Customer Stores Choice Model
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breed [persons person] breed [stores store] breed [houses house] ;; the start-time (unhappiness start-time) is the first time when each customer have visited the target store at least once ;; the unhappiness-values-list keeps track of the unhappiness values of the population of the customers for calculation of standard-deviation globals [start-time unhappiness-values-list] persons-own [house-id home-xcor home-ycor ;; who-number of the home belonging to person, the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of the home store-travel-time-list store-visit-count-list store-total-waiting-time-list ;; store-travel-time-list contains the list of travel-distance from home to each store, store-visit-count-list contains the total number of visits by the person to each store ;; store-waiting-time-list contains the total waiting time for each store in the past visits of the person rest-time wait-time demand target-store-id ;; how much time the person will rest at home after returning from store ;; what is the quantity of the item that person requires in current visit to store ;; in the beginning of journey, the person decides which store to visit, the who of target store is saved in target-store-id at-home? at-store? travelling-to-store? travelling-to-home?] ;; the state variables, at-home is true if the person is at home, travelling-to-store if on way to store, travelling-to-home if on way to home, at-store if at store currently stores-own [quantity] ;; every store keeps track of its current quantity ;; Reports the current average-unhappiness of the population ;; A person's unhappiness for a given store = Avg. Waiting Time at the store + Travel Time for the store (proportional to distance of store from home) ;; A person's unhappiness is counted towards average unhappiness, only when the person has visited the current targeted store at least once. ;; ^ This is to avoid bad unhappiness values when the person is yet to experience the target store atleast once to-report average-unhappiness ;; Initialize the list for the unhappiness values of the customers set unhappiness-values-list [] ;; The number of customers which have actually experienced the target-store at least once let actual-num-consumers 0 ask persons [ ;; If the person has visited the target store at least once if (item target-store-id store-visit-count-list) > 0 [ ;; insert its unhappiness value in the unhappiness list for the population set unhappiness-values-list lput store-unhappiness target-store-id unhappiness-values-list set actual-num-consumers actual-num-consumers + 1 ] ] ;; If all of the customers have atleast experienced their current target store at least once, then set the current time as the start-time if actual-num-consumers = num-consumers and start-time = 0 [set start-time ticks] ;; color the customers and houses as per the unhappiness distribution ;; report the standard-deviation and mean of the unhappiness if the actual numbers of customers are greater than 2 if (actual-num-consumers >= 2) [ let std-dev-unhappiness standard-deviation unhappiness-values-list let mean-unhappiness mean unhappiness-values-list ;;set the colors of the customer and house agents set-customer-unhappiness-colors std-dev-unhappiness mean-unhappiness ;; If the user has turned ON the visual tool to show the unhappiness distribution over the patches, then color the patches accordingly ;; otherwise set all the patches to turquoise color ifelse (show-unhappiness-terrain?) [show-unhappiness-terrain] [ ask patches [set pcolor turquoise] ] ] ;; report the average unhappiness value ifelse actual-num-consumers > 0 [report mean unhappiness-values-list] [report 0] end ;; sets the color of the customers and houses as per the current unhappiness value in the population distribution to set-customer-unhappiness-colors [std-dev mean-val] ask persons [ ;; get the unhappiness value of the customer let person-unhappiness store-unhappiness target-store-id ;; red color for person with unhappiness more than mean value + standard-deviation (ifelse (person-unhappiness >= mean-val + std-dev) [set color red] ;; orange color for person with unhappiness above mean (person-unhappiness >= mean-val) [set color orange] ;; sky color for unhappiness below the mean-value - standard deviation, the happiest of the customers (person-unhappiness < mean-val - std-dev) [set color sky] ;; rest green color for below mean [ set color green]) ;; set the same color for the house as of the associated customer ask house house-id [set color [color] of myself] ] end ;; set the color of the patches as per the color of the nearest house (denoting the