Consumer values and diets ABM

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Default-person Natalie Davis (Author)


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;    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the          ;
;    Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)    ;
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;    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but               ;
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;    For the full GNU General Public License, please see                               ;
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;                                                                                      ;
;    Author: Natalie Davis                                                             ;

extensions [ table rnd csv ]

breed [ consumers consumer ]
breed [ diets diet ]
undirected-link-breed [ consumer-diets consumer-diet ]
undirected-link-breed [ social-contacts social-contact ]

globals [

consumers-own [
  perceptions-set? ; for set up only
  household-set? ; for set up only

diets-own [

consumer-diets-own [

social-contacts-own [
  ; trust

to setup
  ; Set up seed for writing, re-creating output if needed
  ifelse my-seed != 0 and round my-seed = my-seed [ set this-seed my-seed ] [ set this-seed new-seed ]
  random-seed this-seed

to go
  ask social-contacts [
    set interacted-this-timestep? false
  ask consumers [
    set contacts-this-timestep 0
    if social-interaction? [
  ; Record data for this timestep
  if network-structural-change? [
    ; Update network structure for next timestep

to choose-diet
  ; Choose new if normalized utility of current diet is below satisfaction threshold or if max. utility score is 0 (i.e. at initialization)
  let choose-new? ifelse-value (max-diet-utility-score = 0 or current-diet-utility-score < satisfaction-threshold)
  [ true ][ false ]
  if choose-new? [
    ; Evaluate each diet and assign score
    let diet-scores table:make
    let diet-score-sum 0
    let max-utility-score max-diet-utility-score
    ; If min. diet utility score = 0 (e.g. at initialization), set min. utility score temp variable here to 100 to force update
    let min-utility-score ifelse-value min-diet-utility-score > 0 [ min-diet-utility-score ] [ 100 ]
    ask my-consumer-diets [
      ; diet score - product of constraints (0/1) and motivations * perceptions, normalized to [0, 1] for weighting in selection (with infeasible diets automatically = 0)
      let diet-score ifelse-value include-health-motivation? [
        ifelse-value include-ethics-motivation? [
          financially-feasible? * (((
            [ cost-motivation ] of myself * perceived-cost +
            [ taste-motivation ] of myself * perceived-taste +
            [ ethics-motivation ] of myself * perceived-ethics +
            [ health-motivation ] of myself * perceived-health
          ) + 1) / 2)
        ] [
          financially-feasible? * (((
            [ cost-motivation ] of myself * perceived-cost +
            [ taste-motivation ] of myself * perceived-taste +
            [ health-motivation ] of myself * perceived-health
          ) + 1) / 2)
      ] [
        financially-feasible? * (((
          [ cost-motivation ] of myself * perceived-cost +
          [ taste-motivation ] of myself * perceived-taste
        ) + 1) / 2)
      table:put diet-scores diet-name diet-score
      ; Update min, max, total utilities
      if diet-score > max-utility-score [ set max-utility-score diet-score ]
      if diet-score < min-utility-score [ set min-utility-score diet-score ]
      set diet-score-sum diet-score-sum + diet-score
    ; Update consumer's min and max diet utility scores from this round of calculating utilities
    set max-diet-utility-score max-utility-score
    set min-diet-utility-score min-utility-score
    ; Check if no diets scored >= 0 (i.e. none are suitable)
    ifelse (max table:values diet-scores = 0) [
      ; If no diets are suitable, choose least expensive diet
      set current-diet one-of diets with-min [ cost ]
      set current-diet-utility-score 0
    ] [
      ; If all diets scored equally (unlikely), choose least expensive diet
      ifelse max-diet-utility-score - min-diet-utility-score = 0 [
        set current-diet one-of diets with-min [ cost ]
        set current-diet-utility-score max-diet-utility-score
      ] [
        ; Choose diet using 'roulette wheel' selection with score as weight (probability of being selected)
        let selection rnd:weighted-one-of-list table:to-list diet-scores [ [ a ] -> last a / diet-score-sum ]
        ; Set current diet of consumer to diet named in selection, save utility score for selected diet
        set current-diet one-of diets with [ name = first selection ]
        set current-diet-utility-score last selection
  ask my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = [ name ] of [ current-diet ] of myself ] [ set times-consumed times-consumed + 1 ]

