Dinning Cryptographers Problem
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breed [cryptographers cryptographer] breed [nsas nsa] breed [coins coin] globals [ final_result correct_predictions ;; times cryptographers correctly predict who paid dinner (if them or NSA agent) incorrect_predictions ;; times cryptographers inccorectly predicted who paid dinner (if them or NSA agent) ratio ] cryptographers-own [ state ;; my current state: "PAID", "NOT PAID", "EATING" dishonesty ;; honesty level of the cryptographer left-coin right-coin ;; the coin to their left, the coin to their right result ;; result ] coins-own [ home-xpos home-ypos home-heading ;; where I belong when I'm on the table owners ;; the cryptographers that currently owns me tossed? ;; whether I'm currently tossed flip ;; 0 or 1 ] nsas-own [ state ] to setup clear-all make-turtles reset-ticks end to make-turtles set-default-shape cryptographers "person" set-default-shape coins "circle" set-default-shape nsas "person" set correct_predictions 0 set incorrect_predictions 0 ;; create-ordered-equally spaces the headings of the turtles, ;; in who number order create-ordered-cryptographers num-cryptographers [ set size 0.1 jump 0.35 set state "EATING" set color yellow set result "-" set dishonesty lying-probability / num-cryptographers ] create-ordered-coins num-cryptographers [ rt 180 / num-cryptographers jump 0.25 rt 180 set size 0.1 set color white set tossed? false set owners nobody set home-xpos xcor set home-ypos ycor set home-heading heading set flip 3 ] ask cryptographers [ set left-coin coin (who + num-cryptographers) ifelse who = 0 [ set right-coin coin (2 * num-cryptographers - 1) ] [ set right-coin coin (who + num-cryptographers - 1) ] ] create-nsas 1 [ ;jump 0.3 set state "WATCHING" set size 0.1 set ycor max-pycor set color blue ] end to go restart wait 0.3 ask one-of cryptographers [ update ] wait 0.3 ask coins [ tossing ] ask cryptographers [ decision ] final-result reporting ;if incorrect_predictions = 1 [stop] if correct_predictions > 0 [ set ratio (correct_predictions / (incorrect_predictions + correct_predictions)) ] tick end ;; everybody gets a new color. to restart ask cryptographers [ ;; look up the color in the colors list indexed by our current state if state = "PAID" [ set color yellow set state "EATING" ] ] ask nsas [ if state = "PAID" [ set color blue set state "WATCHING" ] ] ask coins [ set shape "circle" set flip 3 set color white ] end ;; cryptographers and NSA agent are updated to which one paid to update let var random 100 if var <= nsa-vs-cryp-prob-to-pay [ ask one-of cryptographers [ set state "PAID" set color red ] ] ;; Changes color of the NSA agent to red if he paid the dinner if var > nsa-vs-cryp-prob-to-pay [ ask NSA 6 [ set state "PAID" set color red ] ] end ;; 2 cryptographers select a coin that only they can see it's result to acquire-coins-naive ;; cryptographer procedure if [owners] of left-coin = nobody [ acquire-left ] if [owners] of right-coin = nobody [ acquire-right ] end ;; this is one of the coin only him and a partner can see to acquire-left ;; cryptographers coin ownership ask left-coin [ set owners myself ] end ;; this is one of the coin only him and a partner can see to acquire-right ;; cryptographers coin ownership ask right-coin [ set owners myself ] end to tossing if any? coins with [shape = "circle"] [ ask coins [ ;let a random-float 1 ifelse (flip = 3) and (random-float 1 > 0.5) [ ;print "hi" set shape "coin tails" set color lime set flip 1 ] [ set shape "coin heads" set flip 0 set color pink set tossed? true ] wait 0.2 ] ] end to decision let a 3 let b 3 ask left-coin [ if flip = 0 [ set a 0 ] if flip = 1 [ set a 1 ] ] ask right-coin [ if flip = 0 [ set b 0 ] if flip = 1 [ set b 1 ] ] ;; XOR Operation if color = yellow [ if (a = 0) and (b = 0) [ set result 0 ] if (a = 0) and (b = 1) [ set result 1 ] if (a = 1) and (b = 0) [ set result 1 ] if (a = 1) and (b = 1) [ set result 0 ] ] if color = red [ ;; XOR Operation if (a = 0) and (b = 0) [ set result 1 ] if (a = 0) and (b = 1) [ set result 0 ] if (a = 1) and (b = 0) [ set result 0 ] if (a = 1) and (b = 1) [ set result 1 ] ] ;; If the cryptographers is dishonest, he might lie = collusion if random-float 1 < dishonesty [ ifelse (result = 1) [ set result 0 ] [ set result 1 ] ] end to final-result let var1 1 let var2 1 let var3 1 ;let final_result 1 ask cryptographer 0 [ if (result = 0)[ set var1 0 ] if (result = 1)[ set var1 1 ] ] ask cryptographer 1 [ if (result = 0)[ set var2 0 ] if (result = 1)[ set var2 1 ] ] ask cryptographer 2 [ if (result = 0)[ set var3 0 ] if (result = 1)[ set var3 1 ] ] if (var1 = 0) and (var2 = 0) and (var3 = 0)[ set final_result 0 ] if (var1 = 0) and (var2 = 0) and (var3 = 1)[ set final_result 1 ] if (var1 = 0) and (var2 = 1) and (var3 = 0)[ set final_result 1 ] if (var1 = 0) and (var2 = 1) and (var3 = 1)[ set final_result 0 ] if (var1 = 1) and (var2 = 0) and (var3 = 0)[ set final_result 1 ] if (var1 = 1) and (var2 = 0) and (var3 = 1)[ set final_result 0 ] if (var1 = 1) and (var2 = 1) and (var3 = 0)[ set final_result 0 ] if (var1 = 1) and (var2 = 1) and (var3 = 1)[ set final_result 1 ] print final_result end to reporting ask nsa 6 [ if (final_result = 0) and (color = red)[ print "Correctly predicted NSA paid" set correct_predictions ( correct_predictions + 1 ) ] if (final_result = 0) and (color = blue)[ print "Incorrectly predicted NSA paid - there was collusion" set incorrect_predictions ( incorrect_predictions + 1 ) ] if (final_result = 1) and (color = red)[ print "Incorrectly predicted an anonymous Cryptographer paid - there was collusion" set incorrect_predictions ( incorrect_predictions + 1 ) ] if (final_result = 1) and (color = blue)[ print "Correctly predicted an anonymous Cryptographer paid" set correct_predictions ( correct_predictions + 1 ) ] ] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 3 years ago by Gonzalo Etse.
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Dinning Cryptographers Problem.png | preview | Preview for 'Dinning Cryptographers Problem' | over 3 years ago, by Gonzalo Etse | Download |
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