Rainy with a chance of colorful meatballs

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1 collaborator

Default-person Nate Ciu (Author)


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; note that go (forever), setup, move left, and move left are buttons
; time-for-balls-to-spawn , max-population , create-balls num-balls-that-spawn-after-spawn-time , gravity are sliders

globals [
breed [balls ball]
breed [persons person]
persons-own [

to setup
  set population 0
  create-persons 1 [ ;creating the controllable turtle
    set color red
    set shape "person"
    set xcor -12
    set ycor -9
    set size 2

  ask patches [ ;creating a nice background
   set pcolor 97

if pxcor <= 16 and pycor < -9
    [set pcolor green]

  ask patch 14 14 [
    set time 0
    set plabel time

to check-collision ;used to check if the person gets hit by a ball
  ;if (distancexy xcor ycor) > # ....
  ask persons [
    if sum [count balls-here] of neighbors > 0 ; if xy distance
    [set collision 1]

to move-right
  if population <= 20
  [ask persons [set xcor xcor + 0.1] ]
  ifelse population > 20 and population < 40
  [ask persons [set xcor xcor + 0.05] ] ;there's different xcor value to try and keep player movement consistant no matter how many things are happening
  [ask persons [set xcor xcor + 0.01] ]

to move-left
   if population <= 20
  [ask persons [set xcor xcor - 0.1] ]
  ifelse population > 20 and population < 40
    [ask persons [set xcor xcor - 0.05] ] ;there's different xcor value to try and keep player movement consistant no matter how many things are happening
  [ask persons [set xcor xcor - 0.01] ]

to go
  every 1 [
   ask patch 14 14[ ;the patch serves as a timer, althought it's a very small timer
     set time time + 1
     set plabel time

  every 0.1 [
    ask persons [
      if collision = 1
      [ask balls [die]
        repeat 3 [
        wait 0.5
        wait 0.5
        user-message "Game Over"

   if not any? persons

  every time-for-balls-to-spawn [
    if population < max-population ; max-population controls how many balls are on the screen
    create-balls num-balls-that-spawn-after-spawn-time [
      set shape "circle"
      set size 3
      set xcor random 100 ;spawns the balls in randomly
      set ycor 15
      set population population + 1 ;keeps track of how many balls on screen

  every 0.1 [
    ask balls [
      set ycor ycor - gravity ;how fast the balls fall to the ground
  ask balls [
    if ycor <= -10
    [set population population - 1 ;first tell the balls to - 1 of population cause they are going to die... and then they die | doesn't work other way round

There is only one version of this model, created about 2 years ago by Nate Ciu.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Rainy with a chance of colorful meatballs.png preview Preview for 'Rainy with a chance of colorful meatballs' about 2 years ago, by Nate Ciu Download

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