Herbivory and Animal Interspecific Competition

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Screen_shot_2018-02-02_at_12.53.50_pm lin xiang (Author)


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; Coded in 2022 by Lin Xiang; Last revised in 2022 by Lin Xiang (lxiang75@gmail.com; lin.xiang@uky.edu)
;; If you mention this model in a publication, we ask that you include the citations below.
;; Xiang, L. (2022). Herbivory and Animal Interspecific Competition. Department of STEM Education, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.

breed [plant1s plant1]
breed [plant2s plant2]
breed [animal1s animal1 ]
breed [animal2s animal2 ]
breed [legends legend]

plant1s-own [ num-seed-1 erg-0]
plant2s-own [ num-seed-2 erg-00]
animal1s-own [erg-1 life-1]
animal2s-own [erg-2 life-2]

patches-own []

Globals [
  running-avg-list1  running-avg-list2
  running-avg-lista1  running-avg-lista2

  mean-total-1 mean-total-2
  mean-total-a1 mean-total-a2

to-report empty-patches
  report patches with [pcolor >= 79 and pcolor <= 79.5 and not any? plant1s-here and not any? plant2s-here]

to setup


  set running-avg-list1 []
  set running-avg-list2 []
  set running-avg-lista1 []
  set running-avg-lista2 []


to setup-patches
  ask patches [set pcolor 79 + random-float 0.5]
  ask patches with [pycor = max-pycor or pycor < 2] [set pcolor white]

to add-plants

ask up-to-n-of number-of-plants empty-patches
    [sprout-plant2s 1
    [set shape "plant-1"
    set size 0.6 + random-float 0.4
    set erg-00 10]]

to add-mice1

create-animal1s number-of-mice1
 [set color 34
  set size 0.65
  set erg-1 5 + random 10
  set shape "mouse"
  setxy 1 + random (max-pxcor - 1) 2 + random (max-pycor - 2)

to add-mice2
  create-animal2s number-of-mice2
 [set color 37
  set size 0.75
  set erg-2 5 + random 10
  set shape "mouse"
  setxy 1 + random (max-pxcor - 1) 2 + random (max-pycor - 2)

to go
 every 0.05[
  if ticks >= Years [stop]

to move
  if any? animal1s [ask animal1s
                     [ifelse life-1 >= 2 + mouse1-lifespan * 3 [die] [set life-1 life-1 + 1]
                      right random 360
                       if [pcolor] of patch-at dx dy <= 79.5 and [pcolor] of patch-at dx dy >= 79  [fd 1 if ycor < 2 [set ycor 2] set erg-1 erg-1 - 1]
                      if erg-1 <= 0 [die]]]

  if any? animal2s [ask animal2s
                      [ifelse life-2 >= 2 + mouse2-lifespan * 3 [die] [set life-2 life-2 + 1]
                       right random 360
                       if [pcolor] of patch-at dx dy <= 79.5 and [pcolor] of patch-at dx dy >= 79  [fd 1 if ycor < 2 [set ycor 2] set erg-2 erg-2 - 1]
                       if erg-2 <= 0 [die]]]

to feeding
    any? animal1s and not any? animal2s

    any? animal2s and not any? animal1s

    any? animal1s and any? animal2s
    [ifelse random 2 = 0
       [feeding-1 feeding-2]
       [feeding-2 feeding-1]]

to feeding-1
 ask animal1s [
    if any? plant2s-here [
      let food one-of plant2s-here
      set erg-1 erg-1 + [erg-00] of food
      ask food [die]]]

  ask animal1s [
    if erg-1 > 20 [if random 100 < 20
      [hatch 1 [set erg-1 5 set life-1 0]
        set erg-1 erg-1 - 10]]]

to feeding-2
 ask animal2s [
    if any? plant2s-here [
      let food one-of plant2s-here
      set erg-2 erg-2 + [erg-00] of food
      ask food [die]]]

   ask animal2s [
    if erg-2 > 20 [if random 100 < 20
      [hatch 1 [set erg-2 5 set life-2 0]
      set erg-2 erg-2 - 10]]]

to reproduce-2
  if any? plant2s
    [ask plant2s
       [set num-seed-2 1 + random 2
        ask up-to-n-of num-seed-2 neighbors with [pcolor <= 79.5 and pcolor >= 79 and not any? plant1s-here and not any? plant2s-here]
           [sprout-plant2s 1
            [set shape "plant-1"
             set size 0.6 + random-float 0.4
             set erg-00 10]]

to death

  ask plant2s
  [if random 100 < 30 [die]]  ;a mortality of 30%-50% is optimal

to find-running-avg  ;find the 5-year running averages
    ticks < 10
     [set running-avg-list1 lput (count plant1s) running-avg-list1 set mean-total-1 mean running-avg-list1
      set running-avg-list2 lput (count plant2s) running-avg-list2 set mean-total-2 mean running-avg-list2

      set running-avg-lista1 lput (count animal1s) running-avg-lista1 set mean-total-a1 mean running-avg-lista1
      set running-avg-lista2 lput (count animal2s) running-avg-lista2 set mean-total-a2 mean running-avg-lista2]

     [set running-avg-list1 lput count plant1s running-avg-list1 set running-avg-list1 remove-item 0 running-avg-list1 set mean-total-1 mean running-avg-list1
      set running-avg-list2 lput count plant2s running-avg-list2 set running-avg-list2 remove-item 0 running-avg-list2 set mean-total-2 mean running-avg-list2

      set running-avg-lista1 lput count animal1s running-avg-lista1 set running-avg-lista1 remove-item 0 running-avg-lista1 set mean-total-a1 mean running-avg-lista1
      set running-avg-lista2 lput count animal2s running-avg-lista2 set running-avg-lista2 remove-item 0 running-avg-lista2 set mean-total-a2 mean running-avg-lista2])

to setup-legends
   create-legends 9

  ask legend 0
  [set shape "plant-1"
    set size 1
    setxy 6 0.6]

  ask legend 1
  [set shape "mouse"
    set color 34
    set size 0.9
    setxy 3 1]

  ask legend 2
  [set shape "mouse"
    set color 36
    set size 1
    setxy 9 1]

  ask legend 3
  [set shape "line"
    set color 8
    set size 12
    set heading 90
    setxy 6 1.5]

  ask legend 4
  [set shape "arrow-1"
    set color 136
    set size 1.5
    set heading -75
    setxy 4.5 0.75]

  ask legend 5
  [set shape "arrow-1"
    set color 136
    set size 1.5
    set heading 75
    setxy 7.5 0.75]

  ask legend 6
  [set shape "blank"
    set color 136
    set size 1.5
    set label "Mouse-2"
    set label-color 35
    set heading 75
    setxy 9 1]

  ask legend 7
  [set shape "blank"
    set color 136
    set size 1.5
    set label "Mouse-1"
    set label-color 33
    set heading 75
    setxy 3 1]

  ask legend 8
  [set shape "blank"
    set color 136
    set size 1
    set label "Both mouse species feed on the same type of plants."
    set label-color 0
    set heading 75
    setxy 10 0.2]

There are 5 versions of this model.

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lin xiang over 2 years ago Update the plotting Download this version
lin xiang over 2 years ago Update the plotting Download this version
lin xiang almost 3 years ago adjust the interface Download this version
lin xiang almost 3 years ago adjust the interface Download this version
lin xiang almost 3 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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Herbivory and Animal Interspecific Competition.png preview Preview for 'Herbivory and Animal Interspecific Competition' almost 3 years ago, by lin xiang Download

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