
Macroeconomy preview image

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Hi, I'm having some issues with the file extraction. Anyone else have this problem?

Posted about 1 month ago

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;Copyright © 2020 Ander Genua Trullos
;This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
; To view a copy of this license, visit or
; send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.

  ; World parameters
  world::ticksPerMonth       ; Number of ticks in a month
  world::interactionRadius   ; Maximum distance at which agents can interact in the goods and jobs markets
  world::governInteractionRadius ; Maximum distance at which people can get a job in the govern
  world::initialPeopleCount  ; Initial number of people
  world::initialCompanyCount ; Initial number of companies
  world::initialBankCount    ; Initial number of banks
  world::initialMoneyForPeople       ; Initial amount of money assigned to the people
  world::initialMoneyForGovern       ; Initial amount of money assigned to the government
  world::initialMoneyForLoans        ; Initial amount of money that the central bank will use to loan
  world::salary              ; Amount of money paid by the companies to their employees each tick
  world::salaryIncrease      ; Amount that offered salaries will be increased each tick until the position has been filled
  world::unemploymentBenefit ; Amount of money paid by the govern to each unemployed person.
  world::stockPrice          ; Amount of money that each stock costs
  world::technology          ; Companies' efficiency to produce goods
  world::technologyImprovementPerGovernmentWorker  ; Efficiency increase per tick and per government worker due to the positive externalities of government jobs
  world::minCapital          ; Minimum amount of capital companies must have to run.
  world::capitalToWorkRatio  ; Most efficent amount of capital for each worker
  world::bondsPerWorker      ; Number of bonds a bank worker can handle
  world::baseConsumption     ; Minimum amount of goods that the people will try to consume each tick
  world::peopleReservesTargetTicks   ; Amount of ticks that the people's reserves are designed to last
  world::companyReservesTargetTicks  ; Amount of ticks that the companies' reserves are designed to last
  world::governReservesTargetTicks   ; Amount of ticks that the govern's reserves are designed to last
  world::bankReservesTargetTicks     ; Amount of ticks that the bank's reserves are designed to last
  world::corporationTax      ; Corporation tax rate
  world::incomeTax           ; Income tax rate
  world::consumptionTax      ; Consumption tax rate
  world::bondTerm            ; Time elapsed from the adquisition of a bond and its maturity in ticks
  world::bondFaceValue       ; Face value of each bond. All bond purchases and sales are done at this price.
  world::defaultCoupon       ; Initial value for bond coupons (per tick)
  world::couponIncrease      ; Amount that bond coupons will increase per tick when they cannot be sold
  world::loanTerm            ; Time elapsed from the adquisition of a loan and its maturity in ticks
  world::loanFaceValue       ; Face value of each loan. All loan purchases and sales are done at this price.
  world::centralBankPolicyMaturity   ; Amount of ticks that are required for the amount of money to reach is target value
  world::monthlyInflationTarget      ; Monthly inflation rate that the central bank tries to mantain
  world::centralBankPolicyFactor     ; Indicates how much will vary the amount of money each time the central bank takes action
  world::floatMax            ; A big number to calculate minimum values

  world::governId            ; Turtle id of the govern
  world::centralBankId       ; Turgle id of the central bank

  ; World styles: element colors and shapes
  style::personColor         ; Color of the person breed turtles
  style::personShape         ; Shape of the person breed turtles
  style::companyColor        ; Color of the company breed turtles
  style::companyShape        ; Shape of the company breed turtles
  style::governColor         ; Color of the govern breed turtles
  style::governShape         ; Shape of the govern breed turtles
  style::bankColor           ; Color of the bank breed turtles
  style::bankShape           ; Shape of the bank breed turtles
  style::centralbankColor    ; Color of the central bank breed turtles
  style::centralbankShape    ; Shape of the central bank breed turtles
  style::consumptionColor    ; Color of the consumption relationship lines
  style::jobColor            ; Color of the job relationship lines
  style::investmentColor     ; Color of the investment relationship lines
  style::bondColor           ; Color of the bond relationship lines
  style::loanColor           ; Color of the loan relationship lines

  ; World variables
  world::goodsPriceAvg          ; Average price paid for the goods in the last full month
  world::goodsPriceMinCurrent   ; Minimum price paid for the goods in the current month
  world::goodsPriceMaxCurrent   ; Maximum price paid for the goods in the current month

  world::bankCountValues                                 ; List containing all the historic values for the variables.
  world::coeRealValues                                   ; "
  world::coeNominalValues                                ; "
  world::companyCountValues                              ; "
  world::consumptionNominalValues                        ; "
  world::consumptionRealValues                           ; "
  world::gdpNominalValues                                ; "
  world::gdpRealValues                                   ; "
  world::goodsPriceAvgValues                             ; "
  world::goodsPriceMinValues                             ; "
  world::goodsPriceMaxValues                             ; "
  world::goodsProducedValues                             ; "
  world::goodsSoldValues                                 ; "
  world::gosNominalValues                                ; "
  world::gosRealValues                                   ; "
  world::governConsumptionTaxIncomeNominalValues         ; "
  world::governCorporationTaxIncomeNominalValues         ; "
  world::governFinancialExpenseValues                    ; "
  world::governIncomeNominalValues                       ; "
  world::governIncomeTaxIncomeNominalValues              ; "
  world::governSalariesNominalValues                     ; "
  world::governUnemploymentBenefitExpensesNominalValues  ; "
  world::investmentNominalValues                         ; "
  world::investmentRealValues                            ; "
  world::m1Values                                        ; "
  world::m1TargetValues                                  ; "
  world::priceIndexValues                                ; "
  world::publicExpenditureNominalValues                  ; "
  world::salaryAvgValues                                 ; "
  world::salaryMaxValues                                 ; "
  world::salaryMinValues                                 ; "
  world::technologyValues                                ; "
  world::unemploymentValues                              ; "

  world::bankCountBase          ; Base value used to make the index used to plot the variable.
  world::companyCountBase       ; "
  world::gdpBase                ; "
  world::goodsPriceBase         ; "
  world::goodsProducedBase      ; "
  world::m1Base                 ; "
  world::priceIndexBase         ; "
  world::salaryBase             ; "
  world::technologyBase         ; "

  ; Classify management
  people::currentClassifyBy     ; Current classify attribute for people
  companies::currentClassifyBy  ; Current classify attribute for companies
  banks::currentClassifyBy      ; Current classify attribute for banks

  ; Plot Management
  plot1::bluePen::variableCurrent   ; Variable currently being displayed with the blue pen in the plot 1.
  plot1::greenPen::variableCurrent  ; Variable currently being displayed with the green pen in the plot 1.
  plot1::pinkPen::variableCurrent   ; Variable currently being displayed with the pink pen in the plot 1.
  plot2::bluePen::variableCurrent   ; Variable currently being displayed with the blue pen in the plot 2.
  plot2::greenPen::variableCurrent  ; Variable currently being displayed with the green pen in the plot 2.
  plot2::pinkPen::variableCurrent   ; Variable currently being displayed with the pink pen in the plot 2.
  plot3::bluePen::variableCurrent   ; Variable currently being displayed with the blue pen in the plot 3.
  plot3::greenPen::variableCurrent  ; Variable currently being displayed with the green pen in the plot 3.
  plot3::pinkPen::variableCurrent   ; Variable currently being displayed with the pink pen in the plot 3.
  plot4::bluePen::variableCurrent   ; Variable currently being displayed with the blue pen in the plot 4.
  plot4::greenPen::variableCurrent  ; Variable currently being displayed with the green pen in the plot 4.
  plot4::pinkPen::variableCurrent   ; Variable currently being displayed with the pink pen in the plot 4.

  peoplePlot::name        ; Name of the plot used to show people classification
  companyPlot::name       ; Name of the plot used to show company classification
  bankPlot::name          ; Name of the plot used to show bank classification
  plot1::name             ; Name of plot 1
  plot2::name             ; Name of plot 1
  plot3::name             ; Name of plot 1
  plot4::name             ; Name of plot 1

  ; Selection management
  selection::selectedPatch           ; Currently selected patch
  selection::selectedAgent           ; Currently selected agent
  selection::currentPatch            ; Patch where the mouse is over
  selection::interactionRadius       ; Interaction radius of the current selected agent
  selection::currentShowConsumptions ; Indicates if currently the consumption relationships are shown for the selected agent.
  selection::currentShowJobs         ; Indicates if currently the employment relationships are shown for the selected agent.
  selection::currentShowInvestments  ; Indicates if currently the investment relationships are shown for the selected agent.
  selection::currentShowBonds        ; Indicates if currently the money loan relationships between companies and banks are shown for the selected agent.
  selection::currentShowLoans        ; Indicates if currently the money loan relationships between banks and the central bank are shown for the selected agent.

  selection::colors::selected        ; Color for selected patches
  selection::colors::mouseOver       ; Color for patches where the mouse is over
  selection::colors::selectedRadious ; Color for patches that can interact with the selected agent
  selection::colors::notSelected     ; Default patch color

breed [people person]
  person::actionTick                ; Tick of the month when the agent will make an strategic action.
  person::color                     ; Variable used to calculate the affinity between a person and a company.
  person::cash                      ; Amount of cash that the person has.
  person::targetCash                ; Amount of money in reserves desired by the person.
  person::employed                  ; Indicates if the person is employed (1) or not (0).
  person::propensityToConsume       ; Indicates how much of the income will be dedicated to consumption instead of savings
  person::stocks                    ; Number of stocks the person has.
  person::targetStocks              ; Number of stocks the person wants to have.

  person::last::consumedGoods       ; Amount of goods consumed in the previous full month.
  person::last::consumedGoodsValue  ; Value of the goods consumed in the previous full month.
  person::last::workIncome          ; Income received as salary in the previous full month.
  person::last::investmentIncome    ; Income received as dividend in the previous full month.
  person::last::transferIncome      ; Income received as government transfer in the previous full month.

  person::consumedGoods             ; Amount of goods already consumed in the current month.
  person::consumedGoodsValue        ; Value of the goods already consumed in the current month.
  person::workIncome                ; Income received as salary in the current month.
  person::investmentIncome          ; Income received as dividend in the current month.
  person::transferIncome            ; Income received as government transfer in the current month.

breed [companies company]
  company::actionTick            ; Tick of the month when the agent will make an strategic action.
  company::age                   ; Age in months of the company.
  company::color                 ; Variable used to calculate the affinity between a person and a company.
  company::workers               ; Number of workers on the company.
  company::vacancies             ; Number of empty workplaces.
  company::salary                ; Salary offered to the new workers
  company::lastSalary            ; Salary paid to the last hired worker
  company::maxSalary             ; Maximun salary that the company can afford
  company::stocks                ; Number of stocks the company has sucessfully sold.
  company::stocksOnSale          ; Number of stocks the company wants to sell.
  company::cash                  ; Amount of money that the company has
  company::targetCash            ; The amount of cash the company wants to have
  company::nonCurrentAssets      ; Amount of capital that he company uses to produce
  company::inventory             ; Amount of goods in the company's warehouse.
  company::inventoryValue        ; Value of the goods in the company's warehouse.
  company::inventoryUnitaryValue ; Value of each good in the company's warehouse.
  company::salePrice             ; Price at which the company sells goods (including taxes).
  company::stockProfitability    ; Expected profitability of the company's stocks
  company::bonds                 ; Number of bonds currently active
  company::targetBonds           ; Number of bonds the company wants to have
  company::coupon                ; Value of the coupon per tick offered for the bonds on sale
  company::lastCoupon            ; Coupon paid in the last sold bond
  company::maxCoupon             ; Maximun coupon value that the company can afford
  company::risk                  ; Risk value of the company
  company::targetDebtRatio       ; Debt ratio that the company wants to have

  company::last::production        ; Amount of goods produced by the company in the last full month.
  company::last::productionValue   ; Value of the goods produced by the company in the last full month (value includes taxes).
  company::last::demand            ; Amount of goods demanded to the company in the last full month.
  company::last::sales             ; Amount of goods sold by the company in the last full month.
  company::last::salesValue        ; Value of the goods sold by the company in the last full month.
  company::last::laborCosts        ; Cost of labor in the last full month.
  company::last::operatingProfit   ; Operating result in the last full month.
  company::last::financialExpense  ; Cost of debt in the last full month
  company::last::profitBeforeTax   ; Earnings before taxes in the last full month
  company::last::result            ; Result of the company in the last full month

  company::last::nonCurrentAssets  ; Value of the capital used to produce in the previous month
  company::last::inventory         ; Amount of the stored goods in the previous month
  company::last::inventoryValue    ; Cost value of the stored goods in the previous month
  company::last::investment        ; Amount of money that has been invested in the previous month on non-current assets and inventory (with market value including taxes)

  company::production       ; Amount of goods already produced by the company in the current month.
  company::productionValue  ; Value of goods already produced by the company in the current month.
  company::demand           ; Amount of goods already demanded to the company in the current month.
  company::sales            ; Amount of goods already sold by the company in the current month.
  company::salesValue       ; Value of the goods already sold by the company in the current month.
  company::laborCosts       ; Cost of labor in the current month.
  company::financialExpense ; Cost of debt in the current month.

breed [governs govern]
  govern::workers               ; Number of workers on the govern.
  govern::vacancies             ; Number of empty workplaces.
  govern::cash                  ; Amount of money that the govern has
  govern::targetCash            ; The amount of cash the govern wants to have
  govern::salary                ; Nominal amount of money that the govern pays its workers.
  govern::unemploymentBenefit   ; Nominal amount of money that the govern pays unemployed people.
  govern::bonds                 ; Number of bonds the govern has.
  govern::bondsOnSale           ; Number of bonds the govern wants to sale.
  govern::coupon                ; Currently offered coupon for the bonds.
  govern::lastCoupon            ; Coupon of the last sold bond.
  govern::loans                 ; Numer of rescue loans received from the central bank
  govern::risk                  ; Risk of the govern. It's always 1 (none) because the central bank guarantees the bond holder its money

  govern::incomeFromCorporationTax  ; Income received from the corporation tax in the current month.
  govern::incomeFromIncomeTax       ; Income received from the people income tax in the current month.
  govern::incomeFromConsumptionTax  ; Income received from the consumption tax in the current month.
  govern::laborCosts                ; Cost of labor in the current month.
  govern::transferCosts             ; Cost of transfers to unemployed people in the current month.
  govern::financialExpense            ; Cost of bonds in the current month.

  govern::last::incomeFromCorporationTax ; Income received from the corporation tax in the last full month
  govern::last::incomeFromIncomeTax      ; Income received from the people income tax in the last full month.
  govern::last::incomeFromConsumptionTax ; Income received from the consumption tax in the last full month.
  govern::last::laborCosts               ; Cost of labor in the last full month.
  govern::last::transferCosts            ; Cost of transfers to unemployed people in the last full month.
  govern::last::financialExpense           ; Cost of bonds in the last full month.

breed [banks bank]
  bank::actionTick            ; Tick of the month when the agent will make an strategic action.
  bank::age                   ; Age in months of the bank.
  bank::workers               ; Number of workers on the bank.
  bank::vacancies             ; Number of empty workplaces.
  bank::salary                ; Salary offered to the new workers
  bank::lastSalary            ; Salary paid to the last hired worker
  bank::maxSalary             ; Maximun salary that the company can afford
  bank::stocks                ; Number of stocks the bank has sucessfully sold.
  bank::stocksOnSale          ; Number of stocks the bank wants to sell.
  bank::loans                 ; Amount of loans the bank has
  bank::targetLoans           ; Amount of loans the bank wants to have
  bank::cash                  ; Amount of money that the bank has
  bank::targetCash            ; Amount of cash the bank wants to have
  bank::bonds                 ; Amount of bonds the bank has
  bank::targetBonds           ; Amount of bonds the bank wants to have
  bank::minBondCoupon         ; Minimum coupon value for bonds
  bank::nonCurrentAssets      ; Value of the current bonds
  bank::risk                  ; Risk level of the bonds the bank has
  bank::targetRisk            ; Risk level that the bank wants to operate with
  bank::targetDebtRatio       ; Debt ratio that the bank wants to have
  bank::stockProfitability    ; Expected profitability of the bank's stocks

  bank::last::laborCosts        ; Cost of labor in the last full month.
  bank::last::operatingProfit   ; Operating result in the last full month.
  bank::last::financialIncome   ; Coupons received in the last full month
  bank::last::financialExpense  ; Unpaid bonds in the last full month
  bank::last::profitBeforeTax   ; Earnings before taxes in the last full month
  bank::last::result            ; Result of the bank in the last full month

  bank::laborCosts       ; Cost of labor in the current month.
  bank::financialIncome  ; Coupons received in the last full month
  bank::financialExpense ; Unpaid bonds in the last full month

breed [centralbanks centralbank]

; Relationship between a person and the companies from which it has consumed goods in the last full month
undirected-link-breed [consumptions consumption]
  consumption::amount    ; Amount of goods consumed
  consumption::value     ; Value of the consumed goods

; Relationship between a person and the companies from which it has consumed goods in the last full month
undirected-link-breed [currentConsumptions currentConsumption]
  currentConsumption::amount    ; Amount of goods consumed
  currentConsumption::value     ; Value of the consumed goods

; Employment relationship between a person and the agent (company, government, bank) where it works (the end1 and end2 may vary)
undirected-link-breed [jobs job]
  job::salary                  ; Money paid by the employer to the employee

; Investor relationship between a company (end2) and its stockholders (end1)
undirected-link-breed [investments investment]

; Bond relationships between companies and banks
undirected-link-breed [bonds bond]
  bond::bondCount     ; Number of bonds of a company that a bank has
  bond::maturities    ; Queue of maurity dates of all bonds in the relationship
  bond::coupons       ; Queue of coupon values for all bonds in the relationship.

