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breed [cards card] breed [players player] cards-own [ suit ; club, diamond, heart, spade number ; 1 to 13 ] players-own [ money my_cards my_card_slot my_move_patch my_move ; check, bet, call, raise, fold current_bet betted? ] globals [ table_color seats card_seq player_seq community_cards flop_slot river_slot turn_slot big_blind small_blind pot_patch pot_money patch_display_money_to_call money_to_call current_round winners hand_rank #_round ] to setup clear-all reset-ticks set hand_rank ["high card" "pair" "two pair" "three of a kind" "straight" "flush" "full house" "four of a kind" "straight flush" "royal flush"] set table_color 53 init-table init-cards repeat num-players [init-1-player 100] set player_seq sort players set small_blind last but-last player_seq set big_blind last player_seq blinds-shift set winners no-turtles end to shuffle-cards set card_seq (shuffle sort cards) end to init-table ask patches with [ (abs pycor) < 10 and (abs pxcor) < 26 ][ set pcolor table_color ] set seats (list patch -6 10 patch -18 10 patch -26 0 patch -18 -10 patch -6 -10 patch 6 -10 patch 18 -10 patch 26 0 patch 18 10 patch 6 10) set flop_slot (list patch -14 0 patch -10 0 patch -6 0) set turn_slot patch -2 0 set river_slot patch 2 0 set pot_patch patch 10 0 set patch_display_money_to_call patch 10 -2 end to init-cards ask cards [die] ask players [ set my_cards [] set my_move 0 update-player-status ] set community_cards [] set current_round 0 update-pot (foreach ["Club" "Diamond" "Heart" "Spade"] [ s -> (foreach (range 13) [ n -> crt 1 [ set breed cards set heading 0 set size 2 set suit s set shape suit set color ifelse-value (suit = "Heart" or suit = "Diamond")[red][black] setxy -1 12 set number n + 1 set label (word (first s) "/" number) ] ]) ]) shuffle-cards end to init-1-player [m] create-players 1 [ set shape "square" set money m set color brown move-to item (count players - 1) seats let my_card_spot one-of neighbors4 with [pcolor = table_color] face my_card_spot set my_cards [] set my_card_slot (list patch-left-and-ahead 30 2 patch-right-and-ahead 30 2 ) set my_move_patch patch-ahead 4 set betted? false set label (word "Player " who) update-player-status ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; HANDS RANKING PROCEDURES ; ; wrote in observer context ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to-report contend-of [hands] report map [c -> [list suit number] of c] sort hands end to-report compare-players-hands [player1 player2] if (count (turtle-set [my_cards] of player1 community_cards) < 7 or count (turtle-set [my_cards] of player2 community_cards) < 7)[ user-message "ERROR: not sufficient cards to compare" report "ERROR" ] let hand1 compute contend-of (turtle-set [my_cards] of player1 community_cards) let hand2 compute contend-of (turtle-set [my_cards] of player2 community_cards) let result ifelse-value (compare-hands hand1 hand2 = true) [ "WIN" ][ ; ifelse-value (compare-hands hand2 hand1 = true) [ "LOSS" ; ][ ; "TIE" ; ] ] if print-logs? [ output-print (word player1 " hand: " hand1) output-print (word player2 " hand: " hand2) output-print (word ifelse-value (result = "WIN") [player1][player2] "WIN") ] report result end to-report compare-hands [hand1 hand2] ifelse (position first hand1 hand_rank) != (position first hand2 hand_rank) [ ; compare with different types report (position first hand1 hand_rank) > (position first hand2 hand_rank) ][; compare within same type, compare biggest card in descending order report ifelse-value ((first last hand1) != (first last hand2))[ is-bigger-than (first last hand1) (first last hand2) ][ ifelse-value ((item 1 last hand1) != (item 1 last hand2))[ is-bigger-than (item 1 last hand1) (item 1 last hand2) ][ ifelse-value ((item 