Blood sugar regulation by the muscle

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Screen_shot_2018-02-02_at_12.53.50_pm lin xiang (Author)


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;; This model is developed by Dr. Lin Xiang at the University of Kentucky. Contact:
;; If you see this page rather than a "download" button when downloading the model, click the "download" icon
;; in your browser to download this model file.
;; This model is free for classroom or virtual learning or teacher professional development related to STEM education.
;; You are asked to provide citations when using this model in any published work.

breed [insulins insulin]
breed [glucose a-glucose]
breed [gluts glut]
breed [I-receptors I-receptor]
breed [G-receptors G-receptor]
breed [lipids lipid]
breed [glucagons glucagon]
breed [legends legend]

insulins-own [bonding]
gluts-own[bonding name lock]
glucose-own [bonding cyto glycogen]
I-receptors-own [bonding]
G-receptors-own [bonding]
glucagons-own [bonding]

Globals [clock]

to-report blood-sugar
  report count glucose with [ycor > 2 and color = white and bonding = 0]

to-report cyto-glucose
  report count glucose with [ycor < 2 and color = white and bonding = 0 and glycogen = 0]

to-report glycogen-level
  report count glucose with [glycogen = 1 and color = 138]

;;                                                                           ;;
;;         Main Procedures (SETUP and GO)                                    ;;
;;                                                                           ;;

to setup
 setup-legend     ; must be the first line


to go
  if blood-sugar < 54 [user-message "The blood sugar level is dangerously low." Stop]




;;                                                                           ;;
;;         Sub-procedures of SETUP                                           ;;
;;                                                                           ;;

to setup-membrane-IR

;make the membrane
  ask patches with [pycor = 2] [set pcolor 49 ]

; make boundary for the system
  ask patches with [abs pxcor = max-pxcor or abs pycor = max-pycor] [set pcolor 2]
  ask patches with [pycor <= min-pycor + 4 ] [set pcolor 2]

;add Insulin receptors (I-R) into the membrane
  ask patches with [pcolor = 49] [
    if  pxcor = -3
    [set pcolor 123]

 ask patches with [pcolor = 123]
     [sprout-I-receptors 1
        [set color yellow - 2
        set size 2.5
        set shape "I-R"
        set bonding 0 ]

  ; add bilayer
   ask patches with [ pycor = 2 and pcolor = 49] [sprout-lipids 1 [set color 7 set shape "lipid-1" set size 1 set heading 0 set ycor 2]]

to setup-glucose
  create-glucose Starting-Blood-sugar-level
  [set color white
    set shape "glucose"
    set size 0.75
    set bonding 0
    set glycogen 0
    setxy (max-pxcor - 1) - random-float ((max-pxcor - 1) * 2) 2.5 + random-float 5]

  create-glucose Starting-cytoplasmic-glucose
  [set color white
    set shape "glucose"
    set size 0.75
    set bonding 0
    set glycogen 0
    setxy (max-pxcor - 1) - random-float ((max-pxcor - 1) * 2) 1 + random-float -4]

  create-glucose 200        ;set glycogen
  [set color 138
    set shape "glucose"
    set size 0.75
    set bonding 0
    set glycogen 1
    setxy (max-pxcor - 1) - random-float ((max-pxcor - 1) * 2) min-pycor + 5 + random-float 0.5]

to setup-glut

 create-gluts 1
  [set shape "glut" set color 123 set size 1.25 set bonding 2 set name 1 set lock 0
    setxy -10 + random -2  -1]

 create-gluts 1
  [set shape "glut" set color 123 set size 1.25 set bonding 2 set name 2 set lock 0
    setxy -1 + random 2  -1.5]

  create-gluts 1
  [set shape "glut" set color 123 set size 1.25 set bonding 2 set name 3 set lock 0
    setxy 4 + random 2  -1.25]

    create-gluts 1
  [set shape "glut" set color 123 set size 1.25 set bonding 2 set name 4 set lock 0
    setxy 9 + random 2  -0.75]
; ask patches with [(pxcor = 0 or pxcor = 4 or pxcor = -10 or pxcor = 10)  and pycor = 2 and pcolor = 49]
;[if any? lipids-here
;[ask lipids-here [die]
;sprout-gluts 1 [set shape "glut" set color 126.5 set size 1.25 set heading 0 set bonding 0]