; Loan relationships between banks and the central bank
undirected-link-breed [loans loan]
  loan::loanCount     ; Number of loans the bank has
  loan::maturities    ; Queue of maurity dates of all loans in the relationship

; Initialize the world

to Setup

  random-seed 137  ; If uncommented the same execution can be repeated over and over

  ; Initialize world parameters
  set world::ticksPerMonth 30                                    ; Number of ticks in a month
  set world::interactionRadius 10                                ; Maximum distance at which agents can interact in the goods and jobs markets
  set world::governInteractionRadius 25                          ; Maximum distance at which people can get a job in the govern
  set world::initialPeopleCount 2150                             ; Initial number of people
  set world::initialCompanyCount 100                             ; Initial number of companies
  set world::initialBankCount 15                                 ; Initial number of banks
  set world::initialMoneyForPeople 16501250                      ; Initial amount of money assigned to the people
  set world::initialMoneyForGovern  2750000                      ; Initial amount of money assigned to the government
  set world::initialMoneyForLoans   4000000                      ; Initial amount of money that the central bank will use to loan
  set world::salary 50                                           ; Amount of money paid by the companies to their employees each tick
  set world::salaryIncrease 0.5                                  ; Amount that offered salaries will be increased each tick until the position has been filled
  set world::unemploymentBenefit 35                              ; Amount of money paid by the govern to each unemployed person.
  set world::stockPrice 500                                      ; Amount of money that each stock costs
  set world::technology 60                                       ; Companies' efficiency to produce goods
  set world::technologyImprovementPerGovernmentWorker 0.0000001  ; Efficiency increase per tick and per government worker due to the positive externalities of government jobs
  set world::minCapital 500                                      ; Minimum amount of capital companies must have to run.
  set world::CapitalToWorkRatio 5000                             ; Most efficent amount of capital for each worker
  set world::bondsPerWorker  75                                  ; Number of bonds a bank worker can handle
  set world::baseConsumption 35                                  ; Minimum amount of goods that the people will try to consume each tick
  set world::peopleReservesTargetTicks  90                       ; Amount of ticks that the people's reserves are designed to last
  set world::companyReservesTargetTicks 45                       ; Amount of ticks that the companies' reserves are designed to last
  set world::governReservesTargetTicks  30                       ; Amount of ticks that the govern's reserves are designed to last
  set world::bankReservesTargetTicks    45                       ; Amount of ticks that the bank's reserves are designed to last
  set world::corporationTax  0.20                                ; Corporation tax rate
  set world::incomeTax       0.10                                ; Income tax rate
  set world::consumptionTax  0.12                                ; Consumption tax rate
  set world::bondTerm 180                                        ; Time elapsed from the adquisition of a bond and its maturity in ticks
  set world::bondFaceValue 500                                   ; Face value of each bond. All bond purchases and sales are done at this price.
  set world::defaultCoupon  1.2                                  ; Initial value for bond coupons (per tick)
  set world::couponIncrease 0.02                                 ; Amount that bond coupons will increase per tick when they cannot be sold
  set world::loanTerm 180                                        ; Time elapsed from the adquisition of a loan and its maturity in ticks
  set world::loanFaceValue 500                                   ; Face value of each loan. All loan purchases and sales are done at this price.
  set world::centralBankPolicyMaturity 90                        ; Amount of ticks that are required for the amount of money to reach is target value
  set world::monthlyInflationTarget 0.02                         ; Monthly inflation rate that the central bank tries to mantain
  set world::centralBankPolicyFactor 0.05                        ; Indicates how much will vary the amount of money each time the central bank takes action

  set world::floatMax 1E32



  ; World styles: element colors and shapes
  set style::personColor      sky
  set style::personShape      "person"
  set style::companyColor     sky
  set style::companyShape     "plant"
  set style::governColor      pink
  set style::governShape      "govern"
  set style::bankColor        sky
  set style::bankShape        "bank"
  set style::centralbankColor pink
  set style::centralbankShape "central bank"
  set style::consumptionColor yellow
  set style::jobColor         magenta
  set style::investmentColor  orange
  set style::bondColor        brown
  set style::loanColor        violet

  ; Event initialization
  set event ""

  ; Create agents
  create-governs 1
    set world::governId self
    govern::Create world::initialMoneyForGovern
  ; Create agents
  create-centralBanks 1
    set world::centralBankId self
    centralBank::Create ( world::initialMoneyForPeople + world::initialMoneyForGovern ) ( world::initialMoneyForPeople + world::initialMoneyForGovern + world::initialMoneyForLoans )


  let personCash  world::Round2 ( world::initialMoneyForPeople / world::initialPeopleCount )
  create-people world::initialPeopleCount [ person::Create personCash ]

  create-companies world::initialCompanyCount [ company::Create ]

  create-banks world::initialBankCount [ bank::Create ]


  ; Initial assignment of loans, bonds, investors and workers

  ask people

  ask companies
  [ ; Update the corrent assests historical value to the current one
    set company::last::nonCurrentAssets company::nonCurrentAssets

  ask world::governId
  [ ; Update the govern target cash

; Execute the simulation

to Go
  let tickOfMonth ticks mod world::ticksPerMonth
  let month floor( ticks / world::ticksPerMonth)

  ; Event management
  Event::HandleEvents month

  ; Make operational actions
  ask people

  ask companies

  ask world::governId

  ask banks

  ask world::centralBankId

  ; Make strategic actions (not in the first month, wait to see some results)
  if month > 0
    ask people with [ person::actionTick = tickOfMonth ]

    ask companies with [ company::actionTick = tickOfMonth ]

    ask banks with [ bank::actionTick = tickOfMonth ]

    if tickOfMonth = 29
      ask world::governId
      ask world::centralBankId

  ; Redraw plots if the user has changed the selection

  ; A month has gone by, update monthly stats
  if tickOfMonth = 29
    ask people

    ask companies

    ask world::governId

    ask banks

    ask world::centralBankId


  ; Redraw histograms if the user has changed the selection

  ; Check if the user has mouseclicked
  selection::MouseSelect true


  if ticks > 0 and ticks mod ( 50 * world::ticksPerMonth) = 0 ; Auto-stop the simulation every 50 months

; Interact with the model without running the simulation

to ShowInfo

  ; Redraw plots if the user has changed the selection

  ; Redraw histograms if the user has changed the selection

  ; Check if the user has mouseclicked
  selection::MouseSelect false

  ; Force the screen to be updated whithout a tick


; Create a consumption relationship that represents the consumptions done in the last full month.

to consumption::Create [ amount value ]

  set hidden? not( selection::currentShowConsumptions and ( end1 = selection::selectedAgent or end2 = selection::selectedAgent ) )
  set color style::consumptionColor

  set consumption::amount amount
  set consumption::value  value

; Create a current consumption relationship that represents the consumptions being done in the current month.

to currentConsumption::Create

  set hidden? true
  set color style::consumptionColor

  set currentConsumption::amount 0
  set currentConsumption::value  0


; Create a job relationship

to job::Create [ salary ]

  set hidden? not ( selection::currentShowJobs and ( end1 = selection::selectedAgent or end2 = selection::selectedAgent ) )
  set color style::jobColor

  set job::salary salary


; Create an investment relationship

to investment::Create

  set hidden? not ( selection::currentShowInvestments and ( end1 = selection::selectedAgent or end2 = selection::selectedAgent ) )
  set color style::investmentColor

  set investment::stocks 0


to bond::Create

  set hidden? not ( selection::currentShowBonds and ( end1 = selection::selectedAgent or end2 = selection::selectedAgent ) )
  set color style::bondColor

  set bond::bondCount 0
  set bond::maturities []
  set bond::coupons []

to bond::AddBond[ coupon ]

  set bond::bondCount bond::bondCount + 1

  set bond::maturities lput (ticks + world::bondTerm) bond::maturities
  set bond::coupons lput coupon bond::coupons

to bond::AddInitialBond[ nBonds coupon ]

  set bond::bondCount bond::bondCount + nBonds

  while [nBonds > 0]
    let maturity 30 + random world::bondTerm

    set bond::maturities lput maturity bond::maturities
    set bond::coupons lput coupon bond::coupons

    set nBonds nBonds - 1

to bond::RemoveBond
  set bond::bondCount bond::bondCount - 1

  set bond::maturities but-first bond::maturities
  set bond::coupons but-first bond::coupons

to-report bond::GetDebtCost [ reservesTargetTicks ]

  let term ticks + reservesTargetTicks
  let totalCoupon 0
  let totalPrincipal 0

  (foreach bond::maturities bond::coupons
    [ [mat coup] ->
      if-else mat < term
        set totalPrincipal totalPrincipal + world::bondFaceValue
        set totalCoupon totalCoupon + coup * (term - mat )
        set totalCoupon totalCoupon + coup * world::companyReservesTargetTicks

  report totalCoupon + totalPrincipal

to-report bond::GetFinancialCost [ reservesTargetTicks ]
  let term ticks + reservesTargetTicks
  let totalCoupon 0

  (foreach bond::maturities bond::coupons
    [ [mat coup] ->
      if-else mat < term
        set totalCoupon totalCoupon + coup * (term - mat )
        set totalCoupon totalCoupon + coup * reservesTargetTicks

  report totalCoupon


to loan::Create

  set hidden? not ( selection::currentShowLoans and ( end1 = selection::selectedAgent or end2 = selection::selectedAgent ) )
  set color style::loanColor

  set loan::loanCount 0
  set loan::maturities []

to loan::AddLoan [ nLoans ]

  set loan::loanCount loan::loanCount + nLoans

  while [nLoans > 0]
    set loan::maturities lput (ticks + world::loanTerm) loan::maturities
    set nLoans nLoans - 1

to loan::AddInitialLoan [ nLoans ]

  set loan::loanCount loan::loanCount + nLoans

  while [nLoans > 0]
    let maturity 30 + random world::loanTerm

    set loan::maturities lput maturity loan::maturities
    set nLoans nLoans - 1

to loan::RemoveLoan

  set loan::loanCount loan::loanCount - 1
  set loan::maturities but-first loan::maturities

to-report loan::GetDebtCost [ reservesTargetTicks ]

  let term ticks + reservesTargetTicks
  let totalPrincipal 0

  (foreach loan::maturities
    [ [mat] ->
      if mat < term [ set totalPrincipal totalPrincipal + world::loanFaceValue]

  report totalPrincipal


; Updates the macroeconomic variables

to world::UpdateVariables
  let isFirstUpdate floor ( ticks / world::ticksPerMonth ) = 0

  ; Calculate first the price index which is needed for other variables too

  ; Price Index
  let priceIndex sum [ company::salePrice * company::last::production ] of companies / sum [company::last::production] of companies

  if isFirstUpdate
    set world::PriceIndexBase priceIndex
  let nominalToRealPrices world::PriceIndexBase / priceIndex

  ;;; Calculate the values of the rest of the macroeconomic variables

  ; Company Count
  let bankCount count banks

  ; Compensation of employees Nominal
  let coeNominal sum [person::last::workIncome] of people

  ; Compensation of employees Real
  let coeReal coeNominal * nominalToRealPrices

  ; Company Count
  let companyCount count companies

  ; Consumption Nominal
  let consumptionNominal sum [person::last::consumedGoodsValue] of people

  ; Consumption Real
  let consumptionReal consumptionNominal * nominalToRealPrices

  ; GDP Nominal
  let gdpNominal sum [ company::last::production  * company::salePrice ] of companies

  ; GDP Real
  let gdpReal gdpNominal * nominalToRealPrices

  ; Govern Consumption Tax Income
  let governConsumptionTaxIncomeNominal [ govern::last::incomeFromConsumptionTax ] of world::governId

  ; Govern Corporation Tax Income
  let governCorporationTaxIncomeNominal [ govern::last::incomeFromCorporationTax ] of world::governId

  ; Govern Financial Expense
  let governFinancialExpenseNominal [ govern::last::financialExpense ] of world::governId

  ; Govern Income
  let governIncomeNominal [ govern::last::IncomeFromConsumptionTax + govern::last::IncomeFromIncomeTax + govern::last::IncomeFromCorporationTax ] of world::governId

  ; Govern Income Tax Income
  let governIncomeTaxIncomeNominal [ govern::last::IncomeFromIncomeTax ] of world::governId

  ; Govern Salaries
  let governSalariesNominal [ govern::last::laborCosts ] of world::governId

  ; Govern Unemployment Benefit Expenses
  let governUnemploymentBenefitExpensesNominal [ govern::last::transferCosts ] of world::governId

  ; Goods average consumption price
  set world::goodsPriceAvg sum [person::last::consumedGoodsValue] of people / sum [person::last::consumedGoods] of people

  ; Goods Minimum price
  let goodsPriceMin world::goodsPriceMinCurrent
  set world::goodsPriceMinCurrent world::floatMax

  ; Goods Maximum price
  let goodsPriceMax world::goodsPriceMaxCurrent
  set world::goodsPriceMaxCurrent 0

  ; Goods Produced
  let goodsProduced sum [ company::last::production ] of companies

  ; Goods Sold
  let goodsSold sum [ company::last::sales ] of companies

  ; Gross Operating surplus Nominal
  let gosNominal sum [person::last::investmentIncome] of people

  ; Gross Operating surplus Real
  let gosReal gosNominal * nominalToRealPrices

  ; Investment Nominal
  let investmentNominal sum [ company::last::investment ] of companies

  ; Investment Real
  let investmentReal investmentNominal * nominalToRealPrices

  ; M1
  let m1 [ centralBank::M1 ] of world::centralBankId

  ; Public Expenditure
  let publicExpenditureNominal [ govern::last::laborCosts + govern::last::transferCosts + govern::last::financialExpense ] of world::governId

  ; Salary Average
  let salaryAvg sum [ job::salary ] of jobs / count jobs

  ; Salary Maximum
  let salaryMax max [ job::salary ] of jobs

  ; Salary Minimum
  let salaryMin min[ job::salary ] of jobs

  ; Unemployment
  let unemployment count people with [ person::employed = 0 ] / count people

  ;;; Set base values
  if isFirstUpdate
    set world::bankCountBase bankCount
    set world::companyCountBase companyCount
    set world::gdpBase gdpNominal
    set world::goodsPriceBase world::goodsPriceAvg
    set world::goodsProducedBase goodsProduced
    set world::m1Base m1
    set world::salaryBase salaryAvg
    set world::technologyBase world::technology

  ;;; Normalize values and add them to the list

  ; Bank Count
  let bankCountValue bankCount * 100 / world::bankCountBase
  set world::bankCountValues lput bankCountValue world::bankCountValues

  ; Compensation of employees Nominal
  let normalizedCOENominal coeNominal * 100 / world::gdpBase
  set world::coeNominalValues lput normalizedCOENominal world::coeNominalValues

  ; Compensation of employees Real
  let normalizedCOEReal coeReal * 100 / world::gdpBase
  set world::coeRealValues lput normalizedCOEReal world::coeRealValues

  ; Consumption Nominal
  let normalizedConsumptionNominal consumptionNominal * 100 / world::gdpBase
  set world::consumptionNominalValues lput normalizedConsumptionNominal world::consumptionNominalValues

  ; Consumption Real
  let normalizedConsumptionReal consumptionReal * 100 / world::gdpBase
  set world::consumptionRealValues lput normalizedConsumptionReal world::consumptionRealValues

  ; Company Count

  ; GDP Nominal
  let normalizedGDPNominal gdpNominal * 100 / world::gdpBase
  let companyCountValue companyCount * 100 / world::CompanyCountBase
  set world::companyCountValues lput companyCountValue world::companyCountValues
  set world::gdpNominalValues lput normalizedGDPNominal world::gdpNominalValues

  ; GDP Real
  let normalizedGdpReal gdpReal * 100 / world::gdpBase
  set world::gdpRealValues lput normalizedGdpReal world::gdpRealValues

  ; Goods Average price
  let normalizedGoodsPriceAvg world::goodsPriceAvg * 100 / world::goodsPriceBase
  set world::goodsPriceAvgValues lput normalizedGoodsPriceAvg world::goodsPriceAvgValues

  ; Goods Minimum price
  let normalizedGoodsPriceMin goodsPriceMin * 100 / world::goodsPriceBase
  set world::goodsPriceMinValues lput normalizedGoodsPriceMin world::goodsPriceMinValues

  ; Goods Maximum price
  let normalizedGoodsPriceMax goodsPriceMax * 100 / world::goodsPriceBase
  set world::goodsPriceMaxValues lput normalizedGoodsPriceMax world::goodsPriceMaxValues

  ; Goods Produced
  let normalizedGoodsProducedValues goodsProduced * 100 / world::goodsProducedBase
  set world::goodsProducedValues lput normalizedGoodsProducedValues world::goodsProducedValues

  ; Goods Sold
  let normalizedGoodsSoldValues goodsSold * 100 / world::goodsProducedBase
  set world::goodsSoldValues lput normalizedGoodsSoldValues world::goodsSoldValues

  ; Govern Consumption Tax Income
  let normalizedGovernConsumptionTaxIncomeNominal governConsumptionTaxIncomeNominal * 100 /  world::gdpBase
  set world::governConsumptionTaxIncomeNominalValues lput normalizedGovernConsumptionTaxIncomeNominal world::governConsumptionTaxIncomeNominalValues

  ; Govern Corporation Tax Income
  let normalizedGovernCorporationTaxIncomeNominal governCorporationTaxIncomeNominal * 100 /  world::gdpBase
  set world::governCorporationTaxIncomeNominalValues lput normalizedGovernCorporationTaxIncomeNominal world::governCorporationTaxIncomeNominalValues

  ; Govern Financial Expense
  let normalizedFinancialExpenseNominal governFinancialExpenseNominal * 100 /  world::gdpBase
  set world::governFinancialExpenseValues lput normalizedFinancialExpenseNominal world::governFinancialExpenseValues

  ; Govern Income
  let normalizedGovernIncomeNominal governIncomeNominal * 100 /  world::gdpBase
  set world::governIncomeNominalValues lput normalizedGovernIncomeNominal world::governIncomeNominalValues

  ; Govern Income Tax Income
  let normalizedGovernIncomeTaxIncomeNominal governIncomeTaxIncomeNominal * 100 /  world::gdpBase
  set world::governIncomeTaxIncomeNominalValues lput normalizedGovernIncomeTaxIncomeNominal world::governIncomeTaxIncomeNominalValues

  ; Govern Salaries
  let normalizedGovernSalariesNominal governSalariesNominal * 100 /  world::gdpBase
  set world::governSalariesNominalValues lput normalizedGovernSalariesNominal world::governSalariesNominalValues

  ; Govern Unemployment Benefit Expenses
  let normalizedGovernUnemploymentBenefitExpensesNominal governUnemploymentBenefitExpensesNominal * 100 /  world::gdpBase
  set world::governUnemploymentBenefitExpensesNominalValues lput normalizedGovernUnemploymentBenefitExpensesNominal world::governUnemploymentBenefitExpensesNominalValues

  ; Gross Operating surplus Nominal
  let normalizedGOSNominal gosNominal * 100 / world::gdpBase
  set world::gosNominalValues lput normalizedGOSNominal world::gosNominalValues

  ; Gross Operating surplus Real
  let normalizedGOSReal gosReal * 100 / world::gdpBase
  set world::gosRealValues lput normalizedGOSReal world::gosRealValues

  ; Investment Nominal
  let normalizedInvestmentNominal investmentNominal * 100 / world::gdpBase
  set world::investmentNominalValues lput normalizedInvestmentNominal world::investmentNominalValues

  ; Investment Real
  let normalizedInvestmentReal investmentReal * 100 / world::gdpBase
  set world::investmentRealValues lput normalizedInvestmentReal world::investmentRealValues

  ; M1
  let normalizedM1 m1 * 100 / world::m1Base
  set world::m1Values lput normalizedM1 world::m1Values

  ; M1 Target
  let normalizedTargetM1 ([ centralBank::targetM1 ] of world::centralBankId ) * 100 / world::m1Base
  set world::m1TargetValues lput normalizedTargetM1 world::m1Values

  ; Price Index
  let normalizedPriceIndex priceIndex * 100 / world::PriceIndexBase
  set world::priceIndexValues lput normalizedPriceIndex world::priceIndexValues

