simple market times table
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extensions [table] globals [stock] breed [traders trader] breed [shoppers shopper] traders-own [mystock] shoppers-own[mylist speed paces currstall lastpos] to setup clear-all reset-ticks create-all-stocks create-all-traders layout-circle sort traders max-pxcor create-all-shoppers end to create-all-stocks let x 0 set stock table:make while [x < number-of-items][ table:put stock x 0 set x x + 1 ] ;print stock end to create-all-traders create-traders number-of-traders [ set shape "house" set color red set mystock table:make set-mystock ;print mystock ;move-from-origin ] ask traders [ let parner (who * mult mod modulo) if who != parner [create-link-with trader parner] ask links [ set color cyan ] ] end to set-mystock let x random 20 let i 0 while [i <= x][ let y random 50 let z (random 20) + 1 table:put mystock y z set i i + 1 ] end to create-all-shoppers create-shoppers number-of-shoppers [ set shape "default" set color green ;setxy random-pxcor random-pycor set mylist table:make set-mylist set speed random-float walking-speed + 0.001 set paces 0 ;set pen-mode "down" ;print mylist ] ask shoppers[ let stall one-of traders set currstall stall face currstall while [ patch-here != [patch-here] of stall ] [ forward 0.05 * speed] set lastpos patch-here ] end to set-mylist let x random 10 let i 0 while [i <= x][ let y random 50 let z (random 5) + 1 table:put mylist y z set i i + 1 ] end to go if (count shoppers <= 0) [stop] ask shoppers with [table:length mylist > 0] [ ;let stall one-of traders ;print word who word ":" [link-neighbors] of currstall let stall one-of [link-neighbors] of currstall if stall != currstall [ set currstall stall face currstall while [ patch-here != [patch-here] of stall ] [ forward 0.05 * speed] let stall-stock nobody ask stall [set stall-stock mystock] set paces distance lastpos set lastpos patch-here foreach ( table:keys mylist ) [ [key] -> let n table:get mylist key if table:has-key? stall-stock key [ let c table:get stall-stock key ifelse c >= n [table:put mylist key 0] [table:put mylist key n - c] ask stall [table:put mystock key (table:get mystock key - n)] ] ] ] ] clean-up tick end to clean-up ask shoppers [ foreach (table:keys mylist) [ [key] -> if table:get mylist key <= 0 [table:remove mylist key] ] if table:length mylist = 0 [die] ] ask traders [ foreach (table:keys mystock) [ [key] -> if table:get mystock key <= 0 [table:remove mystock key] ] if table:length mystock = 0 [set color white] ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to move-from-origin let free-patches patches with [pcolor = black and not any? traders-here and (pycor > min-pycor and pxcor < max-pxcor)] ifelse any? free-patches [ move-to one-of free-patches ] [ die ] end
There is only one version of this model, created about 3 years ago by Kashif Zia.
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