SESPES: socio-ecological systems and payment for ecosystem services model

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Default-person Eulalia Baulenas (Author)



Tagged by Eulalia Baulenas over 4 years ago


Tagged by Eulalia Baulenas over 4 years ago


Tagged by Eulalia Baulenas over 4 years ago

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;__includes[ "social-model.nls" ] ; All together for BehavioralSpace

extensions [gis]

globals [ ;; recall that 'global' variables are accessed by ALL types (patches, turtles, etc.) // they all receive the same value // sliders, choosers, etc. are all globals
  ambit-dataset ;; this stores the project data
  ;; land areas percentages
  conifers quercus shrubland waterfield no-land land-area
  bwater-conifer bwater-quercus ET-conifer ET-quercus
  ;; global? precipitation
  dry-forests dry-conifers dry-quercus dry-shrubland forest-mass precipitation
  ; counters
  ha-multi-total ha-multi multi-ha multi-per count-multi ha-envir-total ha-envir envir-ha envir-per count-envir ha-maxim-total
  ha-tradi-total ha-tradi tradi-ha tradi-per count-tradi ha-passi-total ha-passi passi-ha count-passi passi-per ha-optim-total
  drought-total n_mfu n_env n_tra n_pas
  ; to speed the program
  conifer-multi quercus-multi conifer-envir quercus-envir
  conifer-tradi quercus-tradi conifer-passi quercus-passi
  ; because "if ticks n mod = 0 [" not working
  drought-list short-conifer long-conifer short-quercus long-quercus rc-bwater re-bwater

;; Give an identity to forest owners (Maximizers, etc.)
breed [maximizers maximizer]
breed [optimizers optimizer]
breed [traditionalists traditionalist]
breed [passives passive]
breed [multifunctionalists multifunctionalist]
breed [environmentalists environmentalist]

patches-own [
  popu         ;; species/polygons in vector data
  landcover    ;; types
  age drought bwater managed
  belong-to id-owner
  ;   land-use  management-plan ;; used for extensions

turtles-own [territory forestsize]


to setup
  set-current-directory "..."

  paint-world ;; add color depending on land cover
  count-species ;; keep track of the land cover composition


to load-map
  ;; credit to:
  set MCSC_R-dataset gis:load-dataset "mcsc_raster.asc" ;; loading the vector data
  resize-world 0 gis:width-of MCSC_R-dataset - 1 0 gis:height-of MCSC_R-dataset - 1
  gis:set-world-envelope-ds gis:envelope-of MCSC_R-dataset
  gis:apply-raster MCSC_R-dataset popu

to paint-world ; see Excel "Vector-excel" in folder "GIS"
   ask patches [
    if popu = 1 [ set pcolor 64      ; "pi roig"
      set landcover "conifers" ]
    if popu = 2 [ set pcolor 56      ; "matollar"
      set landcover "shrubland" ]
    if popu = 3 [ set pcolor 62      ; "pinassa"
      set landcover "conifers" ]
    if popu = 6  [ set pcolor 76     ; "pi blanc"
      set landcover "conifers" ]
    if popu = 5 [ set pcolor 52      ; "altres: roure/alzina"
      set landcover "quercus" ]
    if popu = 4 [ set pcolor 88      ; "camp o aigua"ask territory [ ; random 2 = 1, but just in case it wants to be increased // ask n-of (int (0.30 * count turtles)) turtles [die]
      set landcover "waterfield" ]
    if pcolor = black [              ; black = no map
      set landcover "no-land" ]

to base-scenario
   ask patches [
     set age random (150 - 20 + 1) + 20   ;; choose a random number between 20 and 150
     set drought 0
     set managed "No" ]
   ask patches [
      if landcover = "conifers" [
        set bwater (100 - initial-ET-conifer) ]
      if landcover = "quercus" [
        set bwater (100 - initial-ET-quercus) ]
  set precipitation initial-rain
  set ET-conifer initial-ET-conifer
  set ET-quercus initial-ET-quercus

to count-ha
  ; initialize global agentsets of patches by landcover (to speed up the model)
  set conifer-multi patches with [ belong-to = "multifunctionalists" and landcover = "conifers" ]
  set quercus-multi patches with [ belong-to = "multifunctionalists" and landcover = "quercus" ]
  set conifer-envir patches with [ belong-to = "environmentalists" and landcover = "conifers" ]
  set quercus-envir patches with [ belong-to = "environmentalists" and landcover = "quercus" ]
  set conifer-tradi patches with [ belong-to = "traditionalists" and landcover = "conifers" ]
  set quercus-tradi patches with [ belong-to = "traditionalists" and landcover = "quercus" ]
  set conifer-passi patches with [ belong-to = "passives" and landcover = "conifers" ]
  set quercus-passi patches with [ belong-to = "passives" and landcover = "quercus" ]