  ; Public Expenditure
  let normalizedPublicExpenditureNominal publicExpenditureNominal * 100 / world::gdpBase
  set world::publicExpenditureNominalValues lput normalizedPublicExpenditureNominal world::publicExpenditureNominalValues

  ; Salary Average
  let normalizedSalaryAvg salaryAvg * 100 / world::salaryBase
  set world::salaryAvgValues lput normalizedSalaryAvg world::salaryAvgValues

  ; Salary Maximum
  let normalizedSalaryMax salaryMax * 100 / world::salaryBase
  set world::salaryMaxValues lput normalizedSalaryMax world::salaryMaxValues

  ; Salary Minimum
  let normalizedSalaryMin salaryMin * 100 / world::salaryBase
  set world::salaryMinValues lput normalizedsalaryMin world::salaryMinValues

  ; Technology
  let normalizedTechnology world::technology * 100 / world::technologyBase
  set world::technologyValues lput normalizedTechnology world::technologyValues

  ; Unemployment
  let normalizedUnemployment unemployment * 100
  set world::unemploymentValues lput normalizedUnemployment world::unemploymentValues


to event::HandleEvents [ month ]

  if event != ""
    if event = "Technology improvement"
    [ ; Improve technology by 5%
      set world::technology world::technology * 1.05
    if event = "Technology deterioration"
    [ ; Deteriorate technology by 5%
      set world::technology world::technology * 0.95

    if event = "Govern salary increase"
    [ ; Increase govern salaries 5%
      set world::salary world::Round2( world::salary * 1.05 )
    if event = "Govern salary decrease"
    [ ; Decrease govern salaries 5%
      set world::salary world::Round2( world::salary * 0.95 )

    if event = "Unemployment benefit increase"
    [ ; Increase the unemployment benefit 5%
      set world::salary world::Round2( world::unemploymentBenefit * 1.05 )
    if event = "Unemployment benefit decrease"
    [ ; Decrease the unemployment benefit 5%
      set world::salary world::Round2( world::unemploymentBenefit * 0.95 )

    if event = "Consumption tax increase"
    [ ; Increase the consumption tax 2 points
      set world::consumptionTax world::consumptionTax + 0.02
    if event = "Consumption tax decrease"
    [ ; Decrease the consumption tax 2 points
      set world::consumptionTax world::consumptionTax - 0.02
    if event = "Income tax increase"
    [ ; Increase the consumption tax 2 points
      set world::incomeTax world::incomeTax + 0.02
    if event = "Income tax decrease"
    [ ; Decrease the consumption tax 2 points
      set world::incomeTax world::incomeTax - 0.02
    if event = "Corporation tax increase"
    [ ; Increase the consumption tax 2 points
      set world::corporationTax world::corporationTax + 0.02
    if event = "Corporation tax decrease"
    [ ; Decrease the consumption tax 2 points
      set world::corporationTax world::corporationTax - 0.02

    if event = "Bank risk target increase"
    [ ; Increase bank's target risk 10%
      ask banks
        set bank::targetRisk world::Round2( bank::targetRisk * 1.1 )
    if event = "Bank risk target decrease"
    [ ; Decrease bank's target risk 10%
      ask banks
        set bank::targetRisk world::Round2( bank::targetRisk * 0.9 )

    plots::DrawEvent month
    set event ""


; Rounds to the nearest number with two decimal values

to-report world::Round2 [ value ]
  report precision value 2

; Rounds to the next number with two decimal values

to-report world::Round2up [ value ]

  report precision (value + 0.005) 2

; Rounds to the next number with two decimal values

to-report world::Round2down [ value ]

  report precision (value - 0.005) 2


; Assign the default properties to a newly created person

to person::Create [ cash ]

  set shape style::personShape
  set color style::personColor

  move-to one-of patches with [ count turtles-here = 0 ]

  set person::actionTick                random world::ticksPerMonth
  set person::color                     random-float 1
  set person::cash                      cash
  ; person::targetCash Assigned later
  set person::employed                  0
  set person::propensityToConsume       0.6 + random-float 0.2
  set person::last::consumedGoods       0
  set person::last::consumedGoodsValue  0
  set person::consumedGoods             0
  set person::consumedGoodsValue        0
  set person::stocks                    0
  set person::targetStocks              15 + random 8


; Calculates the amount of reserves desired by the person

to person::CalculateTargetCash

  set person::targetCash world::baseConsumption * world::goodsPriceAvg * world::peopleReservesTargetTicks

; Operational action of the person

to person::OperationalAction

  ; Buy goods

  ; Invest
  if person::stocks > person::targetStocks
  [ ; Sell stocks

  if person::stocks < person::targetStocks

  ; Get a job
  if person::employed = 0

; Strategic action of the person

to person::StrategicAction

  ; Sell the less profitable stocks on the portfolio (10% chance) if there are more profitable options on the market
  if random-float 1 < 0.1 and person::stocks > 0
    let companiesWithStocksOnSale companies with [ company::stocksOnSale > 0 ]

    if any? companiesWithStocksOnSale
      let maxMarketProfit max [ company::stockProfitability ] of companiesWithStocksOnSale

      let lessProfitableInvestment one-of my-investments with-min [ [ifelse-value (is-company? self ) [company::stockProfitability][bank::stockProfitability]] of end2 ]

      if maxMarketProfit > [ifelse-value (is-company? self ) [company::stockProfitability][bank::stockProfitability]] of ([end2] of lessProfitableInvestment)
        ; Sell max 20% of my stocks or the full investment
        let stocksToSell ceiling( person::stocks * 0.2)
        if stocksToSell > [investment::stocks] of lessProfitableInvestment [ set stocksToSell [investment::stocks] of lessProfitableInvestment ]

        person::SellStocksFromCompany lessProfitableInvestment stocksToSell

  ; Calculate the caution reserves an the number of stocks wanted

  ;; Buy stocks if the person has excess cash and is not already trying to buy stocks unsuccessfully
  if person::cash > person::targetCash + world::stockPrice and person::targetStocks <= person::stocks
    let stocksToBuy floor( ( person::cash - person::targetCash ) / world::stockPrice)
    set stocksToBuy ( random stocksToBuy ) + 1

    set person::targetStocks person::stocks + stocksToBuy
  ;; Sell stocks (or at least don't buy new stocks) if the reserves are not enough
  if person::cash < person::targetCash
    let stocksToSell ceiling( ( person::targetCash - person::cash ) / world::stockPrice )
    if stocksToSell > person::stocks [ set stocksToSell person::stocks]

    set person::targetStocks person::stocks - stocksToSell

  ; Move to another patch (20% chance) or create a company (10 % chance)  if the person doesn't have a job or if the previous month hasn't been able to consume
  if ( ( person::employed = 0 ) or ( ticks > 30 and person::last::consumedGoods = 0 ) )
    let probability random-float 1

    ifelse person::targetStocks > person::Stocks and probability < 0.10
      ; If the person is employed leave the previous job
      if person::employed = 1

      ; Create a company or bank
      let companyId nobody

      if-else random-float 1 < world::initialCompanyCount / (world::initialCompanyCount + world::initialBankCount)
      [ ; Create company
        hatch-companies 1
          set companyId self
      [ ;Create bank
        hatch-banks 1
          set companyId self

      ; Become an investor of the new company
      let stocksBought person::BuyStocksFromCompany companyId (person::targetStocks - person::Stocks)

      if probability < 0.20
        move-to one-of patches with [ count turtles-here = 0 ]

  ; If the neighbours earn more than me, quit the job to find something better
  if ( person::employed = 1 and count people-on neighbors > 0 )
    let avgNeigborSalary sum [person::last::workIncome] of people-on neighbors / count people-on neighbors
    let mySalary sum[ job::salary ] of my-jobs

    let probability ( avgNeigborSalary - mySalary ) / mySalary

    if ( probability > random-float 1 )


; Executes the action of buying goods

to person::BuyGoods

  ; Calculate the amount of goods to buy
  let excessCash person::cash - person::targetCash - world::stockPrice * (person::targetStocks - person::stocks + 1)
  if excessCash < 0 [ set excessCash 0 ]

  let income ( person::last::workIncome + person::last::investmentIncome + person::last::transferIncome ) / world::ticksPerMonth

  let personDemandUnits 0

  ifelse floor ( ticks / world::ticksPerMonth ) = 0
  [ ; In the first month do not take into account the previous month consumption
    set personDemandUnits floor ( ( person::propensityToConsume * income + 0.1 * excessCash ) / world::goodsPriceAvg )
    set personDemandUnits floor ( 0.5 * ( person::propensityToConsume * income + 0.1 * excessCash ) / world::goodsPriceAvg + 0.5 * person::last::consumedGoods / world::ticksPerMonth )

  if personDemandUnits < world::baseConsumption [ set personDemandUnits world::baseConsumption]

  ; Get the company list from cheapest to most expensive based on their apparent price
  let myColor person::Color
  let companyList sort-on [company::salePrice + 0.2 * company::salePrice * abs( myColor - company::color) ] companies with [ distance myself < world::interactionRadius ]
  let fullfilled false

  ; Try to buy all the goods we want
  let n 0
  while [ not empty? companyList and not fullfilled ]
    let companyId first companyList
    let goodsToBuy 0
    set n n + 1

    ; Calculate the amount of goods the person wants to buy from this company
    ifelse personDemandUnits > [company::inventory] of companyId
      set goodsToBuy [company::inventory] of companyId
      set goodsToBuy personDemandUnits
      set fullfilled true

    ; Can we pay them?
    let grossPurchaseValue goodsToBuy * [company::salePrice] of companyId

    if grossPurchaseValue > person::cash
      set goodsToBuy floor( person::cash / [company::salePrice] of companyId )
      set grossPurchaseValue goodsToBuy * [company::salePrice] of companyId
      set fullfilled true

    ; Calculate how much would the user demand if they wasn't restricted by companies inventory
    let goodsToDemand personDemandUnits
    let demandValue goodsToDemand * [company::salePrice] of companyId

    if demandValue > person::cash
      set goodsToDemand floor( person::cash / [company::salePrice] of companyId )

    ask companyId
      set company::demand company::demand + round( goodsToDemand / n ) ; Divide between n not to over-generate demand

    ; Buy the goods
    if goodsToBuy > 0
      let tax world::Round2( grossPurchaseValue * world::consumptionTax )
      let netPurchaseValue grossPurchaseValue - tax

      ask companyId
        set company::cash company::cash + netPurchaseValue
        set company::inventory company::inventory - goodsToBuy
        set company::inventoryValue company::inventory * company::inventoryUnitaryValue
        set company::sales company::sales + goodsToBuy
        set company::salesValue company::salesValue + netPurchaseValue

      set person::cash person::cash - grossPurchaseValue
      set person::consumedGoods person::consumedGoods + goodsToBuy
      set person::consumedGoodsValue person::consumedGoodsValue + grossPurchaseValue

      ask world::governId
        set govern::cash govern::cash + tax
        set govern::incomeFromConsumptionTax govern::incomeFromConsumptionTax + tax

      create-currentConsumption-with companyId [ currentConsumption::Create ]
      ask currentConsumption-with companyId
        set currentConsumption::amount currentConsumption::amount + goodsToBuy
        set currentConsumption::value currentConsumption::value + grossPurchaseValue

      if [company::salePrice] of companyId < world::goodsPriceMinCurrent [ set world::goodsPriceMinCurrent [company::salePrice] of companyId]
      if [company::salePrice] of companyId > world::goodsPriceMaxCurrent [ set world::goodsPriceMaxCurrent [company::salePrice] of companyId]

    set personDemandUnits personDemandUnits - goodsToBuy
    set companyList butFirst companyList

; Executes the action of selling stocks

to person::SellStocks
  let stocksToSell person::stocks - person::targetStocks

  while[ stocksToSell > 0 ]
    let investmentId min-one-of my-investments [ (ifelse-value (is-company? end2) [[company::stockProfitability] of end2] [[bank::stockProfitability] of end2]) ]

    person::SellStocksFromCompany investmentId stocksToSell

    set stocksToSell person::stocks - person::targetStocks


; Given an investment relationship tries to sell the specified number of stocks from that investment

to person::SellStocksFromCompany[ investmentId stocksToSell ]

  ; Number of stocks to sell
  if [investment::stocks] of investmentId < stocksToSell
    set stocksToSell [investment::stocks] of investmentId

  let agentId [end2] of investmentId

  ( ifelse

    ( is-company? agentId and stocksToSell = [ company::stocks ] of agentId )
    [ ; No stockholders for this company
      ask agentId [ company::closeBussiness false ]

    (is-bank? agentId and stocksToSell = [ bank::stocks ] of agentId)
    [ ; No stockholders for this company
      ask agentId [ bank::closeBussiness false ]

      ; Update investment relationship
      ifelse [investment::stocks] of investmentId > stocksToSell
        ask investmentId [ set investment::stocks investment::stocks - stocksToSell ]
        ask investmentId [die]

      ; Price of the stocks to sell
      let stockPrice 0
      ifelse (is-company? agentId)
        set stockPrice [world::Round2Down( (company::nonCurrentAssets + company::cash - company::bonds * world::bondFaceValue) / company::stocks )] of agentId
      [; its a bank
        set stockPrice [world::Round2Down( (bank::nonCurrentAssets + bank::cash - bank::loans * world::loanFaceValue) / bank::stocks )] of agentId
      if ( stockPrice > world::stockPrice ) [ set stockPrice world::stockPrice ]

      let stocksPrice world::Round2Down( stocksToSell * stockPrice )

      ; Get the money from the agent
      let paid true

      ask agentId
        ifelse (is-company? agentId)
          set company::stocks company::stocks - stocksToSell

          if not company::PayCapital stocksPrice
            set paid false
            company::closeBussiness false

          set bank::stocks bank::stocks - stocksToSell

          if not bank::PayCapital stocksPrice
            set paid false
            bank::closeBussiness false

      ; Receive the money
      set person::stocks person::stocks - stocksToSell
      if paid [ set person::cash person::cash + stocksPrice ]

; Executes the action of buying stocks from the market

to person::BuyStocks

  let stocksToBuy person::targetStocks - person::stocks
  let investmentCash person::cash - person::targetCash

  if stocksToBuy * world::stockPrice > investmentCash [ set stocksToBuy floor( investmentCash / world::stockPrice ) ]

  if stocksToBuy > 0
    let companyList sort-on [ ifelse-value( is-company? self ) [( - company::stockProfitability )][ ( - bank::stockProfitability )] ] turtles with [ (is-company? self and company::stocksOnSale > 0 ) or (is-bank? self and bank::stocksOnSale > 0 ) ]

    while [stocksToBuy > 0 and not empty? companyList ]
      let stocksToBuyFromCompany person::BuyStocksFromCompany first companyList stocksToBuy

      ; Continue with the buying process
      set stocksToBuy stocksToBuy - stocksToBuyFromCompany
      set companyList butFirst companyList

; Executes the action of buying stocks from a company, returns the number of stocks bought

to-report person::BuyStocksFromCompany[ agentId stocksToBuy ]

  let personId self

  let affordableStocks floor( (person::cash - person::targetCash ) / world::stockPrice )
  if affordableStocks < 0 [ set affordableStocks 0]
  if affordableStocks < stocksToBuy [ set stocksToBuy affordableStocks]

  let offeredStocks ifelse-value (is-company? agentId) [[company::stocksOnSale] of agentId][[bank::stocksOnSale] of agentId]
  let stocksToBuyFromCompany stocksToBuy
  if offeredStocks < stocksToBuyFromCompany [ set stocksToBuyFromCompany offeredStocks ]

  if stocksToBuyFromCompany > 0
    let stocksPrice stocksToBuyFromCompany * world::stockPrice

    ; Create or update the investment relationship
    create-investment-with agentId [ investment::Create ]
    ask investment-with agentId
      set investment::Stocks investment::Stocks + stocksToBuyFromCompany

    ; update the person
    set person::stocks person::stocks + stocksToBuyFromCompany
    set person::cash person::cash - stocksPrice

    ; update the company
    ask agentId
      ifelse (is-company? agentId)
        set company::stocks company::stocks + stocksToBuyFromCompany
        set company::stocksOnSale company::stocksOnSale - stocksToBuyFromCompany
        set company::cash  company::cash + stocksPrice

        set bank::stocks bank::stocks + stocksToBuyFromCompany
        set bank::stocksOnSale bank::stocksOnSale - stocksToBuyFromCompany
        set bank::cash  bank::cash + stocksPrice

  report stocksToBuyFromCompany

; Executes the action of getting a job for an unemployed person

to person::GetJob

  let turtleId max-one-of turtles
       with [
         (is-company? self and distance myself < world::interactionRadius and company::vacancies > 0 and company::nonCurrentAssets > 0 ) or
         (is-govern? self and distance myself < world::governInteractionRadius and govern::vacancies > 0 ) or
         (is-bank? self and distance myself < world::interactionRadius and bank::vacancies > 0 and bank::nonCurrentAssets > 0 )
       [ ( ifelse-value
           (is-company? self) [ company::salary ]
           (is-govern? self ) [ govern::salary ]
           [ bank::salary ]

  if turtleId != nobody
    let salary 0

    if is-company? turtleId
      ask turtleId
        set company::workers company::workers + 1
        set company::vacancies company::vacancies - 1

        set company::lastSalary company::salary
        set salary company::salary

    if is-govern? turtleId
      ask turtleId
        set govern::workers govern::workers + 1
        set govern::vacancies govern::vacancies - 1

        set salary govern::salary

    if is-bank? turtleId
      ask turtleId
        set bank::workers bank::workers + 1
        set bank::vacancies bank::vacancies - 1

        set bank::lastSalary bank::salary
        set salary bank::salary

    set person::employed 1

    create-job-with turtleId [ job::Create salary ]


; Executes the action of leaving a job for an employed person

to person::LeaveJob

  ask my-jobs
    ask end1 ; Govern / Person
      if is-person? self
        set person::employed 0
      if is-company? self
        set company::workers company::workers - 1
        set company::vacancies company::vacancies + 1
      if is-govern? self
        set govern::workers govern::workers - 1
        set govern::vacancies govern::vacancies + 1
      if is-bank? self
        set bank::workers bank::workers - 1
        set bank::vacancies bank::vacancies + 1

    ask end2 ; Person / Company / Bank
      if is-person? self
        set person::employed 0
      if is-company? self
        set company::workers company::workers - 1
        set company::vacancies company::vacancies + 1
      if is-govern? self
        set govern::workers govern::workers - 1
        set govern::vacancies govern::vacancies + 1
      if is-bank? self
        set bank::workers bank::workers - 1
        set bank::vacancies bank::vacancies + 1

; Updates the monthly statistical variables of the person

to person::MonthlyAction

  set person::last::consumedGoods      person::consumedGoods
  set person::last::consumedGoodsValue person::consumedGoodsValue
  set person::last::workIncome         person::workIncome
  set person::last::investmentIncome   person::investmentIncome
  set person::last::transferIncome     person::transferIncome

  set person::consumedGoods      0
  set person::consumedGoodsValue 0
  set person::workIncome         0
  set person::investmentIncome   0
  set person::transferIncome     0

