Emergence of despotic and egalitarian societies

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Default-person David Sousa (Author)


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globals[mean-feq-attacks mean-centrality dominance-differentiation]

turtles-own[dominance win list-of-mean-distances current-mean-distance centrality n-attacks]

to setup
  ask patches [set pcolor blue]
  crt n-turtles [set color white setxy (random-xcor / init-cohesion ) (random-ycor / init-cohesion ) set dominance initdom set list-of-mean-distances []]

to go
  ask turtles [activation-procedure]
  ask turtles [set color scale-color red dominance 0 ([dominance] of max-one-of turtles [dominance])]
  ask turtles [if color > 19.9 [set color yellow]]

to collect-data
  ask turtles [
    set current-mean-distance mean [distance myself] of turtles
    set list-of-mean-distances fput current-mean-distance list-of-mean-distances
    set centrality mean list-of-mean-distances
  set mean-centrality mean [centrality] of turtles
  if not any? turtles with [n-attacks = 0] [ set mean-feq-attacks mean [n-attacks / ticks] of turtles]
  set dominance-differentiation standard-deviation [dominance] of turtles / mean [dominance] of turtles

to activation-procedure
  ifelse any? turtles-in perspace [interact][
    ifelse any? turtles-in nearview [step 1][
      ifelse any? turtles-in maxview [face one-of turtles-in maxview step 1][
        set heading heading + (search-angle * ( - 1) ^ (random 2))]]]

to step [d]
  repeat 10 [fd d / 10]

to-report turtles-in [d]
  report other turtles in-cone d attentional-angle

to interact
  let target min-one-of turtles-in perspace [distance myself]
  let relative-dominance (dominance / (dominance + [dominance] of target))
  attack target relative-dominance
  ifelse win = 1 [
    attack target relative-dominance
    set n-attacks n-attacks + 1
    move-after-attack target
    update-rank target relative-dominance

to attack [tgt rd]
  let rnd random-float 1
  ifelse rd >= rnd [set win 1 ask tgt [set win 0]][set win 0 ask tgt [set win 1]]

to move-after-attack [tgt]
  ifelse win = 1 [winners-move ask tgt [loosers-move]]
    [loosers-move ask tgt [winners-move]]

to winners-move
  step 1 set heading heading + (45 * ( - 1) ^ (random 2))

to loosers-move
  set heading (heading + 180 + (45 * ( - 1) ^ (random 2))) step flee-distance

to update-rank [tgt rd]
  set dominance dominance + stepdom * (win - rd) * ( - 1) ^ (abs (win - 1))
  ask tgt [
    set dominance dominance + stepdom * ([win] of myself - rd) * ( - 1) ^ (abs (win - 1))
  ; correct null/negative dominance
  if dominance <= 0.001 [set dominance 0.001]
  ask tgt [if dominance <= 0.001 [set dominance 0.001]]

There is only one version of this model, created over 4 years ago by David Sousa.

Attached files

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Emergence of despotic and egalitarian societies.png preview Preview for 'Emergence of despotic and egalitarian societies' over 4 years ago, by David Sousa Download

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