Modified Complex Contagion

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Default-person Ulrike Hahn (Author)


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;; this model adds a simple rewiring procedure to Joshua Becker's complex contagion model in order to simulate
;; the effects of additional links as might result from a key word search on a social network
;; see Hahn, U., Maes, M., & Grossi, D. (2023) for discussion of this model and its outputs

globals [
  k                                    ;; determines the average number of neighbors each node has
  this-cluster                         ;; a tool used by the identify-clusters procedure
  saturated?                           ;; When this is TRUE, no more agents can be activated
  ;with_search                          ;; when this = 1 search is activated

turtles-own [
  cluster                              ;; a tool used by the identify-clusters procedure
  distance-from-other-turtles          ;; list of distances of this node from other turtles, used by the identify-clusters procedure
  attempted?                           ;; keeps track of which turtles have state-checked since a change in the system
                                       ;; the attempted? variable is used to help the model be more efficient

  rewired?                             ;; keeps track of whether the link has been rewired or not, used by the rewire-all procedure

;;  The "setup" procedure sets up the model.
;;  First, it creates the network using "rewire-all."
;;  Then, it seeds the contagion

to setup
  ask patches [ set pcolor white ]

  set k 4

  ask turtles [ set color black set attempted? false ]
  set saturated? false
  if count turtles > 0 [ seed-contagion ]

;;  The "construct-agent" procedure simply constructs an agent.
;;  In more complex models, a procedure like this
;;  can be helpful in generating agents with many different
;;  parameters or rules.

to construct-agent
  ;; turtles-own agent constructor
  set shape "circle"
  set label ""

;;  The "restart" procedure resets the contagion process without
;;  changing the network structure.

to restart
  ask turtles [ set color black set attempted? false ]
  set saturated? false
  if count turtles > 0 [ seed-contagion ]
  set-current-plot "success of contagion"

;;  The "run-step" procedure runs a single step of the diffusion process.
;;  With each step, the model tries all the agents that are black (not red).
;;  When an agent is checked, it either updates (turns red) or remains the same.
;;  If the agent doesn't change, we set attempted? to TRUE for that turtle.

to run-step

  ;;  Check to see whether there are any turtles that might still become activated.
  ;;  If not, set "saturated?" to true and stop the function.
  ;;  If all the agents are red (none of them are black) then we know it's saturated
  ;;  We also know it's saturated if there are zero black agents who we haven't checked already.

  if count turtles with [ color = black ] = 0 [ set saturated? true stop ]
  if count turtles with [ color = black and attempted? = false ] = 0 [ set saturated? true stop ]

  if not saturated? [
    ask one-of turtles with [color = black ] [
      let count-triggered 0
      set count-triggered count link-neighbors with [color = red]

      ;;  If enough neighbors are active (red), an inactive (black) agent will be activated.
      ;;  Once a turtle turns from black to red, it's possible their neighbors may wish to change as well.
      ;;  Thus, whenever a turtle is activated, we reset attempted? to false for the other turtles.

      ifelse count-triggered >= threshold [
        set color red ask turtles with [ self != myself ] [ set attempted? false ]
        set attempted? true

  ;let temp  random  100
  ;if temp  < 10
  if with_search = 1
 ;set temp  100


;;  This procedure "seeds" the contagion by randomly selecting a turtle
;;  and activating that turtle, as well as all of their neighbors (turning them red)

to seed-contagion
  ask one-of turtles [
    ask link-neighbors [ set color red ]
    set color red

;;  The "create-ringlat" procedure creates a new ring lattice.
;;  All this procedure does is create N turtles, set their color black,
;;  and then run the "wire-ringlat" procedure.

to create-ringlat
  crt N [ set color black construct-agent ]

;;  The "wire-ringlat" procedure contains the machinery needed to wire a ring lattice.
;;  The parameter k determines the number of neighbors each node will have -- in this
;;  version, k is fixed.  However,  this parameter can be turned into a variable controlled
;;  from the interface.

to wire-ringlat
  layout-circle (sort turtles) max-pxcor - 1

  layout-circle (sort turtles with [ who mod 2 = 0] ) max-pxcor - 4
  ;; iterate over the turtles
  let ni 0
  while [ni < count turtles]
    ;; make edges with the next two neighbors
    ;; this makes a lattice with average degree of 4
    let z 1
    while [z <= floor (k / 2)]
      ask turtle ni [ create-link-with turtle ((ni + z) mod count turtles) [ set rewired? false ] ]
      set z z + 1
    set ni ni + 1