to setup-insulin

 if blood-sugar > 140 and Can-produce-insulin?
  [if not any? insulins with [ycor > 2] [
    create-insulins 10
    [ set bonding 0
    set shape "insulin"
    set size 2
    set color 95
      setxy -6 + random-float 16 2.5 + random-float 5]]]

  if blood-sugar < 120
  [if count insulins != 0
    [ask insulins with [ycor > 2] [die]]

to setup-legend
 create-legends 10
  [set shape "legend"]

 ask legend 0
  [set label "lipids"
    setxy -8 -4.75 ]

  create-lipids 1
  [set color 7
    set shape "lipid-1"
    set size 0.75
    set heading 0
    setxy -8 -4.25 ]

  ask legend 1
  [set label "Glucose"
    setxy -2.75 -4.75]

  Create-glucose 1
  [set color white
    set shape "glucose"
    set size 1.25
    set heading 0
    set glycogen 2
    setxy -3 -4.25]

  ask legend 2
  [set label "Glycogen"
    setxy 2.75 -4.75 ]

  Create-glucose 2
  [set color 138
    set shape "glucose"
    set size 1.25
    set glycogen 2
    setxy 2 + random-float 0.5 -4.25]

  ask legend 3
  [set label "Glucose Transporter 4"
    setxy 10 -4.75 ]

  create-gluts 1
  [set shape "glut"
    set color 126.5
    set size 0.75
    set heading 0
    set bonding 2
    set lock 2
    setxy 8 -4.25]

 ask legend 4
  [set label "Insulin"
    setxy -7.8 -7.25 ]

 create-insulins 1
  [ set bonding 0
    set shape "insulin"
    set size 1.25
    set color 95
    setxy -8 -6.75]

  ask legend 5
  [set label "Insulin"
    setxy  -2.8 -7.15 ]

ask legend 6
  [set label "Receptor"
    setxy  -2.5 -7.65 ]

  create-I-receptors 1
       [set color yellow
        set size 0.75
        set shape "I-R"
        setxy -3 -6.75]

  create-lipids 1
  [set color 7
    set shape "line"
    set size 22
    set heading 90
    setxy 0 -5.75
;;                                                                           ;;
;;         Sub-procedures of GO                                              ;;
;;                                                                           ;;

to glucose-movement
  ask glucose with [glycogen = 0] [
  ifelse bonding = 0
  [ if pcolor = 0
      [right random 90 left random 90   ;wiggle
         if [pcolor] of patch-at dx dy = 0 [fd 0.2]   ;If nothing is ahead, move forward
    if any? gluts-on patch-ahead 1 [
      let my-channel one-of gluts-on patch-ahead 1
      if [bonding] of my-channel = 0 [
       set color red move-to my-channel set bonding 1

        ask my-channel [set bonding 1 set color 127.5]]]]
    ifelse blood-sugar > cyto-glucose
      [set heading 180 fd 0.2] [set heading 0 fd 0.2]
      if pcolor = 0 [set bonding 0 set color white]

  ask gluts with [bonding = 1] [if count glucose-here = 0 [set bonding 0 set color 126.5]]

to check-glucose-location ;detemine glucose location
  ask glucose [ifelse ycor > 2 [set cyto 0][set cyto 1]]

to insulin-movement
  ask insulins with [ycor > 2]
  [if bonding = 0
      if pcolor = 0
      [right random 90 left random 90   ;wiggle
         if [pcolor] of patch-at dx dy = 0 [fd 0.2]

      if any? I-receptors in-radius 3 with [bonding = 0] [
      let my-receptor one-of I-receptors in-radius 3 with [bonding = 0]
        set heading 0 move-to my-receptor set ycor ycor + 1.2  set bonding 1

        ask my-receptor [set bonding 1 set color yellow]]]

  ask I-receptors with [bonding = 1]
  [if count insulins with [ycor > 2] = 0 [set bonding 0 set color yellow - 2]]

to glut-movement

  ifelse count I-receptors with [bonding = 1] > 0 or exercise?
    [ask gluts with [lock = 0]

