
Covid19 preview image

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Default-person Youwei He (Author)


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;turtles-own [age withmask withglass status Susceptibility Treatmenttime Departure Destination movesize infecteddays treatmentdays infectedpros lockdown]
breed [airplanes airplane]
breed [peoples people]
breed [halos halo]
peoples-own[age withmask withglass status Susceptibility  Departure Destination movesize infecteddays treatmentdays infectedpros lockdown inplane inairport lockdownday]
;movesize: the turtles move distance in every step
;infecteddays: how long have be infected infected people can be health
;treatmentdays: after treatmentdays
;infectedpros: the possibility of infection
;lockdown:0 not lockdown,1 lockdown
;inplane: 0 one the plane, 1 not on the plane
;inairport:"0" not, "A" Acountry airport,"B" Bcountry airport
;status: 0 healthy(green); 2 infected(red); 4 lurking(yellow)
airplanes-own[flying Departure Destination speed]
;flying:1 flying; 0 at the airport
;speed: how many steps can more per tick
globals[x Apolicy Bpolicy Amaskrate Bmaskrate Apopulation Bpopulation Acenterx Bcenterx Acolor Bcolor infectdis ALurkingrate findingdays recoverdays withglassrate enableflight lockdowndays filename]
;Apopulation: the population of country A
;Bpopulation: the population of country B
;Acolor: the background color of country A
;Bcolor: the background color of country B
;infectdis: the maximum distance can be infected by others.
;ALurkingrate: at the beginning the lurking people rate of country A.
;findingdays: after findingdays people's status turns from lurking to infected status.
;recoverdays: after recoverdays, the infected people can be recovered
;withglassrate: the rate of people woth glass
;Acenterx Bcenterx: the x of country A and country B
;enableflight: 1, use airplane; 0 ,don't use airplane
;Apolicy,Bpolicy:0 no lockdown when fly to other country;1 lockdown when fly to other country
;lockdowndays: how many days people have to be lockdowned when take the airplain or infected

to make-halo  ;; runner procedure
  ;; when you use HATCH, the new turtle inherits the
  ;; characteristics of the parent.  so the halo will
  ;; be the same color as the turtle it encircles (unless
  ;; you add code to change it
  hatch-halos 1
  [ set size infectdis
    ;; Use an RGB color to make halo three fourths transparent
    set color lput 64 extract-rgb color
    ;; set thickness of halo to half a patch
    __set-line-thickness 0.5
    ;; We create an invisible directed link from the runner
    ;; to the halo.  Using tie means that whenever the
    ;; runner moves, the halo moves with it.
    create-link-from myself
    [ tie
      hide-link ] ]

to makelockdown ;make people lockdown
  set lockdown 1
  set lockdownday  0

to addlockdownday
  set lockdownday lockdownday + 1

to makefree;make people unlockdown
  set lockdown 0
  set lockdownday  0

to del-halos
  if count link-neighbors > 0 [
    ask one-of link-neighbors  [ die ]

to setup
  set-default-shape halos "circle 2"
  set Acolor black
  set Bcolor black
  set Apopulation $Apopulation
  set Bpopulation $Bpopulation
  set infectdis $infectdis
  set ALurkingrate  $ALurkingrate / 100 ;initial infected rate
  set findingdays $findingdays
  set recoverdays $recoverdays
  set Apolicy $Apolicy
  set Bpolicy $Bpolicy
  set Amaskrate $Amaskrate
  set Bmaskrate $Bmaskrate
  set withglassrate $withglassrate
  set Acenterx min-pxcor / 2
  set Bcenterx max-pxcor / 2
  set lockdowndays $lockdowndays


to setup-airplanes
   create-airplanes 1
   ask airplanes [
     ask airplane 0 [
      setxy  Acenterx  0
      set Departure "A"
      set Destination "B"
      set color yellow
   ;  ask airplane 1 [
   ;   setxy  Bcenterx  0
   ;   set Departure "B"
   ;   set Destination "A"
   ;   set color white
   ;  ]
    set shape "airplane"
    set flying 0
    set size 3

