Dialogue tool of the INCITE-DEM
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; this is a version of HUMAT which works for observable behaviours; for unobservable behaviours the knowledge about alters ; in the social networks will have to be represented differently, and this has an impact on dissonance reduction strategies ; (how do you calculate social satisfaction?, how do you choose who to get information from? and how do you choose who to try to convince?) extensions [ palette ] breed [humats humat] breed [influencers influencer] undirected-link-breed [connections connection] ;connections among citizens directed-link-breed [relations relation] ;relations between citizens and authorites globals [ behavioural-alternatives exp-satisfaction-A soc-satisfaction-A val-satisfaction-A exp-satisfaction-B soc-satisfaction-B val-satisfaction-B supporters opponents A-supporters B-supporters A-value+ ; opponents with satisfaction A-value- ; opponents with dissatisfaction A-value B-value+ B-value- B-value group-number num-removed ; number of groups that have been removed setup? ; being setted up or not %enhancing-experiential-satisfation %enhancing-value-satisfaction num-authority norm-influence ] influencers-own [ influence ;for now random < 0 ; 1 > the higher, the less-or-more-vocalful endorsement ; endorsing an alternative ] connections-own [ link-color ] humats-own [ behaviour ses ;socio-economic status ; for now random < 0 ; 1 > the higher, the less-or-more-vocalful group-id tendency-for-change vocie-being-heard ;;;dissonance-related variables;;; ;variables calculated for all BAs; experiential-importance social-importance values-importance non-social-importance experiential-satisfaction-A social-satisfaction-A values-satisfaction-A non-social-evaluation-A experiential-satisfaction-B social-satisfaction-B values-satisfaction-B non-social-evaluation-B experiential-evaluation-A ; evaluation of A (behavioural alternative i) with respect to experiential group of needs for HUMAT j <-1;1> social-evaluation-A ; evaluation of A (behavioural alternative i) with respect to social group of needs for HUMAT j <-1;1> values-evaluation-A ; evaluation of A (behavioural alternative i) with respect to values for HUMAT j <-1;1> experiential-evaluation-B ; evaluation of B (behavioural alternative ~i) with respect to experiential group of needs for HUMAT j <-1;1> social-evaluation-B ; evaluation of B (behavioural alternative ~i) with respect to social group of needs for HUMAT j <-1;1> values-evaluation-B ; evaluation of B (behavioural alternative ~i) with respect to values for HUMAT j <-1;1> evaluations-list-A evaluations-list-B evaluations-A evaluations-B satisfaction-A satisfaction-B satisfaction ;the satisfaction of the decision support ;the degreen of the support satisfying-A ; the sum of satisfying evaluations of A over three groups of needs <0;1,5> satisfying-B ; the sum of satisfying evaluations of B over three groups of needs <0;1,5> dissatisfying-A ; the sum of dissatisfying evaluations of A <0;1,5> dissatisfying-B ; the sum of dissatisfying evaluations of B over three groups of needs <0;1,5> dissonance-A ; the level of cognitive dissonance a behavioural alternative i (A) evokes in HUMAT j at time tn [Dij tn] <0;1> dissonance-B ; the level of cognitive dissonance a behavioural alternative i (B) evokes in HUMAT j at time tn [Dij tn] <0;1> dissonance-tolerance ; individual difference in tolerating dissonances before they evoke dissonance reduction strategies [Tj] normal trunc distribution with mean = 0.5, sd = 0.14 trunc to values <0;1>, this is the threshold determining if a reduction strategy is forgetting/distraction or if action has to be taken dissonance-strength-A ; individually perceived strength of cognitive dissonance a behavioural alternative i (A) evokes in HUMAT j at time tn [Fij tn]; F because it's a fraction of maximum dissonance HUMAT j can possibly experience <0;1> dissonance-strength-B ; individually perceived strength of cognitive dissonance a behavioural alternative i (B) evokes in HUMAT j at time tn [Fij tn]; F because it's a fraction of maximum dissonance HUMAT j can possibly experience <0;1> dissonance-strength ; individually perceived strength of cognitive dissonance a chosen behavioural alternative evokes in HUMAT j at time tn [Fij tn]; either dissonance-strenght-A or dissonance-strength-B, depending on chosen behavioural alternative ;variables only calculated for the chosen BA, not for all BAs; experiential-dilemma? ; the existence of an experiential dilemma e a chosen behavioural alternative i evokes in HUMAT j at time tn [Dije tn = {0,1}, where 0 donotes no dilemma and 1 denotes existence of dilemma] social-dilemma? ; the existence of an social dilemma s a chosen behavioural alternative i evokes in HUMAT j at time tn [Dije tn = {0,1}, where 0 donotes no dilemma and 1 denotes existence of dilemma] values-dilemma? ; the existence of an values dilemma v a chosen behavioural alternative i evokes in HUMAT j at time tn [Dije tn = {0,1}, where 0 donotes no dilemma and 1 denotes existence of dilemma] ;;;alter-representation variables;;; alter-representation-list inquiring-list signaling-list inquired-humat ; the list belongs to ego and contains information about the alter who the ego inquires with inquiring-humat ; the list belongs to an inquired alter and contains information about the ego who is inquiring signaled-humat ; the list belongs to ego and contains information about the alter who the ego signals to signaling-humat ; the list belongs to a signaled alter and contains information about the ego who is signaling inquiring? ; boolean positive [1] if the ego is inquiring at a given tick #inquiring ; the number of times humat inquired with alters #inquired ; the number of times humat was inquired with by egos signaling? ; boolean positive [1] if the ego is signaling at a given tick #signaling ; the number of times humat signaled to alters #signaled ; the number of times humat was signaled to ;;;;interaction record conn-freq ;the frequence of interaction between the humat and others ] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Procedures ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to reset clear-all reset-ticks resize-world 0 200 0 200 ;import-pcolors filename ask patches [set pcolor white] ;import-drawing "Picture 2.png" ;world map set group-number 1 set num-removed 0 set setup? false end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Create