ABM of Honor Culture

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1 collaborator

Default-person Kashif Zia (Author)


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extensions [table]

breed [aggressors aggressor]
breed [rationals rational]
breed [honors honor]
breed [institutionals intitutional]

turtles-own [strength reputation status challenged-by challenged-to mytype visitedlocations mobilitystate currentdestination dxcor dycor]

globals [stagg sthon stins strat died counter Tsi]

patches-own [blockname]

to setup
  set died 0
  set counter 0
  let mx max-pxcor
  let my max-pycor
  let possible-agents mx * my
  let perc population / 100 * possible-agents / 4
  create-aggressors perc [set color red set mytype "aggressor"]
  create-rationals perc [set color green set mytype "rational"]
  create-honors perc [set color yellow set mytype "honor"]
  create-institutionals perc [set color blue set mytype "institutional"]

  ask patches [set pcolor black]

  ;ask patches [set plabel-color black] set plabel word pxcor word "," pycor]

  ask aggressors [
    move-to one-of patches with [not any? turtles-here ]

   ask rationals [
    move-to one-of patches with [not any? turtles-here]

   ask honors [
    move-to one-of patches with [not any? turtles-here]

   ask institutionals [
    move-to one-of patches with [not any? turtles-here]


   set died table:make
   ;export-view word ticks ".png"

to initializations
  ask turtles[
    set strength random-float 0.50 + 0.4
    set reputation strength
    set status "normal"
    set challenged-by -1
    set challenged-to -1
    set mobilitystate "reached" set visitedlocations table:make

to network-formation ;; needs to be half
  ask turtles [

to network-formation-single
  let distantneighbors n-of links-count turtles with [distance myself > radius]
  if (count distantneighbors > 0) [create-links-to distantneighbors]
  ask links [set color black]

to aggressors-challenge
  let x 20 / 100 * count aggressors
  let few-agg n-of x aggressors
  ask few-agg [set status "need-to-fight" ]
  ;ask aggressors [set status "need-to-fight"  ]

to go
  if ticks = 2000 [stop]
  if mobility-model = "randomwalk" [random-walk]
  ;export-view word ticks ".png"

to set-status
  ask turtles[
  if breed = aggressors [
      if status = "need-to-fight" [
        let id who
        set status "fight"

        challenge id

      if status = "need-to-respond" [
        set status "fight"


    if breed = honors [
      if status = "need-to-respond" [
        set status "fight"


    if breed = institutionals [
      if status = "need-to-respond" [
          set status "call"


    if breed = rationals [
      if status = "need-to-respond" [
        let x turtle challenged-by
        let rep [reputation] of x
        ifelse (rep >= strength) [set status "giveup" ] [set status "fight" ]

to update-values
  ask turtles [
    if status = "fight" and challenged-to != -1 [
      let opponent turtle challenged-to
      let oppstatus [status] of opponent
      if oppstatus = "fight"
        let oppstr [strength] of opponent
        let opprep [reputation] of opponent
        ifelse (strength / oppstr >= 1) [
          set reputation reputation + 0.005
          set strength strength - 0.02
          set strength strength - 0.03
          set reputation reputation - 0.02

      if oppstatus = "giveup"
        ;strenght remains same he wins
        set reputation reputation + 0.01

    if status = "fight" and challenged-by != -1 [
      let opponent turtle challenged-by
      let oppstatus [status] of opponent
      if oppstatus = "fight"
        let oppstr [strength] of opponent
        let opprep [reputation] of opponent
        ifelse (strength / oppstr >= 1) [
          set reputation reputation + 0.03
          set strength strength - 0.02
          set strength strength - 0.03
          set reputation reputation + 0.02

    if status = "giveup" [
      set reputation reputation - 0.01
      set strength strength - 0.005

    if status = "call" [
      set reputation reputation - 0.02
      let opponent turtle challenged-by

      if random-float 1.00 < effectiveness / 100
      [update-challenger opponent]

to update-challenger [c]
  ask c [
    set strength strength - 0.04
    set reputation reputation - 0.03

to challenge [id]
  let tempd [link-neighbors] of self
  let tempn turtles in-radius radius
  let tempt (turtle-set tempn tempd)
  let temp nobody
  ifelse (inclusive?)[set temp one-of other tempt ][set temp one-of other tempt with [mytype != "aggressor"]]

  if temp != nobody [
    ask temp [
      set status "need-to-respond"
      set challenged-by id

    set challenged-to [who] of temp

to proceed
  table:clear died
  set counter 0
  ask turtles [
    if (strength < 1) [set strength strength + 0.0005]
    if (strength < toughness / 100) [
      set counter counter + 1
      let tempd [link-neighbors] of self
      let tempn turtles in-radius radius
      let tempt (turtle-set tempn tempd)
      let a count tempt with [breed = aggressors]
      let r count tempt with [breed = rationals]
      let h count tempt with [breed = honors]
      let i count tempt with [breed = institutionals]
      let b mytype
      set b word b word " " counter
      if (a >= r and a >= h and a >= i) [table:put died b "aggressors" ]
      if (r >= a and r >= h and r >= i) [table:put died b "rationals"  ]
      if (h >= a and h >= r and h >= i) [table:put died b "honors"  ]
      if (i >= r and i >= h and i >= a) [table:put died b "institutionals"   ]

