Basic blockchain
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;后面可以研究节点由于收益的生存和死亡变化 turtles-own [adress1 adress2 information question answer hashvalue bitcoin life];定义了海龟的几个属性变量 directed-link-breed [red-links red-link] ;;;定义了海龟的两个类型,矿工和区块 breed [miners miner] ;定义了矿工 breed [blockchains blockchain] ;定义了区块 blockchains-own [id];;定义了区块的属性变量 ;;定义全局变量 globals [ blocknum test computer startid endid goal ] to setup-empty clear-all reset-ticks end to setup clear-all set blocknum 0 set test 0 set startid 0 createworld reset-ticks end to go mine ask turtles[ if breed = miners [ rt 1] ] if computer = goal [ addblock;这里会循环太多次了,容易死循环 ask links [ set color gray ] tick] if energy?[ ask turtles [ reproduce ] death ] if supply?[supply] checkmap tick end to hash ;考虑 起始id和终止id时间转化为一个数值 ; end to createworld ;;把界面分成两个颜色,预计上面显示区块链,下面显示工人 ask patches [ ifelse (pycor > -1);;本来是0,为了区块变化时不越界改成了-1 [set pcolor blue] [set pcolor white] ] ;;在上面先设置创世块1个 create-blockchains 1 [ set shape "square" set color yellow setxy -16 4 set adress2 1 ] ;;在下面界面设置矿工,数量由滑动条决定 ask n-of miner-number patches with [pycor < 0] [ if (pycor < 0) [sprout-miners 1 [ set shape "person construction" ] ] ] end to supply if count miners < 50 [ ask n-of supplementary patches with [pycor < 0] [ if (pycor < 0) [sprout-miners 1 [ set shape "person construction" ] ] ] ] end to mine ;repeat 1 [ ask miners [ set answer random difficult;;为了海龟和全局变量的切换 set computer answer;;把海龟变量赋值给全局变量 hide-turtle show-turtle set life life - cost ;if answer <= 3 ;[addblock] ] ;;下面记录哪个矿工获得了比特币 if computer = goal[ ask miners[ if answer = computer [set bitcoin bitcoin + 1 set life life + 1] set information information + goal ;;用来存储全部区块链的goal值,并且分配给每个矿工,这样实现全链存储 ] set startid first [who] of miners with [answer = computer] ;;取矿工的id准备做区块的开始id,first起到了list转化为数字的作用 ] end to addblock set test 0 ;set goal 0 set blocknum blocknum + 1 create-blockchains 1 [ set shape "square" set color yellow set adress2 startid ;;取矿工id做区块的尾地址 setxy -16 + blocknum * 8 4 + random(12);区块链坐标 set id id + blocknum ;记录每个区块的id set test test + first [who] of blockchains with [id = [id] of myself - 1 ];和比自己小的相连 create-red-link-to blockchain test [set color red] set adress1 first [adress2] of blockchains with [id = [id] of myself - 1] ;;生成的区块取前面块的地址做首地址 set goal adress1 + adress2 ;;赋值给hash的功能值,这块想办法调通 ;first起到了list转化为number的作用,本来也只有一个元素 if breed = blockchains [ if layout?[layout] if onlyIoo?[onlyIoo] ] ] end to reproduce if life > reproduceline [ set life (life - reproduceline) ;; find an empty location to reproduce into let destination one-of neighbors4 with [not any? turtles-here] if destination != nobody [ ;; if the location exists hatch a copy of the current turtle in the new location ;; but mutate the child hatch-miners 1 [ move-to destination] if ycor > 0 [set ycor ycor - 16 ] if ycor <= -16 [set ycor ycor + 16 ] ] ] end to death ask turtles [ if life < (0 - deadline) [die] ] end to layout ;; the number 3 here is arbitrary; more repetitions slows down the ;; model, but too few gives poor layouts repeat 3 [ ;; the more turtles we have to fit into the same amount of space, ;; the smaller the inputs to layout-spring we'll need to use let factor sqrt count blockchains ;; numbers here are arbitrarily chosen for pleasing appearance layout-spring blockchains links (1 / factor) (7 / factor) (1 / factor) display ;; for smooth animation ] ;; don't bump the edges of the world let x-offset max [xcor] of blockchains + min [xcor] of blockchains ;let y-offset max [ycor] of blockchains + min [ycor] of blockchains let y-offset max [ycor] of blockchains;;加的相当于0,避免区块越界 ;; big jumps look funny, so only adjust a little each time set x-offset limit-magnitude x-offset 0.1 set y-offset limit-magnitude y-offset 0.1 ask blockchains [ setxy (xcor - x-offset / 2) abs(ycor - y-offset / 2 ) ];加abs防止区块越界 end to-report limit-magnitude [number limit] if number > limit [ report limit ] if number < (- limit) [ report (- limit) ] report number end to onlyIoo if count blockchains - onlynumber > 0[ foreach [who] of turtles[ if last [who] of turtles < (count blockchains - onlynumber)[ hide-turtle ] ] ] end to checkmap;;对出界的miners进行控制到相应窗口 ask miners[ if ycor >= 0[ set ycor ycor - 16] ] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 3 years ago by 彪 宋.
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