  set ha-maxim-total ( count patches with [ belong-to = "maximalists" ] )
  set ha-optim-total ( count patches with [ belong-to = "optimizers" ] )
  set ha-multi-total ( count patches with [ belong-to = "multifunctionalists" ] )
  set ha-envir-total ( count patches with [ belong-to = "environmentalists" ] )
  set ha-tradi-total ( count patches with [ belong-to = "traditionalists" ] )
  set ha-passi-total ( count patches with [ belong-to = "passives" ] )

  set drought-total ( count patches with [ drought = 1 ] )
  set n_mfu ( count multifunctionalists )
  set n_mfu ( count environmentalists )
  set n_tra ( count traditionalists )
  set n_pas ( count passives )

to count-species
  ;; create a group based on each land to check all is fine (landcover = 100%, see observer in interface)
  set land-area (count patches with [ pcolor != black ])
  set conifers ((count patches with [ landcover = "conifers" ]/ land-area) * 100) ;; percentage of land area
  set quercus ((count patches with [ landcover = "quercus" ]/ land-area) * 100)
  set shrubland ((count patches with [ landcover = "shrubland" ]/ land-area) * 100)
  set waterfield ((count patches with [ landcover = "waterfield" ]/ land-area) * 100)
  set no-land ((count patches with [ landcover = "no-land" ]/ land-area) * 100)
  show conifers + quercus + shrubland + waterfield ;; Last check all OK ;

to tickers ; lists set for time finishing at 150 years
   set drought-list (list 20 40 60 80 100 120 140)
   set short-conifer (list 1 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150)
   set short-quercus (list 1 35 70 105 140)
   set long-conifer (list 1 50 100 150)
   set long-quercus (list 1 75 150)
   set rc-bwater (list 45 44 43 42 41 40 40 39 38 37 36 35)
   set re-bwater (list 20 19 18 17 16 15)

to go
  ;; stop model if conifers and quercus are all brown
  if ( dry-forests = 100 ) [
    stop ]
  ;; commands
  ;update-plots // taken out for model efficiency

;; distribute different ages and convert land depending on the age

to grow-old
   ask patches [
   ;; grow 1 every tick
   set age age + 1

to experience-drought

  ask patches [
  if ( age > 100 ) and ( precipitation > 500 ) and ( ( landcover = "conifers" ) or ( landcover = "quercus" ) ) [
      let dice random 6
      if dice = 0 [ set pcolor brown ]
      if dice = 1 [ set landcover "shrubland"
                    set drought 1 ]
      if dice > 1 [ set age 20 ] ; before set age 10

  if ( age > 100 ) and ( precipitation < 500 ) and ( precipitation > 450 ) and ( ( landcover = "conifers" ) or ( landcover = "quercus" ) ) [
      let dice random 5
      if dice = 0 [ set pcolor brown ]
      if dice = 1 [ set drought 1
                    set landcover "shrubland" ] ; ideally: set landcover = "shrubland"
      if dice > 1 [ set age 20 ]

  if ( age > 100 ) and ( precipitation < 450 ) and ( ( landcover = "conifers" ) or ( landcover = "quercus" ) ) [
      let dice random 4
      if dice = 0 [ set pcolor brown ]
      if dice = 1 [ set landcover "shrubland"
                    set drought 1 ] ; ideally: set landcover = "shrubland"
      if dice > 1 [ set age 20 ]

to change-blue-water

  ifelse climate-change
      [ set precipitation ( precipitation - 1.15 )
        set ET-conifer ( ET-conifer + 0.03 )
        set ET-quercus ( ET-quercus + 0.03 ) ] ; amount said to decrease each year due to climate change
      [ ] ; it never changes...

  ask patches with [ landcover = "conifers" and managed = "No" ] [
    set bwater ( 100 - ET-conifer ) ]
  ask patches with [ landcover = "quercus" and managed = "No" ] [
    set bwater ( 100 - ET-quercus ) ]

