Aerosolización y COVID19

Aerosolización y COVID19 preview image

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breed [vientos viento]

to setup
create-vientos 10
ask patches [
    set pcolor white
    set aerosol 0
    if (pxcor mod 2 = 0 and pycor mod 2 = 0)  and (pxcor < 6 and pxcor > -6
    and pycor < 6 and pycor > -6)
    set pcolor gray
    sprout 1

  ask turtles [set shape "person"
  set color blue]

  ask vientos [
  set xcor 6
  set heading 270
  set color red
  set shape "arrow"]
  let i 0
  let j 0
  let k 0
  repeat 10
  [ask viento j
    [ifelse i < 5
      set ycor i
      set i i + 1
       set ycor k
       set k k - 1
      set j j + 1
  ;ask n-of 2 turtles with[breed != vientos]
  ; [set contagiado? true
  ;    ask patch-here [set aerosol 1000]
  ;;ask turtles with[breed != vientos]
  ;;    [seleccionatortugas]

to seleccionatortugas

  if mouse-down?
      [let candidate min-one-of turtles [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor]
       if is-turtle? candidate and [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor] of candidate < 1
         ask candidate [ set contagiado? true
                          set color red
                          ask patch-here [set aerosol 1000]]

to go
 let varCont? false
 diffuse aerosol 1
 ask patches [

    ifelse (aerosol < 0.2)
        [set pcolor white
         set aerosol 0
        [;set aerosol aerosol - 0.001
         set pcolor scale-color gray aerosol 15 0
  if ventilador
  [ repeat 4[
    ask vientos [
    ask patch-here[set aerosol 0]
    fd 1
  ask turtles with[breed != vientos]
  [ask patch-here
        ifelse aerosol > 10
            [set varCont? true]
            [set varCont? false]
    if varCont? = true
        [set contagiado? true]

 set varCont? false

to coloreartortu
  ask turtles [
    ifelse (contagiado? = true)
           [set color red]
           [set color blue]

There is only one version of this model, created over 4 years ago by Diego Díaz Córdova.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Aerosolización y COVID19.png preview Preview for 'Aerosolización y COVID19' over 4 years ago, by Diego Díaz Córdova Download

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