  ; Update consumption relationships
  ask my-Consumptions [ die ]

  ask my-currentConsumptions
    let companyId end2
    let amount currentConsumption::amount
    let value currentConsumption::value
    ask end1
      create-Consumption-with companyId [ consumption::Create amount value ]

; Shows information about the currently selected person on the output

to person::ShowInfo

  output-print ( word "Person (id:" who ")" )
  output-print ( word "   Color:               " world::Round2 person::color )
  output-print ( word "   Cash:                " world::Round2 person::cash )
  output-print ( word "   Target cash:         " world::Round2 person::targetCash )
  output-print ( word "   Stocks:              " round person::stocks )
  output-print ( word "   Target stocks:       " round person::targetStocks )
  output-print ( word "   Consumed goods:      " round person::last::consumedGoods )
  output-print ( word "   Consumed goods value:" world::Round2 person::last::consumedGoodsValue )
  output-print ( word "   Work income:         " world::Round2 person::last::workIncome )
  output-print ( word "   Investment income:   " world::Round2 person::last::investmentIncome )
  output-print ( word "   Transfer income:     " world::Round2 person::last::transferIncome )

  if person::employed = 1
    ask my-jobs
      output-print ( word "   Works at:" end2 )

  output-print ( word "   Consumes (company, amount, value):" )
  ask my-consumptions
    output-print ( word "      " end2 ", " round consumption::amount ", " world::Round2 consumption::value )


; Initializes a newly created company

to company::Create

  set shape style::companyShape
  set color style::companyColor

  move-to one-of patches with [ count turtles-here = 0 ]

  set company::actionTick            random world::ticksPerMonth
  set company::age                   0
  set company::color                 random-float 1
  set company::workers               0
  set company::vacancies             10 + random 10
  set company::salary                world::salary
  set company::lastSalary            world::salary
  set company::maxSalary             world::salary
  ;set company::stocks                0
  ;set company::stocksOnSale          company::vacancies * 19 + random 20 - 10
  set company::cash                  0
  ; company::targetCash

  company::CalculateTargetCash       ; Update the value

  set company::nonCurrentAssets      0
  set company::inventory             0
  set company::inventoryValue        0
  set company::inventoryUnitaryValue 0
  ;company::salePrice            calculated below
  ;company::stockProfitability   calculated below
  set company::bonds                 0
  set company::coupon                world::defaultCoupon
  set company::lastCoupon            world::defaultCoupon
  set company::maxCoupon             world::defaultCoupon
  set company::risk                  1                          ; Set the initial risk to 1, otherwise companies won't be able to get any initial funds
  set company::targetDebtRatio       1 / ( 1 / ( 0.2 + random-float 0.4 ) - 1)

  company::CalculateNetWorthComposition ; Update stocksOnSale and bondsOnSale

  set company::salePrice             world::Round2( (company::CostPerUnit company::vacancies (company::stocksOnSale * world::stockPrice + company::targetBonds * world::bondFaceValue - company::targetCash) (company::vacancies * company::salary) (company::coupon * company::targetBonds) ) * (1 + random-float 0.10 + world::consumptionTax ) ); unitary cost + up-to 10% + tax

  set company::last::production       0
  set company::last::productionValue  0
  set company::last::demand           world::baseConsumption * world::ticksPerMonth * world::initialPeopleCount / world::initialCompanyCount ; Educated guess for the first month's demand
  set company::last::sales            0
  set company::last::salesValue       0
  set company::last::laborCosts       0
  set company::last::operatingProfit  0
  set company::last::financialExpense 0
  set company::last::profitBeforeTax  0
  set company::last::result           0
  set company::last::nonCurrentAssets 0
  set company::last::inventory        0

  set company::production       0
  set company::productionValue  0
  set company::demand           0
  set company::sales            0
  set company::salesValue       0
  set company::laborCosts       0
  set company::financialExpense 0


; Operational action of the company

to company::OperationalAction

  let stillAlive true

  ; Produce
  let producedGoods company::ProduceGoods company::workers company::nonCurrentAssets

  if producedGoods > 0
    let producedGoodsCost producedGoods * (company::CostPerUnit company::workers company::nonCurrentAssets (sum [job::salary] of my-jobs) (sum [bond::GetFinancialCost 1] of my-bonds) )

    set company::production company::production + producedGoods
    set company::productionValue company::productionValue + producedGoodsCost
    set company::inventory company::inventory + producedGoods
    set company::inventoryUnitaryValue world::Round2up( (company::inventoryValue + producedGoodsCost) / company::inventory )
    set company::inventoryValue company::inventoryUnitaryValue * company::inventory ; Refresh the inventory value

  ; Pay salaries
  ifelse sum [job::salary] of my-jobs <= company::cash
    ask my-jobs
      let grossSalary job::salary
      let tax world::Round2( grossSalary *  world::incomeTax )
      let netSalary grossSalary - tax

      ask end1 ; Person
        set person::cash person::cash + netSalary
        set person::workIncome person::workIncome + netSalary

      ask end2 ; Company
        set company::cash company::cash - grossSalary
        set company::laborCosts company::laborCosts + grossSalary

      ask world::governId
        set govern::cash govern::cash + tax
        set govern::incomeFromIncomeTax govern::incomeFromIncomeTax + tax
  [ ; Cannot pay salaries -> pay what it's possible and close the company
    company::CloseBussiness true
    set stillAlive false

  if stillAlive
    ; Increase the offered salary if there are vacancies
    if company::vacancies > 0
      set company::salary company::salary + world::salaryIncrease

      if company::salary > company::maxSalary
        let minSalary [govern::unemploymentBenefit] of world::GovernId + 1
        set company::salary ifelse-value ( minSalary > company::maxSalary) [minSalary][ company::maxSalary]

    ; Increase the offered coupon if there are unsold bonds
    if company::targetBonds > company::bonds
      set company::coupon company::coupon + world::couponIncrease

      if company::coupon > company::maxCoupon
        set company::coupon company::maxCoupon

  ; Pay bonds
  let totalAmount sum [ sum bond::coupons ] of my-bonds
  if totalAmount > company::cash
    set stillAlive false
    company::CloseBussiness false

  if stillAlive
    ask my-bonds
      let companyId nobody
      let bankId nobody

      ifelse (is-company? end1)
        set companyId end1
        set bankId end2
        set companyId end2
        set bankId end1

      ; Pay coupons
      foreach bond::coupons
      [ [ c ] ->

        ask companyId ; Company
          set company::cash company::cash - c
          set company::financialExpense company::financialExpense + c

        ask bankId ; Bank
          set bank::cash bank::cash + c
          set bank::financialIncome bank::financialIncome + c


      ; Pay face values
      while [ first bond::maturities <= ticks and stillAlive]

        ask companyID
          set company::bonds company::bonds - 1

          ifelse not company::PayCapital world::bondFaceValue
            ask bankId
              set bank::bonds bank::bonds - 1
              set bank::financialExpense bank::financialExpense + world::bondFaceValue
              set bank::nonCurrentAssets bank::nonCurrentAssets - world::bondFaceValue

            set stillAlive false
            company::closeBussiness false
            ask bankId
              set bank::bonds bank::bonds - 1
              set bank::cash bank::cash + world::bondFaceValue
              set bank::nonCurrentAssets bank::nonCurrentAssets - world::bondFaceValue

        if bond::bondCount = 0 [ die ]

; Strategic action of the company

to company::StrategicAction

  let vacanciesPercent company::vacancies / (company::workers + company::vacancies)

  if company::nonCurrentAssets > 0 ; Do not alter workforce or stocks until the company is running
    ; Calculate variables to work with
    let factors company::OptimalFactors company::last::demand
    let neededWorkers first factors
    let neededCapital last factors

    let workforceExcess company::workers - neededWorkers

    ; if demand is higher than expected production increase the workforce
    if workforceExcess < 0
      ; Set the salary for the new employees (only if there are no vacancies)(push the salary down)
      if company::vacancies = 0
        set company::salary world::Round2( company::lastSalary * (0.5 + random-float 0.5) )

        let minSalary [govern::unemploymentBenefit] of world::GovernId + 1

        if company::salary > company::maxSalary
          set company::salary company::maxSalary
        if company::salary < minSalary
          set company::salary minSalary

      ; Workforce increase probability:
      ; 1) + More likely if there's extra capital for the current workers ( capital / world::CapitalToWorkRatio > workers )
      ; 2) - Less likely if there's not enough capital for the current workers ( capital / world::CapitalToWorkRatio < workers )
      ; 3) - Less likely if the company is not able to hire people
      let workforceIncreaseProbability 0.0 ; If there are no workers do not create new vacancies
      if company::workers > 0
        ;                                [                         1 & 2                          ]   [          3             ]
        set workforceIncreaseProbability ( company::nonCurrentAssets / ( world::CapitalToWorkRatio * company::workers) ) - ( vacanciesPercent * 0.1 )
        if workforceIncreaseProbability < 0.1 [ set workforceIncreaseProbability 0.1] ; At least 10% chance

      if ( random-float 1 < workforceIncreaseProbability )
        let jobOffers (- workforceExcess)
        let workers10perc ceiling company::workers * 0.1

        if jobOffers >= 3 and jobOffers > workers10perc ; Limit the growth of the company to ensure we don't break the reserves
          set jobOffers max (list 3 workers10perc)

        set company::vacancies random ( jobOffers + 1)

    ; If the demand is not enough clear vacancies and fire some workers
    if workforceExcess >= 0 and company::workers > 0
      set company::vacancies 0

    if workforceExcess > 0
      let workforceDecreaseProbability workforceExcess / company::workers ; The greater the excess the greater the probability

      if ( random-float 1 < workforceDecreaseProbability )
        let workersToBeFired random (workforceExcess + 1)

        if workersToBeFired > 0
          set company::workers company::workers - workersToBeFired

          ask n-of workersToBeFired my-jobs
            ask end1
              set person::employed 0


    ; Calculate the target cash with the expected employees

    ; if demand is higher than expected production increase the capital
    let capitalShortage neededCapital - ( company::stocks * world::stockPrice + company::bonds * world::bondFaceValue - company::targetCash )

    if capitalShortage > 0
      ; Divide the capital between stocks and bonds
      let stockCount round ( neededCapital / (1 + company::targetDebtRatio) / world::stockPrice )
      let bondCount round ( ( neededCapital - stockCount * world::stockPrice ) / world::bondFaceValue )

      ; Offer stocks
      if company::stocks < stockCount
      [ ; More stocks are needed

        ifelse company::stocks + company::stocksOnSale > stockCount
        [ ; Adjust the current stock offer
          set company::stocksOnSale stockCount - company::stocks
          ; Send more stocks to the market

          let unsoldStocksPercent ifelse-value (company::stocks = 0) [1] [company::stocksOnSale / company::stocks]

          ; Capital increase probability:
          ; 1) + More likely if there's not enough capital
          ; 2) - Less likely if the company is not able to sell stocks
          ;                              [                 1               ]   [          3          ]
          let capitalIncreaseProbability ( capitalShortage / neededCapital ) - ( unsoldStocksPercent )
          if capitalIncreaseProbability < 0.1 [ set capitalIncreaseProbability 0.1] ; At least 10% chance

          if ( random-float 1 < capitalIncreaseProbability )
            let stockOffer stockCount - company::stocks - company::stocksOnSale
            let stocks10perc ceiling company::stocks * 0.1

            if stockOffer >= 10 and stockOffer > stocks10perc ; Limit the growth of the company no to get too big too quickly
              set stockOffer max (list 10 stocks10perc)

            set company::stocksOnSale random ( stockOffer + 1)


      ; Offer bonds
      ifelse company::targetBonds > bondCount
      [ ; Adjust the current bond offer
        set company::targetBonds bondCount
        if company::targetBonds < bondCount
        [ ; More bonds are needed

          ; Set the price for the new bonds (only if there are not bonds on sale)(push the price down)
          if company::targetBonds = company::bonds
            set company::coupon company::lastCoupon * (0.5 + random-float 0.5)

          ; Send more bonds to the market
          let unsoldBondsPercent ifelse-value (company::bonds = 0) [1] [company::targetBonds / company::bonds - 1]

          ; Capital increase probability:
          ; 1) + More likely if there's not enough capital
          ; 2) - Less likely if the company is not able to sell bonds
          ;                              [                 1               ]   [          3          ]
          let capitalIncreaseProbability ( capitalShortage / neededCapital ) - ( unsoldBondsPercent )
          if capitalIncreaseProbability < 0.1 [ set capitalIncreaseProbability 0.1] ; At least 10% chance

          if ( random-float 1 < capitalIncreaseProbability )
            let bondOffer bondCount - company::targetBonds
            let bonds10perc ceiling company::bonds * 0.1

            if bondOffer >= 10 and bondOffer > bonds10perc ; Limit the growth of the company no to get too big too quickly
              set bondOffer max (list 10 bonds10perc)

            set company::targetBonds company::targetBonds + random ( bondOffer + 1)


        ; Update the max value for salaries
        ifelse company::last::result > 0
          let vacancies ifelse-value (company::vacancies > 0)[company::vacancies][1]
          set company::maxSalary world::Round2Up( company::last::result / ( vacancies * world::ticksPerMonth ) )
          set company::maxSalary 0

        if company::salary > company::maxSalary
          set company::salary company::maxSalary
        let minSalary [govern::unemploymentBenefit] of world::GovernId + 1
        if company::salary < minSalary
          set company::salary minSalary

        ; Update the max value for coupons
        ifelse company::last::result > 0
          let bondsOnSale ifelse-value (company::targetBonds - company::bonds > 0)[company::targetBonds - company::bonds][1]
          set company::maxCoupon world::Round2Up( company::last::result / ( bondsOnSale * world::ticksPerMonth ) )
          set company::maxCoupon 0

        if company::coupon > company::maxCoupon
          set company::coupon company::maxCoupon


  ; If the demand is higher than real production or costs are greater than sale price increase the price
  let netSalePrice world::Round2( company::salePrice * (1 - world::consumptionTax) )
  if company::last::demand > company::last::production or netSalePrice < company::inventoryUnitaryValue
    ; It will increase the price if there are a lot of vacancies, if the cost is lower than the price and at least with a 20% chance
    let salePriceIncreaseProbability max (list 0.2 vacanciesPercent (ifelse-value(netSalePrice < company::inventoryUnitaryValue)[1][0]) )

    if ( random-float 1 < salePriceIncreaseProbability )
      set netSalePrice world::Round2up( netSalePrice * 1.02 )

      if netSalePrice < company::inventoryUnitaryValue [ set netSalePrice company::inventoryUnitaryValue ]

      set company::salePrice world::Round2( netSalePrice * ( 1 + world::consumptionTax ) )


  ; Demand is too low, try to increase it lowering prices
  if ( company::last::demand = 0 or company::last::demand < company::last::production ) and company::last::production > 0
    let salePriceDecreaseProbability 1 ; If demand is 0, decrease price!

    if company::last::demand != 0
      set salePriceDecreaseProbability ( company::last::production - company::last::demand ) / company::last::production  ; The bigger the gap the more likely to reduce price

    if ( random-float 1 < salePriceDecreaseProbability )
      set netSalePrice world::Round2( company::salePrice * (1 - world::consumptionTax) )

      ; Reduce the price by a 2% or reduce the gap between price and costs by a 20%
      set netSalePrice world::Round2down ( min ( list (netSalePrice * 0.98) (netSalePrice - (netSalePrice - company::inventoryUnitaryValue) * 0.2 ) )  )

      if netSalePrice < company::inventoryUnitaryValue [ set netSalePrice company::inventoryUnitaryValue ]

      set company::salePrice world::Round2( netSalePrice * ( 1 + world::consumptionTax ) )

  ; Calculate the expected profits

  ; Adjust assets to the new target cash

  ; The company has 3 months since birth to rise enough capital, if it's not successfull close it
  if company::nonCurrentAssets = 0 and company::age > 3
    company::closeBussiness false

; Monthly action of the company

to company::MonthlyAction

  let changeInInventory company::inventoryValue - company::last::inventoryValue

  ; Update the monthly statistical variables of the company
  set company::age                    company::age + 1
  set company::last::production       company::production
  set company::last::productionValue  company::last::production * company::salePrice
  set company::last::demand           company::demand
  set company::last::sales            company::sales
  set company::last::salesValue       company::salesValue
  set company::last::laborCosts       company::laborCosts
  set company::last::operatingProfit  world::Round2( company::salesValue - company::laborCosts + (company::inventoryValue - company::last::inventoryValue) )
  set company::last::financialExpense company::financialExpense
  set company::last::profitBeforeTax  company::last::operatingProfit - company::last::financialExpense

  set company::last::investment       ( company::nonCurrentAssets - company::last::nonCurrentAssets ) + ( company::inventory - company::last::inventory ) * company::salePrice

  set company::last::nonCurrentAssets company::nonCurrentAssets
  set company::last::inventory        company::inventory
  set company::last::inventoryValue   company::inventoryValue

  set company::production      0
  set company::productionValue 0
  set company::demand          0
  set company::sales           0
  set company::salesValue      0
  set company::laborCosts      0
  set company::financialExpense 0

  ; Pay taxes
  let tax 0

  if ( company::last::profitBeforeTax > 0 )
    set tax world::Round2( company::last::profitBeforeTax * world::corporationTax )

    if company::cash < tax
    [ ; If not enough cash, pay what it is possible
      set tax company::cash

    set company::cash  company::cash - tax

    ask world::governId
      set govern::cash govern::cash + tax
      set govern::incomeFromCorporationTax govern::incomeFromCorporationTax + tax

  set company::last::result company::last::profitBeforeTax - tax

  ; Update the max value for coupons
  ifelse company::last::result > 0
    let pervMaxCoupon company::maxCoupon
    let bondsOnSale ifelse-value (company::targetBonds - company::bonds > 0)[company::targetBonds - company::bonds][1]

    set company::maxCoupon world::Round2Up( company::last::result / ( bondsOnSale * world::ticksPerMonth ) )

    if company::coupon = pervMaxCoupon
    [ ;Update the coupon value
      set company::coupon company::lastCoupon * (0.5 + random-float 0.5)
      if company::coupon > company::maxCoupon
        set company::coupon company::maxCoupon
    set company::maxCoupon 0

  ; Update the company's risk

  ; Distribute dividend
  let totalAssets company::cash + company::inventoryValue + company::nonCurrentAssets
  let dividend totalAssets - company::targetCash - company::stocks * world::stockPrice - company::bonds * world::bondFaceValue

  if dividend > 0
    if dividend > company::cash [ set dividend company::cash ]

    if dividend / 10 > company::stocks ; Distribute at least 10 cents to each stock
      let cashLeft dividend
      let stocksLeft company::stocks

      ask my-investments
        let grossInvestorCash world::Round2down( cashLeft / stocksLeft ) * investment::stocks
        set tax world::Round2( grossInvestorCash * world::incomeTax )
        let netInvestorCash grossInvestorCash - tax

        ask world::governId
          set govern::cash govern::cash + tax
          set govern::incomeFromIncomeTax govern::incomeFromIncomeTax + tax

        ask end1
          set person::cash person::cash + netInvestorCash
          set person::investmentIncome person::investmentIncome + netInvestorCash
        ask end2
          set company::cash company::cash - grossInvestorCash

        set cashLeft cashLeft - grossInvestorCash
        set stocksLeft stocksLeft - investment::stocks

