Behavioural synchrony model
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globals [ day ] turtles-own [ speed bspeed neighbor move-countdown rest-countdown movement sync energy reward shelters nearest-shelter ] breed [ fishes fish ] to setup clear-all reset-ticks set day 1 ;;to randomly create food patches with given density ask patches [ if random-normal 50 50 > (200 - (food-density)) [ set pcolor green ] ] ;;set 5 brown shelters with yellow boundaries ask n-of 5 patches [ set pcolor brown ask neighbors [ set pcolor yellow ] ] ;;for spatial restriction of food to the corner ;ask patches [ ; if (pxcor > 40 * corner and pycor > 25 * corner) [ ; if random-normal (50 + (5 * corner)) 20 > 90 [ ; set pcolor green ] ] ] ;;create 10 agents with baseline average speed 2, assigned sync-factors, and variable values of initial move and rest times (with averages of 100), at random starting locations create-fishes 10 [ set size 5 set bspeed boldness1 + random-normal 0 0.1 set speed bspeed set sync sync-factor set move-countdown 100 + random-normal 0 50 set rest-countdown 100 + random-normal 0 50 setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] end to go if ticks > day * 400 [ set day day + 1 ] ;;each day is 400 timesteps long ;;to alternate colour to represent day and night (daylength is 400, 200:200 day-night) ifelse ticks > (day * 400) - 200 and ticks < (day) * 400 [ ask patches [ if pcolor = 55 [ set pcolor 52 ] ] ] [ ask patches [ if pcolor = 52 [ set pcolor 55 ] ] ] ask turtles [ set neighbor min-one-of other turtles [ distance myself ] ;;Set the nearest agent as neighbor ;;Move with constant speed and variable direction, try to synchronize with neighbors, consume food, have a start-stop motion, and update synchrony factor according to reward. move synchronize eat-grass stop-start update-sync ;;Move towards shelter before dusk and restrict activity at dusk/dawn find-shelter if ticks = (day * 400) - 200 [ adjust-movement2 ] if ticks = (day * 400) [ adjust-movement1 ] ;;While moving, shoal with neighbors and bounce off walls; also check whether each individual is in motion or at rest at the end of the procedures if speed > 0 [ interact bounce-off-walls ] check-move ] tick end ;;When agent is at half the maximum speed or greater (i.e. is starting motion or slowing down), move at the max speed with slightly variable direction to move ifelse speed > 0.9 [ rt random 10 lt random 10 fd 1 * bspeed ] [ fd 1 * speed ] end ;;Adjust the move-time and rest-time to synchronize with the neighbour to synchronize if [ movement ] of neighbor = 0 and movement = 1 [ set move-countdown move-countdown - sync ] if [ movement ] of neighbor = 0 and movement = 0 [ set rest-countdown rest-countdown + sync ] if [ movement ] of neighbor = 1 and movement = 0 [ set rest-countdown rest-countdown - sync ] if [ movement ] of neighbor = 1 and movement = 1 [ set move-countdown move-countdown + sync ] end ;;Agent gets reward according to whether neighbor is moving to eat-grass set reward 0 if pcolor = 55 or pcolor = 52 [ ;;green patches during the day or night set pcolor black set energy energy + 1 if [movement] of neighbor = 1 [ set reward 1 ] if [movement] of neighbor = 0 [ set reward 1 * comp-cost ] ] end ;;For cyclic start-stop motion to stop-start ;;While fish is moving, move-time (move-countdown) ticks down, otherwise rest-time ticks down. ifelse movement = 1 [ set move-countdown move-countdown - 1 ] [ set rest-countdown rest-countdown - 1 ] ;;Accelerate or decelerate (by 0.1) to initiate movement or come to rest when move-time or ticks down to 0 if move-countdown < 0 [ set speed speed - 0.1 ] if rest-countdown < 0 [ set speed speed + 0.1 ] ;;Reset move-time when agent comes to rest, reset rest-time when agent reaches half maximum speed if speed < 0 [ set speed 0 set move-countdown 200 + random-normal 0 50] if speed > 0.9 [ set rest-countdown 200 + random-normal 0 50] end ;;Reinforcement learning of synchronous or asynchronous strategy to update-sync ;;Increase or decrease sync-factor based on whether agent is synchronous or asynchronous with neighbour if reward > 0 [ if movement = 1 and [movement] of neighbor = 1 [ set sync sync + reward * 0.01 ] if movement = 1 and [movement] of neighbor = 0 [ set sync sync - reward * 0.01 ] ] ;;Set maximum and minimum sync-factor as 0.9 and -0.9 if sync > 0.9 [ set sync 0.9 ] if sync < -0.9 [ set sync -0.9 ] end ;;Move towards nearest unoccupied shelters 25 steps before dusk to find-shelter if ticks > (day * 400) - 225 and ticks < (day * 400) - 175 [ set shelters (patches with [pcolor = brown]) let empty-shelters shelters with [pcolor = brown and not any? turtles-here ] set nearest-shelter min-one-of empty-shelters [distance myself] if any? empty-shelters [ set heading towards nearest-shelter ] ] end ;;Adjust the move-time and rest-time of individuals at dawn and dusk to adjust-movement1 if movement = 1 [ set move-countdown move-countdown + restrict ] if movement = 0 [ set rest-countdown rest-countdown - restrict ] end to adjust-movement2 if movement = 1 [ set move-countdown move-countdown - restrict ] if movement = 0 [ set rest-countdown rest-countdown + restrict ] end ;;Shoaling rules to interact if distance neighbor < 2 [ set heading towards neighbor set heading heading + random-normal 180 10 ] if distance neighbor < 10 and distance neighbor > 2 [ set heading [heading] of neighbor + random-normal 0 10 ] if distance neighbor > 10 and any? other turtles in-cone 15 60 [ set heading towards neighbor set heading heading + random-normal 0 10 ] end ;;Bouncing off the walls to bounce-off-walls if abs pxcor = max-pxcor [ set heading (heading + 90) ] if abs pycor = max-pycor [ set heading (heading + 90) ] end ;;Check whether each individual is moving to check-move ifelse speed > 0 [ set movement 1 ] [ set movement 0 ] end ;;Report the number of individuals moving at any given time to-report active-fish report count turtles with [ movement = 1 ] end ;;Report the average sync-factor of the 10 individuals in the population to-report avg-sync report mean [sync] of turtles end
There is only one version of this model, created over 4 years ago by Vishwanath Varma.
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