Clouds self-organization

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1 collaborator

Alonsela Alon Sela (Author)


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patches-own [


to setup
  create-turtles population [
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set size random 5
    ;set shape "circlephase"
    set shape "cloud"
    set d_growth 0
    ifelse label-all [set label who]
                     [set label "" if (who = 0) [set label "yohooo"]]
    if (heading > 0 and heading < 90)
    [set color red]
    if (heading > 90 and heading <= 180)
    [set color green]
     if (heading > 180 and heading < 360)
     [set color gray]

  set minx min [xcor] of turtles
  set maxx max [xcor] of turtles
  set miny min [ycor] of turtles
  set maxy max [ycor] of turtles

to update
  set minx min [xcor] of turtles
  set maxx max [xcor] of turtles
  set miny min [ycor] of turtles
  set maxy max [ycor] of turtles
  let maxhumidity max[pcolor] of patches  ; scale max = 40
  ;print maxhumidity

  ask turtles [
    if phase-turn?
    [ifelse humidity-preserve-cloud
      [let humidity 40 - [pcolor] of patch-here ; scale 30-40
;        set heading heading + phase-speed * (1 + 10 / (humidity + 0.001)) ]
         ifelse (heading > 0 and heading < 180)
         [if (maxhumidity > 0 ) [set heading heading + (phase-speed) * (1 - (humidity / (maxhumidity))) ]]  ;this area needs refining with Ilan acording to real theory of humidity and clouds
         [set heading heading + (phase-speed + 0.001)]

       [set heading heading + phase-speed]

    let new-size sin(heading) * size-scaler
    set d_growth  new-size - size
    set size new-size
    if (size < 0 )
    [set size 0
      set d_growth 0]

    if debug? [if who = 0 [print d_growth]]
    ifelse (d_growth > 0 )
    [set color red]
    [set color green]
    if size > 0 [update-position ]

    set xcor xcor + random-float 0.1 - 0.05 + wind-speed
    set ycor ycor + random-float 0.1 - 0.05

    if (size > 0) [set chemical chemical + 50]     ; change here type of relationship between cloud and humidity of space

    ;   if ( xcor < 2) [set xcor max10]
    ;   if ( ycor < miny + 1 or ycor > maxy - 1) [set ycor 10]
  diffuse chemical (diffusion-rate / 100)
  if humidity-path-color?
  [ask patches
    [ set chemical chemical * (100 - evaporation-rate) / 100  ;; slowly evaporate chemical
      recolor-patch ]

to update-position  ;turtle procedure

  let old-heading heading
  let friends-set turtles in-radius radius
  set friends-set friends-set with [self != myself]
  set friends-set friends-set with [size > 0]
  if debug? [
    print "______________________________________________"
    type "from " type who type " num of friends = " print count(friends-set)
    ask friends-set [if debug? [type "...frined number = "print who]]
  let myXvector 0
  let myYvector 0
  ask friends-set [
    if debug? [type "self = " print myself type " friend # = " type who type " with d_growth =" print precision [d_growth] of turtle who 3]
    let inf influence who myself
    set myXvector myXvector + first inf
    set myYvector myYvector + last inf

    if debug?
      type "turtle " type myself type ": myXvector= " type precision myXvector 3 type " myXvector = " print precision myYvector 3]
  if move?
  [ set xcor xcor + myXvector * slowingfactor
    set ycor ycor + myYvector * slowingfactor

;to-report cloudsize [cloudnum] ;turtle reporter - receives agent number
;  let reporter 0
;  ask turtle cloudnum [set reporter size]
;  report reporter

to-report influence [source destin] ;reports the influence of "source" on "destin"
  let destination destin
  let angle 0
  let deltax [xcor] of turtle source - [xcor] of destination
  let deltay [ycor] of turtle source - [ycor] of destination
  ifelse (deltay != 0 or deltay != 0)
    [set angle atan deltay deltax]
    [set angle 0]
  set deltax cos angle
  set deltay sin angle

  let influence_source [d_growth] of turtle source
;  let vectorsize ((deltax ^ 2) + (deltay ^ 2)) ^ 0.5
;if debug? [type "" type "source = " type source type " dest = " type destination type "influence = " print precision influence_source 4
;  type " deltax = " type precision deltax 3 type " deltay = " type precision deltay 3 type " power = "print precision influence_source  3
;           type "d_growth of " type "of turtle " type source type "= " print precision influence_source 3]
  if (influence_source >  0 )
   [set deltax precision (- deltax) 5
    set deltay precision (- deltay) 5]
  let result list deltax deltay
  if debug? [type "turtle " type source
    ifelse (influence_source > 0) [type " REPEL "] [type " ATTRACT " ]
    type "turtle " type destin type " by" print result]
  report result

to penmode
  if  (old-pen-mode != pen-down?)
    [if debug? [print "pen- changemode"]
      ifelse pen-down?
        [ask turtles [pen-down]]
        [ask patches [set pcolor black]
         ask turtles [pen-up
  set old-pen-mode pen-down?

to recolor-patch  ;; patch procedure
     ;; scale color to show chemical concentration
    set pcolor scale-color yellow chemical 0.1 5

to clear

There is only one version of this model, created over 3 years ago by Alon Sela.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Clouds self-organization.png preview Preview for 'Clouds self-organization' over 3 years ago, by Alon Sela Download

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