; Calculate the amount of cash the company needs to have

to company::CalculateTargetCash

  set company::targetCash ( sum [job::salary] of my-jobs + ( company::vacancies * company::salary ) ) * world::companyReservesTargetTicks + sum [bond::GetFinancialCost world::companyReservesTargetTicks] of my-bonds

; Distributes the amount of money between the cash and nonCurrentAssets. It's used when the company's stock number increases or then the target cash is changed.

to company::DistributeAssets

  ; If the company needs cash, convert some non current assets (but don't convert all of them)
  if company::cash < company::targetCash and company::nonCurrentAssets > world::minCapital
    let amount company::targetCash - company::cash
    if company::nonCurrentAssets - amount < world::minCapital [ set amount company::nonCurrentAssets - world::minCapital]

    set company::nonCurrentAssets company::nonCurrentAssets - amount
    set company::cash company::cash + amount

  ; If the company has excess cash, add some non current assets if they are below the expected level.
  if company::cash > company::targetCash
    let amount company::cash - company::targetCash

    set company::nonCurrentAssets company::nonCurrentAssets + amount
    set company::cash company::cash - amount

; Pay an amount of money reducing the amount of non-current assegs if needed. It's used when selling stocks or distributing dividend, not for ordinary payments

to-report company::PayCapital [ amount ]

  ; Pay in cash if we have enough
  if company::cash - amount >= company::targetCash
    set company::cash company::cash - amount
    report true

  ; There's not enough cash, convert some nonCurrentActives
  if company::cash + company::nonCurrentAssets - amount >= company::targetCash + world::minCapital
    let total company::cash + company::nonCurrentAssets - amount

    set company::cash company::targetCash
    set company::nonCurrentAssets total - company::cash

    report true

  ;  There's enough cash but not enough to keep target reserves full
  if company::cash + company::nonCurrentAssets - amount >= world::minCapital
    set company::cash company::cash + company::nonCurrentAssets - amount - world::minCapital
    set company::nonCurrentAssets world::minCapital

    report true

  ; There's not enough money
  report false

; Given the production factor's values calculates how much te company will produce

to-report company::ProduceGoods[ workers capital ]

  let producedGoods 0
  if workers >= 1
    set producedGoods round ( world::technology * (workers - 0.1) ^ 0.5 * (capital / world::CapitalToWorkRatio) ^ 0.5 )

  report producedGoods

; Given the production factor's values calculates the cost per unit produced

to-report company::CostPerUnit[ workers capital workersCost debtCost]

  let producedGoods company::ProduceGoods workers capital

  let totalCost workersCost + debtCost

  report world::Round2Up (totalCost / producedGoods )

; Given the units demanded by consumers, calculates the production factors to meet that demand

to-report company::OptimalFactors[ demand ]

  let goodsToProduce demand - company::inventory
  let goodsToProducePerTick ceiling (goodsToProduce / world::ticksPerMonth)

  let workers 1
  let capital world::minCapital

  if goodsToProducePerTick > 0
  [ ; P = A * (N - 0.1)^0.5 * (K/5000)^0.5
    ; For optimal purposes: N - 0.1 = K / 5000 ->  P = A * (N - 0.1)
    set workers ceiling( goodsToProducePerTick / world::technology + 0.1 )
    set capital workers * world::CapitalToWorkRatio

  report (list workers capital )

; Calculate the expected profit per stock of the company for the next month

to company::CalculateProfitPerStock

  let workers company::workers + company::vacancies
  let stocks company::stocks + company::stocksOnSale
  let nBonds company::targetBonds

  let capital stocks * world::stockPrice + nBonds * world::bondFaceValue - company::targetCash
  if capital < world::minCapital [set capital world::minCapital]

  let totalIncome company::salePrice * (1 - world::consumptionTax) * company::ProduceGoods workers capital

  let totalCost sum [job::salary] of my-jobs + sum[bond::getFinancialCost world::ticksPerMonth ] of my-bonds / world::ticksPerMonth
         + ifelse-value (company::targetBonds > company::bonds) [ (company::targetBonds - company::bonds) * company::coupon ][0]

  set company::stockProfitability ( totalIncome - totalCost ) * world::ticksPerMonth / stocks

; Close the company

to company::CloseBussiness [ payWorkers ]

  ; Fire the workers and pay them what the company owes them
  set company::cash company::cash + company::nonCurrentAssets
  set company::nonCurrentAssets 0

  ask my-jobs
    let lastSalary ifelse-value ( payWorkers ) [ world::Round2down( [company::cash / company::workers] of end2 )][0]

    ask end1 ; Person
      set person::cash person::cash + lastSalary
      set person::employed 0

    ask end2 ; Company
      set company::cash company::cash - lastSalary
      set company::workers company::workers - 1

  ; Pay bonds
  ask my-bonds
    let companyId nobody
    let bankId nobody
    ifelse is-company? end1
      set companyId end1
      set bankId end2
      set companyId end2
      set bankId end1

    while [ bond::bondCount > 0 ]

      if-else [company::cash] of myself >= world::bondFaceValue
        ask companyId
          set company::cash company::cash - world::bondFaceValue
          set company::bonds company::bonds - 1

        ask bankId
          set bank::bonds bank::bonds - 1
          set bank::cash bank::cash + world::bondFaceValue
          set bank::nonCurrentAssets bank::nonCurrentAssets - world::bondFaceValue
      [ ; Can't pay
        ask companyId
          set company::bonds company::bonds - 1

        ask bankId
          set bank::bonds bank::bonds - 1
          set bank::financialExpense bank::financialExpense +  world::bondFaceValue
          set bank::nonCurrentAssets bank::nonCurrentAssets - world::bondFaceValue

      if bond::bondCount = 0 [ die ]

  ; End all investment relationships and return the remainings of their investment
  ask my-investments
    let stocks investment::stocks

    let lastDividend ifelse-value (stocks < [company::stocks] of end2 ) [ world::Round2down( stocks * [company::cash / company::stocks] of end2 ) ][ [company::cash] of end2 ]

    ask end1 ; Person
      set person::cash person::cash + lastDividend

      set person::stocks person::stocks - stocks
      set person::targetStocks person::targetStocks - stocks
      if person::targetStocks < 0 [ set person::targetStocks 0 ]

    ask end2 ; Company
      set company::cash company::cash - lastDividend
      set company::stocks company::stocks - stocks

  ; if it still has some cash give it to the govern (it may occur if the company loses all its investors)
  ask world::governId
    set govern::cash govern::cash + [company::cash] of myself
  set company::cash 0

  ; If the company was selected, deselect it
  if selection::selectedAgent = self
    let patchId selection::selectedPatch

    set selection::selectedPatch nobody
    set selection::selectedAgent nobody

    selection::selectPatch patchId

  ; Kill the company

; Calculate the initial stocks and bonds on sale

to company::CalculateNetWorthComposition

  let capital company::vacancies * world::CapitalToWorkRatio + company::targetCash

  set company::stocksOnSale round ( capital / (1 + company::targetDebtRatio) / world::stockPrice )
  set company::targetBonds round ( ( capital - company::stocksOnSale * world::stockPrice ) / world::bondFaceValue )

; Calculates the risk level the company has

to company::CalculateRisk

  let times 0

  ifelse company::lastCoupon > company::Coupon
    set times company::last::result / ( company::lastCoupon * world::ticksPerMonth )
    set times company::last::result / ( company::Coupon * world::ticksPerMonth )

  if times < -2 [set times -2 ] ; Avoid number overflow when making e^-times & risk value being too high

  set company::risk (exp (-1 * times) ) + 1

; Shows information about the selected company in the output control

to company::ShowInfo

  output-print ( word "Company (id:" who ")" )

  output-print ( word "   Color:               " world::Round2 company::color )
  output-print ( word "   Age  :               " world::Round2 company::age )
  output-print ( word "   Cash:                " world::Round2 company::cash )
  output-print ( word "   Target Cash:         " world::Round2 company::targetCash )
  output-print ( word "   Non-current Assets:  " world::Round2 company::nonCurrentAssets )
  output-print ( word "   No. of Workers:      " round company::workers )
  output-print ( word "   No. of Vacancies:    " round company::vacancies )
  output-print ( word "   Salary:              " world::Round2 company::salary )
  output-print ( word "   Target Debt Ratio:   " world::Round2 company::targetDebtRatio )
  output-print ( word "   Stocks:              " round company::stocks )
  output-print ( word "   Stocks on sale:      " round company::stocksOnSale )
  output-print ( word "   Bonds:               " round company::bonds )
  output-print ( word "   Bonds target :       " round company::targetBonds )
  output-print ( word "   Bonds coupon:        " world::Round2 company::coupon )
  output-print ( word "   Production Units:    " round company::last::production )
  output-print ( word "   Demanded Units:      " round company::last::demand )
  output-print ( word "   Stored Goods:        " round company::inventory )
  output-print ( word "   Unitary Cost:        " world::Round2 company::inventoryUnitaryValue )
  output-print ( word "   Sale Price:          " world::Round2 company::salePrice )
  output-print ( word "   Net Sale Price:      " world::Round2 ( company::salePrice * ( 1 - world::consumptionTax ) ) )
  output-print ( word "   Sold Units:          " world::Round2 company::last::sales )
  output-print ( word "   Value of Sales:      " world::Round2 company::last::salesValue )
  output-print ( word "   Labor Costs:         " world::Round2 company::last::laborCosts )
  output-print ( word "   Operating Profit:    " world::Round2 company::last::operatingProfit )
  output-print ( word "   Financial Expense:   " world::Round2 company::last::financialExpense )
  output-print ( word "   Profit Before Tax:   " world::Round2 company::last::profitBeforeTax )
  output-print ( word "   Result:              " world::Round2 company::last::result )
  output-print ( word "   Risk:                " world::Round2 company::risk )
  output-print ( word "   Stock profitability: " world::Round2 company::stockProfitability )


; Initializes a newly created govern

to govern::Create[ cash ]

  set shape style::governShape
  set color style::governColor

  move-to patch -1 0

  set govern::workers     0
  set govern::vacancies   350
  set govern::cash        cash
  set govern::targetCash  0
  set govern::salary      world::salary
  set govern::unemploymentBenefit world::unemploymentBenefit
  set govern::bonds       0
  set govern::bondsOnSale 0
  set govern::coupon      world::defaultCoupon
  set govern::lastCoupon  world::defaultCoupon
  set govern::loans       0
  set govern::risk        0

  set govern::incomeFromCorporationTax 0
  set govern::incomeFromIncomeTax      0
  set govern::incomeFromConsumptionTax 0
  set govern::laborCosts               0
  set govern::transferCosts            0
  set govern::financialExpense           0

  set govern::last::incomeFromCorporationTax 0
  set govern::last::incomeFromIncomeTax      0
  set govern::last::incomeFromConsumptionTax 0
  set govern::last::laborCosts               0
  set govern::last::transferCosts            0
  set govern::last::financialExpense         0

; Operational action of the govern

to govern::OperationalAction

  ; Pay salaries
  let laborCosts sum [job::salary] of my-jobs

  if govern::cash < laborCosts

  ask my-jobs
    let grossSalary job::salary
    let tax world::Round2( grossSalary *  world::incomeTax )
    let netSalary grossSalary - tax

    ask end2 ; Person
      set person::cash person::cash + netSalary
      set person::workIncome person::workIncome + netSalary

    ask end1 ; Govern
      set govern::cash govern::cash - grossSalary
      set govern::laborCosts govern::laborCosts + grossSalary

      set govern::cash govern::cash + tax
      set govern::incomeFromIncomeTax govern::incomeFromIncomeTax + tax

  ; Pay unemployment benefits
  let unemployed count people with [ person::employed = 0 ]

  if govern::cash < unemployed * govern::unemploymentBenefit

  let grossUnemplymentBenefit  govern::unemploymentBenefit
  let tax world::Round2( grossUnemplymentBenefit *  world::incomeTax )
  let netUnemplymentBenefit grossUnemplymentBenefit - tax

  ask people with [ person::employed = 0 ]
    set person::cash person::cash + netUnemplymentBenefit
    set person::transferIncome person::transferIncome + netUnemplymentBenefit

  set govern::cash govern::cash - world::Round2 ( netUnemplymentBenefit * unemployed )
  set govern::transferCosts govern::transferCosts + world::Round2 ( grossUnemplymentBenefit * unemployed )
  set govern::incomeFromIncomeTax govern::incomeFromIncomeTax + world::Round2 ( tax * unemployed )

  ; Increase the offered coupon if there are unsold bonds
  if govern::bondsOnSale > 0
    set govern::coupon govern::coupon + world::couponIncrease

  ; Pay debt
  ask my-bonds
    ; Pay coupons
    foreach bond::coupons
    [ [ c ] ->

      ask end1 ; Govern
        if govern::cash < c

        set govern::cash govern::cash - c
        set govern::financialExpense govern::financialExpense + c

      ask end2 ; Bank
        set bank::cash bank::cash + c
        set bank::financialIncome bank::financialIncome + c


    ; Pay face values
    while [ first bond::maturities <= ticks ]

      ask end1
        if govern::cash < world::bondFaceValue

        set govern::bonds govern::bonds - 1
        set govern::cash govern::cash - world::bondFaceValue

      ask end2 ; Bank
        set bank::bonds bank::bonds - 1
        set bank::cash bank::cash + world::bondFaceValue
        set bank::nonCurrentAssets bank::nonCurrentAssets - world::bondFaceValue

      if bond::bondCount = 0 [die]

  ; Return rescue loans to the central bank
  ask my-loans
    ; Pay face values
    while [ first loan::maturities <= ticks ]

      ask end1
        if govern::cash < world::loanFaceValue

        set govern::cash govern::cash - world::loanFaceValue
        set govern::loans govern::loans - 1

      ask end2
        set centralBank::M1 centralBank::M1 - world::loanFaceValue

      if loan::loanCount = 0 [ die ]

  ; Govern workers improve technology
  set world::technology world::technology * (1 + govern::workers * world::technologyImprovementPerGovernmentWorker)

; Strategic action of the govern

to govern::StrategicAction


  ; Hire workers if cash superavit
  if govern::targetCash < govern::cash
    ; The greater the cash reserves the greater the possibility of a workforce increase
    let workforceIncreaseProbability govern::cash / govern::targetCash

    if ( random-float 1 < workforceIncreaseProbability )
      let workers10perc ceiling govern::workers * 0.1

      let jobOffers max (list 3 workers10perc)

      let maxJobOffers floor( govern::targetCash - govern::cash / ( govern::salary * world::ticksPerMonth ) )
      if jobOffers > maxJobOffers [ set jobOffers maxJobOffers ]

      set govern::vacancies govern::vacancies + random ( jobOffers + 1)

  ; Create bonds and lay off workers if cash deficit (or rescue)
  if govern::targetCash > govern::cash
    ; Lay off workers
    let workforceExcess floor ( ( govern::targetCash - govern::cash ) / govern::salary )

    if workforceExcess >= govern::workers
      set workforceExcess govern::workers - 1

    let workforceDecreaseProbability ifelse-value (govern::workers = 0)[0][workforceExcess / govern::workers]

    if random-float 1 < workforceDecreaseProbability
      let workersToBeFired random workforceExcess + 1
      set govern::workers govern::workers - workersToBeFired

      ask n-of workersToBeFired my-jobs
        ask end2
          set person::employed 0


    ifelse ( govern::last::financialExpense < govern::last::incomeFromCorporationTax + govern::last::incomeFromIncomeTax + govern::last::incomeFromConsumptionTax  )
      ; Emit bonds for the difference between the target cash and the current cash
      let pervBondsOnSale govern::bondsOnSale
      set govern::bondsOnSale ceiling ( ( govern::targetCash - govern::cash ) / world::bondFaceValue )

      if pervBondsOnSale = 0 and govern::bondsOnSale > 0 and govern::coupon = govern::lastCoupon
        set govern::coupon govern::lastCoupon * (0.5 + random-float 0.5)
      ; The financial expenses are already more than the govern can handle


; Monthly action of the govern

to govern::MonthlyAction

  set govern::last::incomeFromCorporationTax govern::incomeFromCorporationTax
  set govern::last::incomeFromIncomeTax      govern::incomeFromIncomeTax
  set govern::last::incomeFromConsumptionTax govern::incomeFromConsumptionTax
  set govern::last::laborCosts               govern::laborCosts
  set govern::last::transferCosts            govern::transferCosts
  set govern::last::financialExpense         govern::financialExpense

  set govern::incomeFromCorporationTax  0
  set govern::incomeFromIncomeTax       0
  set govern::incomeFromConsumptionTax  0
  set govern::laborCosts                0
  set govern::transferCosts             0
  set govern::financialExpense          0

  if length world::priceIndexValues > 0
    let updateFactor last world::priceIndexValues / 100
    set govern::salary              world::Round2( world::salary * updateFactor )
    set govern::unemploymentBenefit world::Round2( world::unemploymentBenefit * updateFactor )

; Calculates the amount of cash the government wants to have

to govern::CalculateTargetCash

  let unemployedPeople count people with [ person::employed = 0 ]

  let expectedTransferCost unemployedPeople * govern::unemploymentBenefit

  let expectedWageCost ( govern::workers + govern::vacancies ) * govern::salary

  ;Increase rapidly, decrease slowly
  let newTargetCash (expectedTransferCost + expectedWageCost)  * world::governReservesTargetTicks
                    + sum [bond::GetDebtCost world::governReservesTargetTicks] of my-bonds
                    + sum [loan::GetDebtCost world::governReservesTargetTicks] of my-loans

  if-else newTargetCash >= govern::targetCash
    set govern::targetCash newTargetCash
    set govern::targetCash newTargetCash * 0.25 + govern::targetCash * 0.75

; The govern has run out of money, ask for help to the central bank

to govern::CentralBankRescue


  let neededLoans ceiling( (govern::targetCash - govern::cash) / world::loanFaceValue )

  ; Create or update the bond relationship
  create-loan-with world::centralBankId [ loan::Create ]
  ask loan-with world::centralBankId
    loan::AddLoan neededLoans

  ask world::centralBankId
    set centralBank::M1 centralBank::M1 + neededLoans * world::loanFaceValue
    set centralBank::loanOffer ifelse-value (centralBank::loanOffer <= neededLoans) [0] [centralBank::loanOffer - neededLoans]

  set govern::cash govern::cash + neededLoans * world::loanFaceValue
  set govern::loans govern::loans + neededLoans