;to add-land-use

;  ask patches [ set land-use 0 ] ; 0 = only forestry

;  ask patches with [pycor < 75] [   ; southern coordinates
;    ifelse agriculture-too?
;      [ set land-use 1] ; 1 = forestry and agriculture
;      [ set land-use 0] ; 0 = forestry
;    ]

to update-landcover

  set bwater-conifer mean [bwater] of patches with [ landcover = "conifers" ]
  set bwater-quercus mean [bwater] of patches with [ landcover = "quercus" ]

  set forest-mass (count patches with [ landcover = "conifers" ] +
                   count patches with [ landcover = "quercus" ] +
                   count patches with [ landcover = "shrubland" ])

  set dry-conifers ( count patches with [ pcolor = brown and landcover = "conifers" ]
    / forest-mass ) * 100 ;/ count patches with [ landcover = "conifers" ] ) * 100
  set dry-quercus ( count patches with [ pcolor = brown and landcover = "quercus" ]
    / forest-mass ) * 100 ;/ count patches with [ landcover = "quercus" ] ) * 100
  set dry-shrubland ( count patches with [ drought = 1 and landcover = "shrubland" ]
    / forest-mass ) * 100
  set dry-forests (( dry-conifers + dry-quercus ) / 2 )

; ##############################################################################################################
; Set number of forest owners in the interface

;; Create breeds based on the numbers and percentages in the interface

to add-owners
  ask patches [
    if pcolor != black and pcolor != 88 [ set belong-to nobody ]

  create-traditionalists (number-owners * (tradi / 100)) [
    set color 15
    set shape "dot"
    set size 5 ]
  ask traditionalists [
    move-to one-of patches with [ belong-to = nobody ]
    set territory patches in-radius (random 7) with [ belong-to = nobody ]
    ask territory [
      set belong-to "traditionalists"
      set id-owner myself
    set forestsize count territory

  create-multifunctionalists (number-owners * (multi / 100)) [
    set color 25
    set shape "dot"
    set size 5 ]
  ask multifunctionalists [
    move-to one-of patches with [ belong-to = nobody ]
    set territory patches in-radius (random 7) with [ belong-to = nobody ]
    ask territory [
      set belong-to "multifunctionalists"
      set id-owner myself
    set forestsize count territory

  create-environmentalists (number-owners * (envir / 100)) [
    set color 45
    set shape "dot"
    set size 5 ]
  ask environmentalists [
    move-to one-of patches with [ belong-to = nobody ]
    set territory patches in-radius (random 7) with [ belong-to = nobody ]
    ask territory [
      set belong-to "environmentalists"
      set id-owner myself
    set forestsize count territory

  create-passives (number-owners * (passi / 100)) [
    set color 125
    set shape "dot"
    set size 5 ]
  ask passives [
    carefully [ move-to one-of patches with [ belong-to = nobody ] ] [ user-message "Please, create world and add owners again" ]
    set territory patches in-radius (random 7) with [ belong-to = nobody ]
    ask territory [
      set belong-to "passives"
      set id-owner myself
    set forestsize count territory
   ; if any? patches in-radius 25 with [ belong-to = nobody ]
    ;   [ set territory patches in-radius 20 with [ belong-to = nobody ]
     ;    ask territory [
      ;       set belong-to "passives"
       ;      set id-owner myself ]]

  if maxim + optim + tradi + passi + multi + envir != 100 [ user-message "Please, make sure forest owners categories sum up to 100%" stop ]

;to distribute-management-plans

  ;ask n-of ((num-of-plans / 100) * ha-tradi-total) patches with [belong-to = "traditionalists"] [ set management-plan 1 ]
  ;ask n-of ((num-of-plans / 100) * ha-multi-total) patches with [belong-to = "multifunctionalists"] [ set management-plan 1 ]
  ;ask n-of ((num-of-plans / 100) * ha-envir-total) patches with [belong-to = "environmentalists"] [ set management-plan 1 ]
  ;ask n-of ((num-of-plans / 100) * ha-passi-total) patches with [belong-to = "passives"] [ set management-plan 1 ]

  ; ask n-of ((num-of-plans / 100) * number-owners) patches with [id-owner = (random 1000)] [ set management-plan 1 ]