   ; set label who
    set speed 8
    facexy 0 0

to enablefly
  ifelse $enableflight = True [set enableflight 1]
  [set enableflight 0 ]

to fly
  ;the airplanes fly to the other airport
  ask airplanes [
    ifelse Departure = "A" [
      if enableflight = 1 [
      if enableflight = 1 [

to checkifinairport
  ask peoples [
   ; if (pcolor = "red") and (xcor < 0)[; in A country airport
    set inairport "0"
    if (xcor > -19) and (xcor < -13) and (ycor > -3) and (ycor < 3)[
      set inairport "A"
    if (xcor > 13) and (xcor < 19) and (ycor > -3) and (ycor < 3)[; in B country airport
      set inairport "B"
 ;   if (pcolor != "red") [; not in the airports
 ;     set inairport "0"
  ;  ]

to flyAB
 ; checkifinairport
  ask airplanes [
   ifelse flying = 0 [ ; if not flying, start to flay
      if Departure = "A" [
        if (count peoples with [(inairport = "A") and (status != "2") and (lockdown = 0)]) > 0 [
          ask peoples with [(inairport = "A") and (status != "2")] [
            set inplane "1"
          set label count peoples with [(inairport = "A") and (status != "2") and (lockdown = 0)]
        facexy Bcenterx 0
        fd speed
        set flying 1
        ask peoples with [(inplane = "1") and (Departure = "A") and (lockdown = 0)][
          setxy [xcor] of airplane 0 [ycor] of airplane 0
 ;      ifelse xcor >= Bcenterx [ ; arrived
 ;         set flying 0
 ;         set Departure "B"
 ;         set Destination "A"
 ;         facexy Acenterx 0
 ;         setxy Bcenterx 0
 ;     ][  ;not arrived
        ifelse xcor + speed < Bcenterx [;flying
          fd speed
          ask peoples with [(inplane = "1") and (Departure = "A") and (lockdown = 0)][
            setxy [xcor] of airplane 0 [ycor] of airplane 0
        ][ ; arrived
         ; fd Bcenterx - speed
          set flying 0
          set Departure "B"
          set Destination "A"
          facexy Acenterx 0
          setxy Bcenterx 0
          ask peoples with [(inplane = "1") and (Departure = "A") and (lockdown = 0)][
            set inplane "0"
            set Departure "B"
            set Destination "A"
            ;setxy random movesize + [xcor] of airplane 0 random movesize + [ycor] of airplane 0
            setxy 4 + [xcor] of airplane 0 4 + [ycor] of airplane 0
            if Bpolicy = 1 [
          set label  0

to flyBA
    ask airplanes [
      ifelse flying = 0  [ ; if not flying, start to flay

        if Departure = "B" [
          if (count peoples with [(inairport = "B") and (status != "2") and (lockdown = 0)]) > 0 [
          ask peoples with [(inairport = "B") and (status != "2") and (lockdown = 0)] [
            set inplane "1"
          set label count peoples with [(inairport = "B") and (status != "2") and (lockdown = 0)]
          facexy Acenterx 0
          fd speed
          set flying 1
          ask peoples with [(inplane = "1") and (Departure = "B") and (lockdown = 0)][
            setxy [xcor] of airplane 0 [ycor] of airplane 0

  ;     ifelse xcor <= Acenterx [ ; arrived
   ;       set flying 0
  ;        set Departure "A"
  ;        set Destination "B"
  ;        setxy Acenterx 0
  ;        facexy Bcenterx 0
  ;    ][  ;not arrived
        ifelse  xcor - Acenterx  > speed  [;flying
          fd speed
          ask peoples with [(inplane = "1") and (Departure = "B") and (lockdown = 0)][
            setxy [xcor] of airplane 0 [ycor] of airplane 0
        ][ ; arrived
          ;fd Acenterx + speed
          set flying 0
          set Departure "A"
          set Destination "B"
          setxy Acenterx 0
          facexy Bcenterx 0
          ask peoples with [(inplane = "1") and (Departure = "B")][
            set inplane "0"
            set Departure "A"
            set Destination "B"
           ; setxy random movesize + [xcor] of airplane 0 random movesize + [ycor] of airplane 0
            setxy  4 + [xcor] of airplane 0  4 + [ycor] of airplane 0
           if Apolicy = 1 [
        set label  0
  ;    ]

