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globals [ UK-TG-Patches UK-TG-Price UK-TG-Wage UK-TG-MPL UK-NTG-Patches UK-NTG-Price UK-NTG-Wage UK-NTG-MPL PL-TG-Patches PL-TG-Price PL-TG-Wage PL-NTG-Patches PL-NTG-Price PL-NTG-Wage PL-NTG-MPL ] breed [ workers worker ] breed [ goods good ] workers-own [ age ; how old the workers are. if older, they will be less likely to migrate [ to be added ] initiative ; what their natural initiative is. this is moderated by age. migrating? ; true when worker is currently migrating job-changer? ; true when worker is currently in process of switching sectors ] to setup clear-all setup-patches setup-turtles setup-parameters reset-ticks end to setup-patches ; creates sectors for each country ask patches [set pcolor gray + 2 ] ; sets background color ask patches with [ pxcor = 0 and pycor >= -2] [ set pcolor gray - 2 ] ; visualizes immobility of labor between countries ask patches with [ pycor = 0 ] [ set pcolor gray - 2 ] ; visualizes immobility of labor between sectors open-close-border ; matches "barrier" visual with open and closed borders open-close-sectors ; matches "barrier" visual with open sector movement within countires set UK-TG-Patches patches with [pxcor < -4 and pycor > 2] ; the following color the sector and country patches ask UK-TG-Patches [ set pcolor blue + 2 ] set UK-NTG-Patches patches with [pxcor < -4 and pycor < -2] ask UK-NTG-Patches [ set pcolor blue + 3 ] set PL-TG-Patches patches with [pxcor > 4 and pycor > 2] ask PL-TG-Patches [ set pcolor red + 2 ] set PL-NTG-Patches patches with [pxcor > 4 and pycor < -2] ask PL-NTG-Patches [ set pcolor red + 3 ] end to open-close-border ifelse not open-borders? ; if borders are closed [ ask patches with [ pxcor = 0 and pycor <= -2] [ set pcolor gray - 2 ] ] ; draw borders [ ask patches with [ pxcor = 0 and pycor <= -2] [ set pcolor gray + 2 ] ] ; else remove borders end to open-close-sectors ifelse not allow-sector-mvmt? ; if sectors are open within countries [ ask patches with [ pxcor > 4 and pycor = 0] [ set pcolor gray - 2 ] ; draw borders ; ask patches with [ pxcor < -4 and pycor = 0 ] [ set pcolor gray - 2 ] ] ; INACTIVE WHILE TROUBLESHOOTING: UK and PL sector changes not working together ] [ ask patches with [ pxcor > 4 and pycor = 0] [ set pcolor gray + 2 ] ; else remove borders ; ask patches with [ pxcor < -4 and pycor = 0 ] [ set pcolor gray + 2 ] ] ; INACTIVE WHILE TROUBLESHOOTING: UK and PL sector changes not working together ] end to setup-turtles ; create 200 total workers, split evenly between sectors and coutnries set-default-shape goods "box" set-default-shape workers "person" create-workers 50 [ set color blue - 1 move-to one-of UK-TG-Patches ] create-workers 50 [ set color blue - 1 move-to one-of UK-NTG-Patches ] create-workers 50 [ set color red - 1 move-to one-of PL-TG-Patches ] create-workers 50 [ set color red - 1 move-to one-of PL-NTG-Patches ] ask workers [ set heading 0 ; set headings of workers, to intiialize movement up and down set initiative random-float 1 ; gives workers a random propensity to migrate or change jobs from 0 - 0.5 set migrating? false ; set default value of not migrating set job-changer? false ; set default value of not changing jobs ] end to setup-parameters ;; sets initial values, relationships, and parameters set UK-TG-Wage 20 set UK-TG-MPL 10 set UK-TG-Price UK-TG-Wage / UK-TG-MPL set UK-NTG-Wage 20 set UK-NTG-MPL 10 set UK-NTG-Price UK-NTG-Wage / UK-NTG-MPL set PL-TG-Wage 10 set PL-TG-Price PL-TG-Wage / PL-TG-MPL set PL-NTG-Wage 10 set PL-NTG-MPL 10 set PL-NTG-Price PL-NTG-Wage / PL-NTG-MPL end to go arbitrage ; arbitrage goods between countries, leveling price identify-job-changers ; check to see if anyone decides to change sectors change-jobs ; move job changers from one sector to the other settle-job-changers ; adds job changers to new sectors identify-migrants ; check to see if anyone decides to migrate migrate ; move one migrant one at a time to other sector settle-migrants ; adds migrant to working sector move-about ; moves workers within their sector