Beehive Migration
Model was written in NetLogo 6.2.0
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globals [ num_months harvest_rate harvest_rate_premium harvest_rate_high_rich harvest_rate_low_rich] breed [ beekeepers beekeeper] breed [ loads load ] patches-own [ harvest_count high_rich? premium? available_forage sp_rich availability richness favorite_sp favorite_sp? my_agentid ] beekeepers-own [ potential_targets my_targets split_number reftarget my_home num_loads my_loads distance_this_tick total_distance_travelled num_moved used_targets No_target_found full_time? want_move? ] loads-own [ load_id my_forage_cell visited? move_count used_forage_cells] ;;;Setup Commands to setup ca random-seed 0 set num_months 12 grow_forest make_beekeepers make_loads reset-ticks end to grow_forest ask patches [ if random 2 = 1 [ set pcolor 57 ] ] setup_monthly_forage_availability end to setup_monthly_forage_availability ifelse forage_availability_setup = "baseline" [ ask patches [ set harvest_count 0 set my_agentid [ ] set availability [ ] set sp_rich [ ] set favorite_sp [ ] repeat num_months [ set availability lput random 2 availability set sp_rich lput random 9 sp_rich ;set favorite_sp lput random 2 favorite_sp - use this line instead of the following line for random distribution of favorite species across the region ifelse pxcor < -15 [ set favorite_sp lput random (2 + 1) favorite_sp ][ set favorite_sp lput random 1 favorite_sp ] ] ] ] [ ask patches [ set harvest_count 0 set my_agentid [ ] set availability [ ] set sp_rich [ ] set favorite_sp [ ] repeat num_months [ set availability lput random 2 availability set sp_rich lput random 9 sp_rich ;set favorite_sp lput random 2 favorite_sp - use this line instead of the following line for random distribution of favorite species across the region ifelse pxcor < -17 [ set favorite_sp lput random (2 + 1) favorite_sp ][ set favorite_sp lput random 1 favorite_sp ] ] ] ] end to make_beekeepers let beekeeper_home up-to-n-of (beekeeper_population) patches with [ pcolor = black] ask beekeeper_home [ sprout-beekeepers 1 ] ask beekeepers [ set shape "person" set size 2 set my_home patch-here ] ifelse beekeeper_proportion = "baseline" [ ask n-of ((beekeeper_population) * 0.1) beekeepers [ set full_time? true ] ] [ifelse beekeeper_proportion = "equal" [ ask n-of ((beekeeper_population) * 0.5) beekeepers [ set full_time? true ] ] [ ask n-of ((beekeeper_population) * 0.9) beekeepers [ set full_time? true ] ] ] ; ask n-of ((beekeeper_population) * 0.5) beekeepers [ set full_time? true ] ask beekeepers [ ifelse full_time? = true [ set num_loads random 14 + 5 set color blue ] [ set num_loads random 4 + 1 set full_time? false set color red ] ] ; ;set num_loads random 15 + 1 ; if num_loads > 5 [ set full_time? false set color red] ; ;set label num_loads ; ; ; pen-down ; ] end to make_loads ask beekeepers [ hatch-loads num_loads [ set shape "box" set size 1 pen-up set load_id [ who ] of myself set my_forage_cell [my_home] of myself set label "" set move_count 0 set used_forage_cells [ ] ] set my_loads loads with [ load_id = [who] of myself ] ] end ;;;On Tick to clear_labels ; global command ask patches [ set plabel ""] end to go clear_labels ;clear-drawing if (ticks < 1) [ reset-timer] if ticks = num_months [ ask beekeepers [ move-to my_home ask my_loads [ move-to [my_home] of myself ] ] ask patches with [ harvest_count > 0 ] [ ;set plabel my_agentid set pcolor yellow ] show (word "execution finished in "timer" seconds" ) stop ] ask beekeepers [ set split_number 0 set num_moved 0 if available_forage = 0 [ set want_move? true pick_new_target ] ] update_availability update_targets relocate set harvest_rate ((count patches with [ harvest_count > 0]) / count patches ) * 100 set harvest_rate_premium ((count patches with [ harvest_count > 0 AND premium? = true ]) / (count patches with [premium? = true]))* 100 set harvest_rate_high_rich ((count patches with [ harvest_count > 0 AND high_rich? = true ]) / (count patches with [high_rich? = true])) * 100 set harvest_rate_low_rich (count patches with [ harvest_count > 0 AND high_rich? = false ]) / (count patches with [high_rich? = false])* 100 wait .5 tick end to update_availability ; global command ask patches [ set available_forage item ticks availability set richness item ticks sp_rich set favorite_sp? item ticks favorite_sp ifelse available_forage = 0 [ set pcolor black ] [ set pcolor 