Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity - Fulfillment of Needs

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Default-person Erika Frydenlund (Author)


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;; note in this version I flipped what's considered "risky" behavior
;; still no "tenacity" in the model -- this is the one thing from the original PPT I'm not sure what to do with.
;; based on ppt sent by Jose from Lesbos on 13Apr2019
;; CIGS seek out needs that are < expertise and < time-available
;; if there are no matching needs, they seek out additional funding
;; once the need is fulfilled, it goes away and CIGS find a new cause (having level-up expertise)
;; failure partially implemented
;; unemployed implemented
;; passive/aggressive development added based on slide 5
;; consolidated some code for setup procedures
;; added tracking of different need types: those with CIGS addressing them, those with no one addressing them.
;; inserted code to track CIGS status (dead or alive) by risk-profile/strategy per Jose's interest (26 Feb 2020)

globals [
  fulfilled-needs ;; counter for needs that went away
  failed-CIGS ;; counter for failed CIGS
  unfulfilled ;; agentset of needs with no CIGS
  in-progress ;; agentset of needs with CIGS attached

  ;; Jose's interest variables added

breed [ CIGS a-CIGS ]
breed [ funding a-funding ]
breed [ needs need ]

;; establishing up each agent attributes

CIGS-own [
  expertise ;; Random (0,100)
  time-available ;; Random (0, 365 days)
  tenacity;; Boolean (y/n)
  risk-profile;; – Boolean (aggressive/passive)
  unemployed;;  random (0-30)
  status ;; alive/dead
  possible-cause ;; agent-set for use later
  cause ;; the need being addressed currently

funding-own [
  funding-amount ;; Random (0-100)
  funding-regenerate ;; random [0, 1)

needs-own [
  need-size ;;Random (0-100)
  need-type ;; for later??
  time-required-to-complete;; random (0-365)

;; initilize variables and set up environment

to setup

  create-CIGS CIGS-Start [ make-CIGS ]
  create-funding funder-Start [ make-funders ]
  create-needs needs-Start [ make-needs ]

  ;; initialize globals
  set in-progress 0
  set unfulfilled 0
  set CIGS-1-alive 0
  set CIGS-1-dead 0
  set CIGS-0-alive 0
  set CIGS-0-dead 0


to go
  ask CIGS [
    if cause = nobody [ find-a-cause ] ;; look for a cause if you don't already have one

    if cause != nobody [
      fulfill-need ;; each day work to fulfill need
    set time-available time-available - 1 ;; decrement 1 day per tick

  ask funding [
    ifelse funding-amount = 0
    [ die ]
    [ set funding-amount ( funding-amount * funding-regenerate + funding-amount ) ] ;; increment funding amount daily
                                                                                    ;; note: zero funding is not going to improve!

  ;; regeneration of needs
  create-needs random needs-replacement [ make-needs ]


  ;; regeneration of CIGS and funding
  if count needs with [count link-neighbors = 0] > 0 [
    create-funding random funder-replacement [ make-funders ] ;; unaddressed needs breed more CIGS
    create-CIGS random CIGS-replacement [ make-CIGS ] ;; addressed needs breed more funding -- MAYBE SOMETHING TO WORK OUT LATER

  if count CIGS = 0 or count needs = 0 [ stop ]


to find-a-cause
  ifelse risk-profile = 1
    set possible-cause needs with [ (time-required-to-complete < [time-available] of myself ) AND (need-size < [expertise] of myself) ]
    set possible-cause needs with [ (time-required-to-complete < [time-available] of myself ) AND count link-neighbors > 0 ]
    ;; low risk profile joins fulfillment of a need without expertise if that need already has other CIGS involved
    ;; note this makes no determination of friend/foe CIGS
  ifelse count possible-cause > 0 [
    set cause one-of possible-cause
    move-to cause
    create-link-with cause
    jump 2 ;; so they don't overlap
    set unemployed unemployed - 1 ;; CIGS can only exist as long as they are employed
    if unemployed = 0
    [ set failed-CIGS failed-CIGS + 1
      ifelse risk-profile = 0 [ set CIGS-1-dead CIGS-1-dead + 1 ] [ set CIGS-0-dead CIGS-0-dead + 1 ] ;; tallying dead by risk type