and country open-close-border ; update border status open-close-sectors ; update sector status tick end to arbitrage ; step 1) make goods 2) ship goods 3) recceive goods, updating prices ; step 1. make goods if not any? goods ; if no goods are currently transferring (approx. even prices) [ set PL-TG-Price PL-TG-Wage / PL-TG-MPL ; set price relationship if UK-TG-Price > PL-TG-Price and abs ( UK-TG-Price - PL-TG-Price ) > 0.01 ; if UK-TG prices are more than 0.01 higher than PL-TG [ ask one-of PL-TG-Patches [ sprout-goods 1 [set color yellow set heading 270] ] ; make goods at a PL patch ] if UK-TG-Price < PL-TG-Price and abs ( UK-TG-Price - PL-TG-Price ) > 0.01 ; and UK-TG prices are lower than 0.01 of PL-TG [ ask one-of UK-TG-Patches [ sprout-goods 1 [set color yellow set heading 90] ] ; make goods at a UK patch ] ] ; step 2. ship goods ask goods [ fd 2] ; move goods (quickly) towards their destination ; step 3. recieve goods, adjust prices ask goods [ if [pcolor] of patch-here = gray + 2 ; if goods are in transport [ if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 2 = blue + 2 ; and they reach the UK border [ set UK-TG-Price UK-TG-Price - 0.001 ; lower UK TG price (by a little, simulating lower market share of PL) set PL-TG-Price PL-TG-Price + 0.01 ; and raise PL TG price (this simulates supply/demand of TG) set UK-TG-Wage UK-TG-Price * UK-TG-MPL ; change relationship to drive wage up, observing LOP set PL-TG-Wage PL-TG-Price * PL-TG-MPL die ; remove goods ] if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 2 = red + 2 ; if goods reach PL border [ set UK-TG-Price UK-TG-Price + 0.01 ; raise UK TG price (simulating supply/demand of TG) set PL-TG-Price PL-TG-Price - 0.001 ; and lower PL TG price (by a little, simulating lower market share of PL) set UK-TG-Wage UK-TG-Price * UK-TG-MPL ; change relationship to drive wage up, observing LOP set PL-TG-Wage PL-TG-Price * PL-TG-MPL die ; remove goods ] ] ] end to identify-job-changers ; TROUBLESHOOT: two scenarios currently incompatible with each other if allow-sector-mvmt? ; if sectors are open and no workers currently changing sectors and not any? workers with [job-changer?] ; and there are no job-changers already and not any? workers with [migrating?] ; and there is no one migrating and abs (UK-TG-Price - PL-TG-Price) < 0.02 ; and there is no price disparity of TG goods (within 0.02) [ if abs (PL-TG-Wage - PL-NTG-Wage ) > 0.02 ; if PL wage disparity exists (greater than 0.02) [ if PL-TG-Wage > PL-NTG-Wage ; and TG wages are higher than NTG wages in PL [ ask one-of workers-on PL-NTG-Patches ; select one of NTG workers in PLland [ if random-float 1 < initiative ; change sectors if random no. < worker's initiative [ set job-changer? true set PL-NTG-Wage PL-NTG-Wage + 0.2 ] ] ] if PL-TG-Wage < PL-NTG-Wage ; and TG wages are lower than NTG wages in PL [ ask one-of workers-on PL-TG-Patches ; select one of TG workers in PL [ if random-float 1 < initiative ; change sectors if random no. < worker's initiative [ set job-changer? true set PL-TG-Wage PL-TG-Wage + 0.2 ] ] ] ] ; TROUBLESHOOT THIS: If this is active, PL workers will not change job sectors for some reason ; if abs (UK-TG-Wage - UK-NTG-Wage ) > 0.02 ; [ ; if UK-TG-Wage > UK-NTG-Wage ; and TG wages are higher than NTG wages in PL ; [ ; ask one-of workers-on UK-NTG-Patches ; select one of NTG workers in PLland ; [ ; if random-float 1 < initiative; change sectors if random no. < worker's initiative ; [ ; set job-changer? true set UK-NTG-Wage UK-NTG-Wage + 0.2 ; ] ; ] ; ] ; if UK-TG-Wage < UK-NTG-Wage ; and TG wages are lower than NTG wages in PL ; [ ; ask one-of workers-on UK-TG-Patches ; select one of TG workers in PL ; [ ; if random-float 1 < initiative; change sectors if random no. < worker's initiative ; [ ; set job-changer? true set PL-TG-Wage PL-TG-Wage + 0.2 ; ] ; ] ; ] ; ] ] end to change-jobs ask workers with [ pxcor > 0 ] ; ask workers on right side of map (in Poland) [ if job-changer? ; if they are changing jobs [ ifelse PL-TG-Wage > PL-NTG-Wage ; if TG wages is higher [ set heading 0 ] ; workers