57 ] ifelse favorite_sp? = 0 [ set premium? false ] [ set premium? true set pcolor 125 ] ifelse richness > defined_richness [ set high_rich? true ] [ set high_rich? false ] ] end to update_targets ask beekeepers [ if available_forage = 0 [ pick_new_target ]] end to pick_new_target ; Beekeeper chooses nearby patch, prioritizing premium and rich patches ifelse full_time? = false [ set potential_targets patches with [(available self) and (distance myself < proximity)]] [ set potential_targets patches with [(available self)] ] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; decision criteria ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ifelse any? potential_targets[ ( ifelse any? potential_targets with [ premium? = true] [ set my_targets potential_targets with [ premium? = true] ] any? potential_targets with [ high_rich? = true] [ set my_targets potential_targets with [ high_rich? = true] ] [ set my_targets potential_targets ] )] [ move-to my_home set No_target_found No_target_found + 1 set color red ask my_loads [ move-to [my_home] of myself] ] set reftarget one-of my_targets set split_number split_number + 1 end to relocate ask loads [ migrate ] ; wait .5 ask beekeepers [ travel ] end to migrate ; load command let bkpr beekeeper load_id let target [reftarget] of bkpr let open_spots patches with [ (patch_distance self target < spread) AND (available self) ] ( ifelse any? open_spots with [ premium? = true ] [ set open_spots open_spots with [ premium? = true ] ] any? open_spots with [ high_rich? = true ] [ set open_spots open_spots with [ high_rich? = true ] ] ) if [available_forage] of patch-here = 0 [ ifelse (any? open_spots) [ set my_forage_cell one-of open_spots ] [ ifelse [split_number] of bkpr < 2 [ ask bkpr [ pick_new_target ] migrate ] [ set my_forage_cell [my_home] of bkpr ] ] move-to my_forage_cell set move_count move_count + 1 set used_forage_cells lput patch-here used_forage_cells ] ask my_forage_cell [ set harvest_count harvest_count + 1 set my_agentid lput [who] of bkpr my_agentid ;set pcolor red ] ; wait .1 end to travel ;Travels to loads one at a time, uses the nearest-neighbor algorithm set distance_this_tick 0 ask my_loads [ set visited? FALSE ] let unvisited_loads my_loads with [ visited? = FALSE ] while [any? unvisited_loads] [ let closest_load min-one-of unvisited_loads [ distance myself ] set distance_this_tick distance_this_tick + patch_distance patch-here closest_load move-to closest_load set num_moved num_moved + 1 ask closest_load [ set visited? TRUE ] set unvisited_loads unvisited_loads with [ visited? = FALSE ] ] set distance_this_tick distance_this_tick + distance my_home set total_distance_travelled total_distance_travelled + distance_this_tick end ;;;reporters to-report available [pch] ifelse ([pcolor] of pch = 57 or [pcolor] of pch = 125) AND (not any? loads-here) [report true] [report false] end to-report patch_distance [ pch1 pch2 ] let x1 [pxcor] of pch1 let y1 [pycor] of pch1 let x2 [pxcor] of pch2 let y2 [pycor] of pch2 let xdiff x1 - x2 let ydiff y1 - y2 report sqrt (xdiff ^ 2 + ydiff ^ 2) end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; output reporters ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to-report initial_forage report count patches with [ harvest_count = 0] * 100 / count patches end to-report premium_cells report count patches with [premium? = true] end to-report rich_cells report count patches with [premium? = true] end to-report percent_harvested report (count patches with [ harvest_count > 0 ] / count patches ) * 100 end to-report percent_harvested_premium report (count patches with [ harvest_count > 0 AND premium? = true] / count patches with [ premium? = true] ) * 100 end to-report percent_harvested_rich report (count patches with [ harvest_count > 0 AND high_rich? = true] / count patches with [ high_rich? = true] ) * 100 end to-report beekeepers_with_no_target report count beekeepers with [ No_target_found > 0 ] end to-report distance_commercial report mean [total_distance_travelled] of beekeepers with [full_time? = true] end to-report distance_semi_commercial report mean [total_distance_travelled] of beekeepers with [full_time? = false] end
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Beehive Migration.png | preview | Preview for 'Beehive Migration' | almost 3 years ago, by Vidushi Patel | Download |
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