Aligment / Information Dynamics (Directed Random Walk)
Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1
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turtles-own [someone AT] to setup clear-all setup-patches setup-turtles reset-ticks end to go ask turtles [search perform if (vision > 3 ) [repeat 500 [display]] ] if(background?)[ ask patches[ if (count turtles-here = 0) [set pcolor white]]] tick end to setup-patches ask patches [ set pcolor white] end to setup-turtles create-turtles number [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set AT random 100 set someone no-turtles set color At] end ;; HACER QUE CAMBIEN +1 O -1 PASOS EN ENCUENTROS to search set someone one-of other turtles in-radius vision end to perform if (someone != nobody)[ face someone fd 1 if ([AT] of someone > AT) [set AT AT + 1] if ([AT] of someone < AT) [set AT AT - 1] refresh-color set someone no-turtles] end to refresh-color set color At if (ticks > 35 and background? ) [set pcolor 139 - At] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 4 years ago by Sebastián Omar Rodríguez Falcón.
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Aligment / Information Dynamics (Directed Random Walk).png | preview | Preview for 'Aligment / Information Dynamics (Directed Random Walk)' | over 4 years ago, by Sebastián Omar Rodríguez Falcón | Download |
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Sebastián Omar Rodríguez Falcón
WHAT IS IT? Aligment/Information Dynamics: This code is based from 'Directed Groupal Random Walk' which will be mentioned as "FIRST VERSION". As the first version, the phenomenon modelled is the emergence behaviour from a group of turtles/people/particles when randomly approaching into each other. It could be explained as a simple room game in which everyone in the room decides to choose randomly someone in their arounds and take 1 step forward in their direction, repeating the same process multiple times, everyone at the same time, tick by tick. ADDED IN 2ND VERSION: Turtles now possess a value called AT which could be understood as any value in a 1D space which the turtle might change during time when they interact with each other. Following the last example, we could say AT is the turtle’s “Aligment” (opinion/position on something) and they are comparing it to other turtles AT. In this case AT whill change in a rate of +1 or -1, depending on the interaction (explained in HOW IT WORKS:GO section) ►Agents: Turtles : They would act like the particles/people. Their color depends of their AT (refresh every tick) ADDED IN 2ND VERSION: Once turtle moves towards other turtle, that turtle will compare their AT and modify it depending on the other turtle AT. Observer: It would set values for the setup ►Properties: Turtles: A agenset called SOMEONE which refers to the turtle they chose randomly and will approach to. ADDED IN 2ND VERSION: A value called AT (0:100) which represents the turtle position in a 1D space or a numerical representation of their “opinion”. Global : Vision range value called VISION(0:30), every turtle will have the same range of vision. Number of turtles created called NUMBER(0:100). HOW IT WORKS SETUP (Initialize): First you need to set NUMBER and then VISION (this one can be changed during the process). Once it is decided, clicking SETUP will create turtles with initial random position. ADDED IN 2ND VERSION: Background?: This option when turned on will let you see (from tick number 35) the space the different groups of turtles use turning patches into different colors for each group, also it show us visually how they expand while the group stands still. GO (Iterative / Tick): The turtles first select randomly a turtle in their range of vision and set them as SOMEONE, then face them and take 1 step forward in direction to them. ADDED IN 2ND VERSION: Finally the turtle will compare their AT, if turtle-1 AT is higher than turtle-2 AT, turtle-1 will increase their AT +1, and if turtle-1 AT is lower than turtle-2 AT, turtle-1 will decrease their AT -1. (NOTE: It is not necessary for them to be in the same patch or position, is just turtle-1 moving in direction to turtle-2 and comparing their AT, turtle-2 is not necessary interacting with turtle-1). If there is no one in their range of vision, they wont move until next tick. HOW TO USE IT ►The SETUP and GO button were explained in order above. ►The inputs: NUMBER: The number of turtles that would be created. VISION: Choose the range vision of the individuals. ►The outputs: MONITOR: Positioning of turtles. ADDED IN 2ND VERSION: Values monitor: 3 monitos for mean, maximum and minimum AT values of all the turtles. AT PLOT: Plot which displays the how the mean, max and mimimum AT value of all turtles changes over time/ticks. THINGS TO NOTICE Once the model is running, you will notice how the turtles will start to create groups and start to move together as a whole (similarly to “orbitation” around the center of mass). When different groups meet each other, they will start a “turtle exchange” that most of the time will end up with both groups converging. ADDED IN 2ND VERSION: If VISION is high enough, the turtles will create just one big group and AT value will converge around one point. Low VISION values as 1 or 2 will show totally different behaviour in the AT PLOT. THINGS TO TRY Low VISION value (0-10) will create different groups, and once they connect each ither by trading one turtles, they will converge into one big group. High VISION value (11+) will create one big group automatically.
Posted over 4 years ago