the community ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to add-agents ifelse (group-number - num-removed) > num-groups [ user-message word (group-number - 1) " groups have been created!"] [ make-HUMATS to-show-labels? ] set norm-influence 0 end to make-HUMATS random-seed 400 ;;300 let color-face 0 create-humats num-agents [ ; set size 8 * (less-or-more-vocal + 1) set size 4 * (less-or-more-vocal + 2) set group-id group-number ;set label [who] of self set label group-id set label-color black set color-face [color] of self set dissonance-tolerance random-normal-trunc 0.5 0.14 0 1 ;0.5 0.14 0 1 set tendency-for-change random-normal-trunc against-or-for-change 0.14 0 1 ;0.14 0 1 set vocie-being-heard random-normal-trunc less-or-more-vocal 0.14 0 1 ;0.14 0 1 set ses 1 * vocie-being-heard ] output-print (word "GROUP " group-number ":" color-face) output-print word "num-agents = " num-agents output-print word "less-or-more-vocal ≈ " less-or-more-vocal output-print word "against-or-for-change ≈ " against-or-for-change output-print "+++++++++++++++++++++++++" set group-number group-number + 1 set-noun-social-need set-intra-networks ;;intra group links set-social-satisfactions ask humats with [group-id = group-number - 1] [ evaluate-satisfaction-support ;; evaluate the support and satisfaction setxy (support * 37 + random 50) (100 * satisfaction) ] end to to-show-labels? ask humats [ ifelse show-labels? [ set label group-id ;set label [who] of self set label-color black ] [set label ""] ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Setup Procedures ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup clear-all-plots reset-ticks set setup? true ask influencers [die] set %enhancing-experiential-satisfation 0 set %enhancing-value-satisfaction 0 set num-authority 0 set-default-shape influencers "star" random-seed 300 ;;300 create-influencers num-authority [ ;create superspreaders setxy random-xcor (random-float (world-height - 1) / 4) + (world-height - 1) * 3 / 4 set endorsement one-of (list "A" "B" ) ifelse endorsement = "B" [set color green] [set color magenta] set size 10 set influence [ycor] of self ] to-show-labels? set-inter-networks set-social-satisfactions end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Social networks ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to set-intra-networks ;; within the groups ask HUMATS with [group-id = group-number - 1] [ let topological-neighbours other HUMATS with [group-id = group-number - 1] let #topological-neighbours count topological-neighbours create-connections-with n-of round (0.2 * #topological-neighbours) topological-neighbours if count connection-neighbors = 0 [create-connection-with min-one-of other HUMATS [distance myself]] ] ask connections [set link-color 7 set color link-color set thickness 0.01 ] ifelse show-links? [ ask connections [set hidden? false]] [ ask connections [set hidden? true]] end to set-inter-networks ;; between the groups ask HUMATS [ let self-group-id group-id let topological-neighbours other HUMATS with [group-id != self-group-id] let #topological-neighbours count topological-neighbours create-connections-with n-of round (0.05 * #topological-neighbours) topological-neighbours [ set link-color 7 set color link-color set thickness 0.01 set shape "inter-groups" ] set conn-freq n-values count humats [0] ;; set-up the list of connections of humat and other humats ] ask influencers [ let topological-neighbours other HUMATS with [distance myself <= 150] let #topological-neighbours count topological-neighbours let link-color [color] of self + 3.5 create-relations-to n-of (0.3 * #topological-neighbours) topological-neighbours [set color link-color set thickness 0.01] ] ifelse show-links? [ask relations [set hidden? false] ask connections [set hidden? false] ] [ask relations [set hidden? true] ask connections [set hidden? true] ] end to update-networks ask humats[ let my-connections-with-other-humats my-connections with [[other-end] of myself != nobody] let other-humats [other-end] of my-connections-with-other-humats set other-humats turtle-set other-humats ;;should distinguish intra or inter-group links from here!!! let other-humats-ids sort [who] of other-humats let conn-freq-temp conn-freq let id1 [who] of self let groupID1 [group-id] of self ; print "groupID1" ; print groupID1 let i 0 while [ i < length other-humats-ids] [let id2 item i other-humats-ids let groupID2 [group-id] of (humat id2) ; print "groupID2" ; print groupID2 ask connection id1 id2 [ let greyscale item id2 conn-freq-temp let time-fading 0 ifelse groupID1 = groupID2 [set time-fading time-voting * 0.8] [set time-fading time-voting * 0.4] ifelse greyscale >= 0 ; existing interactions [ set link-color 7 / e ^ (0.2 * greyscale) ] [ ifelse greyscale > (- time-fading) ;(- time-for-vote * 0.8) [set link-color 3.9 / e ^ (0.2 * (greyscale + time-fading)) + 6] ;link-color is 5, if no(greyscale = 0) interaction [set link-color 9.9 set hidden? true ] ] set color link-color set thickness 0.05 ] set i i + 1 ] ] end to update-humats if (ticks > 0) and (ticks mod 5 = 0) and (norm-influence <= 0.8) [set norm-influence precision (norm-influence + 0.05) 2] ask humats [ set evaluations-list-A (list (experiential-evaluation-A) (values-evaluation-A)) set evaluations-list-B (list (experiential-evaluation-B) (values-evaluation-B)) set non-social-evaluation-A sum evaluations-list-A / 2 ;;non-social satisfaction for the support set non-social-evaluation-B sum evaluations-list-B / 2 set conn-freq (map [x -> x - 1 ] conn-freq) ;;update the overall connections-frequency ifelse norm-influence > 0 [set social-importance random-normal-trunc norm-influence 0.14 0 1] ;;; [set social-importance 0] evaluate-satisfaction-support ] move-humats end to move-humats ask humats [ setxy (support * 37 + random 50) (100 * satisfaction) ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Needs-and-satisfactions ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to set-noun-social-need ; in step 1, HUMATS set their initial behavior with the esclusion of social influence, i.e. on the basis their experiential and value satisfactions ask HUMATS with [group-id = group-number - 1][ ; STEP 1 ; set importances set experiential-importance random-normal-trunc 0.5 0.14 0 1 set values-importance random-normal-trunc 0.5 0.14 0 1 ifelse norm-influence > 0 [set social-importance random-normal-trunc norm-influence 0.14 0 1] [set social-importance 0] ;either opposing or