butterflies and human interaction
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breed [peoples people] breed [butterflies butterfly] breed [food flowers] breed [venom vpod] butterflies-own[people_seen people_hit health robustness speed_variation per_vis_rad per_vis_ang food_around_me closest_food have_venom vis_rand ] food-own [amount] patches-own [solid] globals [rad daytime starting_color current_color color_adjust color_range timer_reset ] to setup clear-all reset-ticks set rad 5 ;after rad addition globals added then setup this function set timer_reset 1000 set daytime true set starting_color 85 set current_color starting_color set color_range 5 set color_adjust ( color_range / ( timer_reset + 10 )) create-peoples number_of_people[ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color grey set size 10 set shape "person" ] create-butterflies number_of_butterflies[ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color blue set size 10 set shape "butterfly" ;making butteflies unique set health 50 + random 50 adjust_vision_cone set robustness random 10 set speed_variation random 10 set heading 0 pendown set vis_rand random 20 ] create-food 10[ grow_food ] create-venom 20 [ make_venom ] draw_building end to draw_building ask patches [ set solid false ] ask patches with [ pxcor >= -30 and pxcor <= 30 and pycor >= -30 and pycor <= 30][ set pcolor brown set solid true ] end to grow_food setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color yellow set size 10 set shape "plant" set amount random 100 end to make_venom setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color green set size 5 set shape "x" end to pickup_venom let pickup [false] ask venom in-radius rad [ set pickup true die ] if pickup = true [ set have_venom have_venom + 1 ] end to go make_people_move reset_patch_color make_butterflies_move grow_more_food tick end to make_people_move ask peoples[ set color grey right (random pwr -( pwr / 2)) detect_wall forward people_speed ] end to make_butterflies_move ask butterflies [ ifelse health > 0 [ show_visualisations pickup_venom set color blue let have_seen_person people_function let can_smell_food food_function 30 ifelse ( have_seen_person = true ) [ right 180 ][ ifelse ( can_smell_food = true ) and ( health < 100)[ set heading ( towards closest_food ) ][ right (random bwr - (bwr / 2)) ]] adjust_vision_cone detect_wall forward butterflies_speed + ( speed_variation * 0.1) ][ set color gray die ] ] end to grow_more_food if ticks > timer_reset [ ask patch random-xcor random-ycor[ sprout-food 1 [grow_food] ] ifelse daytime = true [ set daytime false ][ set daytime true ] reset-ticks ] end to show_visualisations if show_col_rad = true[ ask patches in-radius rad [ if solid = false [ set pcolor orange ] ] ] if show_vis_cone = true[ ask patches in-cone per_vis_rad per_vis_ang[ if solid = false [ set pcolor red ] ] ] end to reset_patch_color ifelse daytime = true [ set current_color current_color - color_adjust ][ set current_color current_color + color_adjust ] ask patches [ if solid = false [ set pcolor current_color ] ] end to detect_wall if [solid] of patch-ahead 1 = true [ right 180 ] end to adjust_vision_cone if ((((vis_rad + vis_rand)*(health * 0.01))) - ((starting_color - current_color) * 2) > 0) [ set per_vis_rad (((vis_rad + vis_rand)*(health * 0.01))) - ((starting_color - current_color) * 2) ] if ((vis_ang + vis_rand)*(health * 0.01)) > 0 [ set per_vis_ang (( vis_ang + vis_rand)*(health * 0.01)) ] end to-report people_function let seen [false] let hit [false] let person_hit 0 ask peoples in-cone vis_rad vis_ang[ set color green set seen true ] ask peoples in-radius rad[ set hit true set person_hit who show person_hit ] ifelse seen = true [ set people_seen people_seen + 1 set color white ; right 180 ][ ;right (random bwr - (bwr / 2)) ] if hit = true [ ifelse have_venom > 0 [ ask people person_hit [die] set have_venom have_venom - 1 ][ set people_hit people_hit + 1 set color green set health health - robustness ;++++++ adjust_vision_cone ] ] report seen end to-report food_function [senstivity] set food_around_me other ( food in-radius senstivity ) set closest_food min-one-of food_around_me [distance myself] let can_smell_food [false] let eating_food [false] if health < 100 [ ask food in-radius rad [ ifelse amount > 0 [ set eating_food true set amount amount - 5 set color color - .25 ][ die ] ] ] if eating_food = true [ set health health + 5 adjust_vision_cone ] if ( closest_food != nobody) [ set can_smell_food true ] report can_smell_food end
There is only one version of this model, created over 1 year ago by waqas majeed.
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butterflies and human interaction.png | preview | Preview for 'butterflies and human interaction' | over 1 year ago, by waqas majeed | Download |
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