; Shows information about the govern in the output control

to govern::ShowInfo

  output-print ( word "Govern (id:" who ")" )

  output-print ( word "   Cash:                " world::Round2 govern::cash )
  output-print ( word "   Target Cash:         " world::Round2 govern::targetCash )
  output-print ( word "   No. of Workers:      " round govern::workers )
  output-print ( word "   No. of Vacancies:    " round govern::vacancies )
  output-print ( word "   Salary:              " world::Round2 govern::salary )
  output-print ( word "   Bonds:               " round govern::bonds )
  output-print ( word "   Bonds on sale:       " round govern::bondsOnSale )
  output-print ( word "   Bonds coupon:        " world::Round2 govern::lastCoupon )
  output-print ( word "   Loans:               " round govern::loans )
  output-print ( word "   Total Income:        " world::Round2 ( govern::last::incomeFromCorporationTax + govern::last::incomeFromIncomeTax + govern::last::incomeFromConsumptionTax ) )
  output-print ( word "   Corp. Tax Income:    " world::Round2 govern::last::incomeFromCorporationTax )
  output-print ( word "   Income Tax Income:   " world::Round2 govern::last::incomeFromIncomeTax )
  output-print ( word "   Consumption Tax Inc.:" world::Round2 govern::last::incomeFromConsumptionTax )
  output-print ( word "   Total Expenses:      " world::Round2 ( govern::last::laborCosts + govern::last::transferCosts + govern::last::financialExpense) )
  output-print ( word "   Labor Costs:         " world::Round2 govern::last::laborCosts )
  output-print ( word "   Unemployment Benefit:" world::Round2 govern::last::transferCosts )
  output-print ( word "   Financial Expense:   " world::Round2 govern::last::financialExpense )


; Initializes a newly created bank

to bank::Create

  set shape style::bankShape
  set color style::bankColor

  move-to one-of patches with [ count turtles-here = 0 ]

  set bank::actionTick            random world::ticksPerMonth
  set bank::age                   0

  set bank::workers               0
  set bank::vacancies             5 + random 5
  set bank::salary                world::salary
  set bank::lastSalary            world::salary
  set bank::maxSalary             world::salary
  set bank::stocks                0
  ;set bank::stocksOnSale         ;set on bank::CalculateNetWorthComposition
  set bank::loans                 0
  ;set bank::targetLoans          ;set on bank::CalculateNetWorthComposition
  set bank::cash                  0
  ; bank::targetCash              ;set on bank::CalculateTargetCash

  bank::CalculateTargetCash       ; Update the value

  set bank::bonds                 0
  set bank::targetBonds           bank::vacancies * world::bondsPerWorker
  set bank::minBondCoupon         world::Round2Up( bank::vacancies * bank::salary / bank::targetBonds)
  set bank::nonCurrentAssets      0

  set bank::risk                  1
  set bank::targetRisk            1.37 - random-float 0.36        ; result/coupon at least 1 to aprox 4,5
  set bank::targetDebtRatio       1 / (0.1 + random-float 0.3) - 1; Debt ratio that the bank wants to have

  bank::CalculateNetWorthComposition ; Update stocksOnSale and targetLoans

  set bank::last::laborCosts        0
  set bank::last::operatingProfit   0
  set bank::last::financialIncome   0
  set bank::last::financialExpense  0
  set bank::last::profitBeforeTax   0
  set bank::last::result            0

  set bank::laborCosts       0
  set bank::financialIncome  0
  set bank::financialExpense 0


; Operational action of the bank

to bank::OperationalAction

  let stillAlive true

  ; Get Loans from the central bank
  let loanDemand bank::targetLoans - bank::loans
  if loanDemand > 0
    if loanDemand > [centralBank::loanOffer] of world::centralBankId
      set loanDemand [centralBank::loanOffer] of world::centralBankId

    if ( loanDemand > 0 )
      ; Create or update the bond relationship
      create-loan-with world::centralBankId [ loan::Create ]
      ask loan-with world::centralBankId
        loan::AddLoan loanDemand

      set bank::cash bank::cash + world::loanFaceValue * loanDemand
      set bank::loans bank::loans + loanDemand

      ask world::centralBankId
        set centralBank::loanOffer centralBank::loanOffer - loanDemand
        set centralBank::M1 centralBank::M1 + world::loanFaceValue * loanDemand

  ; Return loans to the central bank
  ask my-loans
    ; Pay face values
    while [ first loan::maturities <= ticks and stillAlive ]

      ask end2
        if-else bank::cash > world::loanFaceValue
          set bank::cash bank::cash - world::loanFaceValue
          set bank::loans bank::loans - 1
        [; Cannot return loans -> pay what it's possible and close the company
          bank::closeBussiness false
          set stillAlive false

      if stillAlive
        ask end1
          set centralBank::M1 centralBank::M1 - world::loanFaceValue

      if loan::loanCount = 0 [ die ]

  if stillAlive
    ; Pay salaries
    ifelse sum [job::salary] of my-jobs <= bank::cash
      ask my-jobs
        let grossSalary job::salary
        let tax world::Round2( grossSalary *  world::incomeTax )
        let netSalary grossSalary - tax

        ask end1 ; Person
          set person::cash person::cash + netSalary
          set person::workIncome person::workIncome + netSalary

        ask end2 ; Bank
          set bank::cash bank::cash - grossSalary
          set bank::laborCosts bank::laborCosts + grossSalary

        ask world::governId
          set govern::cash govern::cash + tax
          set govern::incomeFromIncomeTax govern::incomeFromIncomeTax + tax
    [ ; Cannot pay salaries -> pay what it's possible and close the company
      bank::CloseBussiness true
      set stillAlive false

  ; Buy bonds
  if stillAlive
    let bondsOnMarket true
    while [ bank::cash - bank::targetCash > world::bondFaceValue and bank::targetBonds > bank::bonds and bondsOnMarket]
      let maxRisk (bank::targetRisk - bank::risk) * bank::bonds + bank::targetRisk
      let agent nobody

      ifelse ( maxRisk < 1 )
        let targetRisk bank::targetRisk
        set agent min-one-of turtles with [ (is-company? self and company::targetBonds > company::bonds and company::risk < targetRisk and company::coupon >= [bank::minBondCoupon] of myself )
                                         or (is-govern? self and govern::bondsOnSale > 0 and govern::risk < targetRisk and govern::coupon >= [bank::minBondCoupon] of myself ) ]
                                                [ ifelse-value (is-company? self ) [company::risk][govern::risk] ]
        set agent max-one-of turtles with [ (is-company? self and company::targetBonds > company::bonds and company::risk <= maxRisk and company::coupon >= [bank::minBondCoupon] of myself )
                                         or (is-govern? self and govern::bondsOnSale > 0 and govern::risk <= maxRisk and govern::coupon >= [bank::minBondCoupon] of myself ) ]
                                                [ ifelse-value (is-company? self ) [company::coupon][govern::coupon] ]

      set bondsOnMarket (agent != nobody)

      if (agent != nobody )
        ; Create or update the bond relationship
        create-bond-with agent [ bond::Create ]
        ask bond-with agent
          bond::AddBond ifelse-value (is-company? agent) [[company::coupon] of agent ] [[govern::coupon] of agent]

        let agentRisk 1

        ask agent
          if-else(is-company? self)
            set company::bonds company::bonds + 1
            set company::cash company::cash + world::bondFaceValue
            set company::lastCoupon company::coupon


            set agentRisk company::risk
            set govern::bonds govern::bonds + 1
            set govern::bondsOnSale govern::bondsOnSale - 1
            set govern::cash govern::cash + world::bondFaceValue
            set govern::lastCoupon govern::coupon
            set agentRisk govern::risk

        set bank::cash bank::cash - world::bondFaceValue
        set bank::nonCurrentAssets bank::nonCurrentAssets + world::bondFaceValue
        set bank::bonds bank::bonds + 1
        set bank::risk (bank::risk * (bank::bonds - 1) + agentRisk ) /  bank::bonds ; Update the bank's risk

  if stillAlive
    ; Increase the offered salary if there are vacancies
    if bank::vacancies > 0
      set bank::salary bank::salary + world::salaryIncrease

      if bank::salary > bank::maxSalary
        let minSalary [govern::unemploymentBenefit] of world::GovernId + 1
        set bank::salary ifelse-value ( minSalary > bank::maxSalary) [minSalary][ bank::maxSalary]

; Strategic action of the bank

to bank::StrategicAction

  let bondGap (bank::workers * world::bondsPerWorker) - bank::bonds

  ; Clear vacancies to recalculate them
  let prevVacancies bank::vacancies
  set bank::vacancies 0

  ; Fire workers if the current amount of bonds can be managed with fewer people
  if bank::workers > 1 and bondGap > world::bondsPerWorker
   let workersToFire random ( floor (bondGap / world::bondsPerWorker )) + 1

    if workersToFire > 0
      if workersToFire >= bank::workers [ set workersToFire bank::workers - 1]

      set bank::workers bank::workers - workersToFire

      ask n-of workersToFire my-jobs
        ask end1 ; Person
          set person::employed 0


  ( ifelse
    ; If the bank needs more employees , increase workforce
    ( bondGap < 0 )
      set bank::vacancies ceiling ( -1 *  bondGap / world::bondsPerWorker )

    ; if the bank is almost full capacity, increase workforce
    ( bondGap < world::bondsPerWorker * 0.2 )
      let workersToHire random 4 ; Hire 0, 1, 2, or 3 workers each time

      set bank::vacancies workersToHire

      if (bank::workers = 0) [set bank::vacancies bank::vacancies + 1 ]

  ; Set the salary for the new employees (only if there are no vacancies)(push the salary down)
  if prevVacancies = 0 and bank::vacancies > 0
    set bank::salary world::Round2 ( bank::lastSalary * (0.5 + random-float 0.5) )

    let minSalary [govern::unemploymentBenefit] of world::GovernId + 1

    if bank::salary > bank::maxSalary
      set bank::salary bank::maxSalary
    if bank::salary < minSalary
      set bank::salary minSalary

  ; Calculate the new amount of bonds we want to have
  set bank::targetBonds (bank::workers + bank::vacancies) * world::bondsPerWorker

  set bank::minBondCoupon world::Round2Up( ( sum[job::salary] of my-jobs + (bank::vacancies * bank::salary) ) / bank::targetBonds)

  ; Get capital based on the amount of bonds we want to have

  let neededCapital bank::targetCash + bank::targetBonds * world::bondFaceValue

  ; Divide the capital between stocks and loans
  let stockCount round ( neededCapital / (1 + bank::targetDebtRatio) / world::stockPrice )
  let loanCount round ( ( neededCapital - stockCount * world::stockPrice ) / world::loanFaceValue )

  if stockCount > bank::stocks
    set bank::stocksOnSale random ( stockCount - bank::stocks + 1)

  if stockCount < bank::stocks
  [ ; Excess stocks, reduce the loan demand
    let extraStockValue ( bank::stocks - stockCount ) * world::stockPrice

    set loanCount loanCount - floor( extraStockValue  / world::loanFaceValue )

  set bank::targetLoans loanCount

; Monthly action of the bank

to bank::MonthlyAction

  set bank::age                     bank::age + 1

  set bank::last::laborCosts        bank::laborCosts
  set bank::last::operatingProfit   (- bank::last::laborCosts)
  set bank::last::financialIncome   bank::financialIncome
  set bank::last::financialExpense  bank::financialExpense
  set bank::last::profitBeforeTax   bank::last::operatingProfit + bank::last::financialIncome - bank::last::financialExpense

  set bank::laborCosts       0
  set bank::financialIncome  0
  set bank::financialExpense 0

  ; Pay taxes and calculate result
  let tax 0

  if ( bank::last::profitBeforeTax > 0 )
    set tax world::Round2( bank::last::profitBeforeTax * world::corporationTax )

    if bank::cash < tax
    [ ; If not enough cash, pay what it is possible
      set tax bank::cash

    set bank::cash  bank::cash - tax

    ask world::governId
      set govern::cash govern::cash + tax
      set govern::incomeFromCorporationTax govern::incomeFromCorporationTax + tax
  set bank::last::result bank::last::profitBeforeTax - tax

  ; Update the max value for salaries
  ifelse bank::last::result > 0
    let vacancies ifelse-value (bank::vacancies > 0)[bank::vacancies][1]
    set bank::maxSalary world::Round2Up( bank::last::result / ( vacancies * world::ticksPerMonth ) )
    set bank::maxSalary 0

  if bank::salary > bank::maxSalary
    set bank::salary bank::maxSalary
  let minSalary [govern::unemploymentBenefit] of world::GovernId + 1
  if bank::salary < minSalary
    set bank::salary minSalary

  ; Update the bank's risk

  ; Distribute dividend
  let totalAssets bank::cash + bank::nonCurrentAssets
  let dividend totalAssets - bank::targetCash - bank::stocks * world::stockPrice - bank::loans * world::loanFaceValue

  if dividend > 0
    if dividend > bank::cash [ set dividend bank::cash ]

    if dividend / 10 > bank::stocks ; Distribute at least 10 cents to each stock
      let cashLeft dividend
      let stocksLeft bank::stocks

      ask my-investments
        let grossInvestorCash world::Round2down( cashLeft / stocksLeft ) * investment::stocks
        set tax world::Round2( grossInvestorCash * world::incomeTax )
        let netInvestorCash grossInvestorCash - tax

        ask world::governId
          set govern::cash govern::cash + tax
          set govern::incomeFromIncomeTax govern::incomeFromIncomeTax + tax

        ask end1
          set person::cash person::cash + netInvestorCash
          set person::investmentIncome person::investmentIncome + netInvestorCash
        ask end2
          set bank::cash bank::cash - grossInvestorCash

        set cashLeft cashLeft - grossInvestorCash
        set stocksLeft stocksLeft - investment::stocks

; Calculate the initial stocks on sale and loans target

to bank::CalculateNetWorthComposition

  let netWorth bank::vacancies * world::bondsPerWorker * world::bondFaceValue + bank::targetCash

  set bank::stocksOnSale round ( netWorth / (1 + bank::targetDebtRatio) / world::stockPrice )
  set bank::targetLoans round ( ( netWorth - bank::stocksOnSale * world::stockPrice ) / world::loanFaceValue )

; Calculate the expected profit per stock of the company for the next month

to bank::CalculateProfitPerStock

  let stocks bank::stocks + bank::stocksOnSale

  let totalIncome sum[bond::getFinancialCost world::ticksPerMonth ] of my-bonds + (bank::targetBonds - bank::bonds) * world::defaultCoupon * world::ticksPerMonth
  let totalCost ( sum [job::salary] of my-jobs + bank::vacancies * bank::salary ) * world::ticksPerMonth

  set bank::stockProfitability ( totalIncome - totalCost ) / stocks

; Calculate the amount of cash the bank needs to have

to bank::CalculateTargetCash

  set bank::targetCash ( sum [job::salary] of my-jobs + bank::vacancies * bank::salary ) * world::bankReservesTargetTicks + sum [loan::GetDebtCost world::bankReservesTargetTicks ] of my-loans

to-report bank::PayCapital [ amount ]

  ; Pay in cash if we have enough
  if bank::cash >= amount
    set bank::cash bank::cash - amount
    report true

  ; There's not enough money
  report false

to bank::CloseBussiness [ payWorkers ]

  ; Recover all bond money
  ask my-bonds
    let agentId nobody
    let bankId nobody
    ifelse is-company? end1 or is-govern? end1
      set agentId end1
      set bankId end2
      set agentId end2
      set bankId end1

    while [ bond::bondCount > 0 ]

      let paid true

      ask agentId
        ifelse is-company? self
          set company::bonds company::bonds - 1
          if not company::PayCapital world::bondFaceValue
            set paid false
            company::closeBussiness false
          if govern::cash < world::bondFaceValue

          set govern::bonds govern::bonds - 1
          set govern::cash govern::cash - world::bondFaceValue

      ask bankId ; Bank
        set bank::bonds bank::bonds - 1
        if (paid) [ set bank::cash bank::cash + world::bondFaceValue ]
        set bank::nonCurrentAssets bank::nonCurrentAssets - world::bondFaceValue

      if bond::bondCount = 0 [die]

  ; Return loans
  ask my-loans
    ; Pay face values
    while [ loan::loanCount > 0 ]

      let paid  false
      ask end2
        if bank::cash > world::loanFaceValue
          set bank::cash bank::cash - world::loanFaceValue
          set bank::loans bank::loans - 1

          set paid  true

      if paid
        ask end1
          set centralBank::M1 centralBank::M1 - world::loanFaceValue

      if loan::loanCount = 0 [die]


  ; Fire the workers and pay them what the company owes them
  ask my-jobs
    let lastSalary ifelse-value ( payWorkers ) [ world::Round2down( [bank::cash / bank::workers] of end2 )][0]

    ask end1 ; Person
      set person::cash person::cash + lastSalary
      set person::employed 0

    ask end2 ; Company
      set bank::cash bank::cash - lastSalary
      set bank::workers bank::workers - 1

  ; End all investment relationships and return the remainings of their investment
  ask my-investments
    let stocks investment::stocks
    let lastDividend ifelse-value (stocks < [bank::stocks] of end2 ) [ world::Round2down( stocks * [bank::cash / bank::stocks] of end2 ) ][ [bank::cash] of end2 ]

    ask end1 ; Person
      set person::cash person::cash + lastDividend

      set person::stocks person::stocks - stocks
      set person::targetStocks person::targetStocks - stocks
      if person::targetStocks < 0 [ set person::targetStocks 0 ]

    ask end2 ; Bank
      set bank::cash bank::cash - lastDividend
      set bank::stocks bank::stocks - stocks

  ; If the company was selected, deselect it
  if selection::selectedAgent = self
    let patchId selection::selectedPatch

    set selection::selectedPatch nobody
    set selection::selectedAgent nobody

    selection::selectPatch patchId

  ; Kill the company

; Calculate the bank's risk as the weighted average of the risk of its bonds

to bank::CalculateRisk
  let riskAggregate 0

  ifelse (bank::bonds > 0)
    ask my-bonds
      let risk 1
      (ifelse (is-company? end1) [ set risk [company::risk] of end1 ]
        (is-company? end2) [ set risk [company::risk] of end2 ]
        (is-govern? end1) [ set risk [govern::risk] of end1 ]
        (is-govern? end2) [ set risk [govern::risk] of end2 ]

      set riskAggregate riskAggregate + bond::bondCount * risk

    set bank::risk riskAggregate / bank::bonds
    set bank::risk 1 ; If the bank has no bonds it has no risk