to exportreport
  set x   "gr"
  set x word x  withglassrate
  set x word x  "am"
  set x word x  Amaskrate
  set x word x  "bm"
  set x word x  Bmaskrate
  set x word x  "bm"
  set x word x  Bmaskrate
  set x word x  "ms"
  set x word x  $movesize
  set x word x  "ef"
  set x word x enableflight
  set x word x  "ld"
  set x word x  lockdowndays
  set x word x  "rd"
  set x word x recoverdays
  set x word x  "lr"
  set x word x (ALurkingrate * 100)
  set x word x  "ind"
  set x word x  infectdis
  set x word x  "bo"
  set x word x  $bounce
  set x word x  "Ap"
  set x word x  Apolicy
  set x word x  "Bp"
  set x word x  Bpolicy
  set x word x  "fd"
  set x word x  findingdays
  set filename word user-directory  x
  set filename word filename random 100
  set filename word filename ".csv"
  print filename

to setup-patches
  ask patches [
    ifelse pxcor > 0 [
     set pcolor Bcolor ;in country B
     set pcolor Acolor  ;in country A
  draw-center ;drawn the airport

to setup-turtles
  setup-turtlesinA ;create turtles in country A
  setup-turtlesinB ;create turtles in country B
  ask peoples [
   ; checkifinairport


to setup-turtlesinA
  create-peoples Apopulation
  ask peoples [
    if ( Departure !=  "A" ) and ( Departure !=  "B" )   [
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set age random 90 + 1
    set withmask 0
    set status random 4
    set Susceptibility 0
   ; set Treatmenttime 14
    set Departure "A"
    set Destination "B"
    set infecteddays 0
    set treatmentdays 0
    set lockdown 0
    set inplane 0
    ifelse ALurkingrate * Apopulation > who [
        set status 4
        set color yellow
        set status 0
        set color green
    ;set energy 1
    set shape "person"
    calinfectedpros ; set the infectedpros
    set size 1
    set label who
    ;set color white

to setwithmask
  ask peoples [
    ifelse xcor < 0 [; in country A
    ifelse (random 100 > Amaskrate)[
      set withmask 0
      set withmask 1
    ][;in country B
    ifelse (random 100 > Bmaskrate)[
      set withmask 0
      set withmask 1


to changeshape ;make people's shape change
  ask peoples [
    if (withmask = 0) and (withglass = 0) [
;      set shape "person"
    if  (withmask = 1) and (withglass = 1) [
;      set shape "glassmask"
    if  (withmask = 0) and (withglass = 1) [

;      set shape "glass"
    if  (withmask = 1) and (withglass = 0) [
 ;     set shape "mask"

to setwithglass
  ask peoples [
    ifelse (random 100 >= withglassrate)[
      set withglass 0
      set withglass 1

to calinfectedpros
  ask peoples [
    set infectedpros age *( (1 - withmask ) * 0.5 + (1 - withglass ) * 0.3 + 0.2) / 100

to setup-turtlesinB
  create-peoples Bpopulation
  ask peoples [
    if ( Departure !=  "A" ) and ( Departure !=  "B" ) [
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set age random 90 + 1
    set withmask 0
    set status random 4
    set Susceptibility 0
   ; set Treatmenttime 14
    set Departure "B"
    set Destination "A"
    set treatmentdays 0
    set infecteddays 0
    set status 0
    set lockdown 0
    set inplane 0
    ;set energy 1
    set shape "person"
    calinfectedpros ; set the infectedpros
    set size 1
    set color green
   ; set label who

to randomize
  if Departure = "A" [
  setxy random min-pxcor random-ycor
  if pcolor = blue or pcolor = red    ; if it's on the wall or airport...
    [ randomize ]        ; ...try again
  if Departure = "B" [
  setxy random max-pxcor random-ycor
  if pcolor = blue or pcolor = red    ; if it's on the wall or airport...
    [ randomize ]        ; ...try again

