Análisis Vacunación Ecuador
Model was written in NetLogo 6.2.1
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extensions [csv] turtles-own[ sexo edad nom_vacuna ] to setup ca ask patches [set pcolor white set plabel-color 102] create-turtles-from-data ; crt 14800[ ; set size 6 ; set shape "person" ; setxy random-xcor random-ycor ; set sexo one-of (list "Mujer" "Hombre") ; ] let die-t (count turtles * 0.9) ;show die-t ask n-of die-t turtles[die] reset-ticks end to go ask turtles[move] ;if simulacion [start-simulation] tick end to simular contagiar ask turtles [move] tick end to create-turtles-from-data ;;let file user-file file-close-all file-open "data_netlogo_encoded.csv" while [ not file-at-end? ] [ ; here the CSV extension grabs a single line and puts the read data in a list let f csv:from-row file-read-line let n-turtles 0 if dosis = "Primera" [set n-turtles item 4 f] if dosis = "Segunda" [set n-turtles item 5 f] ; now we can use that list to create a turtle with the data and target info create-turtles n-turtles[ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set heading random-float 360 set size 7 set shape "person" set sexo item 1 f set nom_vacuna item 3 f if item 2 f = 0 [set edad 12 + random 5] if item 2 f = 1 [set edad 18 + random 6] if item 2 f = 2 [set edad 25 + random 24] if item 2 f = 3 [set edad 50 + random 9] if item 2 f = 4 [set edad 60 + random 9] if item 2 f = 5 [set edad 70 + random 9] if item 2 f = 6 [set edad 80 + random 20] ] ] file-close ; make sure to close the file end to group-by-gender ask patches [set pcolor white set plabel " "] let r-male count turtles with [sexo = "Hombre"] let r-female count turtles with [sexo = "Mujer"] ask patch 175 9 [ ask other patches in-radius (r-male / 5) [set pcolor blue] ] ask patch -175 9 [ ask other patches in-radius (r-female / 5) [set pcolor 15] ] ask turtles[ ifelse sexo = "Hombre" [set color yellow move-to one-of patches with[pcolor = blue ]] [set color 65 move-to one-of patches with[pcolor = 15 ]] ] ask patch -290 -140[set plabel "Mujeres" set pcolor 65 ask other patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor 65]] ask patch -290 -155[set plabel "Hombres" set pcolor yellow ask other patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor yellow]] end to group-by-edad ask patches [set pcolor white set plabel " "] ;Radio por edad let r-12-17 count turtles with [edad <= 17] let r-18-24 count turtles with [edad >= 18 and edad <= 24] let r-25-49 count turtles with [edad >= 25 and edad <= 49] let r-50-59 count turtles with [edad >= 50 and edad <= 59] let r-60-69 count turtles with [edad >= 60 and edad <= 69] let r-70-79 count turtles with [edad >= 70 and edad <= 79] let r-80 count turtles with [edad >= 80] ask patch -300 148 [ if r-12-17 > 50 [set r-12-17 r-12-17 / 5] ask other patches in-radius r-12-17[set pcolor 19] ] ask patch -300 0 [ if r-18-24 > 50 [set r-18-24 r-18-24 / 5] ask other patches in-radius r-18-24[set pcolor 39] ] ask patch -100 0 [ if r-25-49 > 50 [set r-25-49 r-25-49 / 5] ask other patches in-radius r-25-49[set pcolor 102] ] ask patch 100 100 [ if r-50-59 > 50 [set r-50-59 r-50-59 / 5] ask other patches in-radius r-50-59[set pcolor 69] ] ask patch 250 30 [ if r-60-69 > 50 [set r-60-69 r-60-69 / 5] ask other patches in-radius r-60-69[set pcolor 89] ] ask patch 98 -77 [ if r-70-79 > 50 [set r-70-79 r-70-79 / 5] ask other patches in-radius r-70-79[set pcolor 119] ] ask patch 300 -100 [ if r-80 > 50 [set r-80 r-80 / 5] ask other patches in-radius r-80[set pcolor 9] ] ask turtles with[ edad <= 17][set color 1 move-to one-of patches with[pcolor = 19 ]] ask turtles with[ edad >= 18 and edad <= 24][set color 24 move-to one-of patches with[pcolor = 39 ]] ask turtles with[ edad >= 25 and edad <= 49][set color 45 move-to one-of patches with[pcolor = 102 ]] ask turtles with[ edad >= 50 and edad <= 59][set color 64 move-to one-of patches with[pcolor = 69 ]] ask turtles with[ edad >= 60 and edad <= 69][set color 84 move-to one-of patches with[pcolor = 89 ]] ask turtles with[ edad >= 70 and edad <= 79][set color 114 move-to one-of patches with[pcolor = 119 ]] ask turtles with[ edad >= 80][set color 4 move-to one-of patches with[pcolor = 9 ]] ask patch -290 -65[set plabel "12 - 17 años" set pcolor 1 ask other patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor 1]] ask patch -290 -80[set plabel "18 - 24 años" set pcolor 24 ask other patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor 24]] ask patch -290 -95[set plabel "25 - 49 años" set pcolor 45 ask other patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor 45]] ask patch -290 -110[set plabel "50 - 59 años" set pcolor 64 ask other patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor 64]] ask patch -290 -125[set plabel "60 - 69 años" set pcolor 84 ask other patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor 84]] ask patch -290 -140[set plabel "70 - 79 años" set pcolor 114 ask other patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor 114]] ask patch -290 -155[set plabel "80 años y más" set pcolor 4 ask other patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor 4]] end to group-by-vaccine ask patches [set pcolor white set plabel " "] let r-pfizer count turtles with [ nom_vacuna = 0] let r-astraz count turtles with [nom_vacuna = 1] let r-sinovac count turtles with [nom_vacuna = 2] ask patch 0 0 [ ask other patches in-radius (r-pfizer / 5) [set pcolor 63] ] ask patch 260 60 [ ask other patches in-radius (r-astraz / 5) [set pcolor 83] ] ask patch -220 80 [ ask other patches in-radius (r-sinovac / 5) [set pcolor 123] ] ask turtles[ if nom_vacuna = 0 [set color 67 move-to one-of patches with[pcolor = 63 ]] if nom_vacuna = 1 [set color 88 move-to one-of patches with[pcolor = 83 ]] if nom_vacuna = 2 [set color 127 move-to one-of patches with[pcolor = 123]] ] ask patch -270 -50[set plabel "Pfizer" set pcolor 63 ask other patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor 63]] ask patch -270 -65[set plabel "Astrazeneca" set pcolor 83 ask other patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor 83]] ask patch -270 -80[set plabel "Sinovac" set pcolor 123 ask other patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor 123]] end to start-simulation ask patches [set pcolor white set plabel " "] ask turtles [ set color 105 setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] let contagiados count turtles * 0.01 ask n-of contagiados turtles [set color red] end to contagiar let umbral 0 ifelse vacuna? [ set umbral 2 ask turtles with [color = red][ask other turtles in-radius umbral [set color red]] ] [ set umbral 10 ask turtles with [color = red][ask other turtles in-radius umbral [set color red]] ] end to move fd 2 rt 30 fd 2 lt 45 end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 3 years ago by Adrian Lara.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Análisis Vacunación Ecuador.png | preview | Preview for 'Análisis Vacunación Ecuador' | almost 3 years ago, by Adrian Lara | Download |
data_netlogo_encoded.csv | data | Ejemplo de archivo para ejecutar el modelo | almost 3 years ago, by Adrian Lara | Download |
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