to discuss-with-social-network
  ; Sort possible social contacts by link strength, then similarity
  let sorted-social-contacts sort-by [ [ x y ] ->
    ([ link-strength ] of x > [ link-strength ] of y) or
    ([ link-strength ] of x >= [ link-strength ] of y and [ similarity ] of x > [ similarity ] of y) or
    ([ link-strength ] of x = [ link-strength ] of y and [ similarity ] of x > [ similarity ] of y)
    ; only include other social contacts who have not used up all of their social interactions for timestep
  ] my-social-contacts with [ [ contacts-this-timestep ] of (ifelse-value end1 = myself [ end2 ] [ end1 ]) < max-contacts-per-timestep ]
  ; Each consumer tests if they will contact each of the other agents on their list
  while [ contacts-this-timestep < max-contacts-per-timestep and length sorted-social-contacts > 0 ] [
    let next-contact first sorted-social-contacts
    let alter ifelse-value [ end1 ] of next-contact = self [ [ end2 ] of next-contact ] [ [ end1 ] of next-contact ]
    ifelse sum [ link-strength ] of my-social-contacts = 0 or (sum [ link-strength ] of my-social-contacts - [ link-strength ] of next-contact) = 0 [
      ; If I don't have anyone (else) in particular I would interact with...
      if ([ similarity ] of next-contact > random-float 1) [
        exchange-influence alter
        set contacts-this-timestep contacts-this-timestep + 1
        ask next-contact [ set no-of-interactions no-of-interactions + 1 ]
    ] [
      if (
        ; or we're (1) connected already
        ([ link-strength ] of next-contact > 0 and ([ link-strength ] of next-contact / (sum [ link-strength ] of my-social-contacts - [ link-strength ] of next-contact) > random-float 1)) or
        ; or (2) completely unknown to each other and our friends, but similar enough that we might cross paths...
        ((([ similarity ] of next-contact / sum [ link-strength ] of my-social-contacts) > random-float 1)) ) [
        ; then we exchange influence
        exchange-influence alter
        set contacts-this-timestep contacts-this-timestep + 1
        ask next-contact [
          set no-of-interactions no-of-interactions + 1
          set interacted-this-timestep? true
    set sorted-social-contacts remove next-contact sorted-social-contacts

  ; Default interaction with household members
  ask my-social-contacts with [ is-household-member? ] [
    let hh-member ifelse-value end1 = myself [ end2 ] [ end1 ]
    ask myself [ exchange-influence hh-member ]
    set no-of-interactions no-of-interactions + 1
  set contacts-this-timestep contacts-this-timestep + count social-contacts with [ is-household-member? ]

to exchange-influence [ friend ]
  ; Store perceptions as temporary variables to allow for synchronous updating
  let current-diet-this-friend [ current-diet ] of friend
  let current-diet-myself current-diet
  let friend-perceptions-my-diet-ethics [ perceived-ethics ] of consumer-diet [ who ] of friend [ who ] of current-diet
  let friend-perceptions-my-diet-health [ perceived-health ] of consumer-diet [ who ] of friend [ who ] of current-diet
  let my-perceptions-friend-diet-ethics [ perceived-ethics ] of consumer-diet who [ who ] of current-diet-this-friend
  let my-perceptions-friend-diet-health [ perceived-health ] of consumer-diet who [ who ] of current-diet-this-friend
  let l [ link-strength ] of social-contact who [ who ] of friend

  ; Influence from alter to ego regarding alter's diet
  ask my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = [ name ] of current-diet-this-friend ] [
    ifelse ((l + abs([ ethics-motivation ] of friend - [ ethics-motivation ] of myself)) / 2) > random-float 1 [ ; influence accepted
      set my-perceptions-friend-diet-ethics max list -1 min list 1 my-perceptions-friend-diet-ethics + [ social-information-adherence ] of myself *
      ([ perceived-ethics ] of consumer-diet [ who ] of friend [ who ] of current-diet-this-friend - my-perceptions-friend-diet-ethics)
      if ((2 - l - abs([ ethics-motivation ] of friend - [ ethics-motivation ] of myself)) / 2) > random-float 1 [ ; influence rejected
        set my-perceptions-friend-diet-ethics max list -1 min list 1 my-perceptions-friend-diet-ethics - [ social-information-adherence ] of myself *
        ([ perceived-ethics ] of consumer-diet [ who ] of friend [ who ] of current-diet-this-friend - my-perceptions-friend-diet-ethics)
      ] ; else influence ignored