looks look torwards TG sector [ set heading 180 ] ; otherwise, look towards NTG sector fd 1 ] ] ask workers with [ pxcor < 0 ] ; ask workers on left side of map (in UK) [ if job-changer? ; if they are changing jobs [ ifelse UK-TG-Wage > UK-NTG-Wage ; if TG wages is higher [ set heading 0 ] ; workers looks look torwards TG sector [ set heading 180 ] ; otherwise, look towards NTG sector fd 1 ] ] end to settle-job-changers ask workers [ if job-changer? [ if PL-TG-Wage >= PL-NTG-Wage and [pcolor] of patch-here = red + 2 ; if job changers on higher wage patch (PL TG) [ move-to one-of PL-TG-Patches ; add to TG sector set job-changer? false set heading 0 set PL-TG-Wage PL-TG-Wage - 0.2 ; lower wages due to supply/demand of labor in TG sector set PL-TG-Price PL-TG-Wage / PL-TG-MPL ] if PL-TG-Wage <= PL-NTG-Wage and [pcolor] of patch-here = red + 3 ; if job changers on higher wage patch (PL NTG) [ move-to one-of PL-NTG-Patches ; add to NTG sector set job-changer? false set heading 0 set PL-NTG-Wage PL-NTG-Wage - 0.2 ; lower wages due to supply/demand of labor in NTG sector set PL-NTG-Price PL-NTG-Wage / PL-NTG-MPL ] if UK-TG-Wage >= UK-NTG-Wage and [pcolor] of patch-here = blue + 2 ; if job changers on higher wage patch (UK TG) [ move-to one-of UK-TG-Patches ; add to TG sector set migrating? false set heading 0 set UK-TG-Wage UK-TG-Wage - 0.2 ; lower wages due to supply/demand of labor in TG sector set UK-TG-Price UK-TG-Wage / UK-TG-MPL ] if UK-TG-Wage <= UK-NTG-Wage and [pcolor] of patch-here = blue + 3 ; if job changers on higher wage patch (UK NTG) [ move-to one-of UK-NTG-Patches ; add to NTG sector set migrating? false set heading 0 set UK-NTG-Wage UK-NTG-Wage - 0.2 ; lower wages due to supply/demand of labor in NTG sector set UK-NTG-Price UK-NTG-Wage / UK-TG-MPL ] ] ] end to identify-migrants ; selects migrants. Done one worker at a time for visual reasons if open-borders? and not any? workers with [migrating?] and not any? workers with [job-changer?] ; if borders are open and no workers currently migrating or changing jobs [ if UK-NTG-Wage > PL-NTG-Wage ; and UK-NTG wages are higher [ ask one-of workers-on PL-NTG-Patches ; select one of NTG workers in PLland [ if random-float 1 < initiative + mvmt-bias-towards-UK ; migrate if random no. < worker's initiative + movement bias towards UK [ set migrating? true set PL-NTG-Wage PL-NTG-Wage + 0.2 ] ] ] if UK-NTG-Wage < PL-NTG-Wage ; if PL-NTG wages are higher [ ask one-of workers-on UK-NTG-Patches ; select one of NTG workers in UK [ if random-float 1 < initiative + mvmt-bias-towards-PL ; migrate if random no. < worker's initiative + movement bias towards PL [ set migrating? true set UK-NTG-Wage UK-NTG-Wage + 0.2 ] ] ] ] end to migrate ask workers [ if migrating? ; if they are migrating [ ifelse UK-NTG-Wage > PL-NTG-Wage ; if UK wage is higher [ set heading 270 ] ; workers looks towards UK [ set heading 90 ] ; otherwise, PL wage higher and workers look towards PL fd 1 ] ] end to settle-migrants ask workers [ if migrating? [ if UK-NTG-Wage >= PL-NTG-Wage and [pcolor] of patch-here = blue + 3 ; if migrants on higher wage patch [ move-to one-of UK-NTG-Patches ; add to UK workforce set migrating? false set heading 0 set UK-NTG-Wage UK-NTG-Wage - 0.2 ; lower wages due to supply/demand of labor in UK ] if UK-NTG-Wage <= PL-NTG-Wage and [pcolor] of patch-here = red + 3 ; when migrant reaches PL [ move-to one-of PL-NTG-Patches ; add to PL workforce set migrating? false set heading 0 set PL-NTG-Wage PL-NTG-Wage - 0.2 ; lower wages due to supply/demand of labor in PL ] ] ] set UK-NTG-Price UK-NTG-Wage / UK-NTG-MPL set PL-NTG-Price PL-NTG-Wage / PL-NTG-MPL end to move-about ask workers [ if not migrating? and not job-changer? ; if workers aren't migrating [ if abs pycor = max-pycor or [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = gray + 2 ; avoid edges of sector and map [ set heading (180 - heading) ] fd 1 ; and move forward ] ] end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 4 years ago by michael hardaker.
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