Child of Ant Model - Ants to Lines
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A model of T. immigrans (pavement ant) recruitment to a food source, beginning with group-recruitment, when a group of followers follows the leader to the food, and transitioning to mass-recruitment, when foraging is independent of the presence of the leader and based on the pheromone trail.
The yellow foragers start from the nest and begin exploring the world for the distant food. The first forager to reach the food becomes a leader, returning to the nest and rapidly bringing back follower ants with it. The number of followers is determined by food quality, with the number of followers doubling with each increase in food quality increment (e.g 0.1 - 0.2 food quality). The leader lays down a pheromone trail (trail-markers), which is subsequently reinforced by its followers and other foragers who have successfully found and picked up food, turning orange. Once the maximum number of followers has been collected, the followers break away from the leader, turning purple, and then return to the nest to become foragers, initiating mass-recruitment. At the nest, each successful forager starts a fresh search for food, turning yellow, and recruits an additional forager.
Foragers check for the presence of trail-markers directly ahead of them, and continue forward if they find it. If not, they check for the greatest amount of pheromone trail within a cone of vision to their right or left side and turn accordingly. If they are at the edge, they turn around. If there is no pheromone trail or not enough foragers to trigger mass-recruitment, they walk randomly. Orange foragers use dead-reckoning to return directly to the nest. When the food has been completely consumed, the trail-marker path evaporates, and foragers randomly wander until they encounter the nest. (what rules the agents use to create the overall behavior of the model)
The food-quality slider controls how many follower ants are recruited, based on increments of 0.2 food-quality units. Foragers do not respond to food with a food-quality of 0, but instead wander randomly through the world. Various monitors report the ticks that correspond to the transformation of the first forager into the leader, when the first follower reaches the food, the time between these ticks, the time when mass-recruitment begins, and when the food is completely reduced.
(how to use the model, including a description of each of the items in the Interface tab)
(suggested things for the user to notice while running the model)
What does altering the amount of food (at the beginning of the code) do?
(suggested things for the user to try to do (move sliders, switches, etc.) with the model)
Monitor the food level and plot food-level vs time. (suggested things to add or change in the Code tab to make the model more complicated, detailed, accurate, etc.)
Different breeds - types of ants (by default in Netlogo, turtles)
(interesting or unusual features of NetLogo that the model uses, particularly in the Code tab; or where workarounds were needed for missing features)
The Ants model by Uri Wilensky and Ant Lines model by Uri Wilensky. (models in the NetLogo Models Library and elsewhere which are of related interest)
Original basis: Wilensky, U. (1997). NetLogo Ants model. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. Wilensky, U. (1999). NetLogo. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Thanks to Jen B of StackOverflow for help with various aspects of the code, especially the leader breed transformation, and the Netlogo Users Group for help with various aspects of the model. Also thanks to Aaron Brandes, a CCL software developer from the Netlogo Users Group, for help with many of the reporters. Thanks to Ted Warsavage for help with troubleshooting and working through model logic. Most of all, thanks to Dr. Michael Greene of UC Denver, who directed this project.
