Innovation diffusion

Innovation diffusion preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Elisa Pontivi (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1 • Viewed 152 times • Downloaded 12 times • Run 0 times
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turtles-own [speed
globals [costs

to setup
  ca ;;
  ask patches [set pcolor black]  ;

  crt number-red [set color red set shape "person" set size 2 set speed base-speed  set age ticks ]
  crt number-green [set color green set shape "person" set size 2 set speed base-speed  set age ticks]
 crt number-yellow [set color yellow set shape "person" set size 2 set speed base-speed  set age ticks]

  ask turtles [                     ;;
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor   ;;
set costs quality * q + branches * b + Advertisement_on_Social_Network * aosn + Sincerity * s + Customer_based_differentiation * cbd + Advertisement * a + Online_services * os + Offers_for_old_customers * ofoc

  set price  0 + costs

to grow
  ask turtles [set age ticks]

to go
  ifelse time?
      [  if ticks = time_ [stop] ]
      [  if not any? turtles with [color = green ] [ stop ]]
  ask turtles [set speed base-speed
    forward speed]
  ask turtles with [color = red]
    [ ask other turtles-here with [color = green]
        [ if random-float 75 < quality * 0.13543  + Advertisement_on_Social_Network * 0.04034 + Branches * 0.00552 + Sincerity * 0.14953 + Customer_based_differentiation * 0.08427 + Advertisement * 0.02165 + Online_services * 0.07736 + Offers_for_old_customers * 0.04126 - price * 0.12995

            [ set color red ] ] ]
  plot count turtles with [color = red]
 set costs quality * q + branches * b + Advertisement_on_Social_Network * aosn + Sincerity * s + Customer_based_differentiation * cbd + Advertisement * a + Online_services * os + Offers_for_old_customers * ofoc
  set price  0 + costs
if quality * q + branches * b + Advertisement_on_Social_Network * aosn + Sincerity * s + Customer_based_differentiation * cbd + Advertisement * a + Online_services * os + Offers_for_old_customers * ofoc > maximum_price_accepted [stop]
  ask turtles [ if ticks - age = 40
    [if random-float 1 < 0.25
      [ hatch 1 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set age ticks]]]]
  ask turtles [ if ticks - age > 100 [die]]

;; set quality quality + increase_price * q
  ;;set branches ( branches + increase_price * b)
  ;;set Advertisement_on_Social_Network ( Advertisement_on_Social_Network + increase_price * aosn )
  ;;set Sincerity ( Sincerity + increase_price * s)
  ;;set Customer_based_differentiation (Customer_based_differentiation  + increase_price * cbd)
  ;;set advertisment ( advertisment + increase_price * a)
  ;;set online_services ( online_services + increase_price * os)

There is only one version of this model, created over 3 years ago by Elisa Pontivi.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Innovation diffusion.png preview Preview for 'Innovation diffusion' over 3 years ago, by Elisa Pontivi Download

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