Diffusione in social network and utility function

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Default-person Alessia Simone (Author)


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This model aims to represent the diffusion of an idea, a state of humour, a decision within a social context where community members place their beliefs on other community members. The structure used to represent the social context is the network characterized by the presence of weighted and directed links.

How it works

The simulation uses real-world network models to connect members:

  1. The preferencial attachment network generates a network of members that have a skewed population with a few highly-connected nodes and a lot of loosely-connected nodes, this type of network is generally taken into consideration to represent the social influence in real-world (district, small city, neighbourhood).
  2. The Watts-Strogatz network generates a small-world network that has concise paths between any connected network members, and it applies to real and virtual social networks and physical networks such as airports or electricity of web-traffic routings.
  3. The random network generates a network in which each member has certainty probability to be connected. This applies in those contexts which involve a high tendency of individuals to associate and bond with similar others, which results in similar properties among neighbours.
The simulation starts with direct links with a randomly assigned weight between 0 and 1 and a certain number of members randomly choosing "p" probability ( -1 means not to choose the red idea, 1 means to choose the red idea). Suggested step: Step 1) Insert the number of members in the input box Step 2) Select the network model Step 3) Click on the "Run the experiment" button to start the simulation Step 4.1) Switch on the label bar to display the number of each turtle (who value) and weights values Step 4.2) Switch on the watch? bar to display a single individual's behavior Step 4.3) Set a decision threshold, lower threshold means that individuals are highly influenciable, at the contrary, higher threshold means that individuals get influence only from person who they trust the most. ## Results [2] The results section contains four different types of plots:
  1. The distribution of idea represents the summation of the whole probabilities
  2. The frequency of weight is a histogram that represents the links' weights
  3. The individual utility represents the utility function of a single individual, wether the watch? bar is switched-on. It can be written as y(i) = max p(i) * w(i)
  4. The social utility represents the social utility function as a summation of the individuals' utilities and it can be written as Y = summation y(i).

As the curve goes above the threshold, the agents' utility will be more significant to choose red; instead, if the curve goes below the threshold, the agents' utility will be more significant not to choose red.

Measures [3]

  1. The modularity measures the strength of division of the network into clusters
  2. The "detect communities" button detects the community structure present in the social network by highlighting with different color
  3. The betweeness centrality measures the sum of the proportion of shortest paths between members of any other pairs that passes through each node
  4. The eigenvector centrality measures the amount of influence that a member reaches from the social context and goes from 0 to 1
  5. The closeness centrality measures the inverse of the average of each member's distances to all other members
  6. The "print adjacency matrix" button saves a .txt file with a matrix representing the nodes and its connection


[1] Goldenberg D. (2021). "Social Network Analysis: From Graph Theory to Applications with Python". Available online at: https://towardsdatascience.com/social-network-analysis-from-theory-to-applications-with-python-d12e9a34c2c7

[2] Jackson M.O (2008). "Social and economic networks". Princeton University Press. Pp 287 - 327

[3] Uri Wilensky. "Nw General Examples". Available online at: https://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/models/NWGeneralExamples

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extensions [nw] ; network extention to generate real world networks
breed [group person] ;turtles are called group, individuals are called person
directed-link-breed [influences influence] ;directed link are called influences
links-own [weight alternative] ;weight -> random weight assigned to each directed link, alternaive -> weight * p of end1 value to transfer to end2
group-own [p utility preferences oldsum] ;p -> probability to assume red idea, utility -> individual utility function, preferences -> list of alternatives, oldsum -> spreading value of influence
globals [changing] ;stopping condition

;;                           ;;
;;          SETUP            ;;
;;                           ;;

to setcounts ;stopping condition
  set changing true
  set members members

;generation of the "real world" networks

to setup-pa ;generate preferential-attachment
  nw:generate-preferential-attachment group influences members 1 [ ;generates network according to the Barabási–Albert algorithm
    set color grey ;each turtle starts with the same grey color
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor ;turtles are positioned into the world randomly
    set shape "person"
    set size 2]

to setup-small-world ;generate small-world network
  nw:generate-watts-strogatz group influences members 1 1 [ ;generates network according to the Kleinberg Model
    set color grey
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set shape "person"
    set size 2]

to setup-random ;generate random network
  nw:generate-random group influences members 1 [ ;generates network according to the Erdős–Rényi model
    set color grey
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set shape "person"
    set size 2]

to assign-weight ;assign random weight to links in range [ 0 , 1 ]
  ask influences [set weight ( round (1000 * random-float 1) / 1000) ] ;this computation allows to avoid tiny variations

to assign-p ;assign random probability to agents in range [ 0 , 1 ]
  ask group [set p random 2  ]
  ask group [ if (p = 1) [ set color red ]  ] ;changing to p=1 for red, 1 - p for grey
  ask group [ if (p = 0) [ set p -1 set color grey]]

to show-label ;is the switch-bar is on, the probability and weights of each turtles and links are displayed
  if label? = true [
    ask group [set label who]
    ask influences [ set label precision weight 1 ]]