    ifelse ((l + abs([ health-motivation ] of friend - [ health-motivation ] of myself)) / 2) > random-float 1 [
      set my-perceptions-friend-diet-health max list -1 min list 1 my-perceptions-friend-diet-health + [social-information-adherence ] of myself *
      ([ perceived-health ] of consumer-diet [ who ] of friend [ who ] of current-diet-this-friend - my-perceptions-friend-diet-health)
      if ((2 - l - abs([ health-motivation ] of friend - [ health-motivation ] of myself)) / 2) > random-float 1 [
        set my-perceptions-friend-diet-health max list -1 min list 1 my-perceptions-friend-diet-health - [ social-information-adherence ] of myself *
        ([ perceived-health ] of consumer-diet [ who ] of friend [ who ] of current-diet-this-friend - my-perceptions-friend-diet-health)

  ; Influence from ego to alter regarding ego's diet
  ask [ my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = [ name ] of current-diet-myself ] ] of friend [
    ifelse ((l + abs([ ethics-motivation ] of myself - [ ethics-motivation ] of friend)) / 2) > random-float 1 [
      set friend-perceptions-my-diet-ethics max list -1 min list 1 friend-perceptions-my-diet-ethics + [ social-information-adherence ] of friend *
      ([ perceived-ethics ] of consumer-diet [ who ] of myself [ who ] of current-diet-this-friend - friend-perceptions-my-diet-ethics)
      if ((2 - l - abs([ ethics-motivation ] of myself - [ ethics-motivation ] of friend)) / 2) > random-float 1 [
        set friend-perceptions-my-diet-ethics max list -1 min list 1 friend-perceptions-my-diet-ethics - [ social-information-adherence ] of friend *
        ([ perceived-ethics ] of consumer-diet [ who ] of myself [ who ] of current-diet-this-friend - friend-perceptions-my-diet-ethics)

    ifelse ((l + abs([ health-motivation ] of myself - [ health-motivation ] of friend)) / 2) > random-float 1 [
      set friend-perceptions-my-diet-health max list -1 min list 1 friend-perceptions-my-diet-health + [ social-information-adherence ] of friend *
      ([ perceived-health ] of consumer-diet [ who ] of myself [ who ] of current-diet-this-friend - friend-perceptions-my-diet-health)
      if ((2 - l - abs([ health-motivation ] of myself - [ health-motivation ] of friend)) / 2) > random-float 1 [
        set friend-perceptions-my-diet-health max list -1 min list 1 friend-perceptions-my-diet-health - [ social-information-adherence ] of friend *
        ([ perceived-health ] of consumer-diet [ who ] of myself [ who ] of current-diet-this-friend - friend-perceptions-my-diet-health)

  ; Update actual perceptions from temp. variables
  ask my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = [ name ] of current-diet-this-friend ] [
    set perceived-ethics my-perceptions-friend-diet-ethics
    set perceived-health my-perceptions-friend-diet-health
  ask [ my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = [ name ] of current-diet-myself ] ] of friend [
    set perceived-ethics friend-perceptions-my-diet-ethics
    set perceived-health friend-perceptions-my-diet-health

  ; Update no. of contacts
  ask friend [
    set contacts-this-timestep contacts-this-timestep + 1

to update-taste-perception
  ask my-consumer-diets [
    ifelse diet-name = ([ [ name ] of current-diet ] of myself) [
      set perceived-taste perceived-taste + ((1 - perceived-taste) / (1 + taste-preference-change-gradient * exp
        ((taste-preference-change-error * random-binomial) + ((- taste-preference-change-rate) * times-consumed))))
    ] [
      set perceived-taste (- 1) + ((perceived-taste + 1) / (1 + (1 / taste-preference-change-gradient) * exp
        (((- taste-preference-change-rate) * (ticks - times-consumed)))))

to update-links
  ask social-contacts with [ not is-household-member? and not is-close-friend? ] [
    ifelse interacted-this-timestep? [
      set link-strength link-strength + ((1 - link-strength) / (1 + link-strength-change-gradient * exp
        ((- link-strength-change-rate) * no-of-interactions)))
    ] [
      set link-strength (link-strength / (1 + (1 / link-strength-change-gradient) * exp
        ((- link-strength-change-rate) * (ticks - no-of-interactions))))