;; not sure if this works

to pursue-funding
  ifelse count funding with [funding-amount > 0] > 0
    move-to one-of funding with [funding-amount > 0]
    let funder one-of funding-here
    let ask-for-money random 10 + 1
    set time-available ((1 / ask-for-money) * [funding-amount] of funder + time-available );; increase time available by fraction of money given
    ask funder [ set funding-amount ( funding-amount - (1 / ask-for-money) * funding-amount ) ] ;; deduct funding

    ;; adding Jose's interest code here
    ifelse risk-profile = 0 [ set CIGS-1-dead CIGS-1-dead + 1 ] [ set CIGS-0-dead CIGS-0-dead + 1 ] ;; tallying dead by risk type
    set failed-CIGS failed-CIGS + 1

to fulfill-need ;; this is a weird way to do this by using the "cause" variable owned by CIGS
  ask cause [
    ifelse time-required-to-complete = 0
      ask link-neighbors [ set expertise expertise + random 10 ] ;; each of contributing CIGS increases expertise
      set fulfilled-needs fulfilled-needs + 1 ;; increment global counter of fulfilled needs
      set time-required-to-complete time-required-to-complete - 1  ;; decrement by 1 day;
  ;; note that multiple CIGS working on the same cause will decrement more quickly even though the cause units is days (like man-hours then)

to re-evaluate
    if (expertise > [ need-size ] of cause) AND (time-available < [time-required-to-complete] of cause)
    [ ifelse risk-profile = 1
      [ pursue-funding ]
        ifelse risk-profile = 0 [ set CIGS-1-dead CIGS-1-dead + 1 ] [ set CIGS-0-dead CIGS-0-dead + 1 ] ;;
        set failed-CIGS failed-CIGS + 1

;;;;;;; setup agents by type ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to make-needs
  set shape "house"
  set color red

  set need-size random 100 + 1 ;; 0 < need-size <= 100
  set time-required-to-complete random 365 + 1 ;; 0 < time-required-to-complete <= 365

  setxy random-xcor random-ycor ;; distribute everyone randomly in the environment

to make-funders
  set shape "star"
  set color yellow

  set funding-amount random 100 + 1 ;; 0 < funding-amount <= 100

  setxy random-xcor random-ycor ;; distribute everyone randomly in the environment

to make-CIGS
  set shape "person"
  set color blue

  set expertise random-float 100 ;; note this will never reach 100 -> 0<= expertise < 100
  set time-available random 365 + 1 ;; 0 < time-available <= 365 to give at least 1 day to exist and is translated from funding
  set tenacity random 2 ;; can be either 0 or 1 -- establish 0 = no; 1 = yes
  set risk-profile random 2 ;; can be either 0 or 1 -- estabish 0 = passive; 1 = aggresive
  set unemployed random 30 + 1 ;; 0 < time-left-to-exist <= 30 to give at least 1 day without funding and without a need
  set status 1 ;; initially set to "alive"
  set cause nobody ;; no one to start

  setxy random-xcor random-ycor ;; distribute everyone randomly in the environment

to update-globals
  set unfulfilled needs with [ count link-neighbors = 0 ] ;; no links means no one's working on that need
  set in-progress needs with [ count link-neighbors > 0 ] ;; links mean CIGS are working on them.

  set CIGS-0-alive count CIGS with [ risk-profile = 1] ;; tallying CIGS by risk profile/strategy per Jose's interest
  set CIGS-1-alive count CIGS with [ risk-profile = 0]

There is only one version of this model, created over 3 years ago by Erika Frydenlund.

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