Child of Sandpile
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Model was written in NetLogo 6.2.1
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;;关于沙堆模型: ;;改变沙子流动规则,严格按照四个方向流动 globals [ N Ea ] to setup clear-all set N [ ];;存储每加一粒沙子坍塌的次数 set Ea [ ] setup-patches setup-turtles reset-ticks;;时间重置 end to setup-patches ask patches [ set pcolor yellow ];; end to setup-turtles set-default-shape turtles "dot" end to go if ticks > num_stop [ stop ];;程序停止标志 updata-patches;;显示瓦片上的沙子数,一个沙子为绿色,二个为蓝色,三个为红色, add-turtles;;加沙子 move-turtles;;沙子移动 hide-turtles;;到达边界就隐藏 tick;;要确保,tiks之前的命令都正常运行,ticks才能正常运行 if ticks > num_stop [ do-plots;; ] end to add-turtles ;;ask patch random-xcor random-ycor [ ask patch 0 0 [ sprout 1 [ set color black ] ];;加沙子 end to hide-turtles ask turtles [ if patch-at dx 0 = nobody [ hide-turtle ] if patch-at 0 dy = nobody [ hide-turtle ] ] end to move-turtles let s 0 let i 0;;控制只移动四个 ; ask turtles with [count turtles-here >= 4 ] [ ;;四个沙子进行四个方向的随机选择,而不是每一个方向有一个沙子的 ; set s s + 0.25 ; face one-of neighbors4 ;; face N, E, S, or W ; forward 1 ;; advance one step ; ] while [ any? (patches with [count turtles-here >= 4 ])] [ foreach sort (patches with [count turtles-here >= 4 ]) [ x -> ;;对由拥有四个沙子的瓦片组成的主体列表中的每一个瓦片进行操作 set i 0;;控制只移动四个,其余的不用管,效果依旧很好,验证了沙子从那个瓦片开始流动的顺序是无关的 (foreach sort ([turtles-at 0 0] of x) [ y -> ;;得到每一个瓦片上的四个沙子组成的主体列表,对每一只沙子进行转向移动操作 if i < 4 [ ask y [ set heading (i * 90);;让沙子面向北东南西四个方向 forward 1 ] ] set i i + 1 ]) set s s + 1 ] ] set N fput s N;;存放坍塌次数 set Ea fput ticks Ea;;存放坍塌强度 display end to updata-patches ask patches with [ count turtles-here = 0 ] [ set pcolor yellow ] ask patches with [ count turtles-here = 1 ] [ set pcolor green ] ask patches with [ count turtles-here = 2 ] [ set pcolor blue ] ask patches with [ count turtles-here = 3 ] [ set pcolor red ] display end to do-plots set N remove 0 N;;除去0.因为有0就不能取对数 set N (map [ x -> ln x ] N) set-plot-pen-mode 1 set-plot-pen-interval 1 set-current-plot "N-E" ;; set-current-plot-pen "N" ;; histogram N ;; end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 3 years ago by cha pie.
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