unhappiness value of customer residing in the region) to show-unhappiness-terrain ask patches [ ;; local variable to store the new color value of the patch let my-new-color 0 ;; get the color of the nearest house to the patch ask houses with-min [distance myself] [ set my-new-color [color] of self ] ;; set a lighter tone for the patch color set pcolor my-new-color + 2 ] end ;; reports the first time, when all of the customers have experienced their target store atleast once to-report unhappiness-start-time report start-time end to setup clear-all ask patches [set pcolor turquoise] ;; initialize the unhappiness start-time to 0 set start-time 0 ;; setup the stores in the grid setup-stores-initial ;; setup the persons in the grid setup-homes-and-consumers ;; initialize the lists and initial state variables for the persons ask persons [ initialize-person-lists-and-state ] reset-ticks end ;; if we want keep the location of stores same, but want to try a new location of consumers to setup-consumers clear-all-plots ask patches [set pcolor turquoise] ;; initialize the unhappiness start-time to 0 set start-time 0 ;; kill all the persons and houses and generate a new set of customers and houses with different location ask persons [die] ask houses [die] ;; reset the quantity in the stores ask stores [set quantity store-capacity] ;; generate the customer and house pairs in the grid setup-homes-and-consumers ;; intialize the lists for each consumer ask persons [initialize-person-lists-and-state] reset-ticks end ;; if we want to keep the same location of consumers, but want to try a new location for shops to setup-stores clear-all-plots ;; initialize the unhappiness start-time to 0 set start-time 0 ;; set a unifrom random location of the stores ;; intially the inventory (quantity) at each store is full ask stores [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set quantity store-capacity ] ;; initialize the list and state variables of the customers ask persons [initialize-person-lists-and-state] reset-ticks end ;; create the stores in the grid to setup-stores-initial create-stores num-stores [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set shape "building store" set color yellow set size 1.5 ;; intially the inventory (quantity) at each store is full set quantity store-capacity ] end ;; move each of the store to the average coordinate of its current customers to move-shops-to-customers ask stores [ let num-customers count link-neighbors let mean-x-customer mean [xcor] of link-neighbors let mean-y-customer mean [ycor] of link-neighbors ;; move the store to the mean coordian setxy mean-x-customer mean-y-customer ] reset-consumers end ;; move the store to the unhappiness weighted mean coordinate of its current customers to move-shops-to-unhappiness-customers ask stores [ let current-store-id [who] of self ;; the total unhappiness of current store customers let total-customer-unhappiness 0 let mean-unhappiness-x-customer 0 let mean-unhappiness-y-customer 0 ;; ask the houses of its customers ask link-neighbors[ let current-house-id [who] of self ;; get the customer who is associated with this house let person-here persons with [house-id = current-house-id] ;; ask the customer associated with this house ask person-here [ let unhappiness-value store-unhappiness current-store-id ;; take the weigted x and y coordinate of the customer set mean-unhappiness-x-customer mean-unhappiness-x-customer + (xcor * unhappiness-value) set mean-unhappiness-y-customer mean-unhappiness-y-customer + (ycor * unhappiness-value) set total-customer-unhappiness total-customer-unhappiness + unhappiness-value ] ] ;; finally get the unhappiness weighted customer coordinates set mean-unhappiness-x-customer mean-unhappiness-x-customer / total-customer-unhappiness set mean-unhappiness-y-customer mean-unhappiness-y-customer / total-customer-unhappiness setxy mean-unhappiness-x-customer mean-unhappiness-y-customer ] reset-consumers end ;; reset the customer variables and set the location to its home location ;; reset the quantity of the store as well to reset-consumers clear-all-plots set start-time 0 ;; reset the quantity in the stores ask stores [set quantity store-capacity] ;; intialize the lists for each consumer ask persons [initialize-person-lists-and-state] reset-ticks end ;; create the customer and the associated house pairs on the grid to setup-homes-and-consumers ;; create persons/consumers create-persons num-consumers [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ;; the initial location will be the location of person's home as well set home-xcor xcor set home-ycor ycor set shape "person" set color blue ;; store the current person in local variable