;;                           ;;
;;       EXPERIMENT          ;;
;;                           ;;

to behavior
  ;behavior works as a neural network and determinants corresponds to the sum of links weights of incoming influence. Each edge will collect
  ;the netweight value by computing p * w of its starting node and the final node will collect the summation of all the received netweight.
  if (changing = false) [ print "no longer changing, stop." stop] ;adding stopping condition
  if (ticks > 20) [stop] ;set up a maximum of 20 iterations
  set changing  false

  print (word "=================== tick # " ticks " =====================================")

  ask influences [ if [color = red ] of end1 [set color red ]] ;detect the spread of idea
  ask group   [
     let summer 0 ;set up a summer that will be updated each time an individual receive p * w
     ask my-in-links [
         let netweight ( weight * ( [ p ] of end1 )  ) ;spread p * w fron end1 to end2
         set summer ( summer + netweight)] ;updating summation of p * w value
     set oldsum precision oldsum 3
     set summer precision summer 3
    if  (oldsum != summer) [   set changing true ]
       if  (oldsum != summer) and (ticks > 2)  [ set changing true ] ;if updating don't change for the next two tick, simulation will stop to avoid cycle
    set oldsum summer
    let oldcolor color
    (ifelse (summer > threshold)  [ ;according to the desired threshold
      set p  1
      set color red
      if ( color != oldcolor) [ print (word who " turned red") ]] ;updating p and color of individual and display changement on command center
      (summer < threshold * -1) [
        set p -1
        set color grey
        if ( color != oldcolor) [ print (word who " turned grey") ]])]

to individual-utility
  ;computation of the individual utility consist on choosing the maximum netweight value, here called alternative.
  ask influences [set alternative weight * [p] of end1] ;alternative = weight * p and pass throw links
  ask group [
    ifelse my-in-links = true ;asking only to individuals who receive a weighted input
      [set preferences (list ([alternative] of my-in-links)) ;building a list of alternatives (weight * p) from receiving links
       set utility max preferences] ;choosing the maximum between alternatives
      [set utility p]]     ;if individuals don't receive any weighted input, his utility will correspond to his initial beliefs

to watch-one ;if the switch-bar is on, it allows to highlight a single individual's behavior in addition to his utility function
  if watch? = true [
    watch person 0]

;;                      ;;
;;   PARAMETERS [3]     ;;
;;                      ;;

to-report modularity ;measure modularity related to grey and red members
  report nw:modularity (list (turtles with [ color = grey ]) (turtles with [ color = red ]))

to save-matrix ;save txt of adjacency matrix that contains the connection between members not taking into consideration the links' weight
  nw:save-matrix "adjacency-matrix.txt"

to community-detection ;detect community using the louvain method
  color-clusters nw:louvain-communities

to color-clusters [ clusters ] ;assignment of a color for each cluster
  ask group [ set color grey ]
  ask influences [ set color grey - 2 ]
  let n length clusters
  let hues n-values n [ i -> (360 * i / n) ]
  (foreach clusters hues [ [cluster hue] ->
    ask cluster [
      set color hsb hue 100 100
      ask my-links with [ member? other-end cluster ] [ set color hsb hue 100 75 ]]])

to betweenness ;detect betweenness centrality of each member
  centrality [ -> nw:betweenness-centrality ]

to eigenvector ;as the simulation represent the spread of a concept (due to the placement of beliefs) eigenvector centrality is represented by the inverse of its original sense
  centrality [ -> 1 - nw:eigenvector-centrality ]

to closeness ;weighted closeness centrality by taking into consideration the weight variable assigned to directed links
  centrality [ -> nw:weighted-closeness-centrality weight]

to centrality [ measure ] ;assignment of a size according to the centrality measure
  ask group [
    let res (runresult measure)
    ifelse is-number? res [
      set label precision res 2
      set size res]
    [ set label res
      set size 1 ]]

to normalize-sizes-and-colors ;normalization of the size assigned
  if count group > 0 [
    let sizes sort [ size ] of group
    let delta last sizes - first sizes
    ifelse delta = 0 [
      ask group [ set size 1 ]]
    [ ask group [ set size ((size - first sizes) / delta) * 2 + 0.5 ]]]

There is only one version of this model, created almost 3 years ago by Alessia Simone.

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