2 last hand1) != (item 2 last hand2))[ is-bigger-than (item 2 last hand1) (item 2 last hand2) ][ ifelse-value ((item 3 last hand1) != (item 3 last hand2))[ is-bigger-than (item 3 last hand1) (item 3 last hand2) ][ ifelse-value ((item 4 last hand1) != (item 4 last hand2))[ is-bigger-than (item 4 last hand1) (item 4 last hand2) ][ false ] ] ] ] ] ] end ; test the compute procedure (the hand ranking calculator) ; with the content of "hand" input gadget at the interface to-report hh report read-from-string hand end to-report is-bigger-than [n1 n2] report (ifelse-value (n1 = 1)[14][n1]) > (ifelse-value (n2 = 1)[14][n2]) end to-report compute [a_hand] let r [] ; high card let high_card_list find-high-cards a_hand set r (list "high card" sublist find-high-cards a_hand 0 5) ; pair, two pair, three of a kind let slist find-same a_hand if max slist = 2 [ ifelse length filter [s -> s = 2] slist = 1 [ let pairN 13 - (position 2 slist) let plist sublist (fput pairN fput pairN (remove pairN remove pairN high_card_list)) 0 5 set r list "pair" plist ][ let pos1 (position 2 slist) let pos2 pos1 + 1 + position 2 ( sublist slist (pos1 + 1) 13 ) let p1 13 - pos1 let p2 13 - pos2 set r (list "two pair" (list p1 p1 p2 p2 max ( filter [n -> n != p1 and n != p2] high_card_list ) ) ) ] ] if max slist = 3 [ let t3 (13 - position 3 slist) set r list "three of a kind" sublist (sentence t3 t3 t3 filter [n -> n != t3] high_card_list ) 0 5 ] ;straight let straight_list find-straight a_hand if member? 5 straight_list [ let n (14 - position 5 reverse straight_list) set r list "straight" (range n (n - 5) -1) ] ; flush let flist find-flush a_hand let cardNumber [] if last first flist >= 5 [ let fclub first first flist set cardNumber sublist (sort-by [[?1 ?2] -> is-bigger-than ?1 ?2] map [? -> last ?] filter [c -> first c = fclub] a_hand) 0 (1 + min (list 5 length flist)) set r (list "flush" cardNumber) ] ; full house if max slist = 3 and member? 2 slist [ let n1 (13 - position 3 slist) let n2 (13 - position 2 slist) set r (list "full house" (list n1 n1 n1 n2 n2))] ; four of a kind if max slist = 4 [ let f 13 - position 4 slist set r (list "four of a kind" (list f f f f first (filter [n -> n != f] high_card_list ))) ] ; straight flush if (last first flist >= 5) and member? 5 straight_list [ let cnList find-straight-flush a_hand if member? 5 cnList [ let pos (14 - position 5 reverse cnList) ifelse (pos = 14)[ set r list "royal flush" (range pos (pos - 5) -1) ][ set r list "straight flush" (range pos (pos - 5) -1) ] ] ] report r end to-report find-straight [h] let seqlist map [? -> ifelse-value (member? ? map [c -> last c] h) [1][0] ] [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1] report map [n -> sum sublist seqlist (n - 5) n ] [5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14] end to-report find-flush [h] report sort-by [[c1 c2] -> (last c1) > (last c2) ] map [c -> (list c (length filter [hc -> first hc = c] h) ) ] ["Diamond" "Spade" "Club" "Heart"] end to-report find-straight-flush [h] let flist find-flush h let cardNumber [] let fclub first first flist set cardNumber (sort-by [[?1 ?2] -> ?1 > ?2] map [? -> last ?] filter [c -> first c = fclub] h) let seqlist map [? -> ifelse-value (member? ? cardNumber) [1][0] ] [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1] report map [n -> sum sublist seqlist (n - 5) n ] [5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14] end to-report find-same [h] report map [n -> length filter [c -> last c = n] h ] [13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1] end to-report find-high-cards [h] report map [? -> last ?] sort-by [[c1 c2] -> is-bigger-than (last c1) (last c2)] h end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; DEALER PROCEDURES ; ; wrote in observer context ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to play-one-round set #_round #_round + 1 init-cards deal ;"pre-flop" bet-round deal ;"the-flop" bet-round deal ;"the-turn" bet-round deal ;"the-river" bet-round winner-collect-the-money blinds-shift end ; card context, if card is on the green table to-report dealt report pcolor = table_color end to-report next_card report first filter [c -> [not dealt] of c] card_seq end to deal ; deal-hole-cards ifelse current_round = 0 [ set current_round "pre-flop" repeat 2 [ foreach player_seq [ p -> ask first filter [c -> [not dealt] of c] card_seq [ ask p [set my_cards lput myself my_cards] move-to one-of filter [s -> [not any? turtles-here] of s] [my_card_slot] of p if (print-logs?) [ output-print (word "card " (word suit number) " goes to " p) ] ] ] ] ][ ; deal flop cards ifelse current_round = "pre-flop" [ set current_round "the-flop" foreach [0 1 2][ n -> ask next_card [ set community_cards lput self community_cards move-to item n flop_slot if (print-logs?) [ output-print (word "flop card " (word suit number)) ] ] ] ][ ;deal-the-turn ifelse current_round = "the-flop" [ set current_round "the-turn" ask next_card [ set community_cards lput self community_cards move-to turn_slot if (print-logs?) [ output-print (word "turn card " (word suit number)) ] ] ][ ; deal-the-river if current_round = "the-turn" [ set current_round "the-river" ask next_card [ set community_cards lput self community_cards move-to river_slot if (print-logs?) [ output-print (word "river card " (word suit number)) ] ] ] ] ] ] end to-report has-winner? report any? winners end to-report alive_players report players with [my_move != "fold"] end ; To determin if current betting round is completed. to-report current_betting_completed? report ifelse-value ( count alive_players with [betted?] = count alive_players) [ true ][ false ] end ; Betting continues until every player has ; either matched the bets made or folded (if no bets are made, ; the round is complete when every player has checked). ; When the betting round is completed, the next dealing/betting round begins, ; or the hand is complete. to bet-until-check-or-win let bet_round 0 let alive_player_seq filter [p -> [my_move] of p != "fold" and not [betted?] of p] player_seq while [ not current_betting_completed? ][ if print-logs? [ output-print (word "bet round " bet_round) ] ; at pre-flop round, small blind and big blind drop chips if current_round = "pre-flop" and bet_round = 0 [ blind-bet set alive_player_seq (remove big_blind (remove small_blind alive_player_seq)) ] foreach alive_player_seq [ p -> ask p [ bet ] ] set alive_player_seq filter [p -> [my_move] of p != "fold" and not [betted?] of p] player_seq set bet_round bet_round + 1 ] end to bet-round ;tick set money_to_call 0 ; init alive players status ask alive_players [ set betted? false set my_move 0 ] ifelse has-winner? [ if print-logs? [ output-print "There is a winner, game stop." ] ][ ; this is the recursive betting round bet-until-check-or-win if count alive_players = 1 [ set winners alive_players ] ] gather-bets update-pot end to hands-rank let playerRank sort-by [[p1 p2] -> compare-players-hands p1 p2 = "WIN"] alive_players let p0 first playerRank set winners (turtle-set winners p0) if print-logs? [ output-print word "ADD WINNER " p0 ] foreach but-first playerRank [ p -> if compare-players-hands p p0 != "LOSS" [ set winners (turtle-set winners p) if print-logs? [ output-print word "ADD WINNER " p ] ] set p0 p ] if print-logs? [ output-print (word "WINNERS: " ( sort winners)) ] end ; cannot deal with all-in for now to winner-collect-the-money if current_round = "the-river" [ hands-rank ] ifelse any? winners [ let reward pot_money / count winners ask winners [ set money money + reward update-player-status ] ][ ] set pot_money 0 update-pot set winners no-turtles end to-report total_money report sum [money] of players end to-report total_bet report sum [current_bet] of players end to gather-bets set pot_money pot_money + total_bet ask players [ set money money - current_bet set current_bet 0 ] end to update-pot ask pot_patch [set plabel (word "pot: " pot_money)] end ; make the players loop end with big blind to update-player-seq set player_seq (sentence (filter [p -> [who] of p > [who] of big_blind] (sort players)) ( filter [p -> [who] of p <= [who] of big_blind] (sort players) ) ) end ; shifting small blind and big blind to blinds-shift ask small_blind [ ask patch-ahead -4 [set plabel "" ]] set small_blind big_blind set big_blind first player_seq ask small_blind [ ask patch-ahead -4 [set plabel "SB" ]] ask big_blind [ ask patch-ahead -4 [set plabel "BB" ]] update-player-seq ask players [update-player-status] end to update-money-to-call if current_bet > money_to_call [ set money_to_call current_bet ] ask patch_display_money_to_call [ set plabel (word "money to call: " money_to_call)] ; if money_to_call < max [current_bet] of players [ ; user-message "ERROR! money_to_call less than max betting" ; stop ; ] end to-report contents-of [pole-cards] let card1 first pole-cards let card2 last pole-cards report (list [list suit number] of card1 [list suit number] of card2) end ; ; MONTE-CARLO DEALING ; ; record the win/loss rate for each combination of pole cards ; to batch-dealing [n_rounds] if is-string? n_rounds [ set n_rounds read-from-string n_rounds] let dic_cards [] let #_wins [] let #_occur [] repeat n_rounds [ set #_round #_round + 1 init-cards repeat 4 [deal] hands-rank ask players [ ifelse member? (contents-of sort my_cards) dic_cards [ let pos position (contents-of sort my_cards) dic_cards if member? self winners [ set #_wins replace-item pos #_wins (1 + item pos #_wins) ] set #_occur replace-item pos #_occur (1 + item pos #_occur) ][ set dic_cards lput (contents-of sort my_cards) dic_cards set #_wins lput (ifelse-value (member? self winners)[1][0] ) #_wins set #_occur lput 1 #_occur ] ] set winners no-turtles ] (foreach dic_cards #_wins #_occur [ [d n o] -> print (list d n o)]) end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; PLAYER PROCEDURES ; ; wrote in player context ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to bet random-bet set betted? true update-money-to-call update-player-status if (print-logs?)[ output-print (word self ": " my_move " " ifelse-value (my_move != "fold")[current_bet][""] )] ; a raise move requires other alive players to make decisions again (call or re-raise) if my_move = "raise" or my_move = "bet" [ ask other alive_players [ set betted? false ] update-player-status ] end to blind-bet ask small_blind [ set current_bet blind / 2 set betted? true] ask big_blind [ set current_bet blind set betted? true] end to random-bet let myBet ifelse-value (money > 20)[random 20][random money] ifelse myBet <= money_to_call / 2 [ ifelse current_bet >= money_to_call [ ;I'm big blind set my_move "check" ] [ ;fold set my_move "fold" ] ][ ifelse (money_to_call > 0 and myBet / money_to_call < 1.5) [ set my_move "call" set current_bet money_to_call ][ set my_move ifelse-value (money_to_call = 0)["bet"] ["raise"] set current_bet myBet ] ] end to update-player-status ifelse heading = 90 or heading = 270 [ ask patch-at 0 1 [set plabel word "$" [money] of myself] ][ ask patch-ahead -1 [set plabel word "$" [money] of myself] ] ask my_move_patch [set plabel [(word ifelse-value (my_move != 0) [my_move][""] ifelse-value (current_bet > 0) [word " " current_bet][""] )] of myself ] set color ifelse-value (my_move = "fold")[black][ifelse-value betted? [green][red]] end
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