Child of Trust and Cohesion based on climate vulnerability
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globals [ climate-vulnerable-population land-locked-population ] breed [climate-vulnerable-agents climate-vulnerable-agent] breed [land-locked-agents land-locked-agent] climate-vulnerable-agents-own [ trust-level social-cohesion-level ] land-locked-agents-own [ trust-level social-cohesion-level ] to setup clear-all reset-ticks ;; Set initial populations set climate-vulnerable-population 500 set land-locked-population 500 ;; Create agents for the climatically vulnerable region create-climate-vulnerable-agents climate-vulnerable-population [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color red set trust-level random-float 1.0 set social-cohesion-level random-float 1.0 ] ;; Create agents for the land-locked region create-land-locked-agents land-locked-population [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color blue set trust-level random-float 1.0 set social-cohesion-level random-float 1.0 ] ;; Customize agent behavior here (e.g., agent movement, interaction) end to go ;; Agent behavior rules here (e.g., agent movement, interaction) ;; Update trust and social cohesion based on case studies ask climate-vulnerable-agents [ ;; Example: Agents in the climatically vulnerable region have higher trust set trust-level trust-level + 0.01 ;; Example: Agents in the climatically vulnerable region have higher social cohesion set social-cohesion-level social-cohesion-level + 0.01 ] ask land-locked-agents [ ;; Example: Agents in the land-locked region have lower trust set trust-level trust-level - 0.01 ;; Example: Agents in the land-locked region have lower social cohesion set social-cohesion-level social-cohesion-level - 0.01 ] ;; Customize agent interactions and behaviors here tick end
There is only one version of this model, created over 1 year ago by Sayari Misra.
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