parent let parent self ;; ask the patch on the where the person is standing to create an agent of breed house ask patch-here[ sprout-houses 1 [ set shape "house" set color blue ;; store the who number of house in local variable of the associated customer let current-house-id who ;; ask the customer stored as parent, to set its house-id to the who number of this house ask parent [ set house-id current-house-id ] ] ] ] ;; reset the unhappiness values of the population list set unhappiness-values-list [] end ;; initializes the calling customer's lists and initial-state to initialize-person-lists-and-state ;; calculate the travelling distance to each store set store-travel-time-list n-values num-stores distance-from-store ;; initialize visit count for each store to zero set store-visit-count-list n-values num-stores [i -> 0] ;; initialize the total waiting time for each store to zero set store-total-waiting-time-list n-values num-stores [i -> 0] ;; set the initial state of person as at home set at-home? true ;; initialize the rest-time of the person set rest-time random person-max-rest-time ;; place the person at associated house setxy home-xcor home-ycor end ;; reports the euclidean distance from calling customer's house to the store with given who number as store-id to-report distance-from-store [store-id] let distance-to-store 0 ;; store the distance from home to store in distance-to-store variable ask house house-id [ set distance-to-store distance store store-id] ;; resport the distance report distance-to-store end ;; reports the best store option for the calling customer depending on the unhappiness values ;; unhappiness for a store = distance-from-home + (average waiting time at the store) to-report best-store-option ;; prepare the unhappiness value for each store and store in a local variable - list let store-unhappiness-list n-values num-stores store-unhappiness ;; find the minimum unhappiness value let min-unhappiness min store-unhappiness-list ;; report the index (who of the store in this case) with the given minimum unhappiness-value report position min-unhappiness store-unhappiness-list end ;; reports the unhappiness for a particular store for the calling customer ;; unhappiness for a store = distance-from-home + (average waiting time at the store) to-report store-unhappiness [store-id] ;; initally unhappiness = distance-from-home let unhappiness item store-id store-travel-time-list ;; add average waiting time for the store to the unhappiness value, if the number of visits to the store > 0 if (item store-id store-visit-count-list) > 0 [ set unhappiness unhappiness + (item store-id store-total-waiting-time-list) / (item store-id store-visit-count-list) ] ;; report the unhappiness value report unhappiness end ;; display the inner influence circles for each store ;; every house strictly inside this radius is a customer to calling store only, not to any other store to-report inner-influence-radius let current-store self ;; the list of the houses of the current customers of the store let current-store-link-neighbors link-neighbors ;; report the distance of the nearest home which is a customer of another store report min [distance current-store] of houses with [not member? self current-store-link-neighbors] end ;; the distance of the home of the farthest customer for the store ;; this is the radius of the star network of this to-report outer-influence-radius let current-store self ;; report the distance of the home of the farthest customer report max [distance current-store] of link-neighbors end to go ;; perform the following actions for each customer ask persons[run-consumer-finite-state-logic] ;; increase the quantity in each store by the supply-rate ask stores [ set quantity quantity + supply-rate ;; if the quantity of the store goes above its capacity, set quantity to exactly its capacity if quantity > store-capacity [set quantity store-capacity] ] ;; clear all the previous drawings clear-drawing ;; display inner-circles if inner-influence-circles? switch is ON if inner-influence-circles? [display-inner-influence-circles] ;; display outer-circles if outer-influence-circles? switch is ON if outer-influence-circles? [display-outer-influence-circles] ;; hide links if show-links? switch if OFF ask links [set hidden? not show-links?] tick end ;; contains the logic of customer for the go procedure to run-consumer-finite-state-logic ;; fetch the target store via the target-store-id let target-store store target-store-id (ifelse ;; if the person is currently inside home at-home? = true [ ;; if the person at home doesn't need rest ifelse rest-time = 0 [ ;; set demand to a random value over the range set demand random person-max-demand