    [ask gluts with [lock = 1]

to glut-recruiting

  let loci  min-one-of lipids with [pycor = 2] [distance myself]
 face loci
 ifelse (distancexy [xcor] of loci [ycor] of loci) > 0.3
  [ifelse pcolor = 9 [rt random 90 lt random 90][fd 0.1]]
 [move-to loci set heading 0 set lock 1 set bonding 0 set color 126.5
  ask lipids-here [die] ]

to glut-restore
  set bonding 2
  if pcolor = 49 [set heading 180 fd 0.25]
  if pcolor = 0 [ifelse pcolor = 9 [ifelse pxcor > 0 [set heading -90 fd 0.5][set heading 90 fd 0.5]][rt random 15 lt random 15 fd 0.1 set color 123]]
  if pycor < -0.75 [if random 100 < 25 [set lock 0]]

to glucagon-movement
  ask glucagons with [ycor > 2]
  [if bonding = 0
      if pcolor = 0
      [right random 90 left random 90   ;wiggle
         if [pcolor] of patch-at dx dy = 0 [fd 0.2]

      if any? G-receptors in-radius 2 with [bonding = 0] [
      let my-receptor one-of G-receptors in-radius 2 with [bonding = 0]
        set heading 0 move-to my-receptor set xcor xcor - 0.3 set ycor ycor + 0.95 set bonding 1

        ask my-receptor [set bonding 1 set color 27]]]

  ask G-receptors with
    [bonding = 1] [if count glucagons with [ycor > 2] = 0 [set bonding 0 set color 26]]

to glycolysis
  ask glucose with [glycogen = 0 and cyto = 1] [
    if random 1000000 < metabolic-rate  [die]

to glycogenesis-glycogenolysis

  if glycogen-level = 0
   [if count glucose with [cyto = 1] != nobody
     [ask one-of glucose with [cyto = 1]    ;set a starter
        [set glycogen 1
         set color 138
         setxy (max-pxcor - 1) - random-float ((max-pxcor - 1) * 2) -2 + random-float -1 ]]]

  if cyto-glucose > 80 and glycogen-level < 400 [
    ask glucose with [cyto = 1 and glycogen = 0]      ;glycogenesis
     [if any? other glucose-here with [glycogen = 1]
      [if random 100 < (1 + (count insulins with [bonding = 1])* 70)
        [ set glycogen 1 set color 138]

  if cyto-glucose <= 80               ;glycogenolysis
    [ask glucose with [cyto = 1 and glycogen = 1]
     [if random 1000 < 5
      [set glycogen 0 set color white
       set heading 45 - random 90
          fd 0.5]]

to recover-lipids
  ask patches with [pcolor = 49]
  [if not any? turtles-here [sprout-lipids 1[set color 7 set shape "lipid-1" set size 1 set heading 0 set ycor 2]]]

to set-insulin-sensitivity
  ask I-receptors with [ycor > 0]
    [ifelse Insulin-resistance?
      [set bonding 2 set color yellow - 2]
      [ifelse color = yellow [set bonding 1][set bonding 0]]

to food-intake
  set clock clock + 1
  if clock = 1200 [
    if eat-every-4-hrs?
  [create-glucose 100
  [set color white
    set shape "glucose"
    set size 1
    set bonding 0
    set glycogen 0
    setxy (max-pxcor - 1) - random-float ((max-pxcor - 1) * 2) 2.5 + random-float 5]

 ask glucose with [ycor > -4]
  [if pcolor = 2 [ifelse random 2 = 0 [set xcor xcor + 1 ][set xcor xcor - 1 ]]]
    set clock 0]

;;                                                                           ;;
;;         Supporting-procedures                                             ;;
;;                                                                           ;;

to plot-levels ;; this creates creates the bar graph
    set-current-plot "Glucose Gradient"
    set-current-plot-pen "Blood stream glucose"
    plotxy 1 blood-sugar
    set-current-plot-pen "Cytoplasm glucose"
    plotxy 2 cyto-glucose
    set-current-plot-pen "Glycogen"
    plotxy 3 glycogen-level

; Copyright 2021 by Lin Xiang.  All rights reserved.

There are 5 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
lin xiang almost 4 years ago Fix info typos Download this version
lin xiang about 4 years ago Adjust the parameters Download this version
lin xiang about 4 years ago Adjust regular food intake Download this version
lin xiang about 4 years ago Adjust the parameters Download this version
lin xiang about 4 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

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Blood sugar regulation by the muscle.png preview Preview for 'Blood sugar regulation by the muscle' about 4 years ago, by lin xiang Download

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