supporting let aver-vocal-change (less-or-more-vocal + 3 * against-or-for-change) / 4 ;against or for change can be more Decisive at the beginning let support-value normalized-min-max aver-vocal-change 0 1 -1 1 ; A opposing the plan set experiential-satisfaction-A random-normal-trunc 0 0.5 -1 1 set values-satisfaction-A random-normal-trunc 0 0.5 -1 1 ; B supporting the plan set experiential-satisfaction-B random-normal-trunc (support-value + %enhancing-experiential-satisfation / 100) 0.50 -1 1 set values-satisfaction-B random-normal-trunc (support-value + %enhancing-value-satisfaction / 100) 0.50 -1 1 ; set evaluations = importances * satisfactions ; excluding social dimension ; A set experiential-evaluation-A experiential-importance * experiential-satisfaction-A set values-evaluation-A values-importance * values-satisfaction-A ; B set experiential-evaluation-B experiential-importance * experiential-satisfaction-B set values-evaluation-B values-importance * values-satisfaction-B set evaluations-list-A (list (experiential-evaluation-A) (values-evaluation-A)) set evaluations-list-B (list (experiential-evaluation-B) (values-evaluation-B)) ;;non-social satisfaction for the support set non-social-evaluation-A precision (sum evaluations-list-A / 2) 4 ;[-1,1] set non-social-evaluation-B precision (sum evaluations-list-B / 2) 4 ;;people's behavior based on experiential need and value (initial opinion) ifelse non-social-evaluation-A < non-social-evaluation-B [ set behaviour "B" ] [ set behaviour "A"] ] end to set-social-satisfactions ; in step 2, HUMATS add the social satisfaction to the calculation of satisfactions from various behavioural alternatives ask HUMATS [ ; STEP 2 based on cognition, not on interaction (中文) ; create alter representation lists for each alter ; to do:if behaviours unobservable - here add the guessing parameter set-alter-representations alter-similarity calculate-dissonance calculate-dilemmas ] end to set-alter-representations ask HUMATS [ set alter-representation-list [] foreach sort connection-neighbors [x -> let working-list ( list [who] of x ;item 0 who 0 ;item 1 inquired? 0 for not inquired with, 1 for inquired with already 0 ;item 2 signaled? 0 for not signaled to, 1 for signaled to already [behaviour] of x ;item 3 behaviour ; to do: as known for observable and as guessed for non-observable behaviours same-BA? behaviour [behaviour] of x ;item 4 1 for same behaviour; 0 for different behaviour ; used for inquiring ifelse-value (same-BA? behaviour [behaviour] of x = 1) [0] [1] ; item 5 1 for different behaviour and 0 for same behaviour; used for signaling - coding is the other way around for the purpose of using the same reporter for sorting lists as in the case of inquiring 0 ;item 6 [experiential-importance] of x 0 ;item 7 [social-importance] of x 0 ;item 8 [values-importance] of x 0 ;item 9 [experiential-satisfaction-A] of x 0 ;item 10 [social-satisfaction-A] of x 0 ;item 11 [values-satisfaction-A] of x 0 ;item 12 [experiential-satisfaction-B] of x 0 ;item 13 [social-satisfaction-B] of x 0 ;item 14 [values-satisfaction-B] of x 0 ;item 15 similarity-A-experiential-importance - similarity between he importance of needs; only > 0 if the given BA satisfies that group of needs in a similar direction for the alter and for the ego 0 ;item 16 simiarity-A-values-importance 0 ;item 17 similarity-A-experiential-importance - similarity between he importance of needs; only > 0 if the given BA satisfies that group of needs in a similar direction for the alter and for the ego 0 ;item 18 similarity-B-experiential-importance 0 ;item 19 relative-aspiration-influenced-ego - relative social appeal/status (aspiration characteristic) in case of inquiring 0 ;item 20 relative-aspiration-influenced-alter - relative social appeal/status (aspiration characteristic) in case of signaling 0 ;item 21 inquiring-persuasion-A-experiential 0 ;item 22 inquiring-persuasion-A-values 0 ;item 23 inquiring-persuasion-B-experiential 0 ;item 24 inquiring-persuasion-B-values 0 ;item 25 signaling-persuasion-A-experiential 0 ;item 26 signaling-persuasion-A-values 0 ;item 27 signaling-persuasion-B-experiential 0 ;item 28 signaling-persuasion-B-values 0 ;item 29 inquiring-persusasion 0 ;item 30 signaling-persuasion ) set alter-representation-list lput working-list alter-representation-list ] ;inquiring-list sorted: ;(1) ascendingly by inquired? (not inquired with first), and ;(2) descendingly by same-BA? (same behaviour first), ;(3) descendingly by persuasion (strongest persuasion first) set inquiring-list sort-list alter-representation-list 1 4 29 ;signaling-list sorted: ;(1) ascendingly by signaled? (not signaled to first), and ;(2) descendingly by not the same-BA? (different behaviour first). set signaling-list sort-list alter-representation-list 2 5 30 set inquired-humat [] set inquiring-humat [] set signaled-humat [] set signaling-humat [] ] end to update-dissonances ; each tick, all humats recalculate their social satisfactions and final satisfactions, and dissonances, not only the one that changed his mind ; update social satisfaction on the basis of alter-representation list;update social evaluation;update satisfaction from BAs ; update social dimension: social satisfaction from BAs, evaluations of BAs alter-similarity calculate-dissonance calculate-dilemmas end to alter-similarity ;;relates to social need ; go through alter-representation-list and count the alters, who behave similarily let #similar 0 foreach alter-representation-list [x -> if item 4 x = 1 [set #similar #similar + 1]] ; go through alter-representation-list and count the alters, who behave dissimilarily let #dissimilar 0 foreach alter-representation-list [x -> if item 5 x = 1 [set #dissimilar #dissimilar + 1]] let #alters count connection-neighbors let %similar #similar / #alters let %dissimilar #dissimilar / #alters ; set social dimension: social satisfaction from BAs, evaluations of BAs ifelse behaviour = "A" [ set social-satisfaction-A normalized-min-max %similar 0 1 -1 1 set social-satisfaction-B normalized-min-max %dissimilar 0 1 -1 1 ] [ set social-satisfaction-B normalized-min-max %similar 0 1 -1 1 set social-satisfaction-A normalized-min-max %dissimilar 0 1 -1 1 ] set social-evaluation-A social-importance * social-satisfaction-A set social-evaluation-B social-importance * social-satisfaction-B set evaluations-list-A (list (experiential-evaluation-A) (social-evaluation-A) (values-evaluation-A)) set evaluations-list-B (list (experiential-evaluation-B) (social-evaluation-B) (values-evaluation-B)) ; set final satisfactions from BAs at setup stage set evaluations-A precision (sum evaluations-list-A / 3) 4 set evaluations-B precision (sum evaluations-list-B / 3) 4 set satisfaction-A sum (list experiential-satisfaction-A social-satisfaction-A values-satisfaction-A) / 3 set satisfaction-B sum (list experiential-satisfaction-B social-satisfaction-B values-satisfaction-B) / 3 end to calculate-dissonance set dissatisfying-A dissatisfying-status-BA evaluations-list-A set satisfying-A satisfying-status-BA evaluations-list-A set dissatisfying-B dissatisfying-status-BA evaluations-list-B set satisfying-B satisfying-status-BA evaluations-list-B set dissonance-A dissonance-status-A satisfying-A dissatisfying-A set dissonance-B dissonance-status-B satisfying-B dissatisfying-B ; calculating the need for dissonance reduction - a BA invokes the need to reduce dissonance if the level of dissonance for BA exceeds the dissonance-threshold set dissonance-strength-A (dissonance-A - dissonance-tolerance) / (1 - dissonance-tolerance) if dissonance-strength-A < 0 [set dissonance-strength-A 0] ; if the dissonance level a behavioural alternative i (A) [Dij tn] does not exceed the individual tolerance threshold of HUMAT j [Tj], HUMAT j does not experience any dissonance: [Dij tn] < [Tj] -> [Fij tn] = 0 set dissonance-strength-B (dissonance-B - dissonance-tolerance) / (1 - dissonance-tolerance) if dissonance-strength-B < 0 ;the greater the dissonance, the more unsatisfied with the choice. [set dissonance-strength-B 0] ;when dissonance approaches to 0 or smaller than the dissonance-tolerance, the more satisfied with the choice ; setting dissonance strength and colours ifelse behaviour = "A" ;;example, opposing the plan [ set dissonance-strength dissonance-strength-A ] [ set dissonance-strength dissonance-strength-B ] end to calculate-dilemmas ;;calculating dilemmas does not inlcude 0 (< / >), therefore the same situation cannot evoke two different dilemmas ifelse behaviour = "A" [ if (experiential-evaluation-A > 0 and social-evaluation-A < 0 and values-evaluation-A < 0) or (experiential-evaluation-A <= 0 and social-evaluation-A >= 0 and values-evaluation-A >= 0) [set experiential-dilemma? 1] if (social-evaluation-A > 0 and experiential-evaluation-A < 0 and values-evaluation-A < 0) or (social-evaluation-A <= 0 and experiential-evaluation-A >= 0 and values-evaluation-A >= 0) [set social-dilemma? 1] if (values-evaluation-A > 0 and experiential-evaluation-A < 0 and social-evaluation-A < 0) or (values-evaluation-A <= 0 and experiential-evaluation-A >= 0 and social-evaluation-A >= 0) [set values-dilemma? 1] ] [ if (experiential-evaluation-B > 0 and social-evaluation-B < 0 and values-evaluation-B < 0) or (experiential-evaluation-B <= 0 and social-evaluation-B >= 0 and values-evaluation-B >= 0) [set experiential-dilemma? 1] if (social-evaluation-B > 0 and experiential-evaluation-B < 0 and values-evaluation-B < 0) or (social-evaluation-B <= 0 and experiential-evaluation-B >= 0 and values-evaluation-B >= 0) [set social-dilemma? 1] if (values-evaluation-B > 0 and experiential-evaluation-B < 0 and social-evaluation-B < 0) or (values-evaluation-B <= 0 and experiential-evaluation-B >= 0 and social-evaluation-B >= 0) [set values-dilemma? 1] ] end to evaluate-satisfaction-support ;initial opinon if num-authority = 0 [ ifelse evaluations-A < evaluations-B ;;people's behavior based on three need satisfaction [ set behaviour "B" ] [ set behaviour "A"] ] if ticks > 0 [choose-action] let abs-satisfaction 0 if behaviour = "A" [set color magenta set dissonance-strength dissonance-strength-A set support normalized-min-max non-social-evaluation-A -1 1 0 2 set satisfaction normalized-min-max satisfaction-A -1 1 0 2 set abs-satisfaction satisfaction-A ] if behaviour = "B" [set color green set dissonance-strength dissonance-strength-B set support normalized-min-max non-social-evaluation-B -1 1 2 4 set satisfaction normalized-min-max satisfaction-B -1 1 0 2 set abs-satisfaction satisfaction-B ] ;; eveluate if they support or resist the plan let smile word "smile " group-id let sad word "sad " group-id let neutral word "neutral " group-id set abs-satisfaction abs abs-satisfaction ifelse abs-satisfaction <= 0.02 ;; middle/moderate area;;;three types of face [set shape neutral] [ifelse satisfaction > 1 ;; nomalized satisfaction [set shape smile] [set shape sad ] ] end to choose-action ; HUMAT-oriented ; The BA comparison dimensions include: ;* overall satisfaction - if similarly satisfying (+/- 0.2 = 10% of the theoretical satisfaction range <-1;1>), then ;* dissonance level - if similarily dissonant (+/- 0.1 = 10% of the theoretical dissonance range <0;1>), then ;* satisfaction on experiential need - if similarly satisfying on experiantial need (+/- 0.2 = 10% of the theoretical experiantial satisfaction range <-1;1>), then ;* random choice. random-seed 200 ask HUMATS[ let num-A 0 ;umber of humats who choose "open" let num-B 0 ;choose "close" ask connection-neighbors [ ifelse behaviour = "A" [set num-A num-A + 1] [set num-B num-B + 1] ] let norm-test (random-float 1) let stubb-test (random-float 1) ifelse norm-influence * 2 > norm-test ;;norm-influence is more dominant [ifelse num-A <= num-B [set behaviour "B"] [set behaviour "A"] ] [ifelse tendency-for-change <= stubb-test [choose-habit ] [ifelse further-comparison-needed? evaluations-A evaluations-B 2 [compare-dissonances] [ifelse evaluations-A < evaluations-B [set behaviour "B"] ; make color a reporter and set color to reporter [set behaviour "A"] ] ] ] ] end to compare-dissonances ; HUMAT-oriented (ifelse further-comparison-needed? dissonance-A dissonance-B 1 [compare-experiential-needs] [ifelse dissonance-A > dissonance-B [set behaviour "A"] ; make color a reporter and set color to reporter [set behaviour "B"] ] ) end to compare-experiential-needs ; HUMAT-oriented (ifelse further-comparison-needed? experiential-satisfaction-A experiential-satisfaction-B 0.001 ; original 2 [choose-randomly] [ifelse experiential-satisfaction-A > experiential-satisfaction-B [set behaviour "A"] ; make color a reporter and set color to reporter [set behaviour "B"]] ) end to choose-randomly set behaviour one-of (list "A" "B") end to choose-habit ; in such situation humat stays with the previous behaviour (habit formation) set behaviour behaviour ;"A" ;; A represents opposing the plan