to update-diet-utility
  let my-current-consumer-diet my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = [ name ] of [ current-diet ] of myself ]
  let updated-diet-utility-score 0
  ask my-current-consumer-diet [
    set updated-diet-utility-score ifelse-value include-health-motivation? [
      ifelse-value include-ethics-motivation? [
        financially-feasible? * (((
          [ cost-motivation ] of myself * perceived-cost +
          [ taste-motivation ] of myself * perceived-taste +
          [ ethics-motivation ] of myself * perceived-ethics +
          [ health-motivation ] of myself * perceived-health
        ) + 1) / 2)
      ] [
        financially-feasible? * (((
          [ cost-motivation ] of myself * perceived-cost +
          [ taste-motivation ] of myself * perceived-taste +
          [ health-motivation ] of myself * perceived-health
        ) + 1) / 2)
    ] [
      financially-feasible? * (((
        [ cost-motivation ] of myself * perceived-cost +
        [ taste-motivation ] of myself * perceived-taste
      ) + 1) / 2)
  set current-diet-utility-score updated-diet-utility-score

; Setup methods                                     ;

to make-consumers
  create-consumers n-consumers [
    set cost-motivation 0
    set taste-motivation 0
    set ethics-motivation 0
    set health-motivation 0
    set social-information-adherence 0
    set contacts-this-timestep 0
    set household-income 0
    set max-willingness-to-spend max list 0 min list 1 random-normal mean-max-willingness-to-spend sd-max-willingness-to-spend
    set household-size 0
    set satisfaction-threshold max list 0 min list 1 random-normal mean-satisfaction-threshold sd-satisfaction-threshold
    set current-diet-utility-score 0
    set max-diet-utility-score 0
    set min-diet-utility-score 0
    set shape "person"
    set perceptions-set? false
    set household-set? false

  ;; Set up population demographics (household size, income) from input file
  ; Household size
  file-open household-file
  let headers file-read-line ; Skip header row
  let n-adults 0
  let this-household-size 0
  while [ not file-at-end? ] [
    let household-dat csv:from-row file-read-line ; Format should be frequency, no. of adults, no. of children, weekly income lower bound, weekly income upper bound
    set n-adults item 1 household-dat
    set this-household-size item 1 household-dat + item 2 household-dat
    let this-consumer-set up-to-n-of round ((first household-dat * n-consumers) / n-adults) consumers with [ household-set? = false ]
    ask consumers with [ member? self this-consumer-set ] [
      ; Check that consumer wasn't added to household of another consumer in this-consumer-set
      if household-set? = false [
        set household-size this-household-size ; no. of adults + no. of children
        set household-income random-float item 3 household-dat + random-float (item 4 household-dat - item 3 household-dat)
        ; If there is >1 adult in the household, group adults together and create household-member social ties
        if n-adults > 1 [
          let i 1
          while [ i < n-adults ] [
            let new-hh-member nobody
            ifelse any? other consumers with [ member? self this-consumer-set and not household-set? ] [
              set new-hh-member one-of other consumers with [ member? self this-consumer-set and not household-set? ]
            ] [
              set new-hh-member one-of other consumers with [ household-size = 0 or household-size = 1 ]
            create-social-contact-with new-hh-member [
              set is-household-member? true
              set is-close-friend? false
              set link-strength max list 0 min list 1 random-normal mean-household-link-strength sd-household-link-strength
              set similarity 1
              set no-of-interactions 0
            ask new-hh-member [
              set household-income [ household-income ] of myself
              set household-size [ household-size ] of myself
              set household-set? true
            set i i + 1
        set household-set? true

    ; If anyone didn't get the right number of adult household members, group them up with one/some of the single people
    if n-adults > 1 and any? consumers with [ household-size = this-household-size and count my-social-contacts with [ is-household-member? ] = 0 ] [
      ask consumers with [ household-size = this-household-size and count my-social-contacts with [ is-household-member? ] = 0 ] [
        let i 1
        let new-hh-member nobody
        while [ i < n-adults ] [
          ifelse any? other consumers with [ household-size = this-household-size and count my-social-contacts with [ is-household-member? ] < n-adults ] [
            set new-hh-member one-of other consumers with [ household-size = this-household-size and count my-social-contacts with [ is-household-member? ] < n-adults ]
          ] [
            set new-hh-member one-of other consumers with [ household-size = 1 ]
          create-social-contact-with new-hh-member [
            set is-household-member? true
            set is-close-friend? false
            set link-strength max list 0 min list 1 random-normal mean-household-link-strength sd-household-link-strength
            set similarity 1
            set no-of-interactions 0
          ask new-hh-member [
            set household-size [ household-size ] of myself
            set household-income [ household-income ] of myself
          set i i + 1

