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Default-person bosmat bar (Author)


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; reproduction of rabbits
; create 2 breeds-- girl rabbit and boy rabbit

breed [ boyrabbits a-boyrabbit ]
breed [ girlrabbits a-girlrabbit ]

globals [ clock

turtles-own [ age ]                       ;rabbit has attribute of age

to setup                                  ;clear all and set rabbits randomaly by user choise
  ask patches [ set pcolor green ]
  ifelse netlogo-web? [ set max-rabbits 1500 ] [ set max-rabbits 1500 ] ;limit the max rabbits of the model
  create-boyrabbits מספר-ארנבים-התחלתי     ;create the male rabbits, then sets their intial variables
    set color blue set shape "rabbit" set age 1 + random 5 fd random 35 rt random-float 360 set size ( age-size )
  create-girlrabbits מספר-ארנבות-התחלתי    ;create the female rabbits, then sets their intial variables
    set color pink set shape "rabbit" set age 1 + random 5 fd random 35 rt random-float 360 set size ( age-size )
  set clock 0

to go
 every 0.2                                 ;slow down the model
 ask turtles
        move                               ;wander around and look for a pet or rabbit (of the opposite gender)
     if count turtles = 0                 ;if we don't have any turtles left, we stop the model
        [ stop ]
     set clock clock + 1
 if count turtles > max-rabbits [ user-message "הארנבים השתלטו על העולם!" stop ]

to-report age-size                        ;if the age is 10 or older, the size will stay 3
  ifelse (age < 10) [ report 1 + age * 0.2 ] [ report 3 ]

to grow-older                              ;rabbits grow up
  set age age + 1                          ;rabbit''s size will grow as the rabbits grow older
  set size ( age-size )

to wiggle                                  ;they move left and right, here and about
  left random 30
  right random 30

to move
  forward random 2

to oestrum                                   ;every female rabbit has a cycle of oestrum, visualized with the color yellow
  ask girlrabbits
  [ ifelse  ((age = 14) or (age = 17) or (age = 20) )
  [set color yellow][set color pink]]

to reproduce                                 ;every female rabbit can reproduce if she meets few conditions: mature, in oestrum and in the "neiboughrood" of a male rabbit
  ask girlrabbits with [ age > 5 and  color = yellow and (any? boyrabbits in-radius 17 ) ]
    [ hatch (1 + random 2)                   ;she hatches between 1 to 3 baby-rabbits
          set age 0
          set shape "rabbit"
          set size age-size
          ifelse random 2 = 0                ;chance of 1/3 for a boy. 2/3 for a girl
             [ set breed boyrabbits
               set color blue
               set shape "rabbit"
             [ set breed girlrabbits
               set color pink
               set shape "rabbit"
         lt random 180                        ;the baby-rabbits wander away, as the way of growing up offsprings
         fd random 5

to pass-away
  if (age > 21 ) [ die ] ;a rabbit pass away after age of 31. we set the n-dead in case we want to show it

There is only one version of this model, created over 3 years ago by bosmat bar.

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