;; the identify-clustesr and grow-clusters procedure ensure count the number of
;; components in the network.  This code is inspired by the NetLogo model "Dissemination of Culture"
;; by Iain Weaver.  You can find this model at:

to-report identify-clusters
  let max-cluster 0
  let num-clusters 0

  let seed one-of turtles
  ask turtles [ set cluster nobody ]
  while [seed != nobody] [
    ask seed [
      set cluster self
      set num-clusters num-clusters + 1
      set this-cluster 1
    if this-cluster > max-cluster [ set max-cluster this-cluster]
    set seed one-of turtles with [cluster = nobody]
  report list num-clusters max-cluster

to grow-cluster

    ask link-neighbors with [cluster = nobody] [
      if cluster = nobody [ set this-cluster this-cluster + 1 ]
      set cluster [cluster] of myself

;;  The "rewire-all" procedure generats a Small-World network according to the algorithm
;;  developed by Watts & Strogatz (1998).  This code is adapted from the Small Worlds NetLogo model
;;  developed by Uri Wilensky.  Original code Copyright 2005 Uri Wilensky.   See info tab for more details.

to rewire-all


  ;; set up a variable to see if the network is connected
  let success? false

  ;; if we end up with a disconnected network, we keep trying, because the APL distance
  ;; isn't meaningful for a disconnected network.
  let count-tries 0
  while [not success?] [
    ;; kill the old lattice, reset neighbors, and create new lattice
    ask links [ die ]
;   set number-rewired 0

    ask links [

      ;; whether to rewire it or not?
      if (random-float 1) < p
        ;; "a" remains the same
        let node1 end1
        ;; if "a" is not connected to everybody
        if [ count link-neighbors ] of end1 < (count turtles - 1)
          ;; find a node distinct from node1 and not already a neighbor of node1
          let node2 one-of turtles with [ (self != node1) and (not link-neighbor? node1) ]
          ;; wire the new edge
          ask node1 [ create-link-with node2 [ set color cyan  set rewired? true ] ]

;          set number-rewired number-rewired + 1  ;; counter for number of rewirings
          set rewired? true
      ;; remove the old edge
      if (rewired?)

    set success? ( item 0 identify-clusters = 1 )
    set count-tries count-tries + 1
    if ( count-tries > 1000 ) [ set success? true print "couldn't make connected network!  try different parameters!" ]

;; This procedure rewires ties to mirror effects of search.

to search

  ;; make sure num-turtles is setup correctly else run setup first
  if count turtles != N [

 if (random-float 1) < .02  ;;good num is .02
  let potential-edges links with [ not rewired? ]
  ifelse any? potential-edges [
    ask one-of potential-edges [
      ;; "a" remains the same
      let node1 end1
      ;; if "a" is not connected to everybody
      if [ count link-neighbors ] of end1 < (count turtles - 1)
        ;; find a node distinct from node1 and not already a neighbor of node1
        let node2 one-of turtles with [ (self != node1) and (not link-neighbor? node1) ]
        ;; wire the new edge
        ask node1 [ create-link-with node2 [ set color blue set rewired? true ] ]

        let node3 one-of turtles with [ (self != node1) and (not link-neighbor? node1) ]
        ;; wire the new edge
        ask node1 [ create-link-with node3 [ set color green set rewired? true ] ]

        let node4 one-of turtles with [ (self != node1) and (not link-neighbor? node1) ]
        ;; wire the new edge
        ask node1 [ create-link-with node4 [ set color green set rewired? true ] ]

        ask node1 [ set shape "star"]

                ;ask potential-edges [set rewired? true]

       ;; remove the old edge
[   print "all rewired" ]

;;  This procedure counts the fraction (percent) of nodes who are activated, that is 'infected' (red)

to-report percent-saturated
  report ((count turtles with [color = red ] ) / (count turtles))

;; This procedure counts the percentage of nodes who have had links added through 'search'

to-report percent-searched
  report ((count turtles with [shape = "star" ] ) / (count turtles))

;; This procedure counts the number of nodes who have had links added through 'search'

to-report searched
  report ((count turtles with [shape = "star" ] ))

;; This procedure counts the number of links in the network

to-report link-total
  report (count links)

There is only one version of this model, created about 2 years ago by Ulrike Hahn.

Attached files

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Modified Complex Contagion.png preview Model Preview about 2 years ago, by Ulrike Hahn Download

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