; draws the boundaries (walls) of the "billiard table"

to draw-walls
  ; draw left and right walls
  ask patches with [abs pxcor =  0  ]
    [ set pcolor blue ]
    ask patches with [abs pxcor = max-pxcor]
    [ set pcolor blue ]
  ; draw top and bottom walls
  ask patches with [abs pycor = max-pycor]
    [ set pcolor blue ]

to draw-center
  ask patches with [ ( abs pxcor >  max-pxcor / 2 - 3  and abs pxcor <  max-pxcor / 2 + 3 ) and ( pycor < 3 and  pycor > -3 )
    [ set pcolor red ]

to go

to remove-peoples
  ask peoples [
  ifelse status = 7 [
    forward random size

to bounce  ;; for people not across the border
  ; check: hitting the wall?
    if ($bounce = True)[; when next step can be across the border, change dirction
    if ((abs xcor ) - movesize  < infectdis / 2 ) [ ;people can't move across the borader
        if ((Departure = "B") and (heading > 180) and (heading < 360 ) ) or ((Departure = "A") and (heading < 180) and (heading > 0)) [
          set heading (- heading )
      forward movesize

to infecteachothers ; infect others or be infected by others
   if count other peoples-here in-radius infectdis > 0 [ ;if there is any one near
        ask other peoples-here in-radius infectdis [
          ifelse ([status] of myself = 0)[;self is healthy and can be infected
            if ((status = 4) and (lockdown = 0))[
              if (100 * infectedpros * [infectedpros] of myself / age >= (random 9 + 1 ) / 10 )[ ; only if the infectedpros is not good,being infected
                if ( [status] of myself = 0 ) and ([inplane] of myself = inplane) [
                  ask myself [
          if ([status] of myself = 4)[ ;self is a lurking people and can infect others
            if ((status = 0) and (lockdown = 0))[
              if (100 * infectedpros * [infectedpros] of myself  / [age] of myself >= (random 9 + 1 ) / 10 )[ ; only if the infectedpros is not good,infect the other people
               if ( status = 0 ) and ([inplane] of myself = inplane) [

to move-peoples
  ask peoples [
    checkinfected; fisrtly  if lurking people can change to infected poeple
    ifelse ( lockdown != 1 ) [ ;unlockdown people
      left random 360
      set movesize random $movesize + 1
    ][ ;For lockdown people, cannot infect others
      if (lockdownday > lockdowndays) [

     if (status = 2 )[; for infected people
      set  treatmentdays treatmentdays + 1
      if ( treatmentdays > recoverdays )  [;the treatment process of infected people is over

to checkinfected; to check if lurking people can change to infected poeple, if yes, change their status
    if ( status = 4 ) and (infecteddays >= 0) [ set infecteddays infecteddays + 1]; for lurking people caculate the infected days
    if (status = 2) and (lockdown = 0)[  turnlurking ] ;if infected people not lockdown, he becomes a lurking one
    if ( infecteddays > findingdays ) ; from lurking to infected and lockdown them

to turnlurking ;healthy people becomes lurking people
   set status 4
   set color yellow

to turninfected; lurking people becomes infected people
   set status 2
   set color red
   set infecteddays 0

to turnhealthy ;the infected people become a healthy one
   set status 0
   set treatmentdays 0
   set infecteddays 0
   set color green

to color-change
   ask turtles[
    set color red

There are 3 versions of this model.

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Youwei He over 4 years ago 1 Download this version
Youwei He over 4 years ago new Download this version
Youwei He over 4 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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Covid19.png preview Preview for 'Covid19' over 4 years ago, by Youwei He Download

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