Random walk 1-D

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Suman_saurabh Suman Saurabh (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 6.2.2 • Viewed 63 times • Downloaded 3 times • Run 0 times
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;; This code simulates random walk in one dimension by an agent in netlogo
;;Author: Suman Saurabh (saurabh@utexas.edu)

turtles-own [loc dist]

to setup
  create-turtles 1
  ask turtles[
    set shape "person"
    set color red
    set size 3
    set heading 90                                     ;; sets the heading for agent towards positive x-cordinate movement
    set loc xcor
    set dist 0
  set loc-list [0]

to go

  ask turtles[
  let tempi xcor                                       ;; declares a temporary variable that keeps the current x-cordinate of agent
  pen-down                                             ;; so that when agent moves, it marks the patch/path
  fd random size-of-step + add-bias                    ;; randomly selects the stepsize from 0 to maximum of size-of-step and then moves the agent forward. The add-bias will add bias to the moevement of agent
  let tempn xcor                                       ;; declares another variable that keeps the new x-cordinate value
  set dist dist + abs (tempi - tempn)                  ;; updates the distance travelled by agent
  bk random size-of-step                               ;; randomly selects the stepsize from 0 to maximum of size-of-step and then moves the agent backwards
  let tempf xcor                                       ;; updated x-cordinate of the agent
  set dist dist + abs (tempn - tempf)                  ;; updates the distance travelled by agent
  set loc-list lput xcor loc-list

to-report mean-loc
  report mean loc-list

to-report std-loc
  report standard-deviation loc-list

;;Copyright 2022 @ Suman Saurabh (sumanan047@gmail.com; saurabh@utexas.edu)

There is only one version of this model, created about 3 years ago by Suman Saurabh.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Random walk 1-D.png preview Preview for 'Random walk 1-D' about 3 years ago, by Suman Saurabh Download

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