; Shows information about the selected bank in the output control

to bank::ShowInfo

  output-print ( word "Bank (id:" who ")" )

  output-print ( word "   Age  :               " world::Round2 bank::age )
  output-print ( word "   Cash:                " world::Round2 bank::cash )
  output-print ( word "   Target Cash:         " world::Round2 bank::targetCash )
  output-print ( word "   Non-current Assets:  " world::Round2 bank::nonCurrentAssets )
  output-print ( word "   No. of Workers:      " round bank::workers )
  output-print ( word "   No. of Vacancies:    " round bank::vacancies )
  output-print ( word "   Salary:              " world::Round2 bank::salary )
  output-print ( word "   Target Debt Ratio:   " world::Round2 bank::targetDebtRatio )
  output-print ( word "   Stocks:              " round bank::stocks )
  output-print ( word "   Stocks on sale:      " round bank::stocksOnSale )
  output-print ( word "   Loans:               " round bank::loans )
  output-print ( word "   Target Loans:        " round bank::targetLoans )
  output-print ( word "   Bonds:               " round bank::bonds )
  output-print ( word "   Target Bonds:        " round bank::targetBonds )
  output-print ( word "   Labor Costs:         " world::Round2 bank::last::laborCosts )
  output-print ( word "   Operating Profit:    " world::Round2 bank::last::operatingProfit )
  output-print ( word "   Financial Income:    " world::Round2 bank::last::financialIncome )
  output-print ( word "   Financial Expense:   " world::Round2 bank::last::financialExpense )
  output-print ( word "   Profit Before Tax:   " world::Round2 bank::last::profitBeforeTax )
  output-print ( word "   Result:              " world::Round2 bank::last::result )
  output-print ( word "   Risk:                " world::Round2 bank::risk )
  output-print ( word "   Target Risk:         " world::Round2 bank::targetRisk )
  output-print ( word "   Stock profitability: " world::Round2 bank::stockProfitability )

; Make an initial distribution of loans and bonds

to banks::Initialize

  let initialLoanOffer floor ( [centralBank::TargetM1 - centralBank::M1] of world::centralBankId / world::loanFaceValue )

  ask companies with [ company::targetBonds > company::bonds]
    let bankId max-one-of banks with [bank::targetBonds > bank::bonds ] [bank::targetBonds - bank::bonds]

    let nBonds ifelse-value ( (company::targetBonds - company::bonds) <= [bank::targetBonds - bank::bonds] of bankId)[company::targetBonds - company::bonds][[bank::targetBonds - bank::bonds] of bankId]
    let nLoans ceiling ( nBonds * world::bondFaceValue / world::loanFaceValue )

    if nLoans > initialLoanOffer
      set nLoans initialLoanOffer
      set nBonds floor( nLoans * world::loanFaceValue / world::bondFaceValue )

    if nLoans > [bank::targetLoans - bank::loans] of bankId
      set nLoans [bank::targetLoans - bank::loans] of bankId
      set nBonds floor( nLoans * world::loanFaceValue / world::bondFaceValue )

    if bankId != nobody and nBonds > 0 and nLoans > 0
      set company::bonds company::bonds + nBonds
      set company::cash company::cash + nBonds * world::bondFaceValue


      let agentRisk company::risk
      let companyCoupon company::coupon

      create-bond-with bankId [ bond::Create ]
      ask bond-with bankId
        bond::AddInitialBond nBonds companyCoupon

      ask bankId
        set bank::cash bank::cash - world::bondFaceValue * nBonds
        set bank::nonCurrentAssets bank::nonCurrentAssets + world::bondFaceValue * nBonds
        set bank::bonds bank::bonds + nBonds
        set bank::risk (bank::risk * (bank::bonds - nBonds) + agentRisk ) /  bank::bonds ; Update the bank's risk

        set bank::loans bank::loans + nLoans
        set bank::cash bank::cash + nLoans * world::loanFaceValue

        create-loan-with world::centralBankId [ loan::Create ]
        ask loan-with world::centralBankId
          loan::AddInitialLoan nLoans

      ask world::centralBankId
        set centralBank::M1 centralBank::M1 + world::loanFaceValue * nLoans

      set initialLoanOffer initialLoanOffer - nLoans


  ask banks
    ; Update the target cash value

  ; Sort maturity by date because the program expects them to be sorted
  ask bonds
    set bond::maturities sort bond::maturities
  ask loans
    set loan::maturities sort loan::maturities


; Initializes a newly created central bank

to centralbank::Create [ distributedCash initialTargetM1 ]

  set shape style::centralBankShape
  set color style::centralBankColor

  move-to patch 1 0

  set centralBank::M1         distributedCash
  set centralBank::targetM1   initialTargetM1


; Operational action of the centralbank

to centralbank::OperationalAction


; Strategic action of the centralbank

to centralbank::StrategicAction

  if ticks >= 60 ; Do not make strategic action until it can calculate the inflation rate
    let priceIndexT0 last but-last world::priceIndexValues
    let priceIndexT1 last world::priceIndexValues

    let priceIndexChange (priceIndexT1 - priceIndexT0) / priceIndexT0

    let deviation priceIndexChange - world::monthlyInflationTarget

    ; The central bank is more likely to act the greater the deviation is
    let actionTreshhold ( ( random-float deviation ) - 0.005 ) * centralBank::M1

    ( ifelse (abs deviation) < 0.005
      [ ; The amount of money seems right, don't change it
        set centralBank::targetM1 centralBank::M1
      ( deviation > 0 and centralBank::targetM1 >= centralBank::M1 - actionTreshhold)
      [ ;; Too much inflation, reduce the amount of money
        let newLoans ceiling( ( centralBank::M1 * world::centralBankPolicyFactor ) / world::loanFaceValue )
        set centralBank::targetM1 centralBank::M1 - newLoans * world::loanFaceValue
      ( deviation < 0 and centralBank::targetM1 <= centralBank::M1 - actionTreshhold )
      [ ;; Too few inflation, increase the amount of money
        let newLoans ceiling( ( centralBank::M1 * world::centralBankPolicyFactor ) / world::loanFaceValue )
        set centralBank::targetM1 centralBank::M1 + newLoans * world::loanFaceValue

; Monthly action of the centralbank

to centralbank::MonthlyAction
  ; none

; Update the loan offer for this tick considering the current M1 target and the loan maturities

to centralBank::UpdateLoanOffer

  let nextTickM1 centralBank::M1 - ( sum [loan::GetDebtCost 1] of my-loans)

  let difference centralBank::targetM1 - nextTickM1

  if-else difference > 0
    set centralBank::loanOffer ceiling( difference / (world::loanFaceValue * world::centralBankPolicyMaturity ) )
    set centralBank::loanOffer 0

; Shows information about the selected centralbank in the output control

to centralbank::ShowInfo

  output-print ( word "Central Bank (id:" who ")" )

  output-print ( word "   M1 :                 " centralBank::M1 )
  output-print ( word "   Target M1 :          " centralBank::targetM1 )


to charts::Initialize

  ; Classify management initialization
  set people::currentClassifyBy ""
  set companies::currentClassifyBy ""
  set banks::currentClassifyBy ""

  ; World variables initialization
  set world::goodsPriceAvg 1.20                      ; Educated guess for the first month based on expected production costs, is needed for people to calculate their target reserves
  set world::goodsPriceMinCurrent world::floatMax
  set world::goodsPriceMaxCurrent 0

  ; Variables containing the list of values for each economic variable

  set world::bankCountValues                                []
  set world::coeRealValues                                  []
  set world::coeNominalValues                               []
  set world::companyCountValues                             []
  set world::consumptionNominalValues                       []
  set world::consumptionRealValues                          []
  set world::gdpNominalValues                               []
  set world::gdpRealValues                                  []
  set world::goodsPriceAvgValues                            []
  set world::goodsPriceMinValues                            []
  set world::goodsPriceMaxValues                            []
  set world::goodsProducedValues                            []
  set world::goodsSoldValues                                []
  set world::gosRealValues                                  []
  set world::gosNominalValues                               []
  set world::governConsumptionTaxIncomeNominalValues        []
  set world::governCorporationTaxIncomeNominalValues        []
  set world::governFinancialExpenseValues                   []
  set world::governIncomeNominalValues                      []
  set world::governIncomeTaxIncomeNominalValues             []
  set world::governSalariesNominalValues                    []
  set world::governUnemploymentBenefitExpensesNominalValues []
  set world::investmentNominalValues                        []
  set world::investmentRealValues                           []
  set world::m1Values                                       []
  set world::m1TargetValues                                 []
  set world::priceIndexValues                               []
  set world::publicExpenditureNominalValues                 []
  set world::salaryAvgValues                                []
  set world::salaryMaxValues                                []
  set world::salaryMinValues                                []
  set world::technologyValues                               []
  set world::unemploymentValues                             []

  ; Plot management initialization
  set plot1::bluePen::variableCurrent ""
  set plot1::greenPen::variableCurrent ""
  set plot1::pinkPen::variableCurrent ""
  set plot2::bluePen::variableCurrent ""
  set plot2::greenPen::variableCurrent ""
  set plot2::pinkPen::variableCurrent ""
  set plot3::bluePen::variableCurrent ""
  set plot3::greenPen::variableCurrent ""
  set plot3::pinkPen::variableCurrent ""
  set plot4::bluePen::variableCurrent ""
  set plot4::greenPen::variableCurrent ""
  set plot4::pinkPen::variableCurrent ""

  ; Set plot names
  set peoplePlot::name  "People"
  set companyPlot::name "Companies"
  set bankPlot::name "Banks"
  set plot1::name "Plot 1"
  set plot2::name "Plot 2"
  set plot3::name "Plot 3"
  set plot4::name "Plot 4"

; Updates the plot values

to plots::Update

  let x floor( ticks / world::ticksPerMonth )

  if plot1::bluePen::variableCurrent != ""
    set-current-plot plot1::name
    set-current-plot-pen "bluePen"

    plots::UpdatePlotLine x plot1::bluePen::variable

  if plot1::greenPen::variableCurrent != ""
    set-current-plot plot1::name
    set-current-plot-pen "greenPen"

    plots::UpdatePlotLine x plot1::greenPen::variable

  if plot1::pinkPen::variableCurrent != ""
    set-current-plot plot1::name
    set-current-plot-pen "pinkPen"

    plots::UpdatePlotLine x plot1::pinkPen::variable

  if plot2::bluePen::variableCurrent != ""
    set-current-plot plot2::name
    set-current-plot-pen "bluePen"

    plots::UpdatePlotLine x plot2::bluePen::variable

  if plot2::greenPen::variableCurrent != ""
    set-current-plot plot2::name
    set-current-plot-pen "greenPen"

    plots::UpdatePlotLine x plot2::greenPen::variable

  if plot2::pinkPen::variableCurrent != ""
    set-current-plot plot2::name
    set-current-plot-pen "pinkPen"

    plots::UpdatePlotLine x plot2::pinkPen::variable

  if plot3::bluePen::variableCurrent != ""
    set-current-plot plot3::name
    set-current-plot-pen "bluePen"

    plots::UpdatePlotLine x plot3::bluePen::variable

  if plot3::greenPen::variableCurrent != ""
    set-current-plot plot3::name
    set-current-plot-pen "greenPen"

    plots::UpdatePlotLine x plot3::greenPen::variable

  if plot3::pinkPen::variableCurrent != ""
    set-current-plot plot3::name
    set-current-plot-pen "pinkPen"

    plots::UpdatePlotLine x plot3::pinkPen::variable

  if plot4::bluePen::variableCurrent != ""
    set-current-plot plot4::name
    set-current-plot-pen "bluePen"

    plots::UpdatePlotLine x plot4::bluePen::variable

  if plot4::greenPen::variableCurrent != ""
    set-current-plot plot4::name
    set-current-plot-pen "greenPen"

    plots::UpdatePlotLine x plot4::greenPen::variable

  if plot4::pinkPen::variableCurrent != ""
    set-current-plot plot4::name
    set-current-plot-pen "pinkPen"

    plots::UpdatePlotLine x plot4::pinkPen::variable

; Draws the last specified varaible value on the current plot with the current pen

to plots::UpdatePlotLine [ x  variable ]

  let valueList plots::GetValuesList variable

  plotxy x last valueList

; Checks if any of the plots must be redrawn because the data to plot has changed

to plots::Redraw

  if plot1::bluePen::variable != plot1::bluePen::variableCurrent
    set-current-plot plot1::name
    set-current-plot-pen "bluePen"
    set plot1::bluePen::variableCurrent plot1::bluePen::variable

    plots::DrawPlotLine plot1::bluePen::variable

  if plot1::greenPen::variable != plot1::greenPen::variableCurrent
    set-current-plot plot1::name
    set-current-plot-pen "greenPen"
    set plot1::greenPen::variableCurrent plot1::greenPen::variable

    plots::DrawPlotLine plot1::greenPen::variable

  if plot1::pinkPen::variable != plot1::pinkPen::variableCurrent
    set-current-plot plot1::name
    set-current-plot-pen "pinkPen"
    set plot1::pinkPen::variableCurrent plot1::pinkPen::variable

    plots::DrawPlotLine plot1::pinkPen::variable

  if plot2::bluePen::variable != plot2::bluePen::variableCurrent
    set-current-plot plot2::name
    set-current-plot-pen "bluePen"
    set plot2::bluePen::variableCurrent plot2::bluePen::variable

    plots::DrawPlotLine plot2::bluePen::variable

  if plot2::greenPen::variable != plot2::greenPen::variableCurrent
    set-current-plot plot2::name
    set-current-plot-pen "greenPen"
    set plot2::greenPen::variableCurrent plot2::greenPen::variable

    plots::DrawPlotLine plot2::greenPen::variable

  if plot2::pinkPen::variable != plot2::pinkPen::variableCurrent
    set-current-plot plot2::name
    set-current-plot-pen "pinkPen"
    set plot2::pinkPen::variableCurrent plot2::pinkPen::variable

    plots::DrawPlotLine plot2::pinkPen::variable

  if plot3::bluePen::variable != plot3::bluePen::variableCurrent
    set-current-plot plot3::name
    set-current-plot-pen "bluePen"
    set plot3::bluePen::variableCurrent plot3::bluePen::variable

    plots::DrawPlotLine plot3::bluePen::variable

  if plot3::greenPen::variable != plot3::greenPen::variableCurrent
    set-current-plot plot3::name
    set-current-plot-pen "greenPen"
    set plot3::greenPen::variableCurrent plot3::greenPen::variable

    plots::DrawPlotLine plot3::greenPen::variable

  if plot3::pinkPen::variable != plot3::pinkPen::variableCurrent
    set-current-plot plot3::name
    set-current-plot-pen "pinkPen"
    set plot3::pinkPen::variableCurrent plot3::pinkPen::variable

    plots::DrawPlotLine plot3::pinkPen::variable

  if plot4::bluePen::variable != plot4::bluePen::variableCurrent
    set-current-plot plot4::name
    set-current-plot-pen "bluePen"
    set plot4::bluePen::variableCurrent plot4::bluePen::variable

    plots::DrawPlotLine plot4::bluePen::variable

  if plot4::greenPen::variable != plot4::greenPen::variableCurrent
    set-current-plot plot4::name
    set-current-plot-pen "greenPen"
    set plot4::greenPen::variableCurrent plot4::greenPen::variable

    plots::DrawPlotLine plot4::greenPen::variable

  if plot4::pinkPen::variable != plot4::pinkPen::variableCurrent
    set-current-plot plot4::name
    set-current-plot-pen "pinkPen"
    set plot4::pinkPen::variableCurrent plot4::pinkPen::variable

    plots::DrawPlotLine plot4::pinkPen::variable

; Draws the specified varaible values on the current plot with the current pen

to plots::DrawPlotLine [ variable ]


  if variable != ""
    let valueList plots::GetValuesList variable
    let x 0

    foreach valueList
      y -> plotxy x y
      set x x + 1

; Given a variable name returns the list that contains the value series of that variable

to-report plots::GetValuesList [ variable ]

  if variable = "Bank Count"                          [ report world::bankCountValues ]
  if variable = "Compensation of employees - nominal" [ report world::coeRealValues ]
  if variable = "Compensation of employees - real"    [ report world::coeNominalValues ]
  if variable = "Company Count"                       [ report world::companyCountValues ]
  if variable = "Consumption - nominal"               [ report world::consumptionNominalValues ]
  if variable = "Consumption - real"                  [ report world::consumptionRealValues ]
  if variable = "GDP - nominal"                       [ report world::gdpNominalValues ]
  if variable = "GDP - real"                          [ report world::gdpRealValues ]
  if variable = "Goods Average price"                 [ report world::goodsPriceAvgValues ]
  if variable = "Goods Minimum price"                 [ report world::goodsPriceMinValues ]
  if variable = "Goods Maximum price"                 [ report world::goodsPriceMaxValues ]
  if variable = "Goods Produced"                      [ report world::goodsProducedValues ]
  if variable = "Goods Sold"                          [ report world::goodsSoldValues ]
  if variable = "Govern Consumption Tax Income"       [ report world::governConsumptionTaxIncomeNominalValues ]
  if variable = "Govern Corporation Tax Income"       [ report world::governCorporationTaxIncomeNominalValues ]
  if variable = "Govern Financial Expense"            [ report world::governFinancialExpenseValues ]
  if variable = "Govern Income"                       [ report world::governIncomeNominalValues ]
  if variable = "Govern Income Tax Income"            [ report world::governIncomeTaxIncomeNominalValues ]
  if variable = "Govern Salaries"                     [ report world::governSalariesNominalValues ]
  if variable = "Govern Unemployment Benefit Expenses"[ report world::governUnemploymentBenefitExpensesNominalValues ]
  if variable = "M1"                                  [ report world::m1Values ]
  if variable = "M1 Target"                           [ report world::m1TargetValues ]
  if variable = "Gross Operating surplus - nominal"   [ report world::gosNominalValues ]
  if variable = "Gross Operating surplus - real"      [ report world::gosRealValues ]
  if variable = "Investment - nominal"                [ report world::investmentNominalValues ]
  if variable = "Investment - real"                   [ report world::investmentRealValues ]
  if variable = "Price Index"                         [ report world::priceIndexValues ]
  if variable = "Public Expenditure"                  [ report world::publicExpenditureNominalValues ]
  if variable = "Salary Average"                      [ report world::salaryAvgValues ]
  if variable = "Salary Maximum"                      [ report world::salaryMaxValues ]
  if variable = "Salary Minimum"                      [ report world::salaryMinValues ]
  if variable = "Technology"                          [ report world::technologyValues ]
  if variable = "Unemployment"                        [ report world::unemploymentValues ]