(a reference to the model's URL on the web if it has one, as well as any other necessary credits, citations, and links)
Comments and Questions
;;;;; types of Netlogo turtles, including ants and trail-markers breed [foragers forager] breed [leaders leader] breed [followers follower] breed [trail-markers trail-marker] patches-own ;; variables accessible by the patches of the world [ nest? nest-scent nest-x nest-y food-source-center-x food-source-center-y food ] globals ;; accessible by all agents within the model [old-sum sum-change-tick first-follower-food-tick first-leader-tick food-consumption-tick mass-recruitment-tick octopamine-level octopamine-level-delay-tick ] to setup clear-all set-default-shape turtles "bug" set-default-shape trail-markers "line half" create-foragers 5 [set color yellow set size 2.25 setxy 36 1] setup-patches ;;; sets reporters to a default value of -1 set first-leader-tick -1 update-first-leader-tick set first-follower-food-tick -1 update-first-follower-food-tick set mass-recruitment-tick -1 update-mass-recruitment-tick set food-consumption-tick -1 update-food-consumption-tick set octopamine-level 10 set octopamine-level-delay-tick -1 reset-ticks end to setup-patches ask patches [setup-nest setup-food setup-food-quality] end to setup-nest ;; set nest? variable to true inside the nest, false elsewhere set nest? (distancexy 36 1) < 2 ;; spread a nest-scent over the whole world -- stronger near the nest set nest-scent 200 - distancexy 36 1 set nest-x 36 set nest-y 1 if nest? [set pcolor brown] end to setup-food if (distancexy (0.85 * min-pxcor) (0.1 * min-pycor)) < 4.5 [set food 10 ;; dictates the amount of food on each food-patch if food > 0 [set pcolor cyan]] set food-source-center-x -32 set food-source-center-y -2 end to setup-food-quality ;; patch procedure if food > 0 [set food-quality one-of [0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0]] ;; controllable with slider; 0 triggers no response end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to go ;; triggered by the go button ask foragers [fd 1 ifelse any? trail-markers [ifelse can-move? 1 ;; if not at the edges [follow-trail-marker-path] [rt 180]] ;; if at the edges, turn around [wiggle] ;; wiggle (random-walk if there is no pheromone trail) look-for-food ;; respond to food if found return-to-nest-and-food eliminate-foragers ] ask leaders [wiggle lead ;; go back and forth from the nest to the food, collecting followers initiate-trail ;; lay down trail markers mass-recruit-leaders] ;; transform into foragers once group-recruitment has finished (maximum number of followers collected) ask followers [follow-leaders ;; walk behind leaders find-food ;; first follower changes size to signal its presence on the food transition-to-mass-recruitment ;; change color at the end of group recruitment return-to-nest-mass-recruitment-transition ;; break away from the leaders and return to the nest at the end group-recruitment mass-recruit] ;; transform into foragers after the completion of group-recruitment ask patches [recolor-patch ] ;; change color to signify food-removal update-first-leader-tick update-first-follower-food-tick print word "first-follower-food-tick " first-follower-food-tick update-mass-recruitment-tick update-food-consumption-tick update-octopamine-level-delay-tick if sum [food] of patches with [pcolor = cyan] = 0 and ticks > 0 ;; commands for the end of the model [if not any? foragers with [color = orange] [ask trail-markers [die]] ;; evaporate pheromone trail ask foragers [if (distancexy nest-x nest-y <= 2) [die]] ;; re-enter the nest if close if count foragers = 0 and ticks > 1000 [stop]] ;; stops model tick end to look-for-food ;; forager procedure let foods patches with [food > 0] let potential-leaders foragers-on foods if food > 0 and food-quality > 0 [ifelse (not any? leaders) and (any? potential-leaders) and (count foragers <= 5) ;; checks if any leaders exist and if object = true food [ ask one-of potential-leaders [ set breed leaders set color magenta]] ;; transforms first forager to find food into the leader [set color orange]] ;; identifies all successful foragers after the leader by turning them orange end to return-to-nest-and-food ;; forager procedure if color = orange ;; directs movement of foragers who have found food [if food > 0 and mass-recruitment-tick < 0 [set food food - .1] ;; pickup food if food > 0 and mass-recruitment-tick > 0 [set food food - 1] if food > 0 and sum [food] of patches with [pcolor = cyan] <= 20 [set food food - 10] if count trail-markers > 200 [hatch-trail-markers 1 ;; reinforce trail [set size 1.0]] uphill-nest-scent ;; directly returns to nest via dead reckoning if not can-move? 1 [rt 180] if (distancexy nest-x nest-y) <= 2 ;; "drop off" the food at the nest [set color yellow ;; change back to original color to signal new foraging status IF COUNT FORAGERS > 5 [hatch-foragers 1] ;; recruit an additional forager from the nest ifelse any? trail-markers [follow-trail-marker-path] [wiggle] fd 1 ] ] end to lead ;; leader procedure if color = magenta [fd 2 ;; walks quickly ahead of followers uphill-nest-scent ;; dead-reckons if (distancexy nest-x nest-y) <= 2 [set color white if food-quality > 0.8 [if count followers < 10 and (not any? followers with [color = violet + 1]) and (count foragers < 10) ;; hatch n followers, dependent on food-quality [if octopamine-level = 0 and ticks >= (first-leader-tick + 100) [hatch-followers 1 [set color brown IF count followers = 2 [fd 1.5] IF count followers = 3 [fd 1.25] IF count followers = 4 [fd 1] if count followers = 5 [fd .9] if count followers = 6 [fd .8] if count followers = 7 [fd .7] if count followers >= 8 [fd .6] ]] ]] if (food-quality > 0.6) and (food-quality < 0.9) and (count followers < 8) and (not any? followers with [color = violet + 1]) and (count foragers < 50) [if octopamine-level = 0 and ticks >= (first-leader-tick + 100) [hatch-followers 1 [set color brown IF count followers = 2 [fd 1.5] IF count followers = 3 [fd 1.25] IF count followers = 4 [fd 1] if count followers = 5 [fd .9] if count followers = 6 [fd .8] if count followers = 7 [fd .7] if count followers = 8 [fd .6] ]]] if (food-quality > 0.4) and (food-quality < 0.7) and (count followers < 6) and (not any? followers with [color = violet + 1]) and (count foragers < 80) [if octopamine-level = 0 [hatch-followers 1 [set color brown IF count followers = 2 [fd 1.5] IF count followers = 3 [fd 1.25] IF count followers = 4 [fd 1] if count followers = 5 [fd .9] if count followers = 6 [fd .8] ]]] if (food-quality > 0.2) and (food-quality < 0.5) and (count followers < 4) and (not any? followers with [color = violet + 1]) and (count foragers < 70) [if octopamine-level = 0 [hatch-followers 1 [set color brown IF count followers = 2 [fd 1.5] IF count followers = 3 [fd 1.25] IF count followers = 4 [fd 1] ]]] if (food-quality > 0) and (food-quality < 0.3) and (count followers < 1) and (not any? followers with [color = violet + 1]) and (count foragers < 56) [if octopamine-level = 0 [hatch-followers 1 [set color brown]]] ]] if color = white [wiggle fd 2 facexy food-source-center-x food-source-center-y ;; head back to the food hatch-trail-markers 1 [set color blue set size 1.0] ;; lay down pheromone trail if food > 0 [set color magenta] ] if not can-move? 1 [rt 180] end to mass-recruit-leaders ;; transiiton leaders to pheromone-following foragers if (not any? followers with [color = brown]) and (distancexy nest-x nest-y <= 2) ;; transforms leaders into foragers during mass-recruitment [if food-quality > 0.8 and count foragers >= 6 [set breed foragers set color yellow hatch-foragers 1] if food-quality > 0.6 and food-quality < 0.9 and count foragers >= 50 [set breed foragers set color yellow hatch-foragers 1] if food-quality > 0.4 and food-quality < 0.7 and count foragers >= 70 [set breed foragers set color yellow hatch-foragers 1] if food-quality > 0.2 and food-quality < 0.5 and count foragers >= 61 [set breed foragers set color yellow hatch-foragers 1] if food-quality > 0 and food-quality < 0.3 and count foragers >= 54 [set breed foragers set color yellow hatch-foragers 1] ] end to follow-leaders ;; follower procedure for group-recruitment if color = brown [face one-of leaders fd 1.75 hatch-trail-markers 1 [set color blue set size 1.0] ;; reinforce pheromone trail ] end to find-food ;; follower procedure if (distancexy food-source-center-x food-source-center-y < 6) and (count followers = 1) and count foragers < 6 [set size 1.75] ;; identifies first follower to reach food end to initiate-trail ;; leader procedure ask leaders with [color = magenta] [hatch-trail-markers 1 [set color blue set size 1.0]] end to transition-to-mass-recruitment ;; follower procedure that makes them independent of leaders if (distancexy food-source-center-x food-source-center-y <= 6) and (count followers >= 1) and (food-quality < 0.3) ;; once group-recruitment has finished (max number of followers for that food-quality reached) [set color violet + 1] if (distancexy food-source-center-x food-source-center-y <= 6) and (count followers >= 4) and (food-quality > 0.2) and (food-quality < 0.5) [set color violet + 1] if (distancexy food-source-center-x food-source-center-y <= 6) and (count followers >= 6) and (food-quality > 0.4) and (food-quality < 0.7) [set color violet + 1] if (distancexy food-source-center-x food-source-center-y <= 6) and (count followers >= 8) and (food-quality > 0.6) and (food-quality < 0.9) [set color violet + 1] if (distancexy food-source-center-x food-source-center-y <= 6) and (count followers >= 10) and (food-quality > 0.8) [set color violet + 1] end to transition-to-mass-recruitment-old ;; follower procedure that makes them independent of leaders if (distancexy food-source-center-x food-source-center-y) <= 4 and (count followers >= 1) and (food-quality < 0.3) ;; once group-recruitment has finished (max number of followers for that food-quality reached) [set color violet + 1] if (distancexy food-source-center-x food-source-center-y) <= 4 and (count followers >= 2) and (food-quality > 0.2) and (food-quality < 0.5) [set color violet + 1] if (distancexy food-source-center-x food-source-center-y) <= 4 and (count followers >= 4) and (food-quality > 0.4) and (food-quality < 0.7) [set color violet + 1] if (distancexy food-source-center-x food-source-center-y) <= 4 and (count followers >= 8) and (food-quality > 0.6) and (food-quality < 0.9) [set color violet + 1] if (distancexy food-source-center-x food-source-center-y) <= 4 and (count followers >= 16) and (food-quality > 0.8) [set color violet + 1] end to return-to-nest-mass-recruitment-transition ;; follower procedure that directs them back to nest to initate mass-recruitment if color = violet + 1 [if food > 0 [set food food - 1] hatch-trail-markers 1 [set size 1 set color orange] wiggle fd 1 uphill-nest-scent] end to mass-recruit ;; follower procedure for transforming into foragers during mass-recruitment if (distancexy nest-x nest-y) <= 2 and (color = violet + 1) [set breed foragers set color yellow hatch-foragers 1] end to recolor-patch ;; patch procedure ;; give color to nest and food sources ifelse nest? ;; nest? true --> color brown [ set pcolor brown ] [ ifelse food > 0 ;; not nest, but has food [ set pcolor cyan ] [set pcolor black ] ] ;; food/nest pheromone default to 0 end to wiggle ;; determines the "randomness" of the random walk by having the ants turn any angle up to 45 degress in either direction rt random 45 lt random 45 if not can-move? 1 [ rt 180 ] end to uphill-nest-scent ;; dead-reckoning procedure that involves going towards the highest value of nest-scent let scent-ahead nest-scent-at-angle 0 let scent-right nest-scent-at-angle 45 let scent-left nest-scent-at-angle -45 if (scent-right > scent-ahead) or (scent-left > scent-ahead) [ ifelse scent-right > scent-left [ rt 45 ] [ lt 45 ] ] end to follow-trail-marker-path ;; directs ant movement toward the pheromone trail ifelse count foragers < 6 ;; at the beginning of recruitment, foragers weakly follow the pheromone trail and random-walk [ifelse any? (trail-markers-on patch-ahead 1) with [color = blue] [fd 1] [ifelse (patch-left-and-ahead 30 1 = nobody) or (patch-right-and-ahead 30 1 = nobody) or (not any? leaders) or (not any? foragers with [color = orange]) [rt random 45 lt random 45] [if (any? trail-markers-on patch-left-and-ahead 30 1) and (total-trail-markers-in-cone 10 -30 10 > total-trail-markers-in-cone 10 30 10) [lt 30] if (total-trail-markers-in-cone 10 30 10 > total-trail-markers-in-cone 10 -30 10) and (any? trail-markers-on patch-right-and-ahead 30 1) [rt 30]] ]] [ifelse