  ; Handle any consumers with missing household size or income data (shouldn't happen) - set as single-person household with random income bracket of single-person households
  ask consumers with [ household-size = 0 or household-income = 0 ] [
    set household-size 1
    set household-income max list 1 random-float max [ household-income ] of consumers with [ household-size = 1 ]

  ; Arrange consumers in a large cirle, making sure that household members are not next to each other (for setting up non-household social network later)
  layout-circle (sort-by [ [ a b ] -> not member? b [ my-social-contacts ] of a ] consumers ) max-pxcor - 1

  ;; Set up social information adherence
  file-open social-information-adherence-file
  set headers file-read-line ; Skip header row
  let majority 0
  let majority-dat []
  while [ not file-at-end? ] [
    let adherence-dat csv:from-row file-read-line ; Format should be frequency, mean, SD
    if (first adherence-dat > majority) [ set majority-dat adherence-dat]
    ask n-of (first adherence-dat * n-consumers) consumers with [ social-information-adherence = 0 ] [
      set social-information-adherence (random-normal item 1 adherence-dat item 2 adherence-dat) * soc-info-adherence-scaling-factor
  ; Assign any remaining agents (there should be very few, if any) to majority norm adherence bracket
  ask consumers with [ social-information-adherence = 0 ] [
    set social-information-adherence (random-normal item 1 majority-dat item 2 majority-dat) * soc-info-adherence-scaling-factor

to make-diets
  create-diets 1 [
    set name "vegan"
;    set color green
  create-diets 1 [
    set name "vegetarian"
;    set color cyan
  create-diets 1 [
    set name "pescatarian"
;    set color blue
  create-diets 1 [
    set name "flexitarian"
;    set color yellow
  create-diets 1 [
    set name "omnivore"
;    set color red
  file-open diet-cost-file
  let headers file-read-line ; Format should be diet name, cost per week
  while [ not file-at-end? ] [
    let diet-cost-data csv:from-row file-read-line
    ask one-of diets with [ name = first diet-cost-data ] [
      set cost item 1 diet-cost-data
  layout-circle diets (max-pxcor / 2.5)

to make-consumer-diet-links
  let min-diet-cost one-of [ cost ] of diets with-min [ cost ]
  let max-diet-cost one-of [ cost ] of diets with-max [ cost ]
  ask consumers [
   create-consumer-diets-with diets [
      let consumer-end ifelse-value (is-consumer? end1) [ end1 ] [ end2 ]
      let diet-end ifelse-value (is-diet? end2) [ end2 ] [ end1 ]
      let is [ household-income ] of consumer-end * [ max-willingness-to-spend ] of consumer-end
      let h [ household-size ] of consumer-end
      let c [ cost ] of diet-end
      let hc (h * c) - (h * c * ((h - 1) * 0.1)) ; scaled to incorporate discount for households >1
      set diet-name [ name ] of diet-end
      set financially-feasible? ifelse-value hc > is [ 0 ] [ 1 ]
      set perceived-cost ifelse-value (is = 0 or financially-feasible? = 0) [ -1 ] [ -2 * (hc / is) + 1 ]