; Draws a line to mark an event on all the plots

to plots::DrawEvent [ month ]

  set-current-plot plot1::name
  plots::DrawEventLine month

  set-current-plot plot2::name
  plots::DrawEventLine month

  set-current-plot plot3::name
  plots::DrawEventLine month

  set-current-plot plot4::name
  plots::DrawEventLine month

; Draws a line to mark an event on the current plot

to plots::DrawEventLine[ month ]

  create-temporary-plot-pen "eventPen"
  set-plot-pen-color red

  plotxy month plot-y-min
  plotxy month plot-y-max

; Set the people histogram and agent color according to the selected attribute

to people::Classify

  if ticks mod world::ticksPerMonth = world::ticksPerMonth - 1 or people::currentClassifyBy != people::classifyBy
    set-current-plot peoplePlot::name

    ifelse people::classifyBy = ""
      ask people
        set color style::personColor

      let valueList []

      if people::classifyBy = "Cash"                 [ set valueList [ person::cash ] of people ]
      if people::classifyBy = "Cash target"          [ set valueList [ person::targetCash ] of people ]
      if people::classifyBy = "Color"                [ set valueList [ person::color ] of people ]
      if people::classifyBy = "Consumed goods"       [ set valueList [ person::last::consumedGoods ] of people ]
      if people::classifyBy = "Consumed goods value" [ set valueList [ person::last::consumedGoodsValue ] of people ]
      if people::classifyBy = "Employed"             [ set valueList [ person::employed ] of people ]
      if people::classifyBy = "Investment income"    [ set valueList [ person::last::investmentIncome ] of people ]
      if people::classifyBy = "Propensity to consume"[ set valueList [ person::propensityToConsume ] of people ]
      if people::classifyBy = "Stocks"               [ set valueList [ person::stocks ] of people ]
      if people::classifyBy = "Stocks wanted"        [ set valueList [ person::targetStocks ] of people ]
      if people::classifyBy = "Total income"         [ set valueList [ person::last::workIncome + person::last::investmentIncome + person::last::transferIncome] of people ]
      if people::classifyBy = "Transfer income"      [ set valueList [ person::last::transferIncome ] of people ]
      if people::classifyBy = "Work income"          [ set valueList [ person::last::workIncome ] of people ]

      let minValue min valueList
      let maxValue max valueList
      let valueRange maxValue - minValue

      set maxValue maxValue + 0.1 ; Ensure top values appear in the histogram

      ask people
        let value 0

        if people::classifyBy = "Cash"                 [ set value person::cash ]
        if people::classifyBy = "Cash target"          [ set value person::targetCash ]
        if people::classifyBy = "Color"                [ set value person::color ]
        if people::classifyBy = "Consumed goods"       [ set value person::last::consumedGoods ]
        if people::classifyBy = "Consumed goods value" [ set value person::last::consumedGoodsValue ]
        if people::classifyBy = "Employed"             [ set value person::employed ]
        if people::classifyBy = "Investment income"    [ set value person::last::investmentIncome ]
        if people::classifyBy = "Propensity to consume"[ set value person::propensityToConsume ]
        if people::classifyBy = "Stocks"               [ set value person::stocks]
        if people::classifyBy = "Stocks wanted"        [ set value person::targetStocks]
        if people::classifyBy = "Total income"         [ set value person::last::workIncome + person::last::investmentIncome + person::last::transferIncome]
        if people::classifyBy = "Transfer income"      [ set value person::last::transferIncome]
        if people::classifyBy = "Work income"          [ set value person::last::workIncome]

        ; Normalize the value and set it in the 0..255 range to color the agent
        if valueRange != 0
          set value ( ( value - minValue ) / valueRange )

        let iValue floor( value * 255 )

        set color rgb ( 255 - iValue) iValue 0

      set-plot-x-range world::round2(minValue) world::round2(maxValue)
      set-plot-y-range 0 count people
      set-histogram-num-bars 10

      histogram valueList

; Set the companies histogram and agent color according to the selected attribute

to companies::Classify

  if ticks mod world::ticksPerMonth = world::ticksPerMonth - 1 or companies::currentClassifyBy != companies::classifyBy
    set-current-plot companyPlot::name
    ifelse companies::classifyBy = "" or count companies = 0
      ask companies
        set color style::companyColor

      let valueList []

      if companies::classifyBy = "Age"                    [ set valueList [ company::age  ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Bonds"                  [ set valueList [ company::bonds ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Bonds Target"           [ set valueList [ company::targetBonds ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Cash"                   [ set valueList [ company::cash  ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Cash Target"            [ set valueList [ company::targetCash ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Color"                  [ set valueList [ company::color ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Coupon"                 [ set valueList [ company::lastCoupon ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Demand"                 [ set valueList [ company::last::demand ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Financial Expense"      [ set valueList [ company::last::financialExpense ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Inventory"              [ set valueList [ company::inventory ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Inventory Cost Per Unit"[ set valueList [ company::inventoryUnitaryValue ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Labor Costs"            [ set valueList [ company::last::laborCosts ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Non-current Assets"     [ set valueList [ company::nonCurrentAssets ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Operating Profit"       [ set valueList [ company::last::operatingProfit ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Production"             [ set valueList [ company::last::production ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Production Value"       [ set valueList [ company::last::productionValue ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Profit Before Tax"      [ set valueList [ company::last::profitBeforeTax ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Result"                 [ set valueList [ company::last::result ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Risk"                   [ set valueList [ company::risk ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Salary"                 [ set valueList [ company::salary ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Sale Price"             [ set valueList [ company::salePrice ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Sales"                  [ set valueList [ company::last::sales ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Sales Value"            [ set valueList [ company::last::salesValue ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Stock Profitability"    [ set valueList [ company::stockProfitability ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Stocks"                 [ set valueList [ company::stocks ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Stocks On Sale"         [ set valueList [ company::stocksOnSale ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Target Debt Ratio"      [ set valueList [ company::targetDebtRatio ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Vacancies"              [ set valueList [ company::vacancies ] of companies ]
      if companies::classifyBy = "Workers"                [ set valueList [ company::workers ] of companies ]

      let minValue min valueList
      let maxValue max valueList
      let valueRange maxValue - minValue
      set maxValue maxValue + 0.1 ; Ensure top values appear in the histogram

      ask companies
        let value 0

        if companies::classifyBy = "Age"                    [ set value company::age ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Bonds"                  [ set value company::bonds ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Bonds Target"           [ set value company::targetBonds ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Cash"                   [ set value company::cash ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Cash Target"            [ set value company::targetCash ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Color"                  [ set value company::color ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Coupon"                 [ set value company::lastCoupon ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Demand"                 [ set value company::last::demand ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Financial Expense"      [ set value company::last::financialExpense ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Inventory"              [ set value company::inventory ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Inventory Cost Per Unit"[ set value company::inventoryUnitaryValue ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Labor Costs"            [ set value company::last::laborCosts ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Non-current Assets"     [ set value company::nonCurrentAssets ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Operating Profit"       [ set value company::last::operatingProfit ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Production"             [ set value company::last::production ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Production Value"       [ set value company::last::productionValue ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Profit Before Tax"      [ set value company::last::profitBeforeTax ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Result"                 [ set value company::last::result ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Risk"                   [ set value company::risk ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Salary"                 [ set value company::salary ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Sale Price"             [ set value company::salePrice ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Sales"                  [ set value company::last::sales ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Sales Value"            [ set value company::last::salesValue ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Stock Profitability"    [ set value company::stockProfitability ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Stocks"                 [ set value company::stocks ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Stocks On Sale"         [ set value company::stocksOnSale ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Target Debt Ratio"      [ set value company::targetDebtRatio ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Vacancies"              [ set value company::vacancies ]
        if companies::classifyBy = "Workers"                [ set value company::workers ]

        ; Normalize the value and set it in the 0..255 range to color the agent
        ifelse valueRange != 0
          set value ( ( value - minValue ) / valueRange )
          set value value - minValue

        let iValue floor( value * 255 )

        set color rgb ( 255 - iValue) iValue 0

      set-plot-x-range world::round2(minValue) world::round2(maxValue)
      set-plot-y-range 0 count companies
      set-histogram-num-bars 10

      histogram valueList


; Set the banks histogram and agent color according to the selected attribute

to banks::Classify

  if ticks mod world::ticksPerMonth = world::ticksPerMonth - 1 or banks::currentClassifyBy != banks::classifyBy
    set-current-plot bankPlot::name
    ifelse banks::classifyBy = "" or count banks = 0
      ask banks
        set color style::bankColor

      let valueList []

      if banks::classifyBy = "Age"                    [ set valueList [ bank::age  ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Bonds"                  [ set valueList [ bank::bonds ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Bonds Target"           [ set valueList [ bank::targetBonds ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Cash"                   [ set valueList [ bank::cash  ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Cash Target"            [ set valueList [ bank::targetCash ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Financial Expense"      [ set valueList [ bank::last::financialExpense ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Financial Income"       [ set valueList [ bank::last::financialIncome ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Labor Costs"            [ set valueList [ bank::last::laborCosts ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Loans"                  [ set valueList [ bank::loans ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Loans Target"           [ set valueList [ bank::targetLoans ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Non-current Assets"     [ set valueList [ bank::nonCurrentAssets ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Operating Profit"       [ set valueList [ bank::last::operatingProfit ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Profit Before Tax"      [ set valueList [ bank::last::profitBeforeTax ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Result"                 [ set valueList [ bank::last::result ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Risk"                   [ set valueList [ bank::risk ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Risk Target"            [ set valueList [ bank::targetRisk ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Salary"                 [ set valueList [ bank::salary ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Stocks"                 [ set valueList [ bank::stocks ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Stock Profitability"    [ set valueList [ bank::stockProfitability ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Stocks On Sale"         [ set valueList [ bank::stocksOnSale ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Target Debt Ratio"      [ set valueList [ bank::targetDebtRatio ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Vacancies"              [ set valueList [ bank::vacancies ] of banks ]
      if banks::classifyBy = "Workers"                [ set valueList [ bank::workers ] of banks ]

      let minValue min valueList
      let maxValue max valueList
      let valueRange maxValue - minValue
      set maxValue maxValue + 0.1 ; Ensure top values appear in the histogram

      ask banks
        let value 0

        if banks::classifyBy = "Age"                    [ set value bank::age  ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Bonds"                  [ set value bank::bonds ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Bonds Target"           [ set value bank::targetBonds ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Cash"                   [ set value bank::cash ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Cash Target"            [ set value bank::targetCash ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Financial Expense"      [ set value bank::last::financialExpense ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Financial Income"       [ set value bank::last::financialIncome ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Labor Costs"            [ set value bank::last::laborCosts ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Loans"                  [ set value bank::loans ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Loans Target"           [ set value bank::targetLoans ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Non-current Assets"     [ set value bank::nonCurrentAssets ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Operating Profit"       [ set value bank::last::operatingProfit ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Profit Before Tax"      [ set value bank::last::profitBeforeTax ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Result"                 [ set value bank::last::result ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Risk"                   [ set value bank::risk ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Risk Target"            [ set value bank::targetRisk ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Salary"                 [ set value bank::salary ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Stocks"                 [ set value bank::stocks ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Stock Profitability"    [ set value bank::stockProfitability ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Stocks On Sale"         [ set value bank::stocksOnSale ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Target Debt Ratio"      [ set value bank::targetDebtRatio ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Vacancies"              [ set value bank::vacancies ]
        if banks::classifyBy = "Workers"                [ set value bank::workers ]

        ; Normalize the value and set it in the 0..255 range to color the agent
        ifelse valueRange != 0
          set value ( ( value - minValue ) / valueRange )
          set value value - minValue

        let iValue floor( value * 255 )

        set color rgb ( 255 - iValue) iValue 0

      set-plot-x-range world::round2(minValue) world::round2(maxValue)
      set-plot-y-range 0 count banks
      set-histogram-num-bars 10

      histogram valueList



to selection::Initialize
  ; Selection management initialization
  set selection::selectedPatch nobody
  set selection::selectedAgent nobody
  set selection::currentPatch  nobody
  set selection::interactionRadius 0

  set selection::currentShowConsumptions selection::showConsumptions
  set selection::currentShowJobs selection::showJobs
  set selection::currentShowInvestments selection::showInvestments
  set selection::currentShowBonds selection::showBonds
  set selection::currentShowLoans selection::showLoans

  set selection::colors::selected white
  set selection::colors::mouseOver gray
  set selection::colors::selectedRadious rgb 97 103 116 ; dark gray
  set selection::colors::notSelected  black

; Handles when the user clicks on a patch to select or deselect it. It also highlights the patch where the mouse is over.

to selection::MouseSelect [ updateOnTicks ]

  ; Display where the mouse is

  ; Shows or hides the agent relationships when the user clicks on the switch

  ; Select a patch if the user clicks on it
  ifelse mouse-down?
    let previousSelectedPatch selection::selectedPatch

    while [mouse-down?]

    if selection::currentPatch != nobody
      ifelse selection::currentPatch != selection::selectedPatch
      [ ; select the current patch
        set selection::selectedPatch selection::currentPatch
        set selection::selectedAgent one-of turtles-on selection::selectedPatch
      [ ; Selecting the currently selected patch -> deselect
        set selection::selectedPatch nobody
        set selection::selectedAgent nobody

    selection::SelectPatch previousSelectedPatch
  [ ; Update the selection at least every month
    if updateOnTicks and ticks mod world::ticksPerMonth = world::ticksPerMonth - 1
      selection::SelectPatch nobody

; Shows the patch where the mouse is currently over in gray and updates selection::currentPatch global variable

to selection::MouseOver

  let previousCurrentPatch selection::currentPatch

  ifelse mouse-inside?
    set selection::currentPatch patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
    set selection::currentPatch nobody

  ; check if the previousCurrentPatch is in the interaction area of the currently selected patch
  let isInRadious false
  if selection::interactionRadius > 0 and previousCurrentPatch != nobody and selection::selectedPatch != nobody
    ask previousCurrentPatch [ set isInRadious distance selection::selectedPatch <= selection::interactionRadius ]

  if previousCurrentPatch != nobody and previousCurrentPatch != selection::currentPatch and previousCurrentPatch != selection::selectedPatch
    ask previousCurrentPatch [ set pcolor ifelse-value (isInRadious) [selection::colors::selectedRadious] [ selection::colors::notSelected ] ]
  if selection::currentPatch != nobody and selection::currentPatch != selection::selectedPatch
    ask selection::currentPatch [ set pcolor selection::colors::mouseOver ]

; Given a patch shows information about itself and the agents inside to the output control

to selection::SelectPatch [ previousSelectedPatch ]

  ask Consumptions with [ not hidden? ] [ set hidden? true ]
  ask Jobs with [ not hidden? ] [ set hidden? true ]
  ask Investments with [ not hidden? ] [ set hidden? true ]
  ask Bonds with [ not hidden? ] [ set hidden? true ]
  ask Loans with [ not hidden? ] [ set hidden? true ]

  ; Paint the previously selected patch back to its original value and erase its interaction area
  if previousSelectedPatch != nobody and previousSelectedPatch != selection::selectedPatch
    ask previousSelectedPatch
      set pcolor ifelse-value (previousSelectedPatch != selection::currentPatch) [ selection::colors::notSelected ] [ selection::colors::mouseOver ]
    if selection::interactionRadius > 0
      ask patches with [ distance previousSelectedPatch <= selection::interactionRadius and self != previousSelectedPatch ]
        set pcolor ifelse-value (self != selection::currentPatch) [ selection::colors::notSelected ] [ selection::colors::mouseOver ]
  ; Paint the selected patch as selected
  if selection::selectedPatch != nobody
    ask selection::selectedPatch [ set pcolor selection::colors::selected ]

  if selection::selectedPatch != nobody
    output-print ( word "Patch " ( [pxcor] of selection::selectedPatch ) " " [pycor] of selection::selectedPatch )

    set selection::interactionRadius 0

    if selection::selectedAgent != nobody
      ; Show information about the person in this patch
      if is-person? selection::selectedAgent
        ask selection::selectedAgent

        set selection::interactionRadius world::interactionRadius

      ; Show information about the company in this patch
      if is-company? selection::selectedAgent
        ask selection::selectedAgent
        set selection::interactionRadius world::interactionRadius

      ; Show information about the company in this patch
      if is-govern? selection::selectedAgent
        ask selection::selectedAgent
        set selection::interactionRadius world::governInteractionRadius

      ; Show information about the company in this patch
      if is-bank? selection::selectedAgent
        ask selection::selectedAgent
        set selection::interactionRadius world::interactionRadius

      ; Show information about the company in this patch
      if is-centralBank? selection::selectedAgent
        ask selection::selectedAgent
        set selection::interactionRadius 0

      ; Paint the distance at which the agent can interact
      if selection::interactionRadius > 0
        ask patches with [ distance selection::selectedPatch <= selection::interactionRadius and self != selection::selectedPatch ] [ set pcolor selection::colors::selectedRadious ]

      ; Show its relationships
      ask selection::selectedAgent
        if selection::currentShowConsumptions
          ask my-Consumptions
            set hidden? false
        if selection::currentShowJobs
          ask my-Jobs
            set hidden? false
        if selection::currentShowInvestments
          ask my-Investments
            set hidden? false
        if selection::currentShowBonds
          ask my-Bonds
            set hidden? false
        if selection::currentShowLoans
          ask my-Loans
            set hidden? false

; Checks if a switch has changed and displays the relationships accordingly

to selection::UpdateRelationshipsView

  if selection::currentShowConsumptions != selection::ShowConsumptions
    ifelse selection::ShowConsumptions
    [ ; show consumptions for the selected patch (if any)
      if selection::selectedAgent != nobody
        ask selection::selectedAgent
          ask my-Consumptions
            set hidden? false
    [ ; Hide all the consumptions
      ask Consumptions with [ not hidden? ] [ set hidden? true ]

    set selection::currentShowConsumptions selection::ShowConsumptions

  if selection::currentShowJobs != selection::ShowJobs
    ifelse selection::ShowJobs
    [ ; show jobs for the selected patch (if any)

      if selection::selectedAgent != nobody
        ask selection::selectedAgent
          ask my-Jobs
            set hidden? false
    [ ; Hide all the jobs
      ask Jobs with [ not hidden? ] [ set hidden? true ]

    set selection::currentShowJobs selection::ShowJobs

  if selection::currentShowInvestments != selection::ShowInvestments
    ifelse selection::ShowInvestments
    [ ; show investements for the selected patch (if any)

      if selection::selectedAgent != nobody
        ask selection::selectedAgent
          ask my-Investments
            set hidden? false
    [ ; Hide all the investements
      ask Investments with [ not hidden? ] [ set hidden? true ]

    set selection::currentShowInvestments selection::ShowInvestments

  if selection::currentShowBonds != selection::showBonds
    ifelse selection::showBonds
    [ ; show investements for the selected patch (if any)

      if selection::selectedAgent != nobody
        ask selection::selectedAgent
          ask my-Bonds
            set hidden? false
    [ ; Hide all the bonds
      ask Bonds with [ not hidden? ] [ set hidden? true ]

    set selection::currentShowBonds selection::showBonds

  if selection::currentShowLoans != selection::showLoans
    ifelse selection::showLoans
    [ ; show investements for the selected patch (if any)

      if selection::selectedAgent != nobody
        ask selection::selectedAgent
          ask my-Loans
            set hidden? false
    [ ; Hide all the loans
      ask Loans with [ not hidden? ] [ set hidden? true ]

    set selection::currentShowLoans selection::showLoans

There is only one version of this model, created over 3 years ago by Ander G.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
DIMMBA.pdf pdf Project document(Spanish): Iterative developement of an agent based macroeconomic model. over 3 years ago, by Ander G Download
Macroeconomy.png preview Preview for 'Macroeconomy' over 3 years ago, by Ander G Download

This model does not have any ancestors.

This model does not have any descendants.