any? trail-markers-on patch-ahead 1 [fd 1 right random 20 left random 20] [ifelse (patch-left-and-ahead 30 1 = nobody) or (patch-right-and-ahead 30 1 = nobody) [wiggle] [if any? trail-markers-on patch-left-and-ahead 30 1 and (total-trail-markers-in-cone 10 -30 10 > total-trail-markers-in-cone 10 30 10) [lt 30] if (total-trail-markers-in-cone 10 30 10 > total-trail-markers-in-cone 10 -30 10) and any? trail-markers-on patch-right-and-ahead 30 1 [rt 30] if any? leaders or any? foragers with [color = orange] or count trail-markers > 1000 [if total-trail-markers-in-cone 5 30 10 < 1 or total-trail-markers-in-cone 5 -30 10 < 1 [uphill-nest-scent]] if not any? leaders or not any? foragers with [color = orange] [wiggle] ]]] end to eliminate-foragers ;; some ants stuck at the edges die if count foragers > 10 [if patch-here = patch 45 -25 [die] if patch-here = patch 45 25 [die] ] end ;;; checks for any change in various statuses; if there is a change, it will be reported; these primarily correspond to the boxes on the left panel of the model interface to update-first-leader-tick if first-leader-tick < 0 [show count leaders if any? leaders [ set first-leader-tick ticks ] ] end to update-first-follower-food-tick let potential-recruiters followers with [size = 1.75] if first-follower-food-tick < 0 [show count potential-recruiters if any? potential-recruiters [ set first-follower-food-tick ticks ] ] end to update-mass-recruitment-tick if mass-recruitment-tick < 0 [show count followers if not any? followers and not any? leaders and count trail-markers > 1000 [set mass-recruitment-tick ticks] ] end to update-food-consumption-tick let food-level sum [food] of patches with [pcolor = cyan] if food-consumption-tick < 0 [show food-level if food-level < 1 [ set food-consumption-tick ticks ] ] end to update-octopamine-level-delay-tick if first-leader-tick > 0 [show octopamine-level-delay-tick if octopamine-level = 10 [set octopamine-level octopamine-level - (food-quality * 10)] if octopamine-level > 0 and octopamine-level < 10 ;; and not any? followers and count foragers < 6 [if (ticks - first-leader-tick = 20) or (ticks - first-leader-tick = 40) or (ticks - first-leader-tick = 60) or (ticks - first-leader-tick = 80) or (ticks - first-leader-tick = 100) or (ticks - first-leader-tick = 120) or (ticks - first-leader-tick = 140) or (ticks - first-leader-tick = 160) or (ticks - first-leader-tick = 180) [set octopamine-level octopamine-level - 1]] ] if octopamine-level = 0 and not any? followers and count foragers < 6 [if ticks = first-leader-tick + 20 or ticks = first-leader-tick + 40 or ticks = first-leader-tick + 60 or ticks = first-leader-tick + 80 or ticks = first-leader-tick + 100 or ticks = first-leader-tick + 120 or ticks = first-leader-tick + 140 or ticks = first-leader-tick + 160 or ticks = first-leader-tick + 180 [set octopamine-level-delay-tick ticks]] end to-report nest-scent-at-angle [angle] let p patch-right-and-ahead angle 1 if p = nobody [ report 0 ] report [nest-scent] of p end to-report total-trail-markers-in-cone [cone-distance angle angle-width ] ; ant procedure - reports the total amount of trail-markers in cone rt angle let p count trail-markers in-cone cone-distance angle-width ;ask p [ show chemical ] lt angle report (p) if not any? p [report 0] end to-report leader-presence ifelse any? leaders [report first-leader-tick] [report -1] end to-report recruitment-delay ifelse ticks > 0 [report first-leader-tick] [report -1] end to-report group-recruitment-initiation let recruited-ant followers with [size = 1.75] ifelse any? recruited-ant [ report first-follower-food-tick ] [ report -1] end to-report leader-food-follower-difference ifelse first-leader-tick != -1 and first-follower-food-tick != -1 [ report first-follower-food-tick - first-leader-tick] [ report -1 ] end to-report mass-recruitment-initiation ifelse not any? followers and not any? leaders [report mass-recruitment-tick] [report -1] end to-report food-consumption ifelse (sum [food] of patches with [pcolor = cyan] < 1 ) [report food-consumption-tick] [report -1] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 3 years ago by Emily Warsavage.
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