let person-home house house-id ;; kill the link with previous target-store ask target-store[ let link-with-person-home link-with person-home if link-with-person-home != nobody [ ask link-with-person-home [die] ] ] ;; calculate the best store, as per the unhappiness values set target-store-id best-store-option ;; update the target-store local variable as well set target-store store target-store-id ;; create a link between updated target-store and home of the person ask target-store[create-link-with person-home ask link-with person-home [set color red]] ;; set at-home to false, set travelling-to-store to true set at-home? false set travelling-to-store? true] ;; otherwise if the person requires rest, then person stays at home and rest-time is decreased by 1 [set rest-time rest-time - 1] ] ;; if the person is on its way to store travelling-to-store? = true[ ;; if reached the store (that is when distance from store is less or equal to one) ifelse distance target-store <= 1[ ;; move inside the shop setxy [xcor] of target-store [ycor] of target-store ;; travelling-to-store is set to false and at-store set to true set travelling-to-store? false set at-store? true ] ;; if still far from store, then face towards the store and move 1 step forward [ face target-store fd 1] ] ;; if the person is inside store at-store? = true [ ;; try to get the demand fulfilled ifelse demand > 0 [ ;; initialize the wait-time if the quantity at store is less than the demand of person if [quantity] of target-store < demand [ set wait-time floor (( demand - [quantity] of target-store ) / supply-rate) ] ;; increase the store visit count and total waiting time for the store accordingly set store-visit-count-list replace-item target-store-id store-visit-count-list (item target-store-id store-visit-count-list + 1) set store-total-waiting-time-list replace-item target-store-id store-total-waiting-time-list (item target-store-id store-total-waiting-time-list + wait-time) let person-demand demand ;; update the quantity at the store and the demand is fulfilled, set it to zero ask target-store[set quantity quantity - person-demand] set demand 0] [ ;; if waiting is over ifelse wait-time = 0 [ ;; move outside the store and get on way back to home set at-store? false set travelling-to-home? true] ;; if still needs to wait, decrease wait-time by 1 [set wait-time wait-time - 1]] ] ;; if is travelling to home travelling-to-home? = true [ ;; if reached near home ifelse (distancexy home-xcor home-ycor) <= 1 [ ;; move inside home and set travelling to home as false setxy home-xcor home-ycor set travelling-to-home? false ;; set a rest-time uniform random in range 1 to person-max-rest-time set rest-time random person-max-rest-time set at-home? true ] ;; if far from home, face towards home and move forward one step [ facexy home-xcor home-ycor fd 1]] ) end ;; display the inner influence circle for the calling store-agent to display-inner-influence-circles ask stores [ let distance-influence inner-influence-radius stamp-circle "circle" distance-influence ] end ;; display the outer influence circles for the calling store-agent to display-outer-influence-circles ask stores [ let distance-influence outer-influence-radius stamp-circle "circle 3" distance-influence ] end ;; to draw the influence circles on the grid ;; it stamps a shape of given size as "distance-influence * 2" ;; parameters are drawing-shape, the shape of the stamp, distance-influence, the radius in case of circles to stamp-circle [drawing-shape distance-influence] ;; store-xcor and store-ycor stores the coordinates of the current store let store-xcor xcor let store-ycor ycor ;; ask the patch-here to create a circle turle, then stamp and then die ask patch-here[ sprout 1[ ;; set the center of the turtle at the store setxy store-xcor store-ycor set shape drawing-shape ;; lighten the shade of the color set color color + 1 ;; make the turtle half transparent set color lput 125 extract-rgb color ;; set appropriate turtle-size for the set size 2 * ( distance-influence ) ;; mark the color impression of the turtle and make it die stamp die ] ] end
There are 3 versions of this model.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Customer Stores Choice Model.pdf | Research Paper | almost 4 years ago, by Sachin Yadav | Download | |
Customer Stores Choice Model.png | preview | Preview for 'Customer Stores Choice Model' | almost 4 years ago, by Sachin Yadav | Download |
customer_logic.png | png | Customer Logic Flowchart | almost 4 years ago, by Sachin Yadav | Download |
store_logic.png | png | Store Logic Flowchart | almost 4 years ago, by Sachin Yadav | Download |
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