Supply and Demand - price setting WIP
Model was written in NetLogo 6.2.0
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Globals [price last_price producer-surplus consumer-surplus total-surplus] Breed [Buyers Buyer] Breed [Sellers Seller] Buyers-own [Maximum_asking_price willingtopay consumersurplus B_stock Demand able_buy B_price last_B_Price calorie] Sellers-own [Minimum_selling_price willingtosell producersurplus S_stock Inventory_space able_sell S_price last_S_price revenue] turtles-own [partner] to setup clear-all create-Buyers NoBuyers[ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] create-Sellers NoSellers[ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] ask Buyers [ set color yellow set Maximum_asking_price Maximum_ask - random var_ask set B_stock 0 set last_B_price Maximum_asking_price set B_price last_B_price set calorie 100 ] ask Sellers [ set color blue set Minimum_selling_price Minimum_sell + random var_sell set S_stock 0 set last_S_price Minimum_selling_price set S_price last_S_price set revenue 100 ] reset-ticks end to go update-plots produce_good_and_income set_price seek_seller ask Sellers with [color = red][ set color blue] ask Sellers [ if revenue <= 0 [die]] ask Buyers [ if calorie <= 0 [die] ] tick end to produce_good_and_income ask Sellers [ set Inventory_space Invent_space if S_stock < Inventory_space [ set S_stock S_stock + No_good_produced if S_stock >= Inventory_space [ set S_stock Inventory_space ]]] ask Buyers [ set Demand Demand + Daily_demand ] end to set_price ask Sellers [ ifelse able_sell = 0 [ set revenue revenue - revenue_reducer set S_price last_S_price - random-float adjustment if S_price < Minimum_selling_price[ set S_price Minimum_selling_price]] [let prob random 6 if prob = 1 [ set S_price last_S_price + random adjustment]] set able_sell 0 ] ask Buyers [ ifelse able_buy = 0 ; variable, when able to buy, + 1, will be wiped away [ set calorie calorie - calorie_reducer set B_price last_B_price + random-float adjustment if B_price > Maximum_asking_price [ set B_price Maximum_asking_price ]] [let prob random 6 if prob = 1 [ set B_price last_B_price - random adjustment]] set able_buy 0 ] ; reset the values end to seek_seller ask buyers [ let available_sellers Sellers with [color = blue] let whom one-of available_sellers if whom = nobody [stop] ask whom [set color red] let seller_price [S_price] of whom if (B_price - seller_price >= 0) [ let common_price (B_price + [S_price] of whom) / 2 set consumersurplus (Maximum_asking_price - common_price) set last_B_price common_price set calorie calorie + 1 set able_buy able_buy + 1 ask whom [ set last_S_price common_price set able_sell able_sell + 1 set revenue revenue + 1 set producersurplus (common_price - Minimum_selling_price) ] ] ] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 3 years ago by Per Hung Yap .
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Supply and Demand - price setting WIP.png | preview | Preview for 'Supply and Demand - price setting WIP' | over 3 years ago, by Per Hung Yap | Download |
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