  ; Read in perceptions/motivations data
  file-open motivation-file
  let headers file-read-line ; Skip header row
  let majority 0
  let majority-dat []
  while [ not file-at-end? ] [
    let percep-dat csv:from-row file-read-line ; Format should be frequency, then mean and SD for each cost, taste, ethics, health motivations, respectively, then
    ; mean taste, mean health, mean ethics perceptions for each omnivore, flexitarian, pescetarian, vegetarian, vegan
    if (first percep-dat > majority) [ set majority-dat percep-dat]
    ask n-of (first percep-dat * n-consumers) consumers with [ not perceptions-set? ] [
      set cost-motivation random-normal item 1 percep-dat item 2 percep-dat
      set taste-motivation random-normal item 3 percep-dat item 4 percep-dat
      set ethics-motivation random-normal item 5 percep-dat item 6 percep-dat
      set health-motivation random-normal item 7 percep-dat item 8 percep-dat
      ask my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = "omnivore" ] [
        set perceived-taste random-normal-in-bounds item 9 percep-dat 0.15 -1 1
        set perceived-health random-normal-in-bounds item 10 percep-dat 0.15 -1 1
        set perceived-ethics random-normal-in-bounds item 11 percep-dat 0.15 -1 1
      ask my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = "flexitarian" ] [
        set perceived-taste random-normal-in-bounds item 12 percep-dat 0.15 -1 1
        set perceived-health random-normal-in-bounds item 13 percep-dat 0.15 -1 1
        set perceived-ethics random-normal-in-bounds item 14 percep-dat 0.15 -1 1
      ask my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = "pescatarian" ] [
        set perceived-taste random-normal-in-bounds item 15 percep-dat 0.15 -1 1
        set perceived-health random-normal-in-bounds item 16 percep-dat 0.15 -1 1
        set perceived-ethics random-normal-in-bounds item 17 percep-dat 0.15 -1 1
      ask my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = "vegetarian" ] [
        set perceived-taste random-normal-in-bounds item 18 percep-dat 0.15 -1 1
        set perceived-health random-normal-in-bounds item 19 percep-dat 0.15 -1 1
        set perceived-ethics random-normal-in-bounds item 20 percep-dat 0.15 -1 1
      ask my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = "vegan" ] [
        set perceived-taste random-normal-in-bounds item 21 percep-dat 0.15 -1 1
        set perceived-health random-normal-in-bounds item 22 percep-dat 0.15 -1 1
        set perceived-ethics random-normal-in-bounds item 23 percep-dat 0.15 -1 1
      set perceptions-set? true
  ; Assign any remaining agents (there should be very few, if any) to majority motivation bracket
  ask consumers with [ not perceptions-set? ] [
    set cost-motivation random-normal item 1 majority-dat item 2 majority-dat
    set taste-motivation random-normal item 3 majority-dat item 4 majority-dat
    set ethics-motivation random-normal item 5 majority-dat item 6 majority-dat
    set health-motivation random-normal item 7 majority-dat item 8 majority-dat
    ask my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = "omnivore" ] [
      set perceived-taste random-normal-in-bounds item 9 majority-dat 0.15 -1 1
      set perceived-health random-normal-in-bounds item 10 majority-dat 0.15 -1 1
      set perceived-ethics random-normal-in-bounds item 11 majority-dat 0.15 -1 1
    ask my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = "flexitarian" ] [
      set perceived-taste random-normal-in-bounds item 12 majority-dat 0.15 -1 1
      set perceived-health random-normal-in-bounds item 13 majority-dat 0.15 -1 1
      set perceived-ethics random-normal-in-bounds item 14 majority-dat 0.15 -1 1
    ask my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = "pescatarian" ] [
      set perceived-taste random-normal-in-bounds item 15 majority-dat 0.15 -1 1
      set perceived-health random-normal-in-bounds item 16 majority-dat 0.15 -1 1
      set perceived-ethics random-normal-in-bounds item 17 majority-dat 0.15 -1 1
    ask my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = "vegetarian" ] [
      set perceived-taste random-normal-in-bounds item 18 majority-dat 0.15 -1 1
      set perceived-health random-normal-in-bounds item 19 majority-dat 0.15 -1 1
      set perceived-ethics random-normal-in-bounds item 20 majority-dat 0.15 -1 1
    ask my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = "vegan" ] [
      set perceived-taste random-normal-in-bounds item 21 majority-dat 0.15 -1 1
      set perceived-health random-normal-in-bounds item 22 majority-dat 0.15 -1 1
      set perceived-ethics random-normal-in-bounds item 23 majority-dat 0.15 -1 1
    set perceptions-set? true

  ; Re-scale consumers' motivations so the total is [0,1]
  ask consumers [
    if not include-health-motivation? [
      set health-motivation 0
    if not include-ethics-motivation? [
      set ethics-motivation 0
    let motivation-sum sum (list cost-motivation taste-motivation ethics-motivation health-motivation)
    set cost-motivation cost-motivation / motivation-sum
    set taste-motivation taste-motivation / motivation-sum
    set ethics-motivation ethics-motivation / motivation-sum
    set health-motivation health-motivation / motivation-sum

  ask consumers [
    ; Choose initial diet using same probability-based multi-criteria method

to make-social-network
  ; Iterate over turtles to create initial lattice of specified initial node degree (code adapted from 'Small Worlds' demo model in Models Library, Wilensky 2015)
  let n 0
  while [ n < count consumers ] [
    let i 1
    while [ i <= (initial-avg-degree / 2) ] [
      ask consumer n [
        ; The network layout command in the create-consumers sub should keep household members apart (and these are only social contacts set so far), but check here just to be sure
        if not member? consumer ((n + i) mod count consumers) my-social-contacts [
          create-social-contact-with consumer ((n + i) mod count consumers) [
            set is-household-member? false
            set is-close-friend? false
            set link-strength max list 0 min list 1 random-normal mean-acquaintances-link-strength sd-acquaintances-link-strength
            set similarity consumer-similarity end1 end2
            set no-of-interactions 0
            set interacted-this-timestep? false
      set i i + 1
    set n n + 1
  ; Rewire each link according to specified rewiring probability