  create-news died
  ask turtles[


to refresh-agent
  set status "normal"
    set challenged-by -1
    set challenged-to -1

to create-news [d]
  foreach table:keys d
  [ [?] ->

     let b table:get d ? ; mytype dieing type

     let c substring ? 0 (position " " ?)
     set c word c "s"; majority type
    ifelse (evolve?) [ ifelse (random-float 1.00 < 0.25) [ create-new c][ create-new b]   ] [ create-new c]

to create-new [t]

  if (t = "aggressors") [create-aggressors 1 [set color red set mytype "aggressor" move-to one-of patches with [not any? turtles-here] set strength random-float 0.50 + 0.4
    set reputation strength network-formation-single set mobilitystate "reached" set visitedlocations table:make]]
  if (t = "rationals") [create-rationals 1 [set color green set mytype "rational" move-to one-of patches with [not any? turtles-here] set strength random-float 0.50 + 0.4
    set reputation strength network-formation-single set mobilitystate "reached" set visitedlocations table:make]]
  if (t = "honors") [create-honors 1 [set color yellow set mytype "honor" move-to one-of patches with [not any? turtles-here] set strength random-float 0.50 + 0.4
    set reputation strength network-formation-single set mobilitystate "reached" set visitedlocations table:make]]
  if (t = "institutionals") [create-institutionals 1 [set color blue set mytype "institutional" move-to one-of patches with [not any? turtles-here] set strength random-float 0.50 + 0.4
    set reputation strength network-formation-single set mobilitystate "reached" set visitedlocations table:make]]

to draw
  set stagg 0
  set stins 0
  set sthon 0
  set strat 0

  ask aggressors [
    set stagg stagg + strength

  ask institutionals [
    set stins stins + strength

  ask honors [
    set sthon sthon + strength

  ask rationals [
    set strat strat + strength

to random-walk
  ask turtles [
    do-random-walk 1

to profile-based-walk
  ask turtles[
    ifelse table:length visitedlocations <= 4 [
      if ticks mod 20 = 0 [
      let loc word pxcor word "-" pycor
      table:put visitedlocations loc ticks
      do-random-walk 1
      if mobilitystate = "reached" [
        let lst table:keys visitedlocations
        let r random 4
        let dest item r lst
        set currentdestination dest
        let pos position "-" currentdestination
        set dxcor read-from-string (substring currentdestination 0 pos)
        set dycor read-from-string (substring currentdestination (pos + 1) length(currentdestination))
        set mobilitystate "moving"

      if mobilitystate = "moving" [
        ifelse pxcor = dxcor and pycor = dycor [set mobilitystate "reached"]
          set heading towardsxy dxcor dycor
          forward 1

to do-random-walk [jumplength]
  rt random 360               ; set random heading
  forward jumplength          ; advance one step

to segregate
  ask turtles [
    let w who
    let own mytype
    if (not is-happy? w own) [
      move-to one-of patches with [not any? turtles-here]

to-report is-happy? [w own]
  let n 0
  let nown 0
  ask turtle w [set n sum [count turtles-here] of neighbors in-radius radius]
  ask turtle w [set nown sum [count turtles-here with [mytype = own]] of neighbors in-radius radius]

  let perown 1
  if (n != 0) [set perown nown / n]
  ifelse (perown >= 0.75) [report true] [report false]

to create-blocks
  let x 0
  let l 0
  let c 0
  let blocksize 6
  while [l < max-pycor] [
    let k 0
    while [k < max-pxcor] [
      let i 0
      set x x + 1
      while [i < blocksize]
        let j 0
        while [j < blocksize] [
          let mp patch (k + i) (l + j)
          ask mp [ifelse c = 0 [set blockname x] [set blockname x]]
          set j j + 1
        set i i + 1
      ifelse c = 0 [set c 1] [set c 0]
      set k k + blocksize
    ifelse c = 0 [set c 1] [set c 0]
    set l l + blocksize

to measure-segregation
  let i 1
  let blocksize 3
  ;let b count patches / blocksize ; blovk size 3*3
  set Tsi 0

  let A count aggressors
  let B count honors
  let C count institutionals
  let D count rationals
  while [i < 50] [
    let bpatches patch-set patches with [blockname = i]
    let aa sum [count aggressors-here ] of bpatches
    let bb sum [count honors-here ] of bpatches
    let cc sum [count institutionals-here] of bpatches
    let dd sum [count rationals-here] of bpatches

    let si abs((aa / A) - (bb / B) - (cc / C) - (dd / D))
    ;let si abs((bb / B) - (gg / G) )
    set Tsi Tsi + si
    set i i + 1
  set Tsi Tsi / 4

There is only one version of this model, created almost 4 years ago by Kashif Zia.

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