end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Go Procedures ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to go ifelse not setup? [ user-message " SETUP-COMMUNITY at First!"] [every 0.2 ;set the speed of running [ if ticks >= time-voting [ stop ] ;100000; time for implementing the plan inquire signal if num-authority > 0 [follow-authority] update-humats eveluation tick ] ] end to inquire ;here conceptualising dissonance reduction strategies depending on dilemmas a HUMAT is experiencing ;during inquiring information flows uni-directionally from the alter, who was giving advice to the ego, who was asking for advice ;activating dissonance reduction strategies - this is pre-action dissonance reduction; post action dissonnace reduction is when the action is taken ;- in Groningen case this is a longer process of making up your mind before the vote; its after the vote when post-action dissonance reduction will have to take place if the vote did not go your way ; INQUIRING ;inquire strategy - seek information in social network to reduce cognitive dissonance via altering EGO’s knowledge structures ;update ego's representation of the inquired alter ask humats [ set inquiring? 0 if dissonance-strength > 0 and (values-dilemma? = 1 or experiential-dilemma? = 1) [ set inquiring? 1 set #inquiring #inquiring + inquiring? set inquired-humat item 0 inquiring-list set inquired-humat replace-item 1 inquired-humat 1 set inquired-humat replace-item 6 inquired-humat [experiential-importance] of humat item 0 inquired-humat set inquired-humat replace-item 7 inquired-humat [social-importance] of humat item 0 inquired-humat set inquired-humat replace-item 8 inquired-humat [values-importance] of humat item 0 inquired-humat set inquired-humat replace-item 9 inquired-humat [experiential-satisfaction-A] of humat item 0 inquired-humat set inquired-humat replace-item 10 inquired-humat [social-satisfaction-A] of humat item 0 inquired-humat set inquired-humat replace-item 11 inquired-humat [values-satisfaction-A] of humat item 0 inquired-humat set inquired-humat replace-item 12 inquired-humat [experiential-satisfaction-B] of humat item 0 inquired-humat set inquired-humat replace-item 13 inquired-humat [social-satisfaction-B] of humat item 0 inquired-humat set inquired-humat replace-item 14 inquired-humat [values-satisfaction-B] of humat item 0 inquired-humat ; need-similarity is symmetric - if ego influences alter to the degree of 40% (max), alter also influences ego to the degree of 40% set inquired-humat replace-item 15 inquired-humat need-similarity experiential-evaluation-A [experiential-evaluation-A] of humat item 0 inquired-humat experiential-importance [experiential-importance] of humat item 0 inquired-humat ;similarity-A-experiential-importance - similarity between he importance of needs; only > 0 if the given BA satisfies that group of needs in a similar direction for the alter and for the ego[experiential-satisfaction-A] of humat item 0 inquired-humat set inquired-humat replace-item 16 inquired-humat need-similarity values-evaluation-A [values-evaluation-A] of humat item 0 inquired-humat values-importance [values-importance] of humat item 0 inquired-humat set inquired-humat replace-item 17 inquired-humat need-similarity experiential-evaluation-B [experiential-evaluation-B] of humat item 0 inquired-humat experiential-importance [experiential-importance] of humat item 0 inquired-humat ;similarity-A-experiential-importance - similarity between he importance of needs; only > 0 if the given BA satisfies that group of needs in a similar direction for the alter and for the ego set inquired-humat replace-item 18 inquired-humat need-similarity values-evaluation-B [values-evaluation-B] of humat item 0 inquired-humat values-importance [values-importance] of humat item 0 inquired-humat ;similarity-B-experiential-importance ; relative-aspiration is not symmetric set inquired-humat replace-item 19 inquired-humat relative-aspiration ses [ses] of humat item 0 inquired-humat ; relative social appeal/status (aspiration characteristic) in case of inquiring ; persuasion is a multiplication of need-similatiry and relative-aspiration, and is not symmetric (different values for inquiring and signaling) set inquired-humat replace-item 21 inquired-humat (item 15 inquired-humat * item 19 inquired-humat) ; inquiring-persuasion-experiential-A = relative social appeal/status * similarity-A-experiential (similarity of needs activated by a BA) set inquired-humat replace-item 22 inquired-humat (item 16 inquired-humat * item 19 inquired-humat) ; inquiring-persuasion-values-A set inquired-humat replace-item 23 inquired-humat (item 17 inquired-humat * item 19 inquired-humat) ; inquiring-persuasion-experiential-B set inquired-humat replace-item 24 inquired-humat (item 18 inquired-humat * item 19 inquired-humat) ; inquiring-persuasion-values-B set inquired-humat replace-item 29 inquired-humat (item 21 inquired-humat + item 22 inquired-humat + item 23 inquired-humat + item 24 inquired-humat) ; inquiring persuasion = sum of inquiring persuasions ; here not seting the signaling persuasion, not to disturb the sorting process artificially by choosing the alter already inquired with for signaling, without going through the entire list of alters ; to do: describe the effect this has on the dynamics? this is to do with sorting and the 3rd prio - it has to stay 0 for the ego to go through the entire list of alters before going for the most persuasive one over and over again ;update satisfactions set experiential-satisfaction-A new-need-satisfaction-inquiring experiential-satisfaction-A 21 9 ; 不被劝服*ego's satisfaction+劝服*alter's satisfaction set values-satisfaction-A new-need-satisfaction-inquiring values-satisfaction-A 22 11 set experiential-satisfaction-B new-need-satisfaction-inquiring experiential-satisfaction-B 23 12 set values-satisfaction-B new-need-satisfaction-inquiring values-satisfaction-B 24 14 ; to do: for non-observable behaviours, set item 3 , item 4 and item 5 to the actual behaviour, not to a guessed one update-experiential-and-values-evaluations update-dissonances ;update the interaction frequency among humats,交互主体与客体之间的连接 set conn-freq replace-item (item 0 inquired-humat) conn-freq ((item (item 0 inquired-humat) conn-freq) + 2) ;交互双方+2 ; update alter's representation of the inquiring ego ; please note that alter's representation of the inquiring ego is only updated to the extent of the ego's new decision about the BA (items 3,4,5) ask