Anti-Coordination Game
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This model is an implementation of an anti-coordination game when players are arranged in a network. Each agent can choose one of two possible actions: action A or action B.
Each agent will attempt to maximize her own payoff by anti-coordinating her action with the actions of her neighbors. The purpose of the model is to understand the conditions under which an equilibrium exists.
Agents play an anti-coordination game with each neighbor. Agents recieve the sum of the payoffs. The game is:
The rule for anti-coordination is the value of the payoffs must follow that BA > AA and AB > BB. Before taking an action, agents check to see how many of neighbors are taking action A and how many are taking action B. Each agent then chooses the action (either A or B) that will maximize her own total payoff. Initially all agents are set to take action B. The user can select which agents will (at least initially) take action A. The agent then plays her selected strategy with all of her neighbors. Equilibrium only occurs under certain conditions (please see the article by Bramoulle that is referenced below).
The color of an agent indicates which action is currently beging taken. Black indicates action B and white indicates action A.
SETUP sets all agents to take action B in the generated network.
When GO ONCE is pressed, agents play the coordination game one time. Pressing GO causes the agents to play the game repeatedly (at each tick).
The NUM-NODES slider allows the user to drag the slider between 2 and 15 to select the number of nodes in the network.
The SELECT NODES button allows the user to select agents with the mouse. The selected agents will take action A (at least initially). The 'selected node' box will show the number of the turtle the mouse is hovering over while selecting nodes.
RESET STATES will reset all agents to take action B in the current network. The difference between this and SETUP is the setup button will generate a new network with new links.
The PAYOFF MATRIX has 4 boxes that allow the user to enter their desired payoff values for the anti-coordination game. The payoff values must follow that BA > AA and AB > BB. If the values do not meet these requirements, an error message will pop up and the values must be changed to meet these requirements.
The ADD NODE button allows the user to click and add a node to the network and create links to the nearest nodes. The DELETE NODE button allows the user to click and delete a node, along with its links, from the network.
Bipartite networks are the only networks on which agents can anti-coordinate with all of their neighbors.
Try to find conditions under which equilibrium occurs. How does the structure of the network effect the equilibrium that does occur?
Networks are represented using turtles and links. The user is able to use the mouse to select the agents that initially take action A.
The user is able to use the mouse to add nodes to the network by clicking where they want the new node. The user is also able to delete nodes from the network by using the mouse to select the node they want to delete.
This model is an implementation of some ideas that are described in Yann Bramoulle, Anti-coordination and social interactions, Games and Economic Behavior, vol 58, pp 30-49, 2007.
If you mention this model or the NetLogo software in a publication, we ask that you include the citations below.
For the model itself:
* Page, A. and England, D. (2020). NetLogo Anti-coordination Game.
Please cite the NetLogo software as:
* Wilensky, U. (1999). NetLogo. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Copyright 2020 Darin England

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
Comments and Questions
; the anti-coordination game globals [ selected turtle1 turtle2 mylist payoff1 payoff0 changeoccured counter ] turtles-own [ action ; action (either 0/B or 1/A) orig-action ; each person's initially assigned action action-1-sum action-0-sum ] to setup clear-all set-default-shape turtles "circle" ask patches [ set pcolor cyan + 1 ] set selected nobody check-payoffs make-turtles distribute-actions create-network select-nodes delete-nodes add-nodes ;delete-link reset-ticks end to check-payoffs if BA < AA [ user-message (word "The value for BA must be greater than AA. Enter different values and click 'setup' again.")] if AB < BB [ user-message (word "The value for AB must be greater than BB. Enter different values and click 'setup' again.")] end ; create the turtles in 1-dimensional lattice to make-turtles create-turtles num-nodes [ set color black set action 0 ] repeat 50 [layout] ask turtles [ setxy 0.95 * xcor 0.95 * ycor ] end to layout layout-spring turtles links 0.5 2 1 end ; initialize some individuals to start with action 1 to distribute-actions ask turtles [ set action 0 ] ask turtles [ set orig-action action update-color ] end to update-color set color ifelse-value action = 0 [black] [white] end ; action 0 =B=black, action 1=A=white ;; create the links in the 1-dimensional lattice to create-network ask turtles [ let nbrs other turtles in-radius 10 ; other omits the turtle itself create-links-with nbrs [ set color white ] ; only one undirected link between any two turtles is created ] end to reset-nodes clear-all-plots ask turtles [ set action orig-action update-color ] reset-ticks end to redistribute-actions clear-all-plots distribute-actions reset-ticks end to go ask turtles [check-neighbors] take-action ask turtles [ update-color ] tick ;debg-actions end to debg-actions ; debugging, show actions of all nodes foreach sort-by[ [a b] -> [xcor] of a < [xcor] of b ] turtles [ i -> ask i [ show action ] ] end to check-neighbors set action-1-sum sum [action] of link-neighbors end to take-action set counter (0) loop [ set changeoccured (false) ;detect if agents changed their action set counter (counter + 1) foreach sort-by[ [a b] -> [xcor] of a < [xcor] of b ] turtles [ i -> ask i [ let previousaction [action] of i ;store agent's previous action let num-neighbors count link-neighbors check-neighbors set action-0-sum (num-neighbors - action-1-sum) set payoff1 (action-1-sum * AA + action-0-sum * AB) ; if agent takes action 1 set payoff0 (action-1-sum * BA + action-0-sum * BB) ; if agent takes action 0 set action ifelse-value payoff1 >= payoff0 [1] [0] if previousaction != action [set changeoccured (true)] ] ] if changeoccured = false [stop] ] end to select-nodes ; use the mouse to select which nodes take action 1 set selected min-one-of turtles [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor] if mouse-down? [ ask turtles with [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor < 2] [ set action 1 update-color display ; update the display ] ] set selected nobody end to add-nodes if mouse-down? [ create-turtles 1 [ set color black set action 0 setxy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor let nbrs other turtles in-radius 10 create-links-with nbrs [set color white] ] stop ] display ; update the display end to delete-nodes if mouse-down? [ ask turtles with [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor < 2] [ die display ; update the display ] stop ] end
There are 3 versions of this model.
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