; ##############################################################################################################
; Each identity responds differently to the policy design

to initiate-management

  if ( dry-forests = 100 ) [
    stop ]

  ask multifunctionalists [
  ; Multifunctionlists
  ; If below cost or more ES are on = 50 years, otherwise 15 years
    (ifelse Below-cost-coverage? [ ]; [ ask territory [ manage-long-multi ] ]
            Additional-ES-goal? [ manage-long ] ;[ ask territory [ manage-long-multi ] ]
            One-time-payment? [ attrition
                                manage-short ]
            ; else command
            [ manage-short ] )

  ask environmentalists [
  ; Multifunctionlists
  ; If below cost or more ES are on = 50 years, otherwise 15 years
    (ifelse Below-cost-coverage? [ ]; [ ask territory [ manage-long-multi ] ]
            No-intermediary? [ ]
            ;Additional-ES-goal? [ manage-long ] ; not needed
            One-time-payment? [ attrition
                                manage-long ]
            ; else command
            [ manage-long ] )

  ask traditionalists [
  ; Follows neighbours
    if any? patches in-radius 5 with [managed = "Yes" and belong-to != "traditionalists"] [
       manage-short ] ; Traditionalists manage if neighbors do

; For speed reasons

; COMPLETE MANAGEMENT: every 15/35 years there is forest thinning and at 50/100 there is forest cutting

to manage-short
  ; conifers are "managed" every 15-20 years / quercus every 35 (Informe DEMORGEST)
  ; old conifers are cut and new are planted (every 50 years), 30% following "Baronia Balanc Hidric"

  if member? ticks short-conifer and landcover = "conifers" [ ;  and managed = "No"
    ;ask territory with [who = myself] [ ; random 2 = 1, but just in case it wants to be increased // ask n-of (int (0.30 * count turtles)) turtles [die]
    ask n-of (int (0.3 * forestsize)) patches with [id-owner = myself] [
    set age (age - age - (50 - ticks))
    set bwater random (46 - 35 + 1) + 35 ; between 0-10% gain
    set drought 0
    set managed "Yes"
    set landcover "conifers"
    set pcolor 67 ]

  if member? ticks short-quercus and landcover = "quercus" [
    ;ask territory  [ ; random 2 = 1, but just in case it wants to be increased // ask n-of (int (0.30 * count turtles)) turtles [die]
    ask n-of (int (0.3 * forestsize)) patches with [id-owner = myself] [
    set age (age - age - (100 - ticks))
    set bwater random (21 - 15 + 1) + 15 ; between 0-5%
    set drought 0
    set managed "Yes"
    set landcover "quercus"
    set pcolor 67 ]


to manage-long

  if member? ticks long-conifer and landcover = "conifers" [
    ask n-of (int (0.15 * forestsize)) patches with [id-owner = myself] [
    set age (age - age - (50 - ticks))
    set bwater random (46 - 35 + 1) + 35 ; between 0-10% gain
    set drought 0
    set managed "Yes"
    set landcover "conifers"
    set pcolor 67 ]

  if member? ticks long-quercus and landcover = "quercus" [
    ask n-of (int (0.15 * forestsize)) patches with [id-owner = myself] [
    set age (age - age - (100 - ticks))
    set bwater random (21 - 15 + 1) + 15 ; between 0-5%
    set drought 0
    set managed "Yes"
    set landcover "quercus"
    set pcolor 67 ]

to attrition

  if member? ticks short-quercus [
    let dice random 19
      if dice = 0 [ die ] ]


to update-ha

   set ha-multi ( count patches with [ managed = "Yes" and belong-to = "multifunctionalists" ] )
   set multi-per ( ha-multi / ha-multi-total ) * 100
   set multi-ha ( ha-multi * 0.01 )

   set ha-envir ( count patches with [ managed = "Yes" and belong-to = "environmentalists" ] )
   set envir-per ( ha-envir / ha-envir-total ) * 100
   set envir-ha ( ha-envir * 0.01 )

   set ha-tradi ( count patches with [ managed = "Yes" and belong-to = "traditionalists" ] )
   set tradi-per ( ha-tradi / ha-tradi-total ) * 100
   set tradi-ha ( ha-tradi * 0.01 )

   set ha-passi ( count patches with [ managed = "Yes" and belong-to = "passives" ] )
   set passi-per ( ha-passi / ha-passi-total ) * 100
   set passi-ha ( ha-passi * 0.01 )

;; see:

There are 3 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Eulalia Baulenas about 4 years ago Calibration Download this version
Eulalia Baulenas about 4 years ago Calibration of parameters Download this version
Eulalia Baulenas over 4 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
mcsc_raster.asc extension GIS map (required to run the model) over 4 years ago, by Eulalia Baulenas Download
SESPES: socio-ecological systems and payment for ecosystem services model.png preview Preview for 'SESPES: socio-ecological systems and payment for ecosystem services model' over 4 years ago, by Eulalia Baulenas Download

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