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Default-person Tanner Poling (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1 • Viewed 149 times • Downloaded 15 times • Run 0 times
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turtles-own [

; slider variables
;   num-turtles
;   ideal-dist: central ideal distance for stabilization
;   margin: how far above or below ideal-dist is acceptable for stabilization
;   velocity: how far agents move
;   obstacle-color
;   background-dolor
;   avoidance-radius

; global variables
globals [

to setup;
  create-turtles num-turtles [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]
  set stable-dist-min ideal-dist - margin
  set stable-dist-max ideal-dist + margin
  set obstacle-color red
  ask turtles [
    set stabilized? false
    set size 3
  ask patches [
    set pcolor background-color

to go
  ask turtles [
    ifelse within-obstacle
    [ escape-obstacle ]
;      ifelse stabilized?
 ;     [ set label "STABLE" ]
  ;    [
        ifelse near-obstacle
        [ avoid-obstacle ]
        [ maintain-dist-near ]
  ;    ]

  if ticks >= 60 [ spawn-obstacle 0 0 30 30 obstacle-color]


to-report near-obstacle
  report (any? patches in-radius avoidance-radius with [ pcolor = obstacle-color ])

to avoid-obstacle
  face min-one-of patches with [ pcolor = obstacle-color ] [ distance myself ]
  rt 180
  forward velocity

to-report within-obstacle ; to-report denotes this function as one that returns a value. In this case, a boolean
  ifelse pcolor = obstacle-color
    set stabilized? false
    report true
  [ report false ]

to escape-obstacle
  ifelse (any? patches in-radius ideal-dist with [ pcolor = background-color ])
    face min-one-of patches with [ pcolor = background-color ] [ distance myself ]
    forward velocity
  [ go-rand ]

to maintain-dist-near
  let nearest-group other turtles in-radius (stable-dist-max)
  set nearest-agent min-one-of nearest-group [distance myself]

  ifelse nearest-agent = nobody
  [ go-rand ]
    set nearest-dist distance nearest-agent
    face nearest-agent
    ifelse nearest-dist < stable-dist-min
      rt 180
      forward velocity
    [ maintain-dist-far ] ; look for faraway turtles to move closer towards (other function)

to maintain-dist-far
  let nearest-group other turtles in-radius (stable-dist-max * 2)
  set nearest-agent min-one-of nearest-group [distance myself]

  ifelse nearest-agent = nobody
  [ go-rand ]
    set nearest-dist distance nearest-agent
    face nearest-agent
    ifelse nearest-dist > stable-dist-max
      [ forward velocity ]
      [ set stabilized? true ]

to go-rand
  let new-direction random 360
  rt new-direction
  forward velocity

; draws a rectangular obstacle
; x,y = coords of upper left corner
; clr = color

to spawn-obstacle [ x y width len clr ]
  ask patches with
    [ width >= pxcor and pxcor >= x
      y >= pycor and pycor >= (- len + 2) ] [ set pcolor clr ]

There are 4 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Tanner Poling over 4 years ago shrink, stability disabled Download this version
Tanner Poling over 4 years ago slider for avoidance radius Download this version
Tanner Poling over 4 years ago turtles now maintain a distance from obstacle Download this version
Tanner Poling over 4 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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