Edge Effect on Frogs of Caqueta, Colombia
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; especies Dendropsophus mathiassoni,No bosque ; Amazophrynella minuta Leptodactylus petersii Pristimantis variabilis, borde ; Engystomops petersi Pristimantis acuminatus Pristimantis conspicillatus bosque ; Todas las tortugas poseen energia, pueden consumirla y recuperarla turtles-own [energia] ;La tierra tiene tres estados, borde abandono y bosque. Cada estado tiene sus valores de temperatura, humedad relativa y dosel patches-own [bordear abandono reforestado potrerizado temperatura humedad dosel ] breed [ potreros potrero ] ; grupo 1: Dendropsophus mathiassoni,No bosque breed [ bordes borde ] ; Grupo 2: Amazophrynella minuta, Leptodactylus petersii, Pristimantis variabilis, borde breed [ bosques bosque ]; Grupo 3: Engystomops petersi, Pristimantis acuminatus, Pristimantis conspicillatus, bosque To Valores_neutros set poblacion_potreros 15 set poblacion_bordes 4 set poblacion_bosques 5 set tasa-restauracion 50 set tasa-abandono 30 set tasa-deforestacion 50 set capacidad_huir_potrero 4 set capacidad_huir_borde 5 set capacidad_huir_bosque 2 set tiempo_de_reproduccion_borde 10 end to setup resize-world 0 90 0 60 clear-all ;Se segmenta el mundo en potrero, borde y bosque. Se ponen colores para diferenciarlos ask patches with [ pxcor <= 30 and pxcor >= min-pxcor and pycor <= 60 and pycor >= min-pycor ] [ set pcolor 35 set temperatura 26.5 set dosel 1 set humedad 90.4 ] ;Potrero ask patches with [ pxcor <= 60 and pxcor >= 30 and pycor <= 60 and pycor >= min-pycor ] [ set pcolor 44 set temperatura 29 set dosel 84.3 set humedad 79.3; ] ;Borde ask patches with [ pxcor <= 90 and pxcor >= 60 and pycor <= 60 and pycor >= min-pycor ] [ set pcolor 66 set temperatura 26.3 set dosel 85.2 set humedad 94 ; ] ;Bosque ;se establece la forma de la rana set-default-shape turtles "frog top" ; Se establecen las condiciones de las ranas, tamaño color y lugar de aparicion. La energia sera igual en todas las ranas en el set up. create-potreros poblacion_potreros [ set size 3 ;; easier to see set color yellow setxy random xcor random ycor move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = 35] set heading random 45 + 45 set energia 50 ] ;; red = not carrying food ;Potrero create-bordes poblacion_bordes [ set size 3 ;; easier to see set color blue setxy random xcor random ycor move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = 44] set energia 50 set heading random 360 ] ; Borde create-bosques poblacion_bosques [ set size 3 ;; easier to see set color green setxy random xcor random ycor move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = 66] set energia 50 set heading random 45 + 45 ] ; Bosque reset-ticks end to iniciar ask potreros [ morir-r if energia < 20 [descansar-potrero] if energia >= 20 and energia <= 80 [move-potrero] if energia > 80 [ if ticks mod 10 = 0 [reproducirse-potrero]] set heading random 360 fd 1 set energia energia - 2 ] ask bordes [ morir if energia < 20 [descansar-borde] if energia >= 20 and energia <= 80 [move-borde] if energia > 80 [ if ticks mod 10 = 0 [reproducirse-borde]] set heading random 360 fd 1 set energia energia - 2 ] ask bosques [ morir if energia < 20 [descansar-bosque] if energia >= 20 and energia <= 80 [move-bosque] if energia > 80 [ if ticks mod 10 = 0 [reproducirse-bosque]] set heading random 360 fd 1 set energia energia - 2 ] ask patches [restauracion] ask patches [deforestacion] ask patches [abandonacion] ask patches [borderizacion] if ticks >= 500 [stop] tick end to restauracion set reforestado 0 if pcolor = 35 [ set reforestado count neighbors with [pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 25 or pcolor = 75] ] if reforestado >= 3 [if random 100 <= tasa-restauracion and tasa-restauracion > 0 [ set pcolor 75 set temperatura 24.4 + random 3 set humedad 91 + random 9 set dosel 82 + random 5 ] ] end to deforestacion set potrerizado 0 if pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 