
corona preview image

1 collaborator

Wei_xu Wei Xu (Author)


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  sick?            ;; if true, the turtle is infectious
  cured?           ;; if true, the turtle is cured
  body-statue      ;;four value: 0 normal; 1 infected; 2 cured;
  self-protected?  ;;if true, has mask
  sick-time        ;;from infected, caculate by days, cured goto 0
  cure-time        ;;from go into hospital, caculate by days
  age              ;;use later

  sum-GDP                 ;;caculate the total GDP
  sum-cure-consume        ;;caculate the total consume of cure
  sum-sick                ;;caculate the total sicker
  sum-death               ;;caculate the total death
  temp-sicker             ;;caculate the sicker in every step
  hospital-patches        ;;area of hospital
  non-hospital-patches    ;;area of non-hospital

to setup

  set sum-GDP 0
  set sum-cure-consume 0
  set sum-sick 0
  set sum-death 0
  set temp-sicker 0

  ;;creat the hospital-area
  set hospital-patches patches with [abs pxcor <= 15 and abs pycor <= 15]
  ask hospital-patches [ set pcolor white ]

  ;;creat the non-hospital-area
  set non-hospital-patches patches with [abs pxcor > 15 or abs pycor > 15]
  ask non-hospital-patches [ set pcolor black ]


;;initial the turtles

to setup-turtles
  create-turtles number-people[
    move-to one-of non-hospital-patches
    set color green
    set shape turtle-shape
    set sick? false
    set cured? false
    set body-statue 0
    set self-protected? false
    set age random 30000
    set sick-time 0
    set cure-time 0
  ask n-of ((number-people * initial-infected-percent) / 100) turtles[
    set sick-time random 7    ;;set the sick-time random, so that the sicker that has sym can go to hospital

;;if turtles sick, use this function

to get-sick
  set body-statue 1
  set color red
  set sick-time 1
  set sick? true
  set sum-sick sum-sick + 1

to go
  ;;process all the turtles on hospital-area
  ask turtles-on hospital-patches
    ;;caculate the cure sonsume
    set sum-cure-consume sum-cure-consume + average-cureconsume-oneday
    ;; the patient cured
    if cure-time > average-cured-time
    ;;auto add the cure-time
    set cure-time cure-time + 1

    ;;process the death
    ;;because of the deathrate too small, the random hardly get
    ;;so use another way to process the death
    ;;pay attention if use die, the code after die will not process
    if random-float 1000 < deathrate
      set sum-death sum-death + 1

  ;;process all the turtles on non-hospital-area
  ask turtles-on non-hospital-patches
    ;; move or not
    if not grounded
      ;;caculate the GDP
      set sum-GDP sum-GDP + average-GDP-oneday
    ;; if sick
    if body-statue = 1
      ;; infect other first
      ask other turtles-here with [ body-statue = 0 ]
        ifelse masked
          if random-float 100 < infected-with-protect
          if random-float 100 < infected-without-protect
      ;; go to hospital
      if sick-time > average-symptomappear-time

      ;; add sick-time
      set sick-time sick-time + 1
  ;; caculate the tick

;; Turtles move if not in hospital at random.
;; if near hospital, random throw to non hospital area

to move ;; turtle procedure
  ifelse (abs xcor < 18 and abs ycor < 18)[
    move-to one-of non-hospital-patches
    rt random 100
    lt random 100
    fd 2

;;go to hospital, set cure-time = 1

to gotohospital
  move-to one-of hospital-patches
  set cure-time 1

;; if cured, move out of hospital

to cured
  set sick? false
  set cured? true
  set sick-time 0
  set cure-time 0
  set color blue
  set body-statue 2
  move-to one-of non-hospital-patches

There is only one version of this model, created over 3 years ago by Wei Xu.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
corona.png preview Preview for 'corona' over 3 years ago, by Wei Xu Download

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