Lodging Choice Model
Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1
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globals [ guest-count host-count choice gini-index-reserve lorenz-points base-ratio aff-homo ] ;extensions [ import-a ] ;extensions [ rnd ] breed [hosts host] breed [guests guest] breed [trees tree] hosts-own [ h-race w-ratio b-ratio a-ratio w-cnt ;;expected number of white on the front page b-cnt ;;expected number of black on the front page a-cnt ;;expected number of asian on the front page num-guest ] guests-own [ g-race cate ] to setup clear-all ask patches [set pcolor green - random-float 0.5] ;ask patches [set pcolor 56 ] ;import-drawing "map.jpg" set-default-shape guests "person" set-default-shape hosts "house" set host-count (white-hosts + black-hosts + asian-hosts) ;;set guest-count (white-hosts + black-hosts + asian-hosts) ;;add number of hosts according to the input create-hosts white-hosts [ set size 2 set h-race "White" set color 105 ;; white = 105 set xcor -20 + random 40 set ycor -20 + random 50 ] create-hosts black-hosts [ set size 2 set h-race "Black" set color 3 ;; grey = 3 set xcor -20 + random 40 set ycor -20 + random 50 ] create-hosts asian-hosts [ set size 2 set h-race "Asian" set color 25 ;; yellow = 45 set xcor -20 + random 40 set ycor -20 + random 50 ] ;;set hosts apart for visual purpose ask hosts [move-to one-of patches with [not any? other hosts in-radius 2]] update-lorenz-and-gini reset-ticks end to go ;; update the front page reviewer counts for all hosts based on the guest race ask hosts [ if count link-neighbors > 0 [ set w-ratio count (link-neighbors with [g-race = "White"])/ count link-neighbors set b-ratio count (link-neighbors with [g-race = "Black"])/ count link-neighbors set a-ratio count (link-neighbors with [g-race = "Asian"])/ count link-neighbors if count link-neighbors > front-page [ set w-cnt w-ratio * front-page ;count (link-neighbors with [g-race = "White"]) set b-cnt b-ratio * front-page ;count (link-neighbors with [g-race = "Black"]) set a-cnt a-ratio * front-page ;count (link-neighbors with [g-race = "Asian"]) ] if count link-neighbors <= front-page [ set w-cnt count (link-neighbors with [g-race = "White"]) set b-cnt count (link-neighbors with [g-race = "Black"]) set a-cnt count (link-neighbors with [g-race = "Asian"]) ] ] if count link-neighbors = 0 [ set w-ratio 0 set b-ratio 0 set a-ratio 0 set w-cnt 0 set b-cnt 0 set a-cnt 0 ] set num-guest count (link-neighbors) ] ask links [ set color gray ] set guest-count (guest-count + 1) create-guest make-decision find-partner update-lorenz-and-gini tick end ;; used for creating a new guest to create-guest create-guests 1 [ ;set new? true let a-g-prob 1 - w-g-prob - b-g-prob let probs ( list (w-g-prob) (b-g-prob) (a-g-prob) ) set g-race (random-pick-guest-race probs) if g-race = "White" [set color 105 set cate 1] if g-race = "Black" [set color 3 set cate 2] if g-race = "Asian" [set color 25 set cate 3] ] end to make-decision [listing] ask (max-one-of guests [who]) [ if listing != nobody [ create-link-with listing [ set color grey ] ;; position the new node near its partner move-to listing fd 3 + (random 6) ] ] end to-report find-partner let temp-race ([g-race] of (max-one-of guests [who])) ;; update the attractiveness of hosts based on the guest race --> attractiveness is a list of probabilities ifelse gr_homo? [ ;;########################### ;;########################### ;;if switch is ON, pick host based on the coefficient and intercept let w-pref reduce sentence (map [[a] -> [w-cnt] of hosts with [who = a]] (range 0 (host-count))) let b-pref reduce sentence (map [[a] -> [b-cnt] of hosts with [who = a]] (range 0 (host-count))) let a-pref reduce sentence (map [[a] -> [a-cnt] of hosts with [who = a]] (range 0 (host-count))) if temp-race = "White" [ let coef (sentence (n-values white-hosts [w-w-coef]) (n-values black-hosts [w-b-coef]) (n-values asian-hosts [w-a-coef])) let ic (sentence (n-values white-hosts [w-w-ic]) (n-values black-hosts [w-b-ic]) (n-values asian-hosts [w-a-ic])) let att (map [[a b c] -> (a * b + c) ] coef w-pref ic) set choice (random-pick-host att) ;set choice first rnd:weighted-one-of-list (map list host-order att) last report host choice ] if temp-race = "Black" [ let coef (sentence (n-values white-hosts [b-w-coef]) (n-values black-hosts [b-b-coef]) (n-values asian-hosts [b-a-coef])) let ic (sentence (n-values white-hosts [b-w-ic]) (n-values black-hosts [b-b-ic]) (n-values asian-hosts [b-a-ic])) let att (map [[a b c] -> (a * b + c) ] coef b-pref ic) set choice (random-pick-host att) ;set choice first rnd:weighted-one-of-list (map list host-order att) last report host choice ] if temp-race = "Asian" [ let coef (sentence (n-values white-hosts [a-w-coef]) (n-values black-hosts [a-b-coef]) (n-values asian-hosts [a-a-coef])) let ic (sentence (n-values white-hosts [a-w-ic]) (n-values black-hosts [a-b-ic]) (n-values asian-hosts [a-a-ic])) let att (map [[a b c] -> (a * b + c) ] coef a-pref ic) set choice (random-pick-host att) ;set choice first rnd:weighted-one-of-list (map list host-order att) last report host choice ] ] [ ;;########################### ;;########################### ;;if switch is off, pick host without considering guest-reviewer homophily let w-a-1 1 - w-w-1 - w-b-1 let b-a-1 1 - b-w-1 - b-b-1 let a-w-1 1 - a-a-1 - a-b-1 if temp-race = "White" [ let gh-pref (sentence (n-values white-hosts [w-w-1]) (n-values black-hosts [w-b-1]) (n-values asian-hosts [w-a-1])) set gh-pref (map [[a] -> a * 1] gh-pref ) set choice (random-pick-host gh-pref) report host choice ] if temp-race = "Black" [ let gh-pref (sentence (n-values white-hosts [b-w-1]) (n-values black-hosts [b-b-1]) (n-values asian-hosts [b-a-1])) set gh-pref (map [[a] -> a * 1] gh-pref ) set choice (random-pick-host gh-pref) report host choice ] if temp-race = "Asian" [ let gh-pref (sentence (n-values white-hosts [a-w-1]) (n-values black-hosts [a-b-1]) (n-values asian-hosts [a-a-1])) set gh-pref (map [[a] -> a * 1] gh-pref ) set choice (random-pick-host gh-pref) report host choice ] ] end to-report random-pick-guest-race [tmp] let var (1 / sum tmp) let _ps map [[a] -> a * var] tmp ;[0.1 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.01] let _r random-float 1 let _lst [ "White" "Black" "Asian" ] let _i 0 while [_r >= item _i _ps] [ set _r (_r - item _i _ps) set _i (_i + 1) ] report item _i _lst end to-report random-pick-host [tmp] let var (1 / sum tmp) let _ps map [[a] -> a * var] tmp ;[0.1 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.01] let _r random-float 1 let _lst (range 0 host-count) let _i 0 while [_r >= item _i _ps] [ set _r (_r - item _i _ps) set _i (_i + 1) ] report item _i _lst end ;;;;;;Gini coefficient to update-lorenz-and-gini let sorted-wealths sort [num-guest] of hosts let total-wealth sum sorted-wealths let wealth-sum-so-far 0 let index 0 set gini-index-reserve 0 set lorenz-points [] ;; now actually plot the Lorenz curve -- along the way, we also ;; calculate the Gini index. ;; (see the Info tab for a description of the curve and measure) if total-wealth > 0 [ repeat host-count [ set wealth-sum-so-far (wealth-sum-so-far + item index sorted-wealths) set lorenz-points lput ((wealth-sum-so-far / total-wealth) * 100) lorenz-points set index (index + 1) set gini-index-reserve gini-index-reserve + (index / host-count) - (wealth-sum-so-far / total-wealth) ] ] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 4 years ago by Chao Yu.
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