humat item 0 inquired-humat [ foreach alter-representation-list [ x -> if item 0 x = [who] of myself [set inquiring-humat item position x alter-representation-list alter-representation-list] ] set inquiring-humat replace-item 3 inquiring-humat [behaviour] of myself set inquiring-humat replace-item 4 inquiring-humat same-BA? behaviour [behaviour] of myself set inquiring-humat replace-item 5 inquiring-humat ifelse-value (same-BA? behaviour [behaviour] of myself = 1) [0] [1] foreach alter-representation-list [ x -> if item 0 x = [who] of myself [set alter-representation-list replace-item position x alter-representation-list alter-representation-list inquiring-humat] ] set inquiring-humat[] set #inquired #inquired + 1 ;update the interaction frequency among humats, 更新交互客体与主体之间的连接 set conn-freq replace-item ([who] of myself) conn-freq ((item ([who] of myself) conn-freq) + 2) update-dissonances update-networks ] ;update inquiring-list set inquiring-list replace-item 0 inquiring-list inquired-humat ;update alter-representation-list by replacing the old representation (of alter the ego inquired with) with a new representation that has accurate knowledge about alters action, motives and status of alteady having been inquired with foreach alter-representation-list [x -> if item 0 x = item 0 item 0 inquiring-list [set alter-representation-list replace-item position x alter-representation-list alter-representation-list item 0 inquiring-list] ] ; inquiring-list sorted: ;(1) ascendingly by inquired? (not inquired with first), and ;(2) descendingly by same-BA? (same behaviour first). set inquiring-list sort-list alter-representation-list 1 4 29 set inquired-humat [] ;ask alter [set inquiring-humat []] ] ] end to signal ; SIGNALING ;signaling strategy - seek information in social network to reduce cognitive dissonance via altering ALTER’s knowledge structures ;during signaling information flows uni-directionally from the ego, who was giving advice to the alter, who was made to listed ;signaled-humat - the list belongs to ego and contains information about the alter who the ego signals to ;signaling-humat - the list belongs to a signaled alter and contains information about the ego who is signaling ask humats [ set signaling? 0 if dissonance-strength > 0 and social-dilemma? = 1 [ set signaled-humat item 0 signaling-list ;ego's representation of an alter as a temporary list ;update alter's representation of ego ask humat item 0 signaled-humat [ set #signaled #signaled + 1 foreach alter-representation-list [ x -> if item 0 x = [who] of myself [set signaling-humat item position x alter-representation-list alter-representation-list] ] set signaling-humat replace-item 3 signaling-humat [behaviour] of myself set signaling-humat replace-item 4 signaling-humat same-BA? behaviour [behaviour] of myself set signaling-humat replace-item 5 signaling-humat ifelse-value (same-BA? behaviour [behaviour] of myself = 1) [0] [1] set signaling-humat replace-item 6 signaling-humat [experiential-importance] of myself set signaling-humat replace-item 7 signaling-humat [social-importance] of myself set signaling-humat replace-item 8 signaling-humat [values-importance] of myself set signaling-humat replace-item 9 signaling-humat [experiential-satisfaction-A] of myself set signaling-humat replace-item 10 signaling-humat [social-satisfaction-A] of myself set signaling-humat replace-item 11 signaling-humat [values-satisfaction-A] of myself set signaling-humat replace-item 12 signaling-humat [experiential-satisfaction-B] of myself set signaling-humat replace-item 13 signaling-humat [social-satisfaction-B] of myself set signaling-humat replace-item 14 signaling-humat [values-satisfaction-B] of myself ; need similarity (same values for inquiring and signaling) set signaling-humat replace-item 15 signaling-humat need-similarity experiential-evaluation-A [experiential-evaluation-A] of myself experiential-importance [experiential-importance] of myself ;similarity-A-experiential-importance - similarity between he importance of needs; only > 0 if the given BA satisfies that group of needs in a similar direction for the alter and for the ego[experiential-satisfaction-A] of humat item 0 signaled-humat set signaling-humat replace-item 16 signaling-humat need-similarity values-evaluation-A [values-evaluation-A] of myself values-importance [values-importance] of myself set signaling-humat replace-item 17 signaling-humat need-similarity experiential-evaluation-B [experiential-evaluation-B] of myself experiential-importance [experiential-importance] of myself ;similarity-A-experiential-importance - similarity between he importance of needs; only > 0 if the given BA satisfies that group of needs in a similar direction for the alter and for the ego set signaling-humat replace-item 18 signaling-humat need-similarity values-evaluation-B [values-evaluation-B] of myself values-importance [values-importance] of myself ;similarity-B-experiential-importance ; relative aspiration is not symmetric (different values for inquiring and signaling) set signaling-humat replace-item 20 signaling-humat relative-aspiration [ses] of myself ses ; relative social appeal/status (aspiration characteristic) in case of signaling ; persuasion is a multiplication of need-similatiry and relative-aspiration, and is not symmetric (needs different values for inquiring and signaling) set signaling-humat replace-item 25 signaling-humat (item 15 signaling-humat * item 20 signaling-humat) ; signaling-persuasion-experiential-A = relative social appeal/status * similarity-A-experiential (similarity of needs activated by a BA) set signaling-humat replace-item 26 signaling-humat (item 16 signaling-humat * item 20 signaling-humat) ; signaling-persuasion-values-A set signaling-humat replace-item 27 signaling-humat (item 17 signaling-humat * item 20 signaling-humat) ; signaling-persuasion-experiential-B set signaling-humat replace-item 28 signaling-humat (item 18 signaling-humat * item 20 signaling-humat) ; signaling-persuasion-values-B ; seting new experiential and values satisfaction set experiential-satisfaction-A new-need-satisfaction-signaling experiential-satisfaction-A 25 set values-satisfaction-A new-need-satisfaction-signaling values-satisfaction-A 26 set experiential-satisfaction-B new-need-satisfaction-signaling experiential-satisfaction-B 27 set values-satisfaction-B new-need-satisfaction-signaling values-satisfaction-B 28 ; update alter's representation of the