? true]]]

to shoot-right
  ask player 0 [
    if octashot = 1 [
    if shotgun = true [
    if octashot = 0 and shotgun = false [
      if fired? = false [
        set shape "rightwalk_1"
        hatch-bullets 1 [
          set shape "bullet"
          set heading 90
          fd 3]
        set fired? true]]]

to shoot-upright
  ask player 0 [
    ifelse octashot = 1 [
      if fired? = false [
        set shape "rightwalk_1"
        hatch-bullets 1 [
          set shape "bullet"
          set heading 45
          fd 3]
        set fired? true]]]

to shoot-downright
  ask player 0 [
    ifelse octashot = 1 [
      if fired? = false [
        set shape "rightwalk_1"
        hatch-bullets 1 [
          set shape "bullet"
          set heading 135
          fd 3]
        set fired? true]]]

to shoot-upleft
  ask player 0 [
    ifelse octashot = 1 [
      if fired? = false [
        set shape "rightwalk_1"
        hatch-bullets 1 [
          set shape "bullet"
          set heading 315
          fd 3]
        set fired? true]]]

to shoot-downleft
  ask player 0 [
    ifelse octashot = 1 [
      if fired? = false [
        set shape "rightwalk_1"
        hatch-bullets 1 [
          set shape "bullet"
          set heading 225
          fd 3]
        set fired? true]]]

to octashotyay ;is called on instead of shooting in a specific direction if the octashot powerup is active - shoots in 8 directions simultaneously
  ask player 0 [
    if fired? = false [
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 360
        fd 3]
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 180
        fd 3]
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 270
        fd 3]
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 90
        fd 3]
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 45
        fd 3]
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 135
        fd 3]
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 315
        fd 3]
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 225
        fd 3]
      set fired? true]]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Shotgun shots - replace regular shots if shotgun powerup is active

to shotgun-upwards
  ask player 0 [
    if fired? = false [
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 360
        fd 3]
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 20
        fd 3]
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 340
        fd 3]
      set fired? true]]

to shotgun-leftwards
  ask player 0 [
    if fired? = false [
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 270
        fd 3]
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 290
        fd 3]
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 250
        fd 3]
      set fired? true]]

to shotgun-rightwards
  ask player 0 [
    if fired? = false [
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 90
        fd 3]
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 110
        fd 3]
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 70
        fd 3]
      set fired? true]]

to shotgun-downwards
ask player 0 [
    if fired? = false [
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 180
        fd 3]
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 200
        fd 3]
      hatch-bullets 1 [
        set shape "bullet"
        set heading 160
        fd 3]
      set fired? true]]


to-report timeuntilWIN
  report time-left

to-report killcounter
  report kills

to-report lives-left
  report lives

There is only one version of this model, created almost 4 years ago by Don Osipov.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Journey of the Prarie King.png preview Preview for 'Journey of the Prarie King' almost 4 years ago, by Don Osipov Download

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