; Data collection                                   ;

to record-consumer-data
  let consumer-output-file (word "output/x_" this-seed "_consumerdata.csv")
  if ticks = 0 and file-exists? consumer-output-file [ file-delete consumer-output-file ]
  file-open consumer-output-file
  if ticks = 0 [
    file-print (word "ticks,consumer,current_diet,perceptions_about,financially_feasible,perceived_cost,perceived_taste,perceived_ethics,perceived_health")
  ask consumers [
    ask my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = "omnivore" ] [
      file-print (word ticks "," [ who ] of myself "," [ [ name ] of current-diet ] of myself "," diet-name "," financially-feasible? "," perceived-cost "," perceived-taste ","
        perceived-ethics "," perceived-health)
    ask my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = "flexitarian" ] [
      file-print (word ticks "," [ who ] of myself "," [ [ name ] of current-diet ] of myself "," diet-name "," financially-feasible? "," perceived-cost "," perceived-taste ","
        perceived-ethics "," perceived-health)
    ask my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = "pescatarian" ] [
      file-print (word ticks "," [ who ] of myself "," [ [ name ] of current-diet ] of myself "," diet-name "," financially-feasible? "," perceived-cost "," perceived-taste ","
        perceived-ethics "," perceived-health)
    ask my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = "vegetarian" ] [
      file-print (word ticks "," [ who ] of myself "," [ [ name ] of current-diet ] of myself "," diet-name "," financially-feasible? "," perceived-cost "," perceived-taste ","
        perceived-ethics "," perceived-health)
    ask my-consumer-diets with [ diet-name = "vegan" ] [
      file-print (word ticks "," [ who ] of myself "," [ [ name ] of current-diet ] of myself "," diet-name "," financially-feasible? "," perceived-cost "," perceived-taste ","
        perceived-ethics "," perceived-health)

to record-consumer-baseline-data
  let consumer-baseline-output-file (word "x_" this-seed "_consumerbaselinedata.csv")
  if ticks = 0 and file-exists? consumer-baseline-output-file [ file-delete consumer-baseline-output-file ]
  file-open consumer-baseline-output-file
  if ticks = 0 [ file-print (word "who,cost_motivation,taste_motivation,ethics_motivation,health_motivation,social_information_adherence,household_income,"
    "max_willingness_to_spend,household_size") ]
  ask consumers [
    file-print (word who "," cost-motivation "," taste-motivation "," ethics-motivation "," health-motivation "," social-information-adherence "," household-income ","
      max-willingness-to-spend "," household-size)

to record-network-data
  let network-output-file (word "x_" this-seed "_networkdata.csv")
  if ticks = 0 and file-exists? network-output-file [ file-delete network-output-file ]
  file-open network-output-file
  if ticks = 0 [ file-print "ticks,end1,end2,is_household_member,is_close_friend,link_strength,similarity,no_of_interactions" ]
  ask social-contacts with [ link-strength > 0 or no-of-interactions > 0 ] [
    file-print (word ticks "," [ who ] of end1 "," [ who ] of end2 "," is-household-member? "," is-close-friend? "," link-strength "," similarity "," no-of-interactions)

to record-run-params
  file-open run-param-output-file
  file-print (word this-seed "," n-consumers "," rewiring-probability "," initial-avg-degree "," mean-close-friends "," max-contacts-per-timestep ","
    link-strength-change-rate "," link-strength-change-gradient "," soc-info-adherence-scaling-factor "," taste-preference-change-rate ","
    taste-preference-change-error "," taste-preference-change-gradient "," mean-max-willingness-to-spend "," sd-max-willingness-to-spend ","
    mean-household-link-strength "," sd-household-link-strength "," mean-friends-link-strength "," sd-friends-link-strength "," mean-acquaintances-link-strength ","
    sd-acquaintances-link-strength "," mean-satisfaction-threshold "," sd-satisfaction-threshold "," social-interaction? "," network-structural-change? ","
    include-health-motivation? "," include-ethics-motivation?)