inquiring ego ; long-term memory - please note that alter's representation of the signaling ego only influences the update on social satisfaction, storing information other than about the BA (items 3, 4 aand 5) does not influence anything foreach alter-representation-list [x -> if item 0 x = [who] of myself [set alter-representation-list replace-item position x alter-representation-list alter-representation-list signaling-humat] ] ;update the interaction frequency among humats set conn-freq replace-item ([who] of myself) conn-freq ((item ([who] of myself) conn-freq) + 2) ; to do: sort the names and updating dissonances update-experiential-and-values-evaluations update-dissonances ] ;update the interaction frequency among humats set conn-freq replace-item (item 0 signaled-humat) conn-freq ((item (item 0 signaled-humat) conn-freq) + 2) ; update ego's representation of the signaled alter ; please note that alter's representation of the signaled alter is only updated to the extent of the alter's new decision about the BA (items 3,4,5) set signaled-humat replace-item 2 signaled-humat 1 ;representing the fact that alter was signaled to set signaled-humat replace-item 3 signaled-humat [behaviour] of humat item 0 signaled-humat set signaled-humat replace-item 4 signaled-humat same-BA? behaviour [behaviour] of humat item 0 signaled-humat set signaled-humat replace-item 5 signaled-humat ifelse-value (same-BA? behaviour [behaviour] of humat item 0 signaled-humat = 1) [0] [1] set signaled-humat replace-item 30 signaled-humat (item 25 [signaling-humat] of humat item 0 signaled-humat + item 26 [signaling-humat] of humat item 0 signaled-humat + item 27 [signaling-humat] of humat item 0 signaled-humat + item 28 [signaling-humat] of humat item 0 signaled-humat) ; gullibility (the willingness to be persuaded by the ego) of the alter is stores as the ego representation and is used later for sorting the signaling-list ask humat item 0 signaled-humat [ set signaling-humat [] ] ; update signaling-list set signaling-list replace-item 0 signaling-list signaled-humat ;update alter-representation-list by replacing the old representation (of alter the ego signaled to) with a new representation that has accurate knowledge about alters action and status of alteady having been signaled to foreach alter-representation-list [x -> if item 0 x = item 0 item 0 signaling-list [set alter-representation-list replace-item position x alter-representation-list alter-representation-list item 0 signaling-list] ] ; signaling-list sorted: ; (1) ascendingly by signaled? (not signaled to first), ; (2) descendingly by not the same-BA? (different behaviour first), and ; (3) descendingly by gullibility (the most easily persuaded first; sum of aspiration*similarity over experiential and values for both BAs; please note that ego will signal to all alters in its social network and then will focus on the most easily persuaded until that one changes its mind) set signaling-list sort-list alter-representation-list 2 5 30 set signaled-humat [] set signaling? 1 set #signaling #signaling + 1 update-dissonances update-networks ] ] end to follow-authority ;;the possibility of humats following the authority's endorsement ask humats [ let num-influencer count relation-neighbors let influence-test (random 10) let idol 0 ifelse num-influencer > 1 [ let max-influence 0 let influence-list [] ask relation-neighbors [ set influence-list lput influence influence-list ] set max-influence max influence-list set idol influencers with [influence = max-influence] if max-influence * 10 > influence-test [set behaviour [endorsement] of idol] ] [ let influence-temp 0 ask relation-neighbors [ set influence-temp influence] set idol relation-neighbors if influence-temp * 10 > influence-test [set behaviour [endorsement] of idol ] ] set behaviour item 0 behaviour ] end to update-experiential-and-values-evaluations ; update evaluations = importances * satisfactions ; excluding social dimension ; A set experiential-evaluation-A experiential-importance * experiential-satisfaction-A set values-evaluation-A values-importance * values-satisfaction-A ; B set experiential-evaluation-B experiential-importance * experiential-satisfaction-B set values-evaluation-B values-importance * values-satisfaction-B end to-report random-normal-trunc [mid dev mmin mmax] ; creating a trunc normal function to be used for tuncating the normal distribution between mmin and mmax values ; good for now, but the goeal would be to get to the normal from beta (using gamma as a start) ;random-seed 110 let result random-normal mid dev if result < mmin or result > mmax [report random-normal-trunc mid dev mmin mmax] report result end to-report random-trunc [randfloat mmin mmax] let result random-float randfloat * (1 / (0.14 * sqrt (2 * pi))) if result < mmin or result > mmax [report 1] report result end to-report normalized-min-max [norm-variable min-old max-old min-new max-new] let norm min-new + (((norm-variable - min-old) * (max-new - min-new)) / (max-old - min-old)) report precision norm 4 end ; dissatisfying-status-BA and satisfying-status-BA should be merged into one reposrting procedure, however it seems that operators cannot be inputs in reporting procedures to-report dissatisfying-status-BA [evaluations-list-BA] let dissatisfying-list-BA filter [i -> i < 0] evaluations-list-BA let dissatisfying-stat-BA abs sum dissatisfying-list-BA report dissatisfying-stat-BA end to-report satisfying-status-BA [evaluations-list-BA] let satisfying-list-BA filter [i -> i > 0] evaluations-list-BA let satisfying-stat-BA abs sum satisfying-list-BA report satisfying-stat-BA end to-report dissonance-status-A [sat-A dis-A] ; sat-A is satisfying-A and dis-A is dissatisfying-A let dissonant-A min (list sat-A dis-A) let consonant-A max (list sat-A dis-A) ; in case of the same values, it does not matter let dissonance-of-A (2 * dissonant-A)/(dissonant-A + consonant-A) report dissonance-of-A end to-report dissonance-status-B [sat-B dis-B] ; sat-B is satisfying-B and dis-B is dissatisfying-B let dissonant-B min (list sat-B dis-B) let consonant-B max (list sat-B dis-B) ; in case of the same values, it does not matter let dissonance-of-B (2 * dissonant-B)/(dissonant-B + consonant-B) report dissonance-of-B end to-report shading [dissonance-str] let shade normalized-min-max (-1 * dissonance-str) -1 0 -5 0 report shade end to-report further-comparison-needed? [comparison-dimension-A comparison-dimension-B