25 or pcolor = 75 or pcolor = 66 [ set potrerizado count neighbors with [pcolor = 35] ] if potrerizado >= 3 [if random 100 <= tasa-deforestacion [ set pcolor 35 set temperatura 22.7 + random 5 set humedad 84.5 + random 10 set dosel 0 + random 10] ] end to abandonacion set abandono 0 if tasa-deforestacion <= 0 and tasa-restauracion <= 0[ if pcolor = 35 [ set abandono count neighbors with [pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 25] ] if abandono >= 3 [if random 100 <= tasa-abandono [ set pcolor 25 set temperatura 24.6 + random 8 set humedad 68 + random 14 set dosel 79 + random 9] ] ] end to borderizacion set bordear 0 if pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 25 or pcolor = 35 [ set bordear count neighbors with [pcolor = 66] ] if bordear >= 3 [if random 100 <= (tasa-restauracion - tasa-deforestacion) [ set pcolor 66 set temperatura 24.4 + random 3 set humedad 91 + random 9 set dosel 82 + random 5 ] ] end to move-potrero ask turtles in-radius 4 [ ifelse temperatura >= 28.6 or temperatura <= 22.6 or dosel >= 5 or humedad <= 84 [ if any? patches with [temperatura >= 22.6 or dosel <= 5 or humedad >= 85 and pcolor = 35 or pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 25 or pcolor = 75][ face one-of patches with [temperatura >= 22.6 or dosel <= 5 or humedad >= 85 and pcolor = 35 or pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 25 or pcolor = 75] fd Capacidad_huir_Potrero set energia energia - 10 ]] [descansar-potrero] ] end to descansar-potrero ifelse pcolor = 35 [ set energia energia + 6] [set energia energia + 1] end to move-borde ask turtles in-radius 5 [ifelse temperatura >= 33.0 or temperatura <= 24.6 or dosel <= 80 or humedad <= 68 [ if any? patches with [temperatura >= 24.6 or dosel >= 80 or humedad >= 70 and pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 66 or pcolor = 75 or pcolor = 25][ face one-of patches with [temperatura >= 24.6 or dosel >= 80 or humedad >= 70 and pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 66 or pcolor = 75 or pcolor = 25] fd Capacidad_huir_borde set energia energia - 10]] [descansar-borde] ] end to descansar-borde ifelse pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 66 or pcolor = 75[ set energia energia + 6] [set energia energia + 1] end to move-bosque ask turtles in-radius 2 [ifelse temperatura >= 28.3 or temperatura <= 24.3 or dosel <= 82 or humedad <= 91 [ if any? patches with [temperatura >= 24.4 or dosel >= 82 or humedad >= 92 and pcolor = 66 or pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 70][ face one-of patches with [temperatura >= 24.4 or dosel >= 82 or humedad >= 92 and pcolor = 66 or pcolor = 44 or pcolor = 70] fd Capacidad_huir_bosque set energia energia - 10]] [descansar-bosque] ] end to descansar-bosque ifelse pcolor = 66 or pcolor = 70 [ set energia energia + 6] [set energia energia + 1] end to reproducirse-potrero if energia > 80 [ if random 100 > 50 [set energia energia - 60 hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 fd 2 set energia energia / 3]]] end to reproducirse-borde if energia > 80 [ if random 100 > 50 [set energia energia - 73 hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 fd 2 set energia energia / 3]]] end to reproducirse-bosque if energia > 80 [ if random 100 > 50 [set energia energia - 67 hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 fd 2 set energia energia / 3]]] end to morir-r if ticks mod 10 = 0 [if random 100 > 80[die]] if energia < 1 [die] end to morir if ticks mod 10 = 0 [if random 100 > 95[die]] if energia < 1 [die] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 3 years ago by Martín Otalora.
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Edge Effect on Frogs of Caqueta, Colombia.png | preview | Preview for 'Edge Effect on Frogs of Caqueta, Colombia' | over 3 years ago, by Martín Otalora | Download |
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juan gomez
Esta Chevere
solo eso, esta chevere
Posted over 1 year ago