; Helper methods                                    ;
; Report a normally-distributed random float within specified boundaries
; Credit: Seth Tisue

to-report random-normal-in-bounds [mid dev mmin mmax]
  let result random-normal mid dev
  if result < mmin or result > mmax
    [ report random-normal-in-bounds mid dev mmin mmax ]
  report result

to-report random-binomial
  ifelse random-float 1 < 0.5 [ report -1 ][ report 1 ]

to-report consumer-similarity [a b]
  let hh-size-range max [ household-size ] of consumers - min [ household-size ] of consumers
  if hh-size-range = 0 [ error "Household size range mubst be >0" ]
  let income-range max [ household-income ] of consumers - min [ household-income ] of consumers
  if income-range = 0 [ error "Income range must be >0" ]
  report (1 - abs (([ household-income ] of a - [ household-income ] of b) / income-range)) *
            (1 - abs (([ household-size ] of a - [ household-size ] of b) / hh-size-range))

to rewire-links
  ask consumers [
    ; Don't rewire household links
    ask my-social-contacts with [ not is-household-member? ] [
      if (random-float 1) < rewiring-probability [
        let skip false
        let ego myself
        let alter ifelse-value end1 = ego [ end2 ] [ end1 ]
        ; Identify consumers who are not the first consumer (ego) or ego's current social-contacts (inc. household members) with >0 link strength
        let poss-social-contacts consumers with [ self != ego and ((not social-contact-neighbor? ego or [ link-strength ] of social-contact [ who ] of ego [ who ] of self = 0)) ]
        if (count poss-social-contacts > 0) [
          ; Calculate probability of rewiring to each alter - inverse Euclidean distance of attributes
          let rewire-prob table:make
          ask poss-social-contacts [
            let prob consumer-similarity ego self
            table:put rewire-prob [ who ] of self prob
          ; Calculate probability of maintaining current social-contact connection
          let prob consumer-similarity alter ego
          table:put rewire-prob [ who ] of alter prob
          ; Choose new friend using 'roulette wheel' selection with probability as weight
          let new-social-contact consumer first (rnd:weighted-one-of-list table:to-list rewire-prob [ [ a ] -> last a ])
          ; If the new social-contact is the same as the old one, skip creating a new link (and don't kill the previous link)
          ifelse new-social-contact = alter [
            set skip true
          ] [
            ; Create new social contact
            ask ego [
              create-social-contact-with new-social-contact [
                set is-household-member? false
                set is-close-friend? false
                set link-strength max list 0 min list 1 random-normal mean-acquaintances-link-strength sd-acquaintances-link-strength
                set similarity consumer-similarity end1 end2
                set no-of-interactions 0
                set interacted-this-timestep? false
          if skip = false [
            ; Remove old link if a new one was created
            set link-strength 0
            set is-close-friend? false
            set is-household-member? false

  ; Create "close ties" social links
  ask social-contacts with [ not is-household-member? ] [
    if (mean-close-friends / initial-avg-degree) > random-float 1 [
      set is-close-friend? true
      set link-strength max list 0 min list 1 random-normal mean-friends-link-strength sd-friends-link-strength
  ; Create fully-connected network to store similarity and social distance, but set all other network links to link-strength = 0
  ask consumers [
    let ego self
    create-social-contacts-with other consumers with [ not member? self my-social-contacts ] [
      let alter ifelse-value end1 = ego [ end2 ] [ end1 ]
      set link-strength 0
      set is-close-friend? false
      set is-household-member? false
      set similarity consumer-similarity end1 end2
      set no-of-interactions 0

to-report avg-node-degree
  let all-node-degrees []
  ask consumers [ set all-node-degrees lput count my-social-contacts with [ not is-household-member? and link-strength > 0 ] all-node-degrees ]
  report mean all-node-degrees

There are 4 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Natalie Davis about 2 years ago Bug fixes Download this version
Natalie Davis over 2 years ago Revised version of model Download this version
Natalie Davis almost 3 years ago Added GPL3 license Download this version
Natalie Davis about 3 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
final_prices_input_weekly.csv data Dummy prices file over 2 years ago, by Natalie Davis Download
household_input.csv data Household size and income data over 2 years ago, by Natalie Davis Download
motivations_perceptions_input.csv data Motivations and perceptions data over 2 years ago, by Natalie Davis Download
norm_adherence_parameterization.csv data Social information adherence data over 2 years ago, by Natalie Davis Download

This model does not have any ancestors.

This model does not have any descendants.