theoretical-range] let value 0 ifelse (comparison-dimension-A > comparison-dimension-B - 0.1 * theoretical-range ) and (comparison-dimension-A < comparison-dimension-B + 0.1 * theoretical-range ) [set value true] [set value false] report value end to-report relative-aspiration [aspiration-influencing aspiration-influenced] ; produces values <0 ; 1 > - weighing of the influenced agent's status ; for inquiring the influencing agent is the alter, who is influencing the ego ; for signlaing the influencing agent is the ego, who is influencing the alter let rel-aspiration 0.4 + aspiration-influencing - aspiration-influenced if 0.4 + aspiration-influencing - aspiration-influenced > 1 [set rel-aspiration 1] if 0.4 + aspiration-influencing - aspiration-influenced < 0 [set rel-aspiration 0] report precision rel-aspiration 3 end ; to do: relative-ses-signaling [ego-ses alter-ses] ;still??? to-report same-BA? [ego-val alter-val] ifelse ego-val = alter-val [report 1] ; 1 is the same BA [report 0] ; 0 is different BA end ;to do: add presuasion to sorting to-report sort-list [the-list prio-1 prio-2 prio-3] ; the same sorting reporter for inquiring and signaling lists, just used with different priority characteristics ; the-list = the nested list you want to sort ; prio-1 = the first prio characteristic; prio-2 = the second prio characteristic; prio-3 - the third prio characteristic ; the ego inquires with alters who ;a) have not been inquired with yet ;b) choose the same behaviour and ;c) are the most persuasive (sum of aspiration*similarity over experiential and values for both BAs; ;please note that the most persuasive only plays part once ego inquired with all alters in its social network) ; the ego signals to alters who a) have not been signaled to yet b) choose a different behaviour let sorted sort-by [[?1 ?2] -> item prio-3 ?1 > item prio-3 ?2] the-list set sorted sort-by [[?1 ?2] -> item prio-2 ?1 > item prio-2 ?2] sorted set sorted sort-by [[?1 ?2] -> item prio-1 ?1 < item prio-1 ?2] sorted report sorted end to-report need-similarity [need-evaluation-BA-ego need-evaluation-BA-alter need-importance-ego need-importance-alter] ; weighing of alter's similarity of needs, applicable to each group of needs for each BA ; can take a max value of 0,4 - if two agents value the same needs to the same extent, the influencing agent affects the influenced agent to a max degree of 40% (new value is 60% inflenced agent's and 40% influencing agent). ; if two agents don't find the same needs important, the influencing agent does not affect the influenced agent ifelse (need-evaluation-BA-ego > 0 and need-evaluation-BA-alter > 0) or (need-evaluation-BA-ego < 0 and need-evaluation-BA-alter < 0) [report 0.4 * (1 - abs(need-importance-ego - need-importance-alter))] [report 0] end to-report new-need-satisfaction-inquiring [need-satisfaction-BA #item #item2] ; the #item refers to the number of item on the list, which designates inquiring persuasion for each need-satisfaction-BA ; the #item2 refers to the number of item on the list, which designates need-satisfaction-BA of alter ; when humats are persuaded by other humats in their social networks, they change their satisfactions of needs for BAs to the extent that the alter is persuasive (status * similar of needs importances for the BA) ; reports a new value of needs satisfaction for a persuaded HUMAT ; done for experiential needs and values of both BAs let val (1 - item #item inquired-humat) * need-satisfaction-BA + item #item inquired-humat * item #item2 inquired-humat report val end ; to do: whis is to take into account that signaled-humat is the convincing's humat list and here it assumes to be the convinced's humat list - to change to-report new-need-satisfaction-signaling [need-satisfaction-BA #item] ; the #item refers to the number of item on the list, which designates signaling persuasion for each need-satisfaction-BA ; when humats are persuaded by other humats in their social networks, they change their satisfactions of needs for BAs to the extent that the alter is persuasive (status * similar of needs importances for the BA) ; reports a new value of needs satisfaction for a persuaded HUMAT ; done for experiential needs and values of both BAs report (1 - item #item signaling-humat) * need-satisfaction-BA + item #item signaling-humat * [need-satisfaction-BA] of myself end to-report ns [need-satisfaction-BA] ;let ns-ego need-satisfaction-BA let ns-alter [need-satisfaction-BA] of humat item 0 inquired-humat ;let it item #item inquired-humat ;report ns-ego report ns-alter ;report it end to-report consistency ;clustering, to gauge the consistency between the humat and their neighbors let act-behaviour 0 let nr-same 0 let nr-neighbors 0 ask humats [ set act-behaviour behaviour ask connection-neighbors [ set nr-neighbors nr-neighbors + 1 if behaviour = act-behaviour [set nr-same nr-same + 1] ] ] ifelse nr-neighbors = 0 [report 0] [report precision (nr-same / nr-neighbors) 2] end to eveluation let list-experiential-A [] let list-social-A [] let list-values-A [] let list-experiential-B [] let list-social-B [] let list-values-B [] let A-supporters-temp 0 let B-supporters-temp 0 ask humats [ set list-experiential-A lput experiential-satisfaction-A list-experiential-A set list-social-A lput social-satisfaction-A list-social-A set list-values-A lput values-satisfaction-A list-values-A set list-experiential-B lput experiential-satisfaction-B list-experiential-B set list-social-B lput social-satisfaction-B list-social-B set list-values-B lput values-satisfaction-B list-values-B set non-social-importance (experiential-importance + values-importance) / 2 ifelse behaviour = "A" [set A-supporters-temp A-supporters-temp + 1] [set B-supporters-temp B-supporters-temp + 1] ] set A-supporters A-supporters-temp set B-supporters B-supporters-temp set A-value+ count humats with [behaviour = "A" and satisfaction-A > 0.02] set A-value- count humats with [behaviour = "A" and satisfaction-A < -0.02] set A-value count humats with [behaviour = "A" and satisfaction-A <= 0.02 and satisfaction-A >= -0.02] set B-value+ count humats with [behaviour = "B" and satisfaction-B > 0.02] set B-value- count humats with [behaviour = "B" and satisfaction-B < 0.02] set B-value count humats with [behaviour = "B" and satisfaction-B <= 0.02 and satisfaction-B >= -0.02] end
There